Well Juh-nelle, we see ya sister talkin’ about ya on TikTok!
Ashleigh Wilson, the sister of fired Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans (and daughter of Barbara Evans) is speaking out about the recent controversies surrounding her family and calling out Jenelle for bashing her and her mother.
In a series of TikTok videos posted on Tuesday and Wednesday, Ashleigh (who has been estranged from Jenelle for more than eight years) addressed Jenelle frequently attacking their mom Barbara online. Ashleigh also talked about the situation with Jenelle’s son Jace, as well as the child abuse/assault allegations against Jenelle’s husband David Eason for his alleged assault on Jace.
“I’m making this video to tell everyone that my sister is nothing but a liar. She has not only lied and destroyed my mother’s reputation, but she’s destroyed my reputation, and said horrible things about our family over the past 15 years.
Here’s The Ashley breaks down some of the most-interesting topics revealed in Ashleigh’s videos.
On how Barbara feels about Jenelle currently:

According to Ashleigh, Barbara has had enough of Jenelle’s antics.
“My mother is very upset. She’s done with my sister,” she said. “I have not spoken to my sister in eight years, and if she wants to retaliate that’s absolutely fine because I have a lot of things against her that I have kept secret for a very long time.”
In her video from Wednesday, Ashleigh called Jenelle a bully.
“I’m also tired of my mother calling me upset, telling me about the horrible things that my sister has been doing….this is not OK, that she’s allowed to keep bullying my mother and I for years and years.
On the situation with Jace:

As The Ashley previously told you, Jenelle was awarded custody of Jace last week, after the 14-year-old had been in CPS custody since October. Jace was removed from Jenelle’s care (and home) after Jenelle’s husband David Eason allegedly assaulted the boy. David currently has active assault by strangulation and child abuse charges pending against him.
In her videos, Ashleigh talked about what’s happening with Jace.
“What’s going on with my nephew Jace is very sad,” Ashleigh said. “My sister is not going to get him help. She doesn’t care about anybody but herself. She will try to destroy anybody in the process because she operates on toxicity and negative things.”
Ashleigh then revealed that Jenelle is in contempt of the custody order in effect for two of her kids, Kaiser (whom Jenelle shares with Nathan Griffith) and Jace. (Currently, the custody order from March 2023— which gives Barbara visitation with Jace— is in effect.) Jenelle is required by the custody orders to allow visitation time for both grandmothers.
“She is also in contempt of court by both grandmothers, Grandma Doris [Davidson, Nathan’s mom] and my own mother, Barbara,” Ashleigh said.
On the consequences Ashleigh says she’s suffered for having Jenelle as a sister:

It ain’t easy being Jenelle Evans’ sister, according to Ashleigh.
Ashleigh revealed in her videos that being related to Jenelle has caused her a lot of grief, particularly when it comes to employment.
“Every job interview that I’ve had, they find out that I’m related to you, Jenelle. They look me up on the Internet…Now, I have a wonderful career in the healthcare industry,” she said. “Yet, you do nothing but sit on the Internet and talking horrible stuff about people, and the rest of the family, and start drama with everybody.
“…you’re almost 33 and you act like a 16-year-old,” Ashleigh continued.
In the video posted Wednesday, Ashleigh again spoke about what it’s like to be Jenelle’s sister.
“I’m related to her. It’s really embarrassing that I’m related to her,” she said. “When I go out in public, people know that I’m related to her…as soon as people find out [who my sister is], they Google my name and my reputation is destroyed. It’s really embarrassing and I’m just tired of it.”
On Jenelle’s frequent social media posts that bash Barbara:

Ashleigh next moved on to the barrage of negative social media statements Jenelle has recently made regarding their mother, Barbara.
“There is no reason to talk such horrible things about my mother, after she raised my nephew [Jace] for 14 years of his life,” she said, before speaking directly to Jenelle. “You really need to get some mental help. You have had substance abuse issues since you were about 13. You have serious mental health issues. You have been like this since you were a kid.
“…behind the camera, you’re a very sad person and I feel very sorry for you,” Ashleigh said, adding, “You’re damaging everybody in our family for your poor actions, and you don’t care at all. You have no empathy or compassion.”
On the child abuse/assault charges against David:

“The whole CPS thing, you’re lying about that,” Ashleigh said. “You’re lying about the whole CPS thing, and the whole charges with David. David did assault Jace, and I know this because I have the sources that have said so.
Surprisingly, the usually outspoken Jenelle has not yet responded to Ashleigh’s comments.
Back in September, Ashleigh left a few comments on YouTube @ElleBee‘s video about Jenelle, writing that, in her opinion, Jenelle neglects her kids, uses drugs and can’t handle it when the “truth” about her life is revealed.
When those comments went public, Jenelle did respond.
“Here we go again…I do not associate with my sister or brother [Colin] for years now,” Jenelle wrote on Instagram Stories at the time. “My sister has no idea about my family or personal life. She doesn’t associate with my children either.”

Jenelle and Ashleigh have been at odds for years. Back in 2021, Jenelle discussed her poor relationship with Ashleigh in a TikTok Q&A session, stating that she believes Ashleigh is envious of her.
“Me and her didn’t have the best relationship growing up…We definitely didn’t get along then because it seemed like she was jealous over me,” Jenelle stated in her signature “Jenelle Speak” way.
“Later on in life I ended up on this show, and then things only got worse from there. She has mental health issues. She sold me out to the tabloids, making up stories that aren’t even true,” Jenelle stated, referencing a 2012 interview Ashleigh did with Star magazine in which Ashleigh called Jenelle “evil,” among other things.
You can watch Ashleigh’s videos about Jenelle below.
@monroemisfit I am so sick of my sisters lies. My mother, sick of my sister lies. She lives in a huge façade. When is she ever going to grow up and stop #teenmom2 ♬ original sound – Ashleigh
@monroemisfit #teenmom2 #teenmom ♬ original sound – Ashleigh
UPDATE! As of press time, it appears that Ashleigh’s TikTok account has been removed. Stay tuned…
(Photos: MTV; Instagram; TikTok; Facebook)
36 Responses
Regardless of whether the sister or brother have an association with the Queen of the Trash Swamp or her poor children, has nothing to do with the fact that Jenelle treats THE REST of her family like shit, and always has.
I don’t know if this was true or not but didn’t Jenelle’s sister not have custody of her kid and she was a bigger mess. I remember her brother is I think in a group home of some sort. So Jenelle’s sister really has no room to talk about her. She only sees one story and that’s it. As far as David filing for divorce. He wanted to file before she filed and this away she can have Jace home. Because he has no other place to go. I just hope Janelle is able to get help for her and her kids. I don’t think David will get anything because maybe Janelle knows David is going to jail and his older daughter is already living with friends. Janelle will ho on with her life and move past this all. Barbara once said that maybe Janelle was trapped or something by David. And she said that she would be there for Janelle when she left David. Maybe that will still happen.
I JUST read David is filing for divorce from Jenelle… News source was OK Magazine… but yeah. Apparently they got in a huge fight on Monday after he’d been staying on her boat for about a week and she kicked him out and is also kicking out Maryssa saying “Jace is her priority” and since her dad is kicked out, so is she… a 16 year old CHILD… Wow.
So what’s this I hear about David and Jenelle getting divorced?? Supposedly it’s because she has custody of Jace now and she also kicked Maryssa out ??♀️
He’ll never do it because 1) he can’t afford another attorney (she pays for the ones he has now). 2) he refuses to work and will be homeless. But, either way I’m here to watch the shitshow! ?
Janelle is a narcissistic crazy person
Ive been saying for a few years Jenelle is committing elder abuse against her mother and the Da in Jenelle’s county is responsible to file charges, Ashley go there! To the Da’s office in Jenelle’s county , the next time she elder abuses your mother in any way!
Calling Dawn was hilarious!
I’ve got to the point where I just cannot read about Jenelle anymore. My heart just breaks for Jace and how awful he’s had it and how terrible his mother is to Barbara and everyone else around her who tries to advocate for Jace. It’s like there is no hope at all. I know I cannot do anything to help and I think that sucks the most. Idk I’m just venting. Also on my period so… yup just emotional.
I honestly feel bad for Barbara. Jenelles dad left Barbara to care for 3 kids by herself. She was a single mom working at Walmart trying to do the best she can. Jenelle has had it soooo easy financially thanks to MTV. I can imagine it is so difficult for Barbara to watch Jenelle just crap on all the opportunities she has been given. Jenelles kids could have had a good life if she didn’t repeatedly choose drugs and horrible men over them and their future. She has wasted every opportunity and probably most of her money.
Didn’t Barb leave him in PA?
And moved to NC.
He was a abusive alcoholic.
In times like this, I’m so thankful my family is boring.
Sometimes you have to separate yourself from family members. It can be very difficult, especially when the toxic person you need to separate from has kids.
Typically the toxic person will hold those kids over your head anyway, so the best thing to do is not answer their phone calls or text messages or Instagram, or any other social media platform. There is no law that says you have to respond to somebody who is so toxic that it disrupts your life. Just back up and step away and take a break from this toxic person, don’t call, write, email, Text or anything. Don’t read what they write on social media that just makes it harder. You will find out in a very short time how much more peaceful your life is without all that toxicity in it. That goes for mother and child and siblings.
Spot on, Tiger. I had to completely cut out a sibling several years ago due to constant manipulation, threats and toxicity. It can be hard, but I am now at such peace in my life, and happier and lighter. My only regret is not doing this a couple decades ago.
unpopular opinion, but Ashleigh has not spoken to Jenelle in eight years so honestly, so she shouldnt speak on recent events. She has a right to say what she wants as far as her relationship with Jenelle and how its affected her life or what Jenelle did to her when they were in contact. But as far as the custody stuff or anything, she needs to stay quiet. And im sure thats what Jenelle is going to say. My BF is no contact with his sister and she says crazy things about him to people that make no sense. so i might be projecting some, but i think she should stay out of it publicly. Especially since she says being related to Jenelle has “ruined her life”. I want to hear from Barbara. She’s been dealing with Jenelle’s mess for YEARS.
I understand what you’re saying and I don’t disagree, but Ashleigh has been in contact with Barbara and Barbara has had Jace in and out of her care, so while the sisters don’t speak, Ashleigh probably does have her thumb pretty firmly on the pulse through Barbara.
I thought of that but still technically she only knows one side and Jenelle will probably just say shes a hater or whatever else she says about anyone that calls her out. If i were her sister, i would keep staying out of it. Jenelle is toxic for sure and being her sister has ruined her life so bringing the drama Jenelle always brings for anyone calling her out, I would just stay out of it.
Jenelle’s talking crap about Ashleigh’s mother. She has every right to protect her mother and tell the truth about Jenelle and her lies. She probably heard it straight from Jace’s mouth that David abuses him and the other kids, how Jenelle won’t protect him, and all of the other terrible things that Jenelle has done/is still doing to him.
That might be true but over the years she has stated she isnt like the rest of her family> she has called her whole family “trailer trash”. That was in 2019 That includes her mother and brother. Shes come out and said stuff about Jenelle several times. I’m just saying she should stay quiet. Nothing will come of it. We all know Jenelle is a liar.
If she knows something about Jace being abused, she needs to go to the authorities and not tik tok. The kid has been exploited enough by his own mom.
I believe every word coming out of Ashleighs mouth, and Jace too. He had it right when he was 5 yrs old and told Barbara his mom and David were pieces of shit.
Read the room .
Disagree entirely. Ashleigh is emotionally supporting Barb and is just defending her Mom. Her Mom is a senior citizen and Ashleigh has the right to share their side. Good work Ashleigh! I have followed this family since the pilot. And Barb gave up her empty nest years to raise her Grandson. That is the bottom line. Was she perfect? Were you? She kept him safe so show her grace. She deserves it. Jenelle, have you heard of elder abuse?
Ashleigh is so much better looking then Duhnelle.
People have had enough of Jenelle’s BS and she is going to end up with all of her social media accounts closed, too, since she can’t help but doxx and abuse everyone who tells the truth. Reporting goes both ways, but most people do not make their money through social media like she does.
Ashleigh is just as crazy as Jenelle and I doubt any employer googling her very common name is finding anything but HER own interviews that she chooses to give and TikTok’s she chooses to post.
Janelle that would be my sister & I not me & my sister.
Sounds like Babs wasn’t too far off when she said Jenelle was a “bitch of a daughta”…turns out she’s a horrible sibling as well.
I’m so glad Ashleigh’s speaking up. Jenelle is a life ruiner. She ruins people’s lives. I swear she’s a mini Diane Downs…even looks like her. Just an awful human.
I’ve said that before, it’s eery how much they resemble each other!
RIGHT?! And also how they will destroy their children for a man.
The last thing I would do is make a big post about Janelle if I don’t want people to know I was related to her.
EXACTLY!! How would a potential employer know she was her sister, unless she told them?! This whole family is craaaaaazyyyyyy
She said it herself: if an employer googles her name, Jenelle will come up. And what would the employer think? “This Jenelle chick is bonkers, I don’t want anybody associated with her here”. If I were Ashleigh I would change my name ASAP
Looks like the shit Tom of Jenelle’s fans have been called upon to report Ashleigh’s TikTok account. Pathetic.