From battling on the Internet to battling the butt bulge, it’s been another busy week for the stars/former stars of the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise! In an effort to bring you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.
Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened over the last week or so…
Kail Lowry Says She’s Getting More Plastic Surgery; Wants Her Butt Reduced
Kail said she regrets letting Dr. Miami inflate her rear end with a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) years ago, and now wants to get the procedure reversed.
On Friday’s episode of her Barely Famous podcast, Kail talked about the plastic surgery she’s gotten over the years, including a tummy tuck, Lipo 360 and the BBL she had done live on Snapchat by Dr. Miami in 2016. She told her friend Bone that her posterior has grown too big for her liking.
“In January, I am going to start looking into surgeons for a butt reduction,” Kail said. “Because it is so outrageously big. It hurts, it’s uncomfortable, it doesn’t fit into anything.”
Kail admitted that she was told when she had her 2016 BBL and other surgeries that if she gained weight post-surgery her butt would get bigger. (If you’ve managed to somehow block out the memories of Dr. Miami carving up Kail’s caboose live on Snapchat, allow The Ashley to remind you that Kail had the surgeries after her son Lincoln was born. She has gone on to have five more kids since then.)
During the podcast episode, Kail told Bone that she is afraid to try to lose weight through diet and exercise.
“I don’t know how crazy [my butt] is gonna look if I start losing weight,” she said. “Is my butt going to sag? So I need it to be, like, surgically done.”
Back in June, Kail mentioned that her BBL results were less-than-stellar.
“I love plastic surgery,” Kail said on the Dumb Blonde Podcast. “The only regret I have is not waiting until I was done having kids. I had the Mommy Makeover after my second son and I could definitely go for another.”
She said of all her cosmetic procedures, her BBL has aged the worst.
“I don’t love [my BBL]. I want it removed immediately,” she said. “Gravity is kind of pulling it down a little bit….Dr. Miami did mine and I asked him about it. He said when you gain weight, you’re going to gain wherever your fat cells are. He moved [fat cells] to my butt. My butt has grown exponentially.
“When I did the BBL and I did the Lipo 360 I wanted everything to match because I felt like, ‘I can’t have a huge butt and then have my waist be small and my arms big.’ So I had it in my arms. My butt and my arms have grown insane. But now what? I don’t know what I can do about it. Gravity pulls down your butt a little bit and it just looks crazy and I can’t find jeans that fit me.”
Kail said in June that she didn’t want to have any more surgery until she was (finally) done having kids. (She recently stated that she wants to get her tubes tied now that she’s birthed her twins— aka Babies No. 6 and No. 7.)
“I maintained it for a long time, but I got pregnant the same year that I got my Mommy Makeover. So that was my biggest mistake,” Kail said. “I should have had all the kids I wanted to have and then got it.”
Farrah Abraham Calls Out Jenelle Evans For Latest CPS Drama; David Eason Accuses Farrah of Letting Daughter “Tag Along” While “Tricking”
Let the battle of bad parenting–- featuring fired ‘Teen Mom’ stars–- continue!
Less than a week after fired ‘Teen Mom OG’ star Farrah Abraham and fired ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Jenelle Evans took swipes at each other over social media regarding their respectful respective parenting decisions, the Backdoor Teen Mom and Lady of The Land are back at it.
Farrah told TMZ this week that, while she’s basically nailing this whole parenting thing, she can’t say the same for Jenelle, given Jenelle (and husband David Eason’s) latest drama with Child Protective Services (CPS).
“I am not shading Jenelle but I think ‘Teen Mom’ fans or haters still get it confused at where I am at in my life,” Farrah told TMZ in her signature “Farrah Speak” style. “There is other teen moms who have CPS issues, like Jenelle presently. I think we need to leave some of that CPS messy stuff out of my family and out of my dating dynamic. That definitely upsets me.
“I work very hard to be the best single parent that I can ever be,” Farrah said before seemingly taking a swipe at Jenelle’s decision to stand by David despite him being charged with child abuse recently.
“I can’t say the same for others and their dating lives and the men they choose to date who seem to be abusive,” The Big F said. “I’m not welcoming that into my life at all.”
As The Ashley previously told you, Jenelle and David are currently under CPS investigation; however, just last week, it was Jenelle who took to Instagram urging for a “welfare check” to be conducted at Farrah’s home.
David was clearly not happy that Farrah spoke about the CPS situation he and Jenelle are currently dealing with. He fired off some talkin’ words in the comment section of TMZ’s Facebook post, claiming (just as Jenelle recently did) that it’s Farrah who CPS needs to be keeping a watchful eye on.
“I think CPS would love to know why Farrah let her child tag along while she was allegedly escorting or ‘tricking’ as some would call it,” David wrote. “I call it prostitution but hey, I only know what I’m told by close sources.”
David’s comments come just a week after Farrah (sort of) debuted the new man in her life on Instagram, which resulted in haters speculating within the comment section of her post that her new boo was actually a “John”. (Farrah recently denied the claims that she was a paid escort, stating in an interview that “there are no illegal activities going on in my life.”)
Still, several commenters on the post suggested that CPS be called on Farrah for allegedly leaving her teenage daughter at home alone on Thanksgiving while she was living in up in the Caribbean with her new man.
As The Ashley told you last week, the comments ultimately inspired Farrah to fire off a(nother) dig at Jenelle, seemingly due to Jenelle’s familiarity with the agency.
Farrah has yet to respond to David’s latest accusation.
Nathan Griffith’s Ex Ashley Lanhardt Dodges the Bullet Ties the Knot
Ashley Lanhardt, ex-girlfriend of former ‘Teen Mom 2’ dad (and former swolemate of Jenelle Evans) Nathan Griffith, is officially married.
Ashley and her husband, Richard “Lee” Runion–- who announced their engagement in November 2022–- were married in a ceremony last weekend held at the Powel Crosley Estate in Sarasota, Florida.
While Ashley mostly stayed out of the spotlight during her relationship with Nathan, fans of ‘Teen Mom 2’ may remember her appearing on a few episodes of the show. One of Ashley’s most memorable ‘Teen Mom 2’ moments happened during the Reunion taping in 2017, during which Ashley hugged Jenelle’s mom, Barbara Evans, resulting in Jenelle becoming enraged and causing a huge scene in the hallway backstage.
The Ashley revealed in March 2021 that Nate and Ashley had gone their separate ways after more than three years of dating, with Ashley reportedly being the one who ended the relationship. While Nate initially denied that he and Ashley split, he went on to confirm the breakup four months later on social media. Nathan even gave a shout-out to the new man in Ashley’s life at the time.
“He’s a very attractive guy,” Nate said. “Him and Ashley are together right now.”
As of this week, Ashley and her man are together forever.
Ashley spoke very HIGH! HIGH! highly of Lee in October while sharing a photo on social media of the two of them obtaining their marriage license.
“ … I have never been more excited for anything in my life,” she wrote. “I can’t wait to marry this handsome man. God knew I needed him. I’m so grateful for such a patient, loving, reassuring person to spend my life with.”
As The Ashley previously reported, Nathan has moved on from his long relationship with Ashley as well. Last year, he married May Oyola. However, it appears their on-and-off-again relationship may be “off” again, as May recently deleted all photos of Nathan off her Instagram account. In August, May and Nathan had celebrated their joint move to Las Vegas with a family photoshoot. (Those photos have since been deleted from May’s Instagram.)
Corey Simms Wins For ‘Teen Mom’ Dad of the Year
Ali Simms isn’t letting her Muscular Dystrophy stop her from doing anything she wants— and her dad, Corey, is right behind her to lend a helping hand, literally.
The ‘Teen Mom 2′ dad warmed fans’ hearts over the weekend when an Instagram video posted by his father, Jeff Simms, circulated the Interwebs. In the video, Ali (whose mom is Leah Messer) can be seen playing her clarinet with her school’s marching band during a holiday parade.
Ali, who usually uses an electric wheelchair to help her with mobility, was obviously unable to play the clarinet and use her hand to control the wheelchair, so her dad Corey stepped in to push her in a wheelchair during the parade.
“Corey has stepped up so much since they were babies; you can tell he’s had a great role model in Poppa Jeff,” one person wrote in the comment section of the video. “I’m glad she got to participate and if y’all don’t notice he’s perfectly in step with everyone else!”
“I’m so glad Corey was there, he sure is an awesome daddy,” another person wrote. “The girls are blessed to have him.”
Ali was diagnosed with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy in 2014. Last year, Leah posted an update to Instagram on Ali’s condition, following her bi-annual checkup with Ali’s specialist Dr. Tsao.
“All great things- [Dr. Tsao] sees more of an improvement than he ever has, mind & body,” Leah wrote on Instagram. “He said what he sees is remarkable because she seems a lot stronger… He gave a lot of credit to her love, hard work and dedication to reaching horseback riding goals that she sets for herself.
“Reflex is still the same but strength is better- pulmonary is better- weight and growth chart is better than it has ever been,” Leah wrote.
Watch the sweet video below!
To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!
(Photos: MTV: Instagram; YouTube)
24 Responses
“She is afraid to try to lose weight through diet and exercise” Pathetic. Of course, she’d rather take the easy way out. I understand the reduction of her posterior, since the results are not just from weight gain but the implants, but we all know she’s not JUST having that done. It’ll be the whole shebang. The problem is, she will just gain it all back- kids or no kids.
On another note, I just adore Corey. He’s always really been a stand up guy and a good dad. So glad to see Ali still thriving. His “horse show dad” shirt cracks me up.
Thank goodness out of the Teen moms and dads Ali got those two. Neither are perfect people for sure, but could you imagine if Jenelle or Farrah had been the ones with a child with different abilities and needs? Holy shit.
Before people start throwing stones at Leah for cheating on Corey with her ex Robie they need to realize that Corey cheated on Miranda with Leah.
So neither one is too damn saintly!!!
Oh Corey, that’s so sweet! And Ali is a sweetheart, I can’t believe how much the girlses have grown!
Ashley DEFINITELY dodged a bullet. Her husband sounds like a keeper, congratulations. Nate on the other hand…*sighs* What are you doing dude?! Poor Kaiser really got hit hard with those two as his parents (and David as a stepdad)
Kail does what Kail wants. Including having surgery despite knowing she will have more kids (but prob didn’t think it will be like…uhm, five, well four pregnancies but still PLENTY!) So you are on your own, woman.
Farrah…I just. I don’t like either, it’s like trash talking about which trash stinks less, it’s weird.
I love to also get to see these positive and sweet stories here. Keep that up, Ashley.
Everyone going gaga for Corey should remember when he cheated on Miranda with Leah…
Noone is perfect. We all made mistakes. Miranda forgave him, so perhaps we can leave it in the past?
Corey loved Leah so much, we’ve seen that from beginning when Leah got pregnant.
Leah slept with Robby right before the wedding.
Leah may have loved Robby, but she didn’t marry nor have a child. Her 16 and pregnant episode tho she started it off like she didn’t care for him much cuz he was only a rebound that stayed permanent cuz pregnant.
Robbie would’ve dropped her so quick, especially with twins, especially eith disabled child.
Corey was absolutely an idiot for cheating on Miranda eith Leah. That’s between them with how they worked it out not the public.
Now NONE of that has anything to do with Corey as a dad.
And Miranda was only mad at Leah or at least that’s all they showed
damn I love Corey! guy should teach parenting classes for the rest of these scrubs
Um ubt you need to shut your mouth being charged with child abuse is no joking matter keep your Vienna sausage out of this the adults are talking
I was slightly disappointed that in the Kail BBL segment there wasn’t the frequently recycled picture of Briana’s enormous Dr Miami hack job rear marching through NYC with some snarky comment.
I always liked Corey. I remember feeling so bad for him when he found out Leah cheated on him. He was totally heartbroken. It was awful.
If she wanted her tubes tied, they would’ve done it at her c-section.
I wanted to say this but didn’t know if it was a definite. That’s when I did it bc.. logic.
She may have. She may confirm it after she’s confirmed the birth? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Glad Corey gets the recognition he deserves! He has always seemed like a good guy & a good dad.
It’s a sad, sad day when I have to feel like I believe Farah may be in the right about something for the first time ever I mean let’s be clear there is no mom of the year. She has made some insane questionable decisions involving her child, but she doesn’t let a man beat on him or her. She does not allow her gentleman friend to beat her child, so whatever Farah does Janelle is worse at least Farah does not actively choose dick over her child. You gotta give her that at the very least, and it is the least she can do so in my opinion, Janelle is probably the Hitler of parents.
Farrah may not let a man beat on her child, but she literally SELLS her child to grown ass men. Or has everyone forgotten that whole ordeal and Sophia’s OF account, among all the other ways Farrah has exploited her for money? It still exists, after all.
Farrah is just as bad of a parent as Jenelle is, just in different ways. Both of them put their children in vulnerable positions and allow others the opportunity to use and abuse their children. Farrah does still have her child around, extremely, questionable people. She sells, and I hate to even type this out but it’s true, her daughter’s body, mind, time and (ugh, so hard to type because she’s a damn child) sexuality.
Neither is worse, or better, they are on equal playing grounds here as far as being a bad parent is concerned. They just take different paths to get there.
The only way either of them is right, is when they point fingers at one another, they’re both bad parents, so they’re both right in calling the other a bad parent. That’s it, that’s where either of them being right ends.
God, next thing you know Kail will be as unrecognizable as Farrah…but that’s actually okay with me because I would actually prefer to not recognize her…hell I’d REALLY prefer to never see her whether she’s recognizable or not
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Corey part!
What an amazing dad, the girls are so lucky.
Leah really effed that one up.
Everyone else.. meh.
Farrah deals with CPS and I do mean deals.
Guess since they legally can’t talk about Jace, they’ll fight with everyone else.
Kail, in theory that BBL could be removed, but it’s highly dangerous. Best of luck.
Her and Briana got surgery to attract dusties then complain why they keep attracting dusties.
Corey really is up there with Cole when it comes to the best Teen Mom dads. Gary as well. I wish all the Teen Mom kids had dads like them.
LOL re: the dusties comment. Deciding whether Chris Lopez or Luis is the biggest waste of oxygen and useless father is like trying to declare whether Farrah or Jenelle is a worse mother. Although Jenelle didn’t need a BBL to attract the worst of them all. David is too swampy and greasy to be a dustie.