Trigger Warning: This story is about suicide.
Robert “Garrison” Brown, the 25-year-old son of Sister Wives stars Janelle and Kody Brown has died.
The Death After Dark Facebook group first posted the news on Tuesday, with TMZ confirming the tragedy hours later. Garrison– who bought a townhome in Flagstaff, Arizona, several years ago, reportedly took his own life at home.
According to Flagstaff Police, Garrison’s brother Gabriel Brown was the one who found Garrison, who was already deceased.
The Ashley has located the incident on the GunViolenceArchive website, listing the address of Garrison’s townhome. According to that report, a 911 call was made by someone stating that “a family member just shot themselves.”
According to TMZ, police do not suspect any foul play and are looking into this death as a suicide.
On Tuesday afternoon, Garrison’s sister Mykelti sent a video message to her Patreon followers, informing them that she was cancelling a live session scheduled for Tuesday night, stating that she and her husband Tony Padron had an “emergency” and were heading out of town for a while. She did not give details about the emergency situation.
As ‘Sister Wives’ fans know, Garrison is the eighth of Kody’s 18 children. Janelle, Garrison’s mother, was Kody’s second wife up until last year, when she separated from him after decades of marriage (and six kids together.) Garrison had a strained relationship with Kody over the last few years, with some of their arguments playing out on the last few seasons of ‘Sister Wives.’
Garrison was extremely close to Christine Brown, one of Kody’s other wives who helped raise Garrison and his siblings.
UPDATE! Janelle and Kody confirmed Garrison’s death in matching Instagram posts on Tuesday.
“Kody and I are deeply saddened to announce the loss of our beautiful boy Robert Garrison Brown,” she wrote. “He was a bright spot in the lives of all who knew him. His loss will leave such a big hole in our lives that it takes our breath away. We ask that you please respect our privacy and join us in honoring his memory.”
Meri Brown— who was Kody’s first wife and helped raise Garrison— took to social media to reflect on Garrison, posting the same message as Kody and Janelle, but adding, “Garrison, you are loved and will be missed!”
Several of Garrison’s siblings, including Savannah Brown and Madison Brush, have also posted tributes to Garrison on Instagram.
Mykelti also posted a message about the loss of her brother in an email to her Patreon followers.
“Join my family in honoring my brother’s passing,” she wrote. “He was an amazing light and I will miss him with every part of my being. Thank you for your presence and continuation in respecting my family. Tony & I appreciate your prescience.”
TLC– the network that airs ‘Sister Wives’ issued a statement to People about Garrison’s death.
“We are devastated to hear of the tragic loss of Garrison Brown,” the network said. “We extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to the Brown family at this difficult time.”
During an episode of ‘Sister Wives’ that aired in October, Janelle stated that she worried about Garrison (and Gabe), following their estrangement from Kody.
“I have worried about my boys’ mental health,” she said. “Gabriel feels everything very, very deeply. But he’s also the kid who doesn’t say anything. And Garrison just seems angry or sadder, like, he’s not as happy, go lucky as he used to be.”
UPDATE! According to the police report obtained by The Ashley on Wednesday, Janelle told police at the scene that Garrison had not made up with his father, Kody, before his death. Click here to read the latest info.
If you are struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat
(Photos: Instagram)
53 Responses
Absolutely heartbreaking! My prayers go out to the family! ?✨? Rest In Peace Garrison! ❤️?
I wish I had social media to somehow send my condolences to the family, even though I’m sure it means nothing to them, I feel terrible.. he was a good guy. RIP, thank you for loving animals and serving your country
I hope for the sake of the family there was a note left somewhere! It won’t heal the pain but hopefully give them some answers!
Awful news! So sorry this happened and even more so that it can’t be undone. Poor Garrison! Seemed like always tried to soldier on no matter what happened. Sad he didn’t turn to someone for support.
Oh Garrison. He was such a good person. This is just terrible.
I feel so badly for the Brown family right now.
Also, the show needs to end. The family needs to process their grief without cameras shoved in their faces.
This is so tragic. Something rarely talked about is how selfish an act suicide is. He lived with his brother so he had to know Gabe would find him, now Gabe has to carry those images in his mind for the rest of his life. His mother will never have a moment of peace for the rest of her life. Kody broke his kids hearts, remember watching the pain on Gabe’s face when he talked about his dad calling him and forgetting that it was his birthday. Everyone in this family will be shattered by this.
Suicide is not an act of selfishness. It can be challenging for those who haven’t experienced suicidal thoughts or mental health battles to grasp the complex web of emotions and struggles that lead someone to take their own life. Let’s refrain from adding further judgment to individuals who were already enduring immense pain.
I am not saying that he was not struggling with mental anguish, he must have been in terrible despair. However, letting your younger brother (who you know has had his own emotional challenges) find you with a gunshot to the head is seriously messed up. Gabe didn’t ask for that and now he will have that image burned into his mind forever. His life will be permanently altered by this.
Yes, it is a selfish act, but I cannot fathom life being so miserable that this is a viable option. Anyone who can, and who follows through with it, deserves only my empathy. No judgement, just empathy.
I’m so very sorry for Gabe; traumatizing to say the very least. I hope he will seek and receive professional help to process his grief.
And I hope the same for each who will be devastated by his loss.
Yes, it’s a selfish act- however- you have to understand how much pain a person is in, to be able to not only attempt suicide, but carry it out. I cannot imagine what he was going through. I was raised Catholic and even as a child I remember thinking, that despite what we were taught, I never ever have thought a person that committed suicide was A) selfish and that B) Whatever/whoever God is, would send them to even more despair and pain after they ended their life here earthside. I hope he has found peace. It is very hard to be the ones left behind and I do think Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, but sometimes it’s not that simple. I don’t know- maybe it’s because I have battled with mental health since I was 12 and I’m 40 now and while I never attempted suicide, I have been so miserable that I wanted to die. I have a lot of family support and friend support and also resources to help me with my mental health and I reached out to use them but it just isn’t always the same for everyone I imagine Janelle was supportive and worried but I could see Kody just living him life oblivious to the pain his son was in because it was easier for him and also because I am convinced that Kody doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself. He was at a tricky age I think too for so many adults- many of his siblings are living their lives and maybe he didn’t want to bother or worry them with his feelings and problems… He had also served and while I am not sure if he was ever deployed or in a war-ravaged zone as part of his duties- we’ve all seen the havoc that alone has caused so many of the brave men and women that have served our country. I just find all of this so very sad and I wish others would acknowledge that yes, I suppose it’s “Selfish” but that a person that would carry it out is in DEEP pain and may see no other way out and they shouldn’t be condemned or remembered as selfish. RIP Garrison <3 Thank you for your service. My deepest sympathy and love to Janelle and his siblings and his friends, and my condolences to all of them, Kody included. Maybe Kody should re-evaluate the relationships he has with his children. It's important to have a relationship with your father as a boy OR a man and children are meant to be seen AND heard, as well as understood. It's not like that ends once they are over age 18.
Agree 100%. Good post.
People aren’t capable of critical thinking anymore. All they remember is buzz words or phrases, most of which fall apart instantly if you think them thru.
One I’ve always hated is “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Yeah right, tell that to a war vet or a rape victim. Pure idiocy!
Being abandoned by your father CRUSHES you, especially if you’re a young kid, which he wasn’t but he probably already had other issues he was dealing with and then his dad discarded him out like yesterday’s leftovers.
Suicide may seem selfish to someone who has never dealt with being in so much pain (physical/mental/emotional) that they would do anything to make it stop. People who have attempted or completed suicide didn’t want to die. They just couldn’t live one more second like that anymore . If you think that was selfish or even an easy decision, you are sorely mistaken. It’s not selfish. Not even close. Thankfully you haven’t walked a mile in their shoes or you may feel differently .
Ong that’s awful, my thoughts go out to the family, so sad.
Oh my god how awful. I hate to think of his final moments. And gabe finding him. Pray for these kids.
No snark. This is just tragic. I’ve lost family in the same way and it’s brutal. Sending healing vibes to his whole family.
Call or text 988 for help if you ever need it, everyone.
I can’t imagine the pain that they feel right now. Poor Gabe, he seemed especially close to Garrison. You never know what people are going through. This is just devastating. R.I.P. and power Garrison. You were loved and you will be missed!?
This is heartbreaking. And I can’t even begin to imagine what Gabe is going through. He will carry this the rest of his life. Ugh, devastating.
What a tragic loss. He’s at peace and no longer in pain but it’s so difficult for the family and friends he has left behind. And my heart goes out to his brother who found him.
There are no words to express , just R.I.P.
To Janelle and family, I am so very sorry for your loss.
My heart hurts for his mom and siblings. He seemed like a really great young man.
RIP, Garrison. You were a shining star to your large and loving family. May your loved ones find peace, and honor your memory.
Absolutely devastating. As a mother who also lost a son to suicide, it’s a pain that never goes away. I will pray for peace, strength and comfort for the whole family. An extra one for Gabe, this is something that will change him forever. ???
@GabesMom– I am so, so sorry you also had to go through this 🙁 -The Ashley
I’m so deeply sorry that you lost your precious son.?
I am so very sorry for your loss
So very sorry for the loss of your son. May you find comfort as his love will live in your heart forever.?
My heart goes out to you. I always think the ones left behind might feel guilt or there was something they could do, especially the parents- or, that maybe you did something wrong but that just isn’t true. I can tell you, because I have been in the DEEP pits of despair where I was wishing to pass on, that it’s a war only you can win with yourself and there is no one to blame. The only thing we can think of is our intense pain and I can tell you it wasn’t an easy decision to make and that he would never want you to feel badly in any way. We really do think thigs would be best without us even though it’s not the truth. I truly think that the ones that do pass on, were the ones that may have never found peace here on earth and honestly, I can see why. This place is not exactly always sunshine and roses, and certain people that feel deeply and love deeply- are too pure to be here. While I am so sorry for your loss, I hope there is some comfort in knowing he is at peace and that wherever it is we go after this life, I am certain you will be reunited with him again when it is your time. So much love to you <3 and I hope Gabe was there waiting for Garrison with a big hug on the other side.
I pray they find some comfort and peace. My heart goes out to the whole family. It’s heartbreaking.
Heartbreaking. So very sad.
All these years I’ve never commented here. Though I always read.
This took my breath away. Almost a year ago, last March, same age, same way. Though he left behind my toddler granddaughters. Shakes your soul. I wish them all comfort and peace.
I’m so very sorry
I’m so very sorry for your loss. To repeat what I said to another grieving parent, I always think the ones left behind might feel guilt or there was something they could do, especially the parents- or, that maybe you did something wrong but that just isn’t true. I can tell you, because I have been in the DEEP pits of despair where I was wishing to pass on, that it’s a war only you can win with yourself and there is no one to blame. The only thing we can think of is our intense pain and I can tell you it wasn’t an easy decision to make and that he would never want you to feel badly in any way. We really do think thigs would be best without us even though it’s not the truth. I truly think that the ones that do pass on, were the ones that may have never found peace here on earth and honestly, I can see why. This place is not exactly always sunshine and roses, and certain people that feel deeply and love deeply- are too pure to be here. While I am so sorry for your loss, I hope there is some comfort in knowing he is at peace and that wherever it is we go after this life, I am certain you will be reunited with him again when it is your time.
That poor sweet boy, I don’t want to see this play out on tv for ratings. Too sad.
Janelle myheart goes out to and for you, Garrison was a good man,brother and son to you and showed love to all his family. He was funny and serious at the same time, This is not the time to lay blame or ask questions, no one should bury a child, excuse my language but ir f’n sucks. He will forever be in the hearts of all who knew and loved him. Hold on tight to your family Christine and all of the kids you share
This literally made my heart sink. I can’t imagine the pain someone is in that they would do anything to make it stop. My heart breaks for Garrison . And it really breaks for Janelle and sweet sensitive Gabe who found his brother that way. As much as I can’t stand Kody or Robyn , I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. A parent shouldn’t bury a child. Please show them all some grace during this tragic time. It’s not the time or place for snark and hate. I hope you’re finally at peace Garrison. I’m so sorry that life was so hard and you couldn’t stay.
Janelle just posted on her insta ?
How absolutely tragic and heartbreaking.
From a reporting standpoint, it’s considered best practice to avoid identifying the method used in the suicide death.
OMG he was so young, this is awful
This is terrible. Omg.
So sad…my heart goes out to Janelle and the rest of the family.
Que tristeza. Meus sentimentos a Janelle e familia
Tragic and heartbreaking
May he rest in peace. This is so sad