Briana DeJesus recently gave her Instagram fans a life update, discussing everything from her desire to get her ex-fiancé to tat up her neck (as you do), to whether or not she plans to shoot out more kids and more.
In an Instagram Live Q&A session on Monday, Briana— who appears on Teen Mom Family Reunion Season 3– answered her fans’ questions. However, one topic Bri didn’t want to venture into, though, was her feud with former Teen Mom 2 co-star Kail Lowry.
As fans know, Briana and Kail had a years-long feud that resulted in numerous online battles, a clown suit and treadmill being sent to Kail, at least one (maybe two) of Kail’s baby daddii being boinked by Bri, and a lawsuit filed by Kail against Briana in 2021 that was later dismissed in favor of Briana.
However, when fans asked Briana how she feels about Kail currently, Briana begged people to stop bringing up the feud.

“Can we like stop that? Please, honestly,” Briana said. “You guys mention her more than I’ve ever mentioned her. Please give it a rest. Please stop comparing me to her, stop saying I’m doing things just like her…it’s been like two or three years since the lawsuit, can we all just move on? I have not said anything about her or anything since the lawsuit. I think the lawsuit should have been the end of our [feud].
“There was a lawsuit and I won that lawsuit and ever since then I haven’t said anything,” Briana said. “. ..you guys talk about my past so much, let’s just move forward already.”
Here, The Ashley breaks down what Briana had to say about a variety of other topics.
On her desire to get covered in tattoos, done by her ex:
Briana told her followers that she has plans to get plenty more tattoos— done by her ex-fiancé Javi “Javi II” Gonzalez. (This Javi is not to be confused with Kail’s ex-husband, Javi Marroquin, who also dated Briana.)

“Javi is probably going to finish my tattoos, he’s the only person I want to do them,” Briana said. “We’re on good terms, there’s nothing romantic or anything. I want to get my stomach tatted and my back. And I want to do my neck. I want Javi to do my tattoos.”
Although some of Briana’s followers discouraged her from getting her neck tattooed, she was adamant that she wanted to get that part of her body inked.
“I want to tat my neck so bad,” she said. “Can you imagine this whole thing tatted? So sick. I also want to get my whole ear tatted… my neck is gonna be the last tattoo that I ever get. I also want to do my back, because my back is pretty plain.”

On having more kids:
In the past, Briana has expressed that she wants to have at least one more child. However, in her latest Live, the mother of two stated that it’s probably unlikely that she will conceive another “oopsie” baby without divine (or scientific) intervention.
“I would love to have one more kid, and I would love to be married before that happened,” Briana said. “But I have a lot of cysts in my ovaries and I have PCOS [Polycystic Ovary Syndrome] so it would be hard for me to get pregnant naturally.
“If I were to get pregnant, it would be by the grace of God or I’d have to get IVF,” she said.

Regardless of how and if she could conceive, Briana said she’s not doing it solo next time around.
“I don’t want to have another baby and be a single mom,” she said. “I am not doing that, absolutely not. I would rather not have any more, and just be happy with Nova and Stella.”
On her plans to stay on the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise:

Briana basically said that she plans to ride the ‘Teen Mom’ train until it wrecks.
“Would I leave ‘Teen Mom?’ Honestly, I don’t know…probably not,” she said. “I am in such a good place right now, so if something really bad were to happen then, [I would probably [leave the show], but if everything is OK, I would be fine with continuing.”
One reason Briana said she would consider leaving ‘Teen Mom’ was if she started dating a guy who didn’t want to film for the show.
“I think I would chose him over my career, to be honest,” Briana— who recently broke up with her boyfriend—said.
Bri disclosed that she recently began filming for another season of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’; however, she has no other big things in the works right now.
“I dont have any future plans right now,” she said. “I’m trying to settle into the new house, the pool is getting built and I just want to relax. I have no plans to do anything… I am going to continue to keep working and save money.”
RELATED STORY: Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Kail Lowry Reveals Her Boyfriend Elijah Scott Got a Vasectomy; Says “We’re Both Done Having Kids”
(Photos: MTV)
17 Responses
How is it that all the teen moms have PCOS and “can’t get pregnant naturally”,but they still have several whoopsie babys?
This pig and her vile family is why I stopped watching TM. Their first season was my last.
Agree ? that family loves the drama. Remember when her mom threw something at Devoin (I believe it was him?) man if I was his mom there would definitely be consequences!
Brianna seems to me like she has a good heart but is just naive when it comes to men. I think she would be much better off going “no contact” with her sister/mother for a while. I don’t think I ever seen it discussed what happened to Briana’s father.
She’s such a liar people don’t believe a word that comes out of her psychotic mouth!! The psychopath didn’t win that lawsuit the judge DIMISSED IT!!!! Clearly she belongs in a mental asylum!!
She looked unwashed. I’m sure she smells bad.
The tats are not helping.
She always looks greazy.
Right?? I have a certain amount of empathy as an oily person myself but there’s this cool life hack called “hair washing”
Remember when she told the world she had to cut all her hair off because she hadn’t washed it in like 2 weeks and it was all matted?
Keep it classy, Bri! It’s so hard to choose the trashiest of the TM moms, but she’s a contender for sure.
Great Roxy caption!
I feel like she would be a stronger contender if it weren’t for the unholy trinity of Farrah, Amber, and Jenelle.
Yeah, probably Janelle takes the prize with Amber in second place. Briana hasn’t chosen an abusive POS over her kids (yet anyway, but to her credit probably wouldn’t), she has a bit of a violent streak, but not as bad an Amber. Farrah, though trashy, is also mentally ill, but not mentally ill enough to get her kid taken away. Farrah’s equivalent of neck tattoos is all of her bizarre plastic surgery.
In the past I thought she said she might move to texas, so is she talking about a new house in florida or texas?
She’s still in Florida
Bri: “I have mad cysts all up in ma ovaries” “But me and Javi still fuqqin”
She would stop filming if some new guy wanted her to but she doesn’t consider the fact that she is sacrificing her daughter’s privacy who have no choice but to end up on TV. Sounds about right.
It’s her “career” ??♀️