It’s won’t be a very merry Christmas for Ryan Edwards.
The troubled Teen Mom star— who has been in jail since his court hearing earlier this week— faced the judge again on Friday, while his parents Jen and Larry Edwards and girlfriend Amanda Conner watched and later reacted to the bad news that Ryan would be spending the holidays in the slammer.
The Sun reports that the judge sentenced Ryan to stay in jail at least until at least January 17, meaning the father of three will spend Christmas and New Years’ behind bars. As The Ashley previously reported, Judge Gary Starnes (who had arguably always gone very easy on Ryan) made it clear on Monday that he was done with Ryan’s continued habits of breaking the law and not following through with his probation requirements.
Judge Starnes’ anger toward Ryan reportedly resurfaced on Friday, with the judge telling Ryan to “grow up,” according to The Sun, and insisting that he’s given Ryan plenty of chances to get his life on-track.
The results of a drug test that Ryan took on Monday were read in court on Friday, with the District Attorney stating that she was “surprised” to hear Ryan passed his drug screening.

The DA — who had previously urged the judge to sentence Ryan to his original, full three-year jail sentence— told Judge Starnes that Ryan needed to do “simple” things to stay out of jail: continue with the Vivitrol shot (which he is overdue for); submit progress reports and attend AA meetings. However, Ryan has not been doing them.
According to The Sun, Ryan’s lawyer argued that Ryan “hasn’t used” drugs recently, but Judge Starnes did not seem to be impressed.
“There was plenty of time for him to get it out of his system from the time took the test,” the judge stated.
“I don’t know how many more opportunities Mr. Edwards is entitled to,” the judge continued.

“He has failed to do what he’s supposed to,” the judge continued. “He’s been revoked and put in jail for almost three months. He’s had violations at Oasis [halfway house] and CADAS [rehab], but they didn’t kick him out.
“He wants to stand here and ask for more time to do it. How many more chances does Mr. Edwards think he’s going to get? What do you think when he doesn’t follow the program? He has gotten so many chances and every single time he got an opportunity to do things he should’ve been doing. Now he’s back again.”
Judge Starnes was also not impressed to hear that Ryan recently made an appointment to receive his overdue Vivitrol shot on December 12. (Vivitrol is a prescription injectable medicine designed to help curb alcohol and/or opioid dependence. Ryan has been getting the shots since July.)
“Today, out of nowhere he sets up the shot. You shouldn’t have to tell him that,” the judge told Ryan’s attorney. “It’s simple. Time and time again he shows he will not do it until he is made to do it. Here we are today.”

Judge Starnes then brought up some of the menacing activities Ryan has been involved in over the last few months.
“If he were released today, he would do the same thing today. Going 145 mph in a 65 mph speed zone is not the greatest decision. I could revoke him on that. How many times does he think he’s going to be entitled?” he said. (Last month, The Ashley broke the news that Ryan was caught going 80 miles over the speed limit on his motorcycle. He has since pleaded guilty to the charges he received for that.)
Judge Starnes also brought up the fact that Ryan has blown every shot at rehab that he’s been given, and nearly killed himself in April after overdosing in his truck a few days after leaving a Texas rehab.
“He’s been to three different rehab facilities in Texas, he voluntarily left and didn’t do what he was supposed to do,” the judge said. “He showed up down here passed out in a truck and had to be Narcaned several times. He was given more chances then, more rehab.
“Here we are. He was in an altercation at a bar, he was dragged out. His decision-making throughout his, he has not improved at all.”

The Sun reported that Ryan’s lawyer tried to defend the ‘Teen Mom’ star, insisting that Ryan “doesn’t feel entitled” and that he is making some progress because he at least passed his last drug screen.
“That shows progress, that shows he’s trying. Is he doing everything ordered? No sir. But I think he’s going to try,” Ryan’s attorney stated.
Judge Starnes was unwilling to blame Ryan’s recent behavior and actions on his drug problem, instead pointing out the fact that Ryan simply refuses to follow the rules.
“As far as his addiction, it’s successful. He’s not willing to do anything he’s told. He’s not blaming it on addiction today,” he said.
Ryan was given a chance to speak at Friday’s hearing. He insisted that he does attend AA meetings and that he wanted to get his shot.

“I was not trying to ignore your court. I intended to do it,” Ryan said. They only take the first two people. When I enrolled, I got the date to go. It was on the court date at 2.”
Judge Starnes again told Ryan that his problem isn’t drug addiction, implying that Ryan feels he’s above the law.
“You backed the court into a corner you continued to do that. We gave you chance after chance. You’re not on drugs, you’re negative. You’re not going to follow anything you’ve been told to do,” the judge said.
“I am not going to continue to be your babysitter. You’re a grown adult. You always take the wrong route,” he continued. “You have kids. You do what you think you’re going to do.”
As ‘Teen Mom OG’ fans know, Ryan is the father of three– Bentley, whom he shares with Maci Bookout, and Stella and Jagger, whose mom is Ryan’s soon-to-be-ex-wife Mackenzie. (Stella’s birthday is January 1, so Ryan will be in jail for that as well.)
The DA expressed her concern for “public safety” if Ryan was released, stating that she is particularly concerned that he will drive recklessly and/or under the influence.
“He put himself in the bullseye,” the judge told the DA. “If I let him out, he’ll be right back here. Sending him back to rehab won’t help. He won’t do what he’s supposed to do.”

Ryan then pleaded for “one more chance,” but the judge cut him off.
“I have given you chance after chance. I’m glad to see you’re not on drugs. That’s very important,” he said.
The judge scheduled Ryan’s next court date for January 17, meaning the ‘Teen Mom’ star will stay in jail at least until then. As for whether or not Ryan will get his Vivitrol shot, the judge seemed unconcerned.
“We can try to get you the shot in jail. I’m not going out of my way. Your attorney can help you,” he told Ryan.
Ryan confessed that he was unsure what time his appointment to get the shot was, due to the fact that his family made the appointment for him.
“It’s always an excuse,” the judge responded.

The Sun‘s reporter (who was in the courtroom) stated that Jen “cried hysterically” as Judge Starnes got stern with Ryan, often shaking her head in disagreement as the judge spoke.
Ryan’s girlfriend Amanda— whom he met during his recent stint in rehab– reportedly “seemed worried” and also shook her head in disagreement with what the judge was saying about Ryan.
After Ryan’s court hearing, Amanda took to Instagram to express her sadness that Ryan will remain in the slammer for at least 39 more days. In the caption of a photo of her and Ryan on his motorcycle, Amanda wrote, “I miss you dearly. I don’t care what they say about you or me. You have been doing so good and I just want to say I’m proud of you. I love you. 39 Day countdown baby.”
RELATED STORY: District Attorney Demands Court Revoke Ryan Edwards’ Probation & For ‘Teen Mom’ Dad to Serve Three Years Behind Bars
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
54 Responses
Jen, needs to stop crying and get her butt to Al-Anon and sit in the chair and do the work!!!!
The last thing Ryan needs right now is a girlfriend!!
SHE’s incapable of seeing that she’s with someone who is not taking his sobriety seriously.
That’s why they tell you no dating in your first year of being sober! The reason for this is you will be amazed before you are halfway through, you will not recognize the person that you were prior too your journey.
In short that means you will no longer be attracted to the sameindividuals.
To be perfectly blunt don’t hang your flag on a loser.
Most of the women sitting in jail right now are there because they were with a man who had an addiction issue. They ended up following in their footsteps and ended up addicted too. That leads to a life of crime. The really sad part is the man’s off walking free.
While she’s sitting in jail.
I’ve seen it happen too many times.
Ryan has been coddled & given chance after chance! The Judge shouldn’t have given him this many chances.
I’m glad he’s starting to lose his temper. I would have lost my temper after the second time that he showed up to court violating his probation and still using..
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again if I were his parents I would go make funeral arrangements. Then I would have to lovingly disassociate from him and wait for the cops to come give you the bad news.That’s how this is going to go down. Ryan doesn’t take any of this seriously
He’s overdosed too many times and it’s sad that when he’s had the opportunity to go into long-term treatment which he desperately needs he’s refused every chance that he’s been given.
As someone who suffered from addiction and had to divorce my ex for the exact same reason.
You can only throw a life ring so many times and if a person doesn’t want to reach for it you need to go save someone else most importantly yourself!!
Ladies, don’t let your codependency get you in a dangerous situation.
Far too many of us are all too willing to clean up the messes of others when we need to be focusing on our selves!
I’m so frustrated watching Ryan’s parents his ex-wife and his current girlfriend cuddle him and make excuses for him!! it’s possible to love someone to death and that’s what they’re doing right now..
Replacement therapy does not work for this very reason people don’t show up to take their next shot on time they’re using! In the meantime they’ve been on this medication when they go and pick up another dose of heroin or fentanyl or whatever their drug of choice is, they’re more likely to overdose because of it.
The judge is really surprised that Ryan hasn’t been following his sentences or the law after multiple times of giving him, not even “slap on the wrist” type, but “stern lecture” level of punishments?
Also ironically out all of the folks involved in this Mackenzie’s actions show the most care for him, since by finding a way to leave him (and making sure their kids are safe) and calling out his dangerous behavior it shows his actions having consequences should Ryan actually want to do better instead of letting him get worse under the guise nothing’s wrong.
Of course, his two biggest enablers (Jen and Amanda) shake their head at someone that is ACTUALLY giving Ryan consequences for his actions (eye roll). Honestly Amanda has gotta be a piece of work herself to date him. At his age, especially with kids- he continues to act like an entitled brat that also isn’t present in his children’s life. That is THE biggest turn off to me. If a man doesn’t take care of his kids and/or doesn’t try to foster his relationship with his children- it says a LOT. It also basically says that he’s never going to put her ahead of himself, if he’s not even being a father. SMH. I hope he is in jail much longer than 39 days.
Jen, Larry and this idiot judge are actively going to “love” Ryan to death. If he gets out in January, I won’t be surprised if Ryan or some innocent bystander is dead by spring. The judge does have one thing right…Ryan is going to do whatever Ryan wants to do because he believes he is above the law and rules of common decency. What the judge should be mindful of is that Ryan is *dangerous* to himself and *others.* If Ryan wants to die by slow suicide that’s his choice to make but the legal system has an obligation to protect the public from someone who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anything but his own wants nor care who he hurts on his way out.
This was the weirdest time to drop the hammer. It should’ve been done the last several times he was in court for serious fuck ups.
He got jailed for passing a drug test. Also, not submitting a continuing care plan or getting the shots. But how is that stuff—if he’s clean—which they said he was, somehow worse than trashing his wife and children’s home? Passing out drugged to death in a truck? Riding a motorcycle super super above the speed limit?
This just makes it seem like the judge has been reading blogs about how he’s been WAY TOO SOFT and keeps letting Ryan off the hook.
But for real, how is passing a drug test without taking the shot of submitting a continuing care plan WORSE than driving his truck so high that he was almost dead and needed multiple doses of Narcan to bring him back?
If I’m Ryan, I get why he doesn’t feel like he has to do the “little stuff” like go to AA, get the shots, submit a plan….becUse I can legit pass out dead-high in my truck I was driving and be given a slap on the wrist.
This court and judge have been fucked. The time to lay the hammer down was 4+ court appearances ago! But to dumbass Ryan and his family and friends and “supporters” (Macy), it’s going to look like they sent him to prison for passing a drug test.
This court appears was do to him driving 145 in a 65. So he violated his furlough. Was due back in court.
That coupled with a bar fight he was in recently and doing any of the requirements of aftercare, the judge decided he was done.
He had missed his appointment for the Vivitrol shot and hadn’t submitted his aftercare AA plan, nor gone to meetings in compliance with his court order.
It’s not little things, it’s requirements of a court order.
So the judge was done.
I think the judge said it best, if you’re testing negative you can’t blame the drugs for getting in bar fights or driving recklessly, you’re just a dangerous person. And since you’re dangerous, you need to be in jail so you don’t hurt anyone anymore.
Agreed. Spot on!
I’m curious as to what type of drug test was performed- urine, blood, or hair follicle? I have a hard time believing Ryan has been sober for months if they DID perform a hair follicle test. The judge’s words make me suspect it was a urinalysis or blood draw.
Yank some hair out and let that nasty mop on his head do the talking.
I would assume it’s consistent with what they’ve been doing. Also, I don’t get how “catching him” high a few months ago when they legit have the evidence of him needing multi Narcans to be revived is some sort of “gotcha” for this hearing which is not that long after that hearing.
It legit just feels like the judge decided to suddenly accurately punish for all the past stuff he didn’t…and he was hoping to get a dirty drug test to make it seem worth it and fair….but oops, he got a clean drug test….so now he’s going to punish the stuff he should’ve punished earlier with his main evidence being a a……passed drug test. (Bc I soood bet that the last time Ryan was in court he also wasn’t attending AA or NA or doing outpatient treatment…..)
It’s kind of like a couple of years ago, Rhine was “passing” his court-mandated drug tests, but we found out he was on methadone or methadone-like meds and not using it as prescribed, like pretty much abusing it.
You can pass a court order drug test without actually being sober.
Also, he’s only being drug tested at most once a month, and the drugs Rhine’s being accused of using can be out of your system in less than a week. So like the judge says, if he knows he going to court, he could stop for a couple of days, drink a lot of water, and then test negative.
Hence the “vivitrol shot” you can’t abuse it!!! But you have to get it on time!
I was wondering the exact same thing! I think he should be hair folicle tested but was wondering is he deliberately keeping his hair short to avoid that? I’m not sure how it works. He absolutely should be being RANDOMLY tested regularly. Just testing him on his court dates is a joke and clearly a waste of time smh.
This judge is awful. Swinging from wildly lenient to wildly harsh. His drug test was clean. Not a Ryan fan but worked judicial adjacent ???♀️? And speeding ticket and being ejected from a bar isn’t enough to revoke probation on an actual k i l l e r. On paper maybe but they don’t really.
I genuinely think the disgusting and immature tattoo that Ryan got on his HAND (so somewhere the public and his children would see it) may be what finally pushed the judge over the edge. Because when I saw THAT that’s when I knew “Ok there’s NO WAY IN HELL this guys sober and trying to sort his life out! Not happeing!!!”. And yes I know he’s had it covered now. It’s the fact he had it at all. I don’t know how he passed a drug test, he ain’t clean! Maybe he got the Jesus God Leah special.
The Judge and D.A both cited concerns about the safety of the public (about bloody time) re Rhines DUI and speeding. So the Judge has put him in the clink until the 17th of January and is deciding weather or not to keep him there for 3 years. So Rhine’s girlfriend posts a picture of them on a motorbike, probably the same bike Rhine did 165mph (80mph,EIGHTY! over the speed limit) on and says she can’t wait until he’s out. Which implies that once he’s out they’ll be getting HIGH HIGH and DUI again. Yes that’ll help. That’ll put the judge in a real good mood!!! Am I the only person who thought that? That’s the first thing I thought when I saw her post. She’as dumb as a rock! Smh.
Lord. I forgot about the tattoo! That is definitely worthy of prison. Ryan is such a child, it’s disgusting.
Finally the judge saw what we all saw! The family is delusional though.
Zero Fucks to give.
Jen and Larru are the greatest enablers ever!! Seriously though they need to stop ✋️
Wow. I think the judge has finally reached his limit on how much he will let Rhine Edwards ruin his reputation.
Rhine’s mommy is still making his appointments. The guy is 35 and a father to three kids, and his mommy needs to schedule his court order drugs. Wow. And he doesn’t even know what time its at. Pathetic.
Bentley is more mature than this “man”.
It’s crazy he is still married and all of this started because he tried to k!ll his wife, and Amanda is already saying she loves him. Wow. That rehab love really is the replacement for the drugs.
I guess Rhine can’t blame the drugs for his bad decisions anymore, if he’s testing negative like he claims then he’s just a shitty person.
I have lost all hope for Jen, she has proven time and time again that she will defend Rhine no matter how horrible and dangerous he is.
Careful Jen you know your crying is one of Rhine’s triggers.
Did Maci make that appointment? Maci? Maci? You there?
…..any comment on this deadbeat you keep defending for a storyline?
Haha ? my thoughts exactly ^^^
She isn’t defending him for a story line her son wanted a relationship with Ryan once he was clean and he was at the time.
Get off Maci…my god it’s like you never done anything foolish in your life!!!
Let’s not forget the MACI was there raising her son when his RHINE wasnt!!!
I’m half joking but I think Ryan should of reached out to Butch for advice on jail, drug abuse and the criminal justice system. I don’t wish harm in any way on Ryan but I hope he has to bunk with a murderer or armed robber. At least, then he will be forced to think about the life altering decisions he has been making.
Jen cried hysterically? You know what, Jen? You’ll cry even more hysterically when he finally k1lls himself or other innocent person by driving recklessly or having another OD. You need to thank God that he’ll be in jail and unable to do one of those things. Stop babying your almost 40 year old son and let him have consequences for his actions for once in his life.
I’m surprised she cried since she knows how much her crying triggers Rhine to do drugs. /s
Doesn’t he have another kid in which he gave custody up for? I little blonde girl that Aubrey considered her little sister?
That’s Adam and the girl is Paisley, different guy, lol.
OMG, my bad. I’m getting the deadbeat dads mixed up!
It happens, there are so many deadbeats in this franchise, lmao
Wrong family. That’s Adam, Chelsea’s ex, and the kid IS Audrey’s half-sister.
That’s Adam; he gave up his rights to Paisley.
Ryan can’t read your IG stories in jail dumbass
Ryan should be airlifted into the Alaskan wilderness to fend for himself for a few months. Homeboy needs a wakeup call. Maybe Maci can hook him up with one of the Naked & Afraid producers. ??
I’m just so thankful Ryan is NOT my son!! Whew!
I would feel more empathy for Ryan if he wasn’t supposed to have been clean for months now and able to make his own appointments. Didn’t he go to rehab in the spring? His mind should be well clear enough by now to act like an adult. His mind should be clear enough to not get in to a bar fight. His mind should be clear enough to not be 80 miles over the speed limit on a motorcycle. The judge is right though…if this is Ryan clean, he is still making shitty decisions. The drugs are the scapegoat for the bad behavior, but it seems that Ryan can choose badly all on his own.
You are exactly correct. Substance abuse and addiction is a symptom of a larger problem. Abstaining alone will never be enough to correct the issue. Addicts need to dig deep and address the root cause of the problem. They cannot do that with people who make excuses and hold their hand every step of the way. I feel for Ryan because I know, deep in my soul, that he has real demons we know nothing about. He needs to hit a point where the lightbulb goes off and he realizes no one and nothing but himself will be enough to conquer those demons. People who turn to substances are deeply hurt and have deep trauma. The high from the substance masks the pain and allows us to live without having to cope. As much as his loved ones want to help, they cannot. They can support Ryan and they can be a light in the dark. They cannot do this for him. I do truly feel for Jen because I believe she loves Ryan deeply and that she would take all of this from him and do the work for him if she could. But she cannot. The longer she takes figuring this out, the more Ryan will suffer. He needs to come to these conclusions on his own. He needs to dig deep and figure out what issues are underneath the addiction and the behaviors. And he needs to make the decision, for himself, to change. I literally think Jen would die if it meant she could fix her child. But only Ryan can do that. I know it is easy for us to criticize and become frustrated with Jen for her behaviors, but she is also a victim who clearly doesn’t understand the situation. If she did, I truly believe she would step back and let Ryan fall until he hits the bottom and has his best chance. Eventually, she will get there. The sad part is that Ryan might not survive the time it takes for her to get to that realization. And that is not her fault. She has her own pain that she is dealing f with and Ryan’s loved ones are working through how to handle it properly. It is easy to get frustrated with them. I am frustrated because I want to shake Jen and scream at her that she needs to stop enabling Ryan if she has any shot at saving him. But I understand that she loves him and she just doesn’t get it yet.
Enough is enough. Good on the Judge for remaining firm. What Ryan said could very well be true. But if he cares enough, he would have made the shot happen. He would have been on top of things. There would have been a paper trail of the steps he took to do what he needed to do. He would have been able to prove that he did everything in his power to fulfill his obligations. Having your family schedule your shot and not even knowing the date for the appointment is not in line with these requirements. The Judge is absolutely correct in that Ryan had time to sober up and still could have relapsed. His Mom needs to take a step back and let this happen. Ryan needs to take responsibility for his own life. If what he said was true, I would have expected to see emails and phone call logs documenting the fight he made to get his shot on time. He is not doing what is needed to maintain his sobriety. Period. Harsh consequences are warranted. This is the only thing that may help him.
Following up to add that his family and Amanda are grading on an extreme curve. Even if Ryan has NOT relapsed, the speeding, going to a bar and getting into a fight, and failing to timely get his shot are all more than enough to justify the Judge’s decision. It is easy when you love someone to make excuses and celebrate baby steps as major accomplishments when far more drastic progress is warranted. Ryan is in a place where he needed to behave perfectly. The fact that he, at minimum, is not using regularly and hasn’t committed a crime in the small amount of time since his latest arrests is not even remotely close to significant progress. I know the Jen loves her son and wants him to be okay, but she is not helping him by celebrating minor accomplishments as though they should forgive major missteps.
I feel this in the depths of my soul because there were SO many times in my life where I made minor improvements with major interventions and felt I should have been celebrated. When we reach rock bottom, or some place close to that, we cannot celebrate these small
Improvements that were basically forced and use them as evidence that we will be rehabilitated. Most people will do slightly better with court intervention and choices that require us to choose between jail time and rehab. Mind you, my situation never reached anything remotely close to that point. But I can relate to the situation as a whole in that, sometimes, life and circumstances require us to make drastic changes/improvements or face serious consequences to help us change/improve. Jen is not helping Ryan at all by behaving the way she is. It makes me sad because she clearly loves her son very much and she is just not getting it.
Of course Jen loves her son more than anything and wants to defend him, but at this point she needs to better educate herself on addiction- so that she doesn’t end up loving her son to his death. There are support groups for family of addicts, and counselors who specialize in addiction; both of which could help Ryan’s family set boundaries and not enable him. My Mom was the same way as Jen, paying for lawyers, making excuses, always trying to help my Brother escape consequences from his addiction. He overdosed at 27. Now my Mom WISHES he was in jail, safe, instead of dead. He never got the opportunity to go to rehab (we couldn’t afford it), so it’s heartbreaking to see someone like Rhine throw away chance after chance. And I pray Jen never has to know the pain, emptiness, and overwhelming guilt that my Mom feels every second of every day. Sad.
This comment is spot on. I am so very sorry for your loss. I agree with you and support the assertion that, at this point; Jen should have educated herself and done the things necessary to be at a place where she can do the things that give Ryan his best chance. And give her peace of mind. It is so unfair that your brother never had the means to go to rehab. It must be heartbreaking to wonder what may have been if he had had that opportunity. Most addicts with Ryan’s level of addiction relapse and need several attempts to finally get it right. I am so sorry your brother never got even a first attempt. My heart goes out to you and your family.
It all started the day Maci and Ryan signed on the dotted line to be on MTV. Period.
I think Ryan would be a spoiled, immature, and defiant addict regardless. Even the 16&P episode showed that. And Jen would enable him regardless. As trash as the show is, some of these people would be dumpster fires without any help or extra income.
I blame a lot of his attitude and actions on his parents. This is what happens when you baby your kid well into their adult years. HE should be responsible for making his appointments, not his mommy. God I feel bad for his kids. This is the example they have; an actual man child.
Yes, so true. It is sad because his Mom truly believes she is helping him. But she is not. I do not have children, but I have nieces and nephews who I love deeply. I cannot imagine being put in a position where I would one day have to at no to helping them. I would be terrified that my denial would be life or death. Jen is in a horrible situation where she absolutely needs to step back and let Ryan make his own choices but doing so cannot guarantee his survival. If she denies him and he ends up dead, she will blame herself forever and never recover. It’s a gamble where stepping back gives him his best chance at survival but by no means guarantees it. Either way, unless he steps back and he reaches a point where he can recover, she loses. Unless Ryan makes it, she will blame herself. I wish people understood this horrible choice more.
If my husband ever told me his mommy had to make him a doctor’s appointment, I think it would make my skin crawl. Immediate ick, Immediate.
Jen is absolutely ridiculous and while it was never difficult to see where he got it, it is now crystal clear that he was raised to be the center of attention by someone else who clearly always needs to be the center of attention. His addiction issues certainly don’t help, but he’s the narcissistic product of a narcissist. She has coddled and babied him through his entire life and neither one of them can cut the cord. He’s a grown ass man and can’t make a phone call, wtf?
His gf is a crackhead, plain and simple. She’s probably just the female version of him, which is why they fit so well together (for now, until she finds a new limp methed out vienna to hop on). She said he’s doing good, while he’s out here trying to kill people on the road..sure crackhead, sure.
Maci needs to start distancing Bentley, and herself from him entirely. He’s old enough to decide whether or not he wants a relationship with his sperm donor, but he might not be old enough to understand all the repercussions of doing so. He needs to see his mom stop enabling, stop defending, and stop “supporting” his sperm donor in any capacity. She may think she’s doing it because she wants Bentley to have a normal relationship with Ryan, but that’s just never going to happen. Ryan isn’t capable of it and it’s only going to cause Bentley more harm as he navigates being a teenager (and a somewhat well known one at that).
Let the poor kid navigate these brutally difficult and confusing years, without the added stress of parents that make idiotic and very confusing choices. At some point it’s not beneficial for Bentley to have a mom who isn’t willing to call a spade a spade. It’ll hurt having a shitty sperm donor, it’ll hurt even more having a mom who defends or in any way supports that shitty sperm donor though. He’s already got grandparents that do enough of that. She’s not doing him any favors, even if she thinks she’s doing it out of love for her son.
That isn’t me saying she’s a shit mom, just that she’s making bad choices right now in her “support”, it will backfire and only serve to hurt Bentley.
Perfectly said!!!!!
Jen made his appointment for him???
Gimme a fkn break.
Helping him all the way to the grave.
Eh, I will give a slight pass on Jen making the appointment. I’m a recovering addict and went through drug court and when I was first out, my grandparents drove me to my drug screens and court dates, my mom went with me to my NA meetings and I’m sure she would have made my appointments and gone with me if I had been on Vivitrol. But the other side of that coin is that my mom would have known if the appointment wasn’t scheduled/didn’t happen, if I missed a court date or whatever. And yes, I was a grown-ass 30 year old mother when this was happening.
It is a lame excuse coming from him, though. He deserves this jail time, and much more. (And I’m proud to say I’m 6 years clean so those first 8 weeks of my mom controlling my life really worked for me. Well and the fear of going back to jail. And my kid growing up without me. And other reasons)
Congrats and keep taking life one day at a time.
Yes, you needed it for the first 8 weeks and that is understandable. You were no doubt discombobulated.
It’s been months for Rhyne. He’s been out of gel and rehab and whatever else, flying free for months now. He lives like it’s his last days. He has no intention of getting better and Jen scheduling the shot at the last minute was a ploy to sway the judge to keep him out of gel. Not a sincere effort to stay on track and sober up.
It’s not been months, it’s been years. She has literally done everything for him since he was born. I’m surprised she doesn’t still wipe his ass.
She definitely didn’t make this appointment because he’s stuck in the throes of addiction and needs a hand up. She made the appointment (and didn’t even tell Ryan or his lawyer which is why they didn’t know the date and time) so they could try and throw something at the judge to see if it’d stick “see, the appointment has been made, he’s still compliant with that part”. Unfortunately for her, it didn’t work, surprisingly, since this judge has only recently found his balls, poor fella.
There is a huge difference between having people there to support you, still hold you accountable and help you keep on track……and what Ryan’s enablers do. No addict ever gets any better alone, they all need a hand up and sometimes a hand out too. No addict will ever get better if those hands are attached to willing and willfully ignorant enablers, though. That’s what Ryan’s parents and his crackhead gf are. They get absolutely NO passes for their behavior.
His parents are such enablers, it’s gross. I know they love Ryan, but they need to learn tough love. This coddling shit is only hurting him. They had to make an appt for him to get his shot?! A grown man with 3 kids?! Give me a fucking break!