Mykelti Brown Says Robyn & Kody Brown Are Currently Depressed: “They Both Need Help”

“Yeah so…this sucks.”

Sister Wives star Kody Brown and his only remaining wife Robyn are not in a good place, according to Kody’s daughter Mykelti.

During a Q&A session livestream Monday on her Patreon account, Mykelti— who is the daughter of Kody and his ex-wife Christine— opened up about the poor mental state that Kody and Robyn are both currently in.

When a follower commented that Robyn seems “very depressed” on the show, Mykelti confirmed that to be true.

“I thoroughly agree,” Mykelti said.

“I really think she’s struggling,” Mykelti’s husband Tony Padron chimed in. “For sure. She’s not exactly going through something easy. None of them are.”

As ‘Sister Wives’ fans know, Mykelti still has a good relationship with both Kody and Robyn, unlike most of her adult siblings who are estranged from the couple

When another follower suggested that Kody could also be experiencing depression, both Mykelti and Tony wholeheartedly agreed.


“Oh, 100 percent!” Mykelti said. “I think that my dad has been experiencing depression since, honestly, COVID…and adding to that depression is the loss of relationships with his kids, the loss of his wives, and all of it kind of builds up and builds up and builds up. And my dad, he got angry, he got self-sabotaging, and he got dark.”

Kody is currently married to Robyn; however, his other three wives left him in a span of two years, a fact that Mykelti feels has also helped to torpedo Kody’s mental state.

“…it all comes back to depression, 100 percent,” Mykelti said. “I think my dad losing his faith, losing his family, losing his home, losing everything he knows has added to the depression, so it’s honestly been a long time coming.”

Later, when someone suggested that Kody and Robyn’s relationship is “toxic” and that bought need help, both Mykelti and Tony agreed.

“They both need help,” Mykelti said.

“I definitely think that it’s not a good situation right now,” Tony added.

“I definitely think it could be better,” Mykelti said. “It’s just sad. Robyn does look depressed. She’s looked depressed for a couple— for a while now.”

How Robyn’s looked for the past 10 seasons or so…

Many ‘Sister Wives’ fans have accused Robyn of trying to split up Kody and his other wives, although Robyn has always maintained that she wanted to be in a plural family. Mykelti addressed the situation, stating that Robyn never intended to get Christine, Meri and Janelle out of Kody’s life.

“I think that if Robyn’s end-goal in joining the family was to finally get Kody alone, she would look a lot happier,” Mykelti said. “But based upon how depressed and sad, and she cries…this is what you see on the show, but in-person too, she’s not the happiest. Obviously that’s not what she wanted [to get Kody alone], she’s not happy.” 

Later in the livestream, Mykelti agreed that Robyn is “dramatic.”

“I also think that Robyn feels a lot; she has a lot of very strong emotions, and she tends to wear her heart on her sleeve and show those emotions very often,” she said. “So I think that’s one of those things that is not necessarily all dramatic, it’s just that she doesn’t hide her emotions.” 

‘Sister Wives’ Season 18 Tell-All Part 4 airs Sunday on TLC. 

RELATED STORY: ‘Sister Wives’ Star Robyn Brown Accuses Husband Kody of Picking Fights With Her To “Self-Sabotage” Their Marriage

(Photos: TLC) 


28 Responses


  2. Robyn and Kody are depressed because their money makers have jump ship.They both might actually have to work.

  3. I think this whole thing is sad. Why has Suki never brought up the fact that Merri willingly divorced Kody so that he could adopt Robyns children. Now that was a very selfless thing for her to do. He is so disrespectful of Merri. He has overlooked her her for so long. Also shame on Kody to say you didn’t love her when you married her. He sure played the part well, until he melted his wedding band down! He needs so much help and it isn’t because of his kids or the other wives. He’s so narcissistic.

  4. I don’t believe a word she says. They are not going through anything. Robyn didn’t want many people mothering her kids when she was not the boss of it. Don’t blame her. I’m sure their actual dad feels the same way. As to the mental health issues if they were not already present before isolation I think this is the mental health crisis of isolating people were worried about. Testing December 2021? Not getting the shot. The don’t touch Truely in Christine’s backyard yet Arielle could hug Mykelty in Robyn’s yard the day before? This thinking that everyone is contaminated in your supposed immediate family where no one is a risk category takes its toll. Kody and Robyn not letting in family who had COVID, had the shot in to their home when they were dying of it.. Kody seems to be unloading assets. Spending cash. They only thing they are going through is trying to keep money away from their business partners. Cause not only were they pretending to married all this time they were getting paid in one business entity. TLC really has got to stop that. Mykelty is too far away and really does not know much. She grew up mostly with her dad engaged properly with several of the children, not the girls until they started giving gradkids. I don’t think Truely every really got her dad while young. Unless she was visiting Sol. I’m sure 12 wish they could even imagine their dad was like he was and was safe for them. He left the original three when he dated Robyn. It’s Kody and Robyn’s fault they have been pretending with the others and lied to us all these years. Should have broken off with the other three but then no show, chid support and they already lived poverty, Except Kody had a little more.

  5. She wanted more time, attention and affection from Kody than was fair.
    Wanted to be the favorite and best wife but not the only one. She wanted plural marriage, her ticket to heaven and money. The other wives could have some scraps from her and Kody’s table as for time, effort and intimacy.

  6. What’s so surprising? The terrible two treated the OG wives like crap, to drive them away. Sobyn got what she’s wanted all along, Ramen Head. Too bad they’re “depressed.” I think this is Mykelti trying to make those two a-holes less hated, and I’m not buying it. They suck!

  7. Robin is “depressed” now because she’s solely stuck with Kody, she has no one to pawn him off on now when he gets on her nerves. She’s all alone w/ that POS and she’s MISERABLE just like he made his other wives.

  8. To Mykelti and Tony, I for one do not feel sorry for Kody or Robyn. A house worth way over a million dollars, while Janelle struggles finding one rental after another? Mykelti and Tony can see it as they like but Kody has shown the world what a jerk he is as a husband and father.

  9. Mykelti also said she hasn’t talked to Robyn in a long time b/c Robyn is not in the right frame of mind. Sounds like either Robyn is pissed at Mykelti for something she said, or maybe Robyn and Kody are fighting and Robyn is leaving him. I doubt it b/c she’d lose the $$$ she needs for her shopping addiction. But something’s going on for sure.

  10. Since Mykelti announced she told Crybrows and Ramen-noggin she was pregnant before telling her mom, I feel like Mykelti is not to be trusted. If Mykelti was close wiht her dad, that is one thing. But she admits they are not that close. So, I think soemthing is awry here.

    1. I think Mykelti is still pissed at Christine for not having a better reaction when she said she was getting married, she is holding a long time grudge and pretending to be friends with Robyn is the perfect way to hurt her mom back.
      And I think Christine knows it too and that’s why she isn’t too bothered about their relationship, it isn’t real.

    1. What the actual hell is wrong with you to say something so heartless. You don’t know these people no matter how well you think you do. Have you ever had a family member you love kill themselves? I have! And it’s freaking horrible and nothing to wish on ANY FAMILY OR PERSON! You should be ashamed of yourself.

    2. You should be ashamed of yourself. Kody is certainly not a good father or husband and has made horrible choices but to even say he should end his life is awful. Kody has said terrible things about his 3 so called wives who left him and his children who have turned on him and your comments are right up there with Kody’s awful statements.

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