‘The Challenge’ Star Nelson Thomas Decides To Have His Foot Amputated 1 Year After His Near-Fatal Car Accident He Caused By Drinking & Driving

Nelson Thomas has revealed he is having his foot amputated, exactly one year after the near-fatal car accident he caused by drinking and driving. 

The Challenge star shared the news Sunday on social media, along with a series of images taken over the last year. Nelson explained to followers, that despite his undergoing different procedures on his foot/ankle, none were successful. He had previously tried to save his foot, but has now decided to go forward with the amputation. 


“March 5th 2023 remains vivid in my memory, a persistent presence in my thoughts,” Nelson captioned the post. “I consciously embrace it as the initiation of a new chapter. Opting for amputation, I am determined to own March 5 and redefine its significance in my life. 

“Get ready amputation world!” Nelson continued. “I’m on my way! I’m scheduled for surgery on March 5th, 2024.” 

As The Ashley previously reported in March 2023, Nelson was pulled out of his burning vehicle after crashing it in Austin, Texas. He was helped at the scene by Minnesota Vikings wide receiver K.J. Osborn and three other bystanders, whom he credits with saving his life. Since then, Nelson has undergone numerous hospitalizations, surgeries and physical therapy sessions in an attempt to save his foot and ankle, though he revealed in September that he was facing possible amputation. 

The Ashley broke the news in October that Nelson had been arrested on September 28 for Driving While Intoxicated, a charge that stemmed from the night of the March 5 car accident. According to documents obtained by The Ashley, Nelson’s Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) was so much higher than the legal limit that he received an enhancement on his DWI charge. Nelson was officially charged with a Class A misdemeanor, due to his BAC being over 0.15. 

Although Nelson publicly revealed many details about his accident, he failed to mention the fact that it was caused because he was driving under the influence. He also neglected to inform fans that he had been arrested for his actions. In addition, a GoFundMe created for Nelson by one of his friends raised more than $58,000 without disclosing what had actually caused the accident. 

Once fans learned that Nelson’s accident was caused by his own drinking and driving–- and that had he kept this detail quiet-– many expressed anger and demanded their money back. (Nelson’s GoFundMe page remains active and the donations currently sit at nearly $59,000.) 

Nelson finally addressed the situation in January, thanking those who contributed to the online fundraiser and apologizing to “those who thought I overlooked them through the GoFundMe.” 

“A friend, who only knew about my hospitalization due to a car accident, created it with positive intentions, aware that I would go through hard times and need help,” he wrote in part. “I initially withheld this information due to legal considerations. Those who requested a refund have received it.” 

Nelson’s post on Sunday included the audio of a conversation between him and his doctor, during which the doctor asked Nelson where his head was at regarding the amputation route. Nelson told his doctor he believed they had “attacked this as long as we could” and because the procedures he’s attempted “didn’t work out,” he had to ask himself what kind of life he wants to live, as well as the quality of life he wants to have.

“ … I think I’m at peace with it,” Nelson told his doctor. “It’s time. I’m ready to move on with my life and I’m ready to see the other side of the world.

“ … Amputation world, get ready because Nelson is coming,” Nelson told followers at the end of the video. “We’re a family. I wanna thank everyone out there that’s supported me through all of this, it’s been one of the toughest times. I couldn’t sleep last night, I prayed about it and I talked to my family this morning, talked to the doctor [and] had a great conversation … .

“I’m ready, so bring on a new life,” he added. 

RELATED STORY: Cast Members on ‘The Challenge: Battle For a New Champion’ Suffered Broken Bones & Other Serious Injuries Following Latest Challenge

(Photos: MTV; Instagram) 

9 Responses

  1. Sick and tired of this douchebag compounding the immense amount of asshatery by continuing to get press and act as if the shit he has done (this wasn’t his first incident),and his addictions, ought to be overshadowed by how awesome he thinks he is and how much he thinks everyone should love/forgive him.

    He’s damn lucky that this is all that has happened. His whole “don’t have health insurance, my medical bills are going to be high” scam, was exactly that, a scam. He lied to one of his friends so they would make the gofundme for him, but he has received donations (of all sorts) which he procured himself outside of gofundme as well. HE HAS HEALTH INSURANCE, his medical bills are absolutely covered. The Challenge insurance that he had while on the show was not in place (duh, he wasn’t on the show anymore, lol), but he had his own insurance. He forgot to mention that to the people he scammed. He should be forced to return every last damn penny, and then some.

    He should also lose his license for no less than 3 years, serve some time in jail, do 5 years of community service and probation, pay the cost for ambulance/fire/police plus the damage he did to the pole, be subjected to periodic random drug and alcohol tests, retake driver’s ed (and not the pansy “so you got in trouble, huh?” course), and once his license is returned, be forced to chauffer some snot nosed, spoiled, arrogant pricks just like him around for a year.

    Maybe then he’ll stop driving drunk. That’s the second biggest problem we have today with driving drunk (the first being the harm they cause), there are damn near NO consequences. This is one crime where consequences should be so restrictive, strict and difficult, that people will be (hopefully) less likely to get a second offense. Should someone get a second, they should lose their license for life, serve no less than 5 years in prison(more if they hurt someone), 5-10 years probation and community service, and pay restitution wherever necessary(including all medical bills for those they harm, or child support for any kids of parents they harm, etc.), and the judge can add whatever else he/she would like on top of that.

    Drunk drivers get absolutely ZERO chance with me, let alone a second chance. I don’t care who they are, why they did it, or whether or not they did any damage. You drive drunk, you are a POS and deserve nothing but whatever damages you suffer. There’s no coming back from making that kind of decision. By driving drunk you are telling the world (even your own friends and family) that you are the only person on the planet that matters, not just in that moment, but forever. You can’t take that back, you can’t expect to be forgiven, you can’t later own up to it and say “but I’m sorry”. It doesn’t matter what you say or do afterward, you will always be a POS human being capable, and likely, to put your own arrogance and self-importance over any and every other person in the world. There are too many options today that one can choose instead of driving drunk, no one, and I do mean NO ONE, has any right to choose driving drunk, or any excuses as to why they did/do.

  2. To be honest when I saw the very first photo after his accident I was floored that he hadn’t already have his foot amputated. I am happy that his decision to drive drunk didn’t take the life of anyone on the road.

    It doesn’t sit well with me that not only is his go fund me still active but still getting donations. No one should have to “request” their go fund money back. The donations were given under false pretenses.

  3. I feel sorry for the random strangers who risked their lives trying to pull him out of the car because he didn’t want to pay for an Uber.

    He’s lucky he didn’t kill anyone and the worst thing that happened is that he’s going to have a foot amputated.

    I think more states should pass the law that was just passed in Texas that say if you k!ll someone drunk driving, you will pay child support for the person kids until they are 18.

    Since the moral reasons aren’t good enough for people like Nelson, maybe having to pay a lot of money will force them to stop being so reckless.

  4. Womp womp. I don’t feel bad for him tbh, shouldn’t have driven drunk. At least he did this to himself instead of an innocent person who would have to suffer due to his negligence

  5. Too bad, so sad. Better this dirtbag hurt and permanently maim himself rather than injure or kill an innocent person.

  6. It’s great that he wants to reclaim the date and move forward but he literally did this to himself. I have a hard time finding and sympathy for him. He comes across as the kind of person who would make this his whole personality and never fully own up to his part in all this. But I don’t know him personally, this is just based on what I’ve seen online ??‍♀️

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