Michael Ilesanmi was confirmed safe by police on Monday, three days after his wife, Angela Deem, reported that he had seemingly disappeared from their Hazelhurst, Georgia, home without a trace.
Michael’s disappearance was first reported Monday by 90 Day Fiance blogger John Yates, who went live on his YouTube channel from Angela’s house, informing fans that Michael was missing. John stated that Angela was “not well” at the time, and feared that something may have happened to her husband, given the details of his disappearance.
Here, The Ashley will try to break down all of the Michael-related events from the past two days.
During his Live on Monday, John told viewers that Michael had also left his passport, cellphone and clothing (other than what he was wearing at the time) behind.
“Michael left everything here … nothing, not any ID, nothing to show his name on it,”, he said.
Michael–- who has been living in the United States since December–- reportedly left the house while Angela was away picking up food and was seen exiting the home on a security camera.
” … We don’t know where he’s at,” Angela said on Monday. “Did he leave on his own? Is he gotten kidnapped? We don’t f**king know! Like, if you’re gone on your own, it’s ok, call us!”
Angela noted on John’s live stream that if Michael had left on his own, it was “very cruel.” She also said Michael’s past transgressions caused her to question what had occurred, but she “didn’t want to take that chance” in the event that something bad had happened to him.

” … He’s my husband and I love him and I don’t know where he’s at and as long as he’s safe, just call us,” she said. “The police is involved! … You got my four grandkids crying that something’s wrong with you.
“We know he’s deceitful, but I don’t think he would go this far and not call, at least my daughter,” she added.
Monday afternoon, however, it was revealed that Michael had, in fact, left on his own accord.

During a second live stream on John’s YouTube channel Monday, Angela could be heard in the background exclaiming that she was “f**king shocked,” before John went on to explain what had occurred.
“So let’s just rip it off like a Band-Aid,” John said. “Michael is safe. There’s the good news.”
According to John, shortly after the first live stream ended that day, Michael reached out to police to confirm he was safe, at which point Angela was notified. While Michael had left his cellphone at home, he reportedly had a “burner phone” that Angela did not know about, which contained a photo of the passport he had left at home.
“They verified his ID, it’s him,” John said. “And here’s the wild part … he told the police that he was in fear of his life and … Michael didn’t want Angela knowing his location.”
Angela admitted during the live stream that at some point–- presumably somewhat recently– she asked Michael to “go home” (to his native country of Nigeria) because she didn’t believe he loved her. She said she now believes Michael will use that as leverage to “fight for his visa” in order to stay in the United States.
Angela claimed that she wasn’t “crying anymore” over what has transpired with Michael but is now “mad is hell.”

“I was worried thinking he was hurt,” she said.
Angela denied ever abusing her husband and said she was “hurt” that Michael would do this to her. She stated that Michael’s actions prove that he doesn’t “give a f**k.”
She also made allegations regarding Michael’s sexual orientation.
“He hasn’t been sleeping with me,” she said. “I don’t know if he’s gay, and you know I love the gays, but there’s something wrong. I don’t think it’s just me. I think he’s really hiding [the fact that] he’s gay and it’s OK. I said, ‘You’re in the U.S. now, Michael.’ Because you’re 35 and don’t want sex … .”

Angela’s daughter, who could be heard speaking in the background during the live stream, alleged that Michael had been preparing to pull this stunt for a while, as he had been saving (and allegedly stealing) money leading up to this point.
During the live stream, Angela admitted that in hindsight, she doesn’t believe Michael ever loved her. She also noted that she has hired an attorney and she encouraged Michael to do the same.
Angela and Michael are set to appear on the upcoming season of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Premiering March 17 on TLC. Obviously, all of the footage from this coming season was filmed before Michael went “missing.” (Even the Tell-All was filmed earlier this month, so it will not include anything about this incident, unless producers go back and film to include it.)
RELATED STORY: “90 Day Fiance” Star Mahmoud El Sherbiny Arrested For Domestic Violence Against Wife Nicole (Exclusive Details)
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
25 Responses
I’ll say whether he planned this or not Michael deserves citizenship at this point this man has calmly nonviolently dealt with that psycho for years. He has earned this and shit I mean he’s a nice kid he’s not nasty. He’s always pleasant how he tolerates her beyond me, but just for tolerating her, they should give him free citizenship.
We have all seen Angela use physical violence
I would fear for my life around that demon woman too
Kelly, Michael has put up with Angela for all these years. He knows exactly what she is capable of. Does he deserve citizenship due to his stupidity? Hell no. The solution is simple. Send him back to Nigeria. Fire him and Angela once and for all. I think the world has seen more than enough of Michael, Angela, Big Ed, Natalie and the rest of the fools who think they are smarter than the rest of us.
Does anyone blame him from running away from her? She never belonged on that show to begin with. She is a nasty and vulgar person. Michael needs sent back to his country….
Be so for real right now, Michael has earned his citizenship above and beyond. Angela is entertaining as hell to watch, but I can’t imagine the life that man has endured. He’s no saint I’m sure…but…..Angela.
He has been planning this since day one! He has recording of all the abuse she’s done and this was his laid out plan as soon as he got here. That’s why he put up with so much. He knew all he had to say was he’s abused. He shouldn’t have ever been allowed to be here. Likely why he was denied before because he wasn’t a good enough actor yet. Though he can go get refugees status now and get tons of free stuff! ? he will likely still get his green card for putting up with so much. They need to start putting a limit to how long they have to stay married. He probably already had a younger girl lined up after he got here and why he had a burner phone. But I can see Angela going with this as far as she can to send him back. He was a fraud all along! Everyone could see this coming except Angela.
Angela has been planning to abuse and control Michael since Day 1. IPV would not grant Michael refugee status. The U Visa, unlike what right wing talking points will say, does not come with any “free stuff.”
Well said because this is exactly what he did and the burner phone was proof. Kick him out of this country and let him take Angela with him.
OMG!!!! Michael is going to need protection. Angela has been a wreaking ball from day one. She was and is an embarrassing immature nasty piece of S#*t. First of all, she smokes in the house in front of her grandkids, she swears and drinks like a drunken sailor.
Shes a
walking Time bomb. She destroyed his passport. I hope we can resolve this for Michael-s sake.
She abused him on national TV and now she’s shocked that he ran away from her?
He tolerated the abuse for a green card. No way he loves that drunken crazy bitch. The both are disgusting . Cancel them both already!
Ummm no honey he’s not gay it’s just, well how do I say it? They don’t make a paper bag big enough.
If he did indeed have a burner phone then YES this was all planned and he will say he was abused by Angela and I am sure he has clippings from the show of her destroying his car and hitting him. So there you have it, he was abused by her and now the fool gets to stay in the U.S. and she has to support him for years. Good job, Angela just what we need more trash in this country.
I say we trade, we keep Michael and send Angela to Nigeria!
I say send Michael back to Nigeria and hook Angela up with Big Ed for good!
Curious when he got the burner & why?
My husband has access to his id/passport, but not surprised Angela took it.
Um. Ok.
Yeah he’s rode this hustle out about as long as he possibly can.
Good for him but too bad he didn’t get away.
Hopefully he’s saving his 90 day pay.
Is it really that hard to believe he’s afraid of Angela?!? She was literally ON TV abusing him… stop playing the victim now. She’s f*cking crazy
Nigerians are the best professional scammers in the world. He is trash just like her.
You underestimate entitled white women.
Sadly, I think Angela is the only person who didn’t see this coming. She’s Danielle 2.0.