Todd Chrisley Accuses Prison Staff of Mistreatment, Serving “Disgustingly Filthy” Food to Inmates: Claims Warden is Trying to “Break” Him

“This place is freaking dump, y’all.”

Todd Chrisley is once again speaking out about the alleged mistreatment he is being subjected to in the slammer. 

As The Ashley previously reported, Todd and wife Julie Chrisley are currently serving time in prison–- 12 years and seven years, respectively–- for tax evasion and fraud crimes. (The couple recently had their sentences reduced– 2 years off for Todd and one year off for Julie.) 

In a recent phone interview with Brian Entin of News Nation (and conducted through Todd and Julie’s attorney) the former Chrisley Knows Best star said he doesn’t feel as though he is being treating fairly by the staff at Federal Prison Camp Pensacola in Florida, before recalling specific instances that have occurred inside the prison– some of which, have previously been discussed publicly by Todd and Julie’s daughter Savannah Chrisley.   

During the conversation, Todd alleged that staff members at the prison have been recorded talking about him.

“There are recordings of staff members here talking about, ‘He needs to be humbled. What we need to do is, we need to put him in diesel therapy and put him in shackles and let him ride around the country for a time and then bring him back, and that will humble him,’” Todd alleged.   

“Yeah, don’t count on it.”

Todd went on to mention a photograph that was allegedly taken of him while he was sleeping, which he claims was later sent to Savannah “asking for $2,600 a month” for Todd’s protection while behind bars. He also confirmed comments Savannah has made about the subpar food her parents are being served at their respective prisons, calling the provisions “so disgustingly filthy.” 

“The food is literally, I’m not exaggerating, the food is dated, it’s out of date by, at minimum, a year,” Todd claimed. “It’s a year past expiration and they are literally starving these men to death here. These men are getting, I don’t know that they are getting 1,000 calories a day.”

Todd said there were also rats and squirrels in the storage facility where the food is kept, as well as black mold. 

“They just covered it up with plastic and tore the ceiling out because of all the black mold and [they] found a dead cat in the ceiling [which] dropped down on top of the food,” he stated.  

Yeah, thanks for that, Todd…

Due to the quality– or lack thereof— of the facility’s food, Todd said he only consumes what he purchases from the prison commissary. His diet, he said, consists of tuna packets, peanut butter and a pasta salad, which he prepares himself using ingredients from commissary. 

According to Todd, however, his commissary-based diet had to be modified more than once due to restrictions on commissary purchases, which he claims were made because of him. Todd said he was informed by a staff member of the prison that “one of the ways the [warden] was trying to break me is by cutting down what you can buy in commissary.”

While inmates used to be allowed to purchase 12 packs of tuna each week, Todd said the warden reduced the limit to six, and has since reduced it again to three.

“She has not given a reason,” Todd said. “ … When I asked her about it, she said, ‘Commissary is a privilege, not a right.’” 

Todd also complained about the lack of communication he and Julie– who is serving her prison sentence in Kentucky– have had since reporting to prison. Todd said he and his wife have not been able to speak over the phone, which he called “devastating.” While Todd and Julie are permitted to email each other multiple times throughout the day, Todd claims their exchanges are held on both ends “as a way of punishment.”

For example, Todd said he emails his children every morning and those messages are delivered “within two hours,” whereas his emails to Julie can sometimes take up to five days to go through. 

“This is torture. Y’all know Julie and I need to keep up with the hot goss.”

Todd acknowledged that his decision to speak out about what’s going on inside the prison could be harmful to him, but said he believes it’s important to expose what’s really happening. 

“ … God has a greater purpose, I know he’s got a greater plan,” Todd said. “And I’m not going to let the federal government break my faith. I’m not. They wanted to destroy our family. Tommy Krepp, the prosecutor said that; that we were the southern version of the Trumps. I’m not going to have someone like him break my family, and that’s what he wanted to do, but he’s not been able to do that.”       

In a separate in-person interview, Todd and Julie’s attorney, Jay Surgent, spoke about the Chrisleys’ situation, stating that “the criminal justice system has let them down,” but that he believes an appeal will be successful in the couple’s case. 

(As The Ashley told you, Todd currently has a court date in March where his legal team will attempt to reverse his conviction.)

Todd and Julie’s attorney also seemed to confirm during the interview that one of the investigators in the case “had Todd Chrisley’s head on a dartboard”– literally. 

“Sad but true,” he said. “I heard the same thing, that the Chrisleys were targeted and there was an agent from the Georgia Department of Revenue that actually had Todd’s picture like it was a target and he was aiming at it.” 

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Chrisley Knows Best’ Star Todd Chrisley Is Reportedly “Very Upset” About Spending Upcoming Holiday Season ending Bars 

(Photos: USA Network; Instagram) 

11 Responses

  1. Todd Chrisley’s family ‘fearing for his life’ as they question if he LIED about ‘disgusting’ living conditions – as his claim that a dead cat fell into food supplies is ‘categorically DENIED’ Says the dailymail!!!!

  2. Did he not know that prison is not suppose to be fun or glamy?

    Also….are we sure he is straight? He looks insanely gay .

  3. Aw, he expected that money could buy him more comfort and privileges in jail. Must be a bummer.

    Can’t wait to see the evidence of his food being a year past date and other claims.

    He does have time to think about why an e-mail from one prison to another takes hours, maybe he’ll figure it out.

    Has a roof over his head and may not like it but there is food. Central heating is on, hot showers. That’s more than a lot of people have nowadays.

  4. Well welcome to jail life, Todd!!! ? WTF did you expect. You thought you were going to get the red carpet treatment? It’s freaking jail. You do the crime, you do the time. It’s not meant to be Club Med. Do you think the more you complain the easier it will get or they’ll let you out early? No, they’re going to retaliate for your bullshit and that of your unemployed daughter. You all need to just STFU and to your time. We don’t care!!

  5. Soooo Sir, you realize your in prison right? You know it’s not a resort right? You know it’s for people who commit crimes?

  6. I do not think that prison should be Shangri-La, however, there should not be black mold, outdated food and dead cats falling from the ceiling. My comments are contingent on whether or not this is all in fact, true.

    1. I agree, the mold and outdated food is just wrong, but dead cats falling out of the ceiling must be pretty cool! ??

    2. And this is what bothers me most about these people so much. If true, some of these conditions are truly inhumane*. But they don’t use their platform to share how all the people with whom he’s incarcerated have to live with black mold and raining dead cats; it’s that they just think it’s wrong that HE’S been lumped in with “those people.”

      *I’m not talking about things like the fact that his inter-prison correspondence with his co-defendent is more limited and takes more time to be checked and passed along than that with his family on the outside, which, he can get off his persecution complex for being some super speshul smart prisoner, if he can’t figure out why that’s not a “him” thing.

  7. Todd is mad that jail isn’t the “fun” experience he thought it was going to be.

    I guess it doing its job to make sure you don’t end up back there.

    He’s Delusional.

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