From fighting on The Interwebs to following probation terms, it’s been another busy week for the stars/former stars of the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise! In an effort to bring you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.
Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened over the last week or so…
Ryan Edwards’ Legally-Challenged Lady Slams Ryan’s “Almost Ex-Wife” Mackenzie Edwards On Social Media

Ryan Edwards’ current girlfriend and (literal) partner in crime Amanda Connor took to social media over the weekend to slam Ryan’s estranged wife, Mackenzie Edwards, possibly for recent comments Mackenzie said in an interview with The Ashley.
Mackenzie spoke to The Ashley last week after a video she posted on her Instagram Story featuring Ryan caused some people online to believe she and the ‘Teen Mom’ dad had reconciled; Mackenzie clarified that the video was old.

The mom of three went on to reveal that she and Ryan aren’t even on speaking terms, allegedly due to Ryan’s relationship with Amanda and the fact that the legally-challenged lovebirds “feel it’s disrespectful to their relationship.”

Amanda–- who met Ryan while the two were both in rehab–- went on to respond to Mackenzie on social media in posts screenshotted by the @TeenMomFanz Instagram page.
“Ryan’s almost ex wife is a b*tch she don’t know who she is f**king with,” Amanda— who obviously has something against commas and other punctuation marks—wrote. “She’s just mad that Ryan wants me now and don’t want her whiny baby a** now post that for her dumb a** to see !!
“Leave me the f**k alone I don’t play internet games,” Amanda wrote…on The Internet.

Amanda then went on to explain the real reason she doesn’t feel comfortable with Ryan speaking to his ex, before throwing one last insult Mackenzie’s way.
“The real reason I don’t feel comfortable with them talking it bcuz she wants more than coparenting !!” Amanda wrote. “Shady a** b****.”
Mackenzie has yet to respond to Amanda’s internet games claims.
Nathan Griffith Gets Strict Rules For His Probation Stemming From Strangulation Court Case

Nathan’s wife, May Oyola, was recently arrested, but she’s not the only one dealing with legal issues.
The Ashley previously reported, Nathan is currently being monitored by Clark County, Nevada’s PCU as part of his probation. This stems from his charge of Strangulation from July when he allegedly assaulted his sister, Heather Griffith, by choking her and threatening to kill her. Last year, his case was moved to Veterans Court (due to Nathan being a disabled Marine), and now Nate is required to follow all the terms of his Veterans Court program, with his most-recent court check-in happening earlier this week.
The Ashley can reveal that on December 19, Nathan received a set of rules and terms at his court check-in. The terms included him paying a $1500 fine; completing the Specialty Court Program and abiding by all counseling and curfew requirements.
More importantly, Nathan is forbidden from using or possessing alcohol or drugs of any kind. (He has had numerous alcohol-related arrests over the past 10 years.)

Nathan is also required to submit to searches for drugs and alcohol on his person or property, and he must give his social media accounts and passwords to his probation agent. He is forbidden from changing his passwords, deleting messages or removing the phone’s SIM card without permission.
In addition, Nathan is only allowed to have one cell phone at a time, and his probation agent must have the phone number at all times. Nathan is not allowed to use anyone else’s phone, and no one can use his phone. Nathan was also referred to the Veteran’s Center for treatment.
Another check-in was held on January 2, where Nate’s attorney appeared for him and his status in the program was discussed. His next status check-in will be January 16.
Kail Lowry’s (Most-Recent) Baby Daddy Is Going Under the Knife

Elijah Scott, who welcomed three children– a son and boy and girl twins– with Kail Lowry within just over a year, will reportedly be getting a vasectomy to prevent the Lowry-Rivera-Marroquin-Lopez-Scott family from further expanding.
Kail– who is also a mom to sons Isaac (with Jo Rivera), Lincoln (with ex-husband Javi Marroquin) Lux and Creed (with Chris Lopez)– discussed the plan for Elijah to undergo a vasectomy on a recent episode of her Coffee Convos podcast as she and co-host Lindsie Chrisley reacted to a listener’s story about their partner’s failed vasectomy.
“That’s crazy and I am ordering a sperm count test and I just want to see where we’re at with Elijah,” Kail said, noting that she had never personally known anyone whose vasectomy had “failed.”
“When Elijah gets his [vasectomy], you know, I’ll be fixed as well, so I can’t honestly say that,” she added.

While Kail and Elijah have yet to confirm the arrival of their twins, Kail announced last month on her Barely Famous podcast that she was officially closing up her extremely high-functioning baby chute and planning to have her tubes tied–- something she planned to do once before, only to find out that she was pregnant and therefore unable to go through with the procedure.

“No more pregnancy, no more pregnancies, no more surprise pregnancies, unplanned pregnancies, pregnancy, surrogacy, none of it,” Kail said on the November 3 episode, which was presumably taped before the birth of her twins. “It’s all done. The chapter of motherhood will be closing as far as baby-making, but I’m excited for my kids.”
Kail also spoke about her post-babybabies body goals on this week’s episode of her Baby Mamas No Drama podcast, telling co-host Vee Torres that in order to drop the baby weight, she’d need “to get Ozempic shots or something,” and that she is also planning to undergo “another mommy makeover,” calling her previous batch o’ body carvings “the best decision I ever made.”

“The worst decision I ever made was not waiting until I was done having kids,” she continued.
Kail recently admitted she wants to have her Dr. Miami-inflated rear end reduced and she reiterated this week that she also plans to get a breast reduction.
Ashley Jones is Saying Goodbye to Cast Drama in 2024

Ashley Jones is entering the New Year with a new attitude.
The ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ star revealed her 2024 goals during an Instagram Q&A this week, telling followers she hopes to mend relationships with her fellow cast members in the New Year.
Ashley, who has argued with fellow and former cast members–-including Briana DeJesus, whom she infamously spit on–- said on her Instagram Story that while she hasn’t been in contact with anyone from the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise as of late, she believes it’s time to mend things and move on.

“I have to move past all the drama for my own sanity,” Ashley told fans in a Instagram Story. “It has been a lot for everyone involved to endure. I’m hopeful that one day the [‘Teen Mom’] Fam can come together again.”
Ashley told fans that 2023 was “very hard” for her, as she had to learn “many things the hard way.”
“ … I think I realized that I was holding onto so much that I just had to let go,” she continued, possibly referring to her troubled marriage with husband Bar Smith. “In order to move forward and develop some peace I had to let so much go. I had to be okay with some things in order to experience new things.
“I’m thankful for 2023,” she added. “I’m happy it’s the past lol.”
The resident ‘Teen Mom’ twerker went on to reveal some of her other goals for 2024, which included only caring about things that are important, minding her business, staying focused and hitting the gym.
To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
33 Responses
Has everyone forgotten about Kail’s supposed miscarriage and her statement to Javi that she was told that she has fertility issues and didn’t think she could even get pregnant again? Also, she was supposedly diagnosed with PCOS which also causes fertility issues…And here she is 5 kids and 2 baby daddy’s later? I honestly and truly think that she was taking infertility drugs probably from Dr.Miami LOL but also how irresponsible to not even use a condom with these men with multiple kids with multiple women. She’s setting quite the example for her kids. I can’t wait until Isaac and Lincoln go live with their Dad’s! They don’t deserve this and she needs to go away. Still trying to stay relevant and needs people to continue to listen to her dumb ass podcasts! Her and Honelle both need to go away for good.
This all reminds of the original MADtv series’ recurring sketch about a matchmaking dating service called “Lowered Expectations”.
That gorilla needs to tie her tubes. She will dump Elijah soon and be on to the next man. Sooo embarrassing to have that many kids and that many baby daddies. It’s a vicious circle for her and her up bringing.
Kail always saying she’s gonna get her tubes tied etc and then ends up pregnant again. She talks about it to keep getting attention, like “maybe I’ll do it maybe I won’t “
Oh Amanda. As the southerners say to refrain from calling you stupid: bless your heart.
I was very thankful when my Ryan-like Ex stayed away from my kid when he started dating white trash like this. It’s a blessing. Yeah you gotta do it alone, but it’s better than having junkies around your kids.
Imagine fighting over Rhine Edwards….BWAHAHAHA!
If only Jenelle had those same social media restrictions put on her. She’d finally fade away into swamp obscurity.
At least, Butch, wasn’t no “juice head” like Nathan!
Somewhere in Ryan’s latest fling’s mind, her threats make sense. To those in reality, they do not. She is awful. Match made in you know where! I sincerely hope Ryan this wretch don’t reproduce. That would be awful on all the levels. Maybe someday they won’t be such trash.
french braids, false eye lashes & lip liner… yeah, she’s a keeper
I wonder if good ol’ Jen & Larry have invited her to the house yet?!
I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that!
You new lady friend is really classy, Ryan lol
Isn’t Kail’s current baby daddy super young? And already getting snipped? What if he wants kids with the next lady?
He’s only 25! I thought the exact same thing as you. He’s far too young to get a vasectomy. I hope his family talk him out of it. Kail asking him to do this . . . that’s not love, it’s coercive control. She’s a control freak.
She’s doing this to guarantee no half siblings for these last 3.
I will always think this about kail. She essentially forced Jo to move to random Delaware when she went with javi. Then divorced him, so basically Jo moved his whole life for no reason. She manipulates everybody then turns around like oopsie not my problem.
He already has three babies. Maybe he’s done. I would be.
I completely get your point. My concern isn’t the number of children he has, but his age. I think 25 is too young to make such a massive decision. I don’t see him growing old with Kail. He may want to have children in the future with a new partner but I don’t think he can see that far or comprehend that. Especially with Kail in his head telling him what to do! She is, somewhat, overbearing.
When I was 25 I thought I was all grown-up and had my sh!t together. Now that I’m 43 I know I wasn’t and I didn’t!
But…. he has 3 kids. I feel like that’s the most valid reason not to have anymore?
Yeah but 3 kids is a lot. I have 3 and holy hell I’m DONE. Take my uterus and let someone else have it! Plus he has 3 but if he’s with Kailyn he has 7 ?
Im just waiting for the catch up with Dr Ew when this new girlfriend reads Mackenzie a letter!
Amanda clearly does NOT trust Ryan. Even if Mack would want more (I really don’t think she does) Ryan would just have to say no. And Amanda just admitted that she does not think he would. Face it, Amanda- your relationship just is not that good.
Also, I hate these “mommy makeovers “. I hate that it seems normal in some countries. The normal things is that our bodies goes through different phases and changes.
Kail wants Ozempic AND surgery.
She would get better results exercising and eating better and then nipping and tucking what needs fixed… but instant gratification is her thing.
How embarrassing to be Ryan’s new girlfriend…
Amanda is delusional. But Ryan is prob thrilled that he has another enabler in his life. Why would Mackenzie want her crazy af ex back?! I am glad they are not on speaking terms, he shouldn’t be anywhere near his kids considering what he did to their house!
Nathan is a lost cause.
Kail, why the hell are you always discussing such personal things?! You don’t want anymore kids, right? Then just get the surgery and STFU about it! The more you just talk about it and don’t actually do it (either you or Elijah), the more chance there is for you to end up getting pregnant with #8. The same way you did with #6 and #7. You just never learn.
On the plus side, they can just combine *Teen Mom* and *Life During Lockup.*
Yeah but that would cash in more money something they don’t need. Maybe to pay their legal fees lol
Ryan Edwards needs to send this “thing” of a girlfriend down the road. He gets into enough trouble on his own but this heathen with the filthy mouth is going to get him into something he may be looking through bars at for a very long time.
Photo caption gold! “This photo is proof that even if you don’t play stupid internet games, you can still win a stupid prize.” Only problem is Mr. Hustlah thinks I’m working on my computer and nothing at work makes me cackle like The Ashley and I’m busted. The dysfunctional Teen Mom idiots are the gift that keeps on giving even though nobody watches the show any longer.
Ryhne’s new lady (I use that term extremely loosely) seems like a perfect match for him.