Jenelle Evans is defending her parenting skills online after news broke on Thursday that the fired Teen Mom 2 star had regained custody of her 14-year-old son Jace.
As The Ashley told you, the CPS case regarding Jace’s custody was dismissed on Tuesday, resulting in Jenelle regaining custody of the teen, who had previously been under the custody of CPS. (According to The Ashley’s sources, the case was dropped after Jenelle’s lawyers “were able to find some details and mistakes made by CPS, and they basically manipulated those mistakes and the case was dropped.”)
Although Jenelle regained custody of Jace due to the technicality, the ‘Teen Mom 2’ star still 60took to social media to boast about getting Jace back.
(As The Ashley told you, Jace is not currently physically with Jenelle and won’t be for awhile. However, she now has legal custody and decision-making power for him.)
“The authorities obviously see I’m a great parent!” Jenelle told someone in the comment section of her TikTok post about regaining custody.

When another person mentioned that Jace should be back with Jenelle’s mom, Barbara (who had custody of Jace until March 2023), Jenelle gleefully declared, “I have full custody ?”
(According to The Ashley’s sources, the custody agreement that was in place before Jace was removed from Jenelle’s care in early October will now go back into place, meaning that Jenelle will be required to allow Barbara to have certain access to Jace.)
Speaking of Barbara, Jenelle also seemed to call out her mother in the comment section, accusing Babs of telling the public about her private business.
“When blood relatives release your privacy to the public it boils my blood a little,” she wrote.

“Yeah people try to control my own life story.. it’s insane,” she told another person.
As The Ashley stated, there is currently a no-contact order between Jace and David, meaning that Jace could not live at Jenelle’s home if David also lives there.
When someone commented on Jenelle’s TikTok post, asking how Jace feels about coming back into Jenelle’s care, Jenelle brushed it off.
“But does Jace feel safe coming back home?” the person asked in the comment section. “That’s the real part and most important. Hope he can heal.”
“Maybe my child’s feelings aren’t anyone’s business,” Jenelle responded.
You can watch Jenelle’s TikTok below.
@jenellelevans Replying to @Lacie ♬ original sound – Jenelle Evans
(Photos: MTV; TikTok)
30 Responses
CPS in North Carolina are a bunch of idiots. Jace Unfortunutely will have issues when he becomes an adult and probably end up in prison. He’s a troubled child and will end up as a troubled adult as well. I can only hope Jace will get some therapy. Living with Jenelle has to be a nightmare.
I don’t understand how the US CPS system can be so utterly unfit for purpose? What does a “parent” have to do to lose custody of a child?
I am a social worker in Sweden and I can say with complete confidence that none of those children would be in the care of the immediate or extended family. All of them would be in foster homes and would have been so a very very long time ago.
In Sweden children are put into care for a lot less than America it would seem (neglect, abuse, at risk for psychological, emotional or physical injury). A criminal charge of child abuse would have meant all the kids were taken and that would have been that.
I can’t get my head around the lengths to which parents can abuse their children in the USA and still have them living with them. Madness!
Uh, so yeah, you technically have custody, but is he IN your home Jenelle? No! Why? Because there is a much more serious CRIMINAL case against your disgusting ass Lurch husband, for assaulting your CHILD. And you are okay with this and STILL continue to choose a man over your children… I tell you right now- if ANY man, including my sons father, choked any of my sons- he’d be gone. Period. Especially with the history he has… but then again, if my significant other shot an innocent small dog- I would’ve left then too. What WOULD be telling, is if Jace had a choice, would he choose to go back to live with you? I’m willing to bet my life, he would not. You got off on technicalities… Nothing to do with you being some “great” parent, which everyone knows you are most certainly not. When you were young, I chalked it up to being young, inexperienced and potentially had a rough childhood- but it’s become clear, a while ago, that this is just YOU. You are manipulative. You are always the victim. You are a complete hypocrite. You are a liar. You are a shit human being, a clingy wife, and an absolute garbage bag mother. I hope to God/universe that those kids get out unscathed and get into therapy so they won’t continue the cycle. It’s funny how she claims others try to “control her life story”… No Jenelle, everyone else spits the truth, YOU are the one spinning around doing damage control, trying to control your life story so you don’t look the way you truly are. It’s also insane to me that she thinks no one should worry about Jace’s feelings, or others releasing her privacy… when she is on social media for any and everything- except for when the subject/material could potentially make her look bad. She’s a sad sack of shit, that Jenelle. SMH. I hope they get her in the criminal case so she can’t claim she’s a great parent even though we all know she only has custody but a technicality her lawyers found.
Looking at her, she has obviously lost custody of her eyebrows
I assure you that the authorities do NOT think you are a great parent.
All of her videos are recorded outside or in her car because her house is dirty!
I’ve dealt with CPS in North Carolina- if her husband gets convicted- they will be back!!!!!
Authorities are clearly as stupid and negligent as you, Jenelle. Imagine being such a POS parent that you boast about the fact that CPS dropped their case (how many CPS cases have you had in the last 10 years?) because of a technicality. Such a POS
I have feral cats in m barn that are better mothers than this GARBAGE POS human!?
Tbf, feral cats are pretty good moms as long as “being tame” isn’t a metric. ?
Jenelle is such a smug asshole.
Hey sewer rat , you may have custody of Jace but he isn’t in your home for a reason. The reason is that human trash bag you’re married to legally can not have contact with Jace . You still have that bottom feeding std in your home. You chose him over your own child ( surprise , surprise ) so Jace can’t come home . You will never be a parent. All you did was push that kid out of your cooter shooter. Nothing more , nothing less .
No. The authorities just keep failing your children.
Hey Jenelle ? you’re a joke. Amber portwood is literally a better mom than you because she gave her kid up cuz she knows she can’t do it(which you obviously shite take notes) How’s it feel that legit Amber and Farrah are better mothers than you? ? ?
That’s rich, bragging about having custody of a child who can’t live you because the swamp dweller you’re married to has criminal charges pending for the assault of this child. Yep, you betcha, which one of us is going to nominate the Mistress of the Swamp for white trash Mother of the Year?
Wow. Takes a special idiot to gloat about having custodial power over your minor child without actually having custody of them.
They love to gloat but one of these days these two are going to have to face what they’ve done and pay in full and karma takes the full amount I hope that tax issue (is about 46k) makes her wind up in the feds
I ain’t proofread lol but Tammy is garbage and possibly a sock of Jenelle so not worth proofreading for.
But…can he actually come back to you? Oh wait, no, he can’t cuz your HUSBAND assaulted him and is being tried for that. Because, you know, that’s what every great parent does…let’s their kid be attacked by their husband…give me a break!
Exactly! She’s so quick to go on tik tok about stuff (usually lies) then expects privacy! And FYI- as a parent- my kids feelings are everyone’s business. If I am not around I hope someone cares enough to help them.
swamp queen ?♀️ is so f*cking gross and delusional. imagine being so dumb and trashy ?️ and yet such a smug as*hole.
Jenelle and her swamp rat husband shouldn’t be trusted with custody of a fucking ladybug.
Poor Jace.
“Maybe my child’s feelings aren’t anyone’s business”………she is so delusional. Also, her forehead seems to be catching up with her chin ?
Janelle is absolutely 100% right. It’s only her family’s business and it seems not matter what people always want to attack when they have zero % information of what’s true and what’s not.
Stfu Tammy you hear one side and wish to stay bling to the two others. How’s it feel to know your idol wouldn’t take up for you if you were beat bear death by Dkd because it’s obvious she don’t take up for her kids so you’re a nobody to her.
“Tammy” AKA Jenelle
Jenelles pathetic attempt to gain support. Has to make fake account again. Bitch please go away.
NO ONE supports you, loser!
Lol all her paid for comments like, “copy and paste” “omg you’re twinning with your daughter” or my fav to laugh at “sending support from across the pond (insert random flag here)” Like all her fake sock accounts lol “Tammy” “Vicky” “pinksun” “jasmine” and “green sky”