Mackenzie Edwards is shading her ex Ryan Edwards’ legally-challenged lover, Amanda Conner after Amanda posted a sentimental video of her and Ryan to Instagram.
As The Ashley previously told you, Amanda-– whom the Teen Mom OG dad met while the two were holed up in rehab-– recently slammed Ryan’s estranged wife for allegedly wanting Ryan for something other than co-parenting their two children. (Mackenzie has denied this and stated that she and Ryan are never, ever getting back together.)
In a video posted to Instagram over the weekend, Amanda made it clear this week that she and Ryan are still going strong.
The video shows Amanda filming as Ryan drives in a truck, while James Arthur‘s “Say You Won’t Let Go” plays in the background. The song includes the lyrics, “You were always there for me/ When I needed you most.”
Shortly after Amanda posted the video of her and Ryan, Mackenzie appeared to throw some shade at her soon-to-be former spouse and the new lady in his life for their trash-tastic ways.
“Y’all check on your ex[es], this wind is blowing trash around,” Mackenzie shared on her Instagram Story, adding, “This weather is crazy.”
Amanda– who was presumably too busy being a productive member of society to catch wind of Mackenzie’s post– later went on to share some non-Ryan-related news with her social media followers, claiming that she has been “clean” for six months.
Amanda marked this milestone with a walk down memory lane featuring some of her memorable mugshots.
As you do…

Amanda’s celebratory posts come less than a week after Ryan took to social media–- amid his ongoing legal woes, no less–- to let everyone know that he’s “no longer apologizing” for being who he is.
Amanda has yet to respond to Mackenzie’s latest shade; however, earlier this month, though, she blasted in an Instagram comment.
“Ryan’s almost ex wife is a b*tch she don’t know who she is f**king with,” Amanda— who obviously has something against commas and other punctuation marks—wrote. “She’s just mad that Ryan wants me now and don’t want her whiny baby a** now post that for her dumb a** to see !!
“Leave me the f**k alone I don’t play internet games,” Amanda wrote…on The Internet.
RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ Dad Ryan Edwards Says He’s “No Longer Apologizing For Being Me” Amid Ongoing Legal Woes
(Photos: Instagram; MTV)
22 Responses
If Ryan was a serious person he would be single right now.. he needs to work on himself
amusing to see more posts about this but there haven’t been any about Kail for a while who has been discussed a lot about her recent life heavily in other sites.
Not really the roundabout kinda site it has been implied to be.
@Bored– Posting this here since it sounds like you missed it! Enjoy! https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2024/01/19/kail-lowry-finally-in-new-podcast-episode-she-gave-birth-to-her-twins-a-recap-of-her-birth-story/ -The Ashley
Anytime something new and legit comes out about Kailyn.. Ashley posts about it. She stays up to date on all the teen mom franchise girls. And unlike other sites, this one is actually reputable and trustworthy. And how much more can be discussed about kailyn? She had a 5th baby she kept on the DL for a year.. then had twins the next year. Totaling 7 kids and 4 baby “daddii”. The other sites repeat the same information in each “new” article that the Ashley has already reported on. The end.
Wait, how long have they been together? She’s only 6 months clean? Hmmm
These are 3 more ppl who can go away in 2024..
We just about got away from Farrah. Kail can go. Jenelle can go too. And this group can go, Jen and Larry included.
Their stories aren’t interesting, just sad and scary. All of them, actually. Sad and scary lives. No progress. No growth, just stagnant or sinking.
For someone who doesn’t care about Riiann, she sure trolls their social media a lot. Shes always been crazy and instead of getting the opportunity to prove it on tv with a letter, she is doing it on her stories. Pay attention to your kids already girl
Amanda? Is that you?? Haha. Funny how people are STILL talking about mack. Yes, she was shitty on the show, she rushed into marriage with an obvious addict who was incredibly high during the wedding and she blamed maci for Ryan’s issues and all, but shes gotten away. He abused her and destroyed their kids home, he was violent and crazy, he put shit all over the house too. Where his KIDS live. So maybe stop hating all women and talk shit about the real loser in the situation. Mack gets online probably bc she makes money from it, every chick on the show is part influencer. Ryan AND Amanda are way worse with way more shit to talk about.
The girlfriends video is beyond cringe.
The new gf thinks she won the boyfriend lottery
I want to argue that it’s unlikely she’s sober with the way that she acts, but I remembered it’s probably just the trailer trash in her making an appearance. I don’t even feel bad for Mack, I feel bad for the kids who are stuck in the middle of this bullshit.
That girl HAS to constantly use filters on everything she posts FOR A REASON. Meth Face. Meth Brain.
His parents must be so proud ?
I mean, she’s not wrong, Ryan and her current girlfriend are trash but Mackenzie is a grown woman with 3 kids. That passive aggressive shading is very immature
These two are obsessed with each other lol. Ryan isn’t a prize ??
I thought he wasn’t supposed to be driving. Didn’t his license get suspended?
Naaahh driving 145 mph at night while high ain’t no thing.
Who knew Mackenzie had a sense of humor?
Right? Never been a fan of hers, but this was funny!
Oh my godddddddd the level of trash