Nathan Griffith Takes No Contact Order Out Against His Wife May Oyola Following Her Arrest For Domestic Battery Last Week (Exclusive Details)

“Stay away!”

Trigger Warning: This story contains mentions of domestic violence.

Nathan Griffith got a No Contact Order against his wife, May Oyola, a day after May was arrested and charged with Domestic Battery earlier this month.

The Sun revealed on Thursday that Nathan was, indeed, the victim of May’s alleged attack on January 6 and that the former Teen Mom 2 dad had allegedly been hit in the head by his wife during a fight in their Las Vegas home.

As a result, a No Contact Order has been taken out, forbidding May from having any contact with Nathan. She was informed of this in court on January 7. (It is not known if this was Nathan’s decision, or if the No Contact Order was automatically taken out by the court as a result of the nature of the alleged crime.)

May is forbidden from having contact with her husband until at least April 8.

Nathan wondering who will shave his back now…

According to the Domestic Violence Report obtained by The Sun, Nathan’s sister called the police and reported the incident. (It is unknown if this is Nathan’s sister, Heather, whom Nathan attacked last year before threatening to kill her. There was previously a no-contact order placed forbidding Nathan from contacting Heather, but that expired in November.)

“The sister, who was on Facetime with Nathan as the officers arrived, told the police that ‘she had photos and video of [May] striking [Nathan] in the back of his head,'” The Sun reported.

The DV Report claims that Nathan’s sister sent the photos and videos to the cops via email, and “the alleged strikes by May that were captured [on film and video] correlated with a lump on Nathan’s head.”

Nathan and May in happier times…

Nathan— who is the former soulmate of Jenelle Evans and the father of her son Kaiser— admitted to the cops that he was under the influence at the time of the alleged attack. (This is a direct violation of his own Veterans Court probation terms for his attack on his sister.)

As The Ashley previously reported, Nathan is currently being monitored by Clark County, Nevada’s PCU as part of his probation. Nathan is currently forbidden from using or possessing alcohol or drugs of any kind. He’s also required to submit to searches for drugs and alcohol on his person or property whenever asked. (It is unknown if disciplinary action will be taken against Nathan for being under the influence of alcohol.)

Anyway, the cops eventually arrested May and charged her with Domestic Battery for “intentionally unlawfully using force and or violence upon a person of another whom she shares a domestic partnership with,” the report stated.

It was noted in court documents that this is May’s first run-in with the law, and she was instructed to “stay out of trouble” until her next court date.

“That’s easier said than done!”

May’s next court date has been set for February 5.

According to court records obtained by The Ashley, a list of witnesses has already been submitted for the case. 

Like her hubby Nathan, May must follow terms of the county’s Pretrial Compliance Unit (PCU). She was determined to need “Level III” monitoring, which, in Clark County, Nevada, means she must report to the PCU after each court date to check in. (Nathan is currently on Level IV monitoring, which is the highest level you can have.)

May must also comply with two random and two scheduled check-ins each month. Finally, May must use the unit’s AIR check-in app or special mobile phone for monitoring.

Wanna see her mugshot? Of course you do!

May and Nathan got married in May 2022; however, the couple has been on-and-off for nearly the entirety of their marriage.

As of press time, it does not appear that either party has filed for divorce. 


RELATED STORY: Nathan Griffith Reacts After Jenelle Evans’ & David Eason’s CPS Investigation Ends; Gives His Thoughts On His Son Kaiser Remaining in Eason Home

(Photos: Facebook; Instagram; MTV) 

12 Responses

  1. How do these two own or even rent a home in Las Vegas? How does Janelle spend 100 a day or more on expensive junk food?

  2. You “May” want to think about divorcing her Nathan, and getting the help you need to be a better person, then go get your son and give him a good life.

  3. The amount of people with alcohol, drug and violence problems in the US is insane. I don’t know how the courts can keep up with all the cases

  4. I bet his sister called the police because she was more worried about May than she was Nathan.
    She’s lucky she walked away unharmed for it. With his temper and tendency to strangle people.

  5. He’s met his match. What a disaster – hopefully children are not added to the mess. With any luck, the steroids have rendered Nathan sterile.

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