Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans is Launching a New Podcast…About Herself! Get the Details

“I’m back, dude!”

Jenelle Evanslast attempt to do a podcast crashed and burned faster than her husband David Eason‘s rap career, but the fired Teen Mom 2 star is apparently ready to try again.

Last month, the first signs that Jenelle was once again planning to do a podcast surfaced. Her “Time of the Day” brand Instagram account (which was initially going to be the name of her weird mushroom coffee product…which also crashed and burned before it really even came out) posted a pic of Jenelle wearing headphones, as well as a caption promising that a “weekly podcast” would be launching soon.

“Weekly? Sure, Jan-nelle!”

This week, more pics of a headphones-wearing, smirking Jenelle were uploaded to Instagram and Facebook, with the captions that “things are about to get interesting.” 

Further exploration into The Time of the Day website gives us a description of what we can expect from this podcast. 

And—predictably— it will be all about Jenelle. 

The website threatens promises to dive “deep into the life, experiences, and stories of Jenelle Evans.

“Join us as we navigate through the highs and lows, the triumphs and challenges of Jenelle’s journey, giving you an unfiltered perspective on the woman behind the headlines,” it reads.

Unlike most podcasts hosts, who usually bring in guests to discuss various topics, Jenelle plans to focus her podcast mainly on herself. 

“I focus on Jenelle too…well, mainly her wallet, but whatever…”

The podcast website explains that each new episode will explore “various facets of Jenelle’s life – from her stardom to her personal struggles and more.”

It does also promise to bring in “exclusive interviews, expert insights and thought-provoking discussions.”

The interviewee and expert that will be brought in…probably.

“Whether you’re a die-hard Jenelle fan or someone curious about the reality TV landscape, The Time of The Day offers a candid and authentic look into the world of a personality who has captured the public’s attention.”

The website says listeners will be taken on an “immersive journey through the life of Jenelle Evans.”

No. Seriously…it really says that. The Ashley can’t even make this stuff up.

A sneak peek into that journey…

“No topic is off-limits, and every story is told unfiltered,” the description adds.

Apparently, there will even be an online store where people going on this “immersive” Jenelle journey can go to buy podcast merchandise. (No products— not even JE Cosmetics eyebrow kits— are currently available, though.) 

This is just Jenelle’s latest attempt to get a podcast going. Her first stab at it came in 2021 when she “launched” (i.e. did three episodes and quit) The Jenelle Evans Podcast. For her second (of three) episodes, Jenelle brought on a very special guest: her husband David.

While there was no set topic of discussion, David filled the airwaves with uppercuts (and his special swamp humor) but discussing topics such as  Britney Spears‘ “boobies,” dogs pooping on the carpet and his sweat output.

The world awaits the return of this broadcasting masterpiece…

(The Ashley isn’t being funny here; these things actually happened, in addition to various Easons burping into the podcasting mic throughout the 45-minute episode. If you want to read a recap of some of the absolutely riveting content Jenelle put out during her existing two episodes, click here.)

Jenelle’s second attempt at doing a podcast came in April of that year, when she joined (and then was fired from) a collective podcast called Girl S**t.

In November of that year, Jenelle told The Sun that she was planning on bringing back her long-lost Jenelle Evans podcast and— as a special treat to whoever the hell is machoistic enough to listen— David was also planning to launch his own podcast with his friends. Both podcasts would be broadcasted from Jenelle’s She-Shed on The Land.

“David wants to do a podcast now with his friends. Once we have it all set up, we’ll be using the shed for a lot of stuff,” Jenelle told The Sun in November 2021.

Neither thing ended up happening, though. 

“Juh-nelle not followin’ through on somethin’? I am shocked— SHOCKED I tell ya!”

Currently, there is no launch date for The Time of the Day podcast and Jenelle has not publicly commented on when we can expect this straight-from-the-swamp special treat. 

RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans Vows To Protect Her Son From Both of His Grannies

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; YouTube)

35 Responses

  1. Not a fan of her & I hate David, BUT, with all the rumors always going on about her, I don’t blame her for wanting to have a place to dispute rumors. Also, I’m all for making $$. Make that loser hubby get a job or toss him out!!!

    1. Oh I’m sure she will be trying to dispute all of the “rumors” about what a trash heap of a mother she is, however, just about everyone familiar with her and her child abusing husband already know how delusional she is and how much they both lie.

  2. Girl, the only highs you’ve had in your life is when you were shooting’ up that crack or whatever you were on

  3. “Jenelle Evans”….taking bets on how many episodes till she loses interest.

    I wonder how Mr Jenelle Evans, the eternally unemployed dog killer feels about his wife using her Hollywood surname instead of the ole faithful Eason greason name ?

  4. I feel like I want a drinking game where she says “Dude”. But then everyone would end up in the hospital. so maybe not.

        1. Brilliant plan, especially with a court imposed gag order regarding one of her children. How quickly do you think it will get shut down after Shrek and Fiona start slandering people?

  5. “Whether you’re a die-hard Jenelle fan”

    Is that a thing that actually exists? Beyond Jenelle herself and maybe David?

  6. oh FFS.
    why can’t this as*hole go the f*ck away?
    and who exactly will be the trashy dimwits listening to this dreck?

  7. I’m too dumb for this website because what is “machoistic”? This is what I get for dropping out in 10th grade ?

    1. Masochistic basically means the act of enjoying causing harm to yourself.

      In this case, The Ashley is saying that one who listens to the dumpster fire of Jenelle podcasts is listening because they enjoy harming their eardrums and dropping their IQ many points. That’s the only reason someone would listen to Jenelle’s crap.

      1. I know what masochistic means but I had never seen the word “machoistic” and legit thought I was missing something ??‍♀️ I refuse to admit how long I spent looking it up ?

        1. Had to go back and read the whole article. I didn’t even notice it was spelled differently, i just assumed it said masochistic. would never had noticed myself. ??

    2. masochistic
      Deriving pleasure from abuse, being punished, or dominated.
      Deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from being abused or dominated.

  8. I’d actually listen if she brought on a psychologist who told her the truth about herself and she didn’t try to deflect. She needs to be told, to her face, by an actual expert that she is the cause of all of her problems.

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