Tom Sandoval Claims In New Legal Filing That Ariana Madix Owes Him $90K; Wants Payback Before Agreeing to Sell Their Home

If these walls could talk.

A new chapter has been added to the saga of Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix’s house.

The Vanderpump Rules star and Schwartz & Sandy’s co-owner is alleging in new legal documents that his ex-girlfriend/current housemate Ariana borrowed $90,000 from him and has yet to pay him back, according to TMZ. Until that money’s paid back, he won’t agree to sell their Valley Village home.

Sandoval made the filing in response to a filing Ariana made in January to force him to agree to a sale of the home they purchased together in 2019. Neither party has commented on this new filing, but Sandoval has had plenty to say about his and Ariana’s home and financial dealings in recent interviews.

Sandoval prepping for his first court appearance.

In an appearance on the Viall Files podcast in January, Sandoval claimed that not only had his ex neglected to pay any bills, she also hadn’t been living in their home.

“Ariana hasn’t paid a single bill for this house in eight months, she hasn’t paid the mortgage, she hasn’t lived there in two or three months, all her s***’s in the master bedroom, she comes and goes, shows up, whatever,” he said.

Despite Ariana allegedly owing him money, Sandoval said he offered to buy her out for substantially more than they purchased the home for.

“She’s like, ‘Oh, he gave me a s*** offer,’ I gave her an offer of $3.1 million,” he said on Viall Files. “We bought our house for $2.050 [million], top market. I gave her an offer to buy her out.”

Sandoval also claimed on the podcast that he’s put more money into the home than Ariana has.

“It’s less about, like, the emotional and more just about the, f***ing, the actual, like, I, like, paid to build the gym there, I, like, did, I’ve investing tens of thousands of dollars into building the house into what it is, you know what I mean, like, and now I’m going to have to move into another place and build another gym,” he said.

Sandoval thinking about having to build a new home gym.

During the second episode of Vanderpump Rules: After Show, Ariana shared the concerns she had when thinking about her next place.

“This is a very large investment that I made, that I saved essentially my entire adult life for,” she said in the episode. “I don’t know if anyone’s heard about Los Angeles rent lately, but if I’m going to be with a dog who’s 50 pounds and a cat in an apartment, I’m going to be looking at paying, I know [Katie Maloney] pays a lot, I’m going to be looking at paying at least that, because [she] also started living there a while back, so rent’s higher now.”

The former couple’s finances and ownership of their shared home have been recurring themes during the 11th season of ‘Vanderpump Rules.’ In the second episode of the season, Sandoval laid out the state of his finances to best friend Tom Schwartz.

Truer words were never spoken.

“Obviously, I f***ing had to tour and stuff, like, my bank account was literally overdrawn,” he said. “Ariana hadn’t, like, paid any of the bills for like f***ing eight months, man. I’m literally, like, moving $1,000 around into this account, I’m moving $500 from this account to cover our mortgage.”

In a confessional interview during the same episode, Sandoval elaborated on all the bills he was covering.

“I’ve been pretty much paying for everything out of all my accounts – mortgage, gardener, cleaning, utilities, everything – and it’s kind of like pulling teeth to get Ariana to pay me back,” he said.

“If you want a cent out of me, you’d better bring the receipts!”

Ariana had a different take on what she owed her former partner and why their financial dealings had become so tense.

“I have asked, repeatedly, for years at this point, for an itemized breakdown of bills that he’s talking about, because we would always put money into a joint account and then have that account be the one that was, like, hooked up to all of these different banks, bills just come out of it automatically, and then, oh the balance is getting low, we both put the same amount of money into that account,” she said in ‘After Show.’ “We refinanced in 2021 and, at that point, things changed, the account that the mortgage started coming out of was no longer the joint account, it was his account, and that was at the same time that he got the HELOC [home equity line of credit] loan that I co-signed. So, basically, I had asked for this itemized breakdown for so long, and it would be, like, ‘Oh, you owe X amount of money,’ and I’m like, ‘How did you figure this out?’”

Because of Sandoval’s cheating, and other betrayals she claims happened during their relationship, Ariana said she’s not willing to give him any money without solid documentation of what exactly she owes.

“… I don’t write him checks because I don’t believe a word he says about what I actually owe him,” she said in the ‘After Show.’

“I also found out that the amount of money I was giving him every month for the mortgage was an overpayment, so until I get that breakdown, which I’ve now asked three different assistants for, you ain’t getting s*** from me because you can’t show me what actually this is and I don’t believe a word you say, you’ve proven yourself to be untrustworthy.”   

(Images: Bravo)

7 Responses

  1. They each need to pay their even share sell or let one bye the other out & move on this story line is getting old!!!!! Its a break up its not the end of the world just end it all ready!

    1. I can’t stand Tom but I 100% agree if she’s gonna stay in the house she needs to pay half the bills and utilities that’s only fair until they sell. Goddamnit. Don’t make me defend Tom ass.?

  2. He is talking out of both sides of his mouth.

    How is he boasting that he offered a huge buy out in one breath and begging for payback in the next?

    Regardless of who was sleeping with whom and when, in this snapshot, she is absolutely in the right. He needs to provide receipts (literally).

  3. I think Arianna should pay up. Everyone is trying to play a victim here, most of them anyways. Yes Sandoval cheated on her which is very wrong but also, Adriana was also a mistress because he cheated on Kristen with her or did everybody fail to forget that so I don’t care if it’s one or two times or if it’s six months a year She still was the other woman just like Raquel was. I don’t know why everybody is making a spectacle out of this. Nearly every cast member on this show has committed adultery in some fashion or another bottom line! The bravo and NBC universal network should have some accountability on this. They exploit the alcoholism on a whole new different level and everybody knows that whether you’re on drugs or alcohol, you tend to do things that maybe you normally wouldn’t do. It’s no excuse, but it happens.
    Bravo and NBC universal networks should take some accountability I am not trying to take sides with anybody by all means I’m just expressing what I see and what I have seen in past seasons. There’s been physical emotional verbal abuse happening. sir establishment in the parking lots customers are around yes granted there’s cameras filming all of this and we all know they signed up for this, what does that mean that they’re signing up to be physically verbally emotionally abused don’t believe there’s anything in any of those contracts that pertain to that but yet it continues on happening. There’s no boundaries set so I’m asking everyone is when is enough enough? Cast members on social media their gaslighting this one the gaslighting that one and if you get a person that is fragile enough that is constantly getting badge it’s going to affect one’s mental health status. What is it gonna take someone to actually do? Commit suicide in order for someone in a higher authority to do something?
    I used to enjoy watching the show. I don’t enjoy it no more what to watch someone get punched, spit on or to get gaslit? I believe the networks need to revise the conditions that the cast members have to follow.

  4. If Ariana cosigned the refinancing loan, then how would she not know what the payment is? Unless she’s talking about utilities, and other bills.

    I don’t see how it’s difficult to give Ariana an itemized breakdown of the total monthly expenses, and proof. It’s so Tom can rip her off, as he’s apparently done in the past.

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