Nathan Griffith is once again behind bars.
The former Teen Mom 2 dad— and ex-soulmate of Jenelle Evans— was arrested in Clark County, Nevada on Thursday. (The @TeenMomFanz Instagram account was the first to announce the news of the arrest.)
According to court documents exclusively obtained by The Ashley, Nathan was charged with a “Specialty Court Sanction” and is currently in jail at the Clark County Detention Center in Las Vegas. As The Ashley previously reported, Nathan has been being monitored in court since he was arrested for attempting to strangle his sister last year. He pleaded guilty to that crime in September and had his criminal case moved into Clark County, Nevada’s Veteran’s Treatment Court.
(The Veteran’s Treatment Court provides treatment to veteran defendants, and helps them treat addiction, gain life skills and education to ease them back into society.)

Since then, Nathan has had bi-monthly status checks in Veterans Court. In March, The Ashley reported that Nate had been given the OK to move into a group home in Las Vegas for homeless veterans (or vets who are at-risk of becoming homeless.)
The Ashley can confirm that Nathan was not in attendance at his most-recent Veteran’s Court status check hearing on April 2, due to him being “in the hospital.” (While the records didn’t provide more details, Nathan was also listed as being “in the hospital” while he was away at detox/rehab in February.)
He is next scheduled for a status check-in on April 16.
An employee of the Clark County Detention Center confirmed to The Ashley on Monday that Nathan’s arrest was likely due to him violating one or more of his guilty plea agreement from 2023.

He will be held in the jail without bail to make sure he attends his hearing on the 16th. Nathan’s case is scheduled to remain in Veteran’s Court.
As The Ashley previously reported, when Nathan pleaded guilty in September, he agreed to abide by a list of terms and conditions. Those terms included participating in and comply with the Veteran’s Court program; complying with all the terms of his sober living placement; not using or possessing drugs or alcohol; complying with a set curfew, following counseling requirements; agreeing to only have one cell phone and allowing it to be searched/providing its passwords; not using anyone else’s phone or allowing anyone to use his phone.
It is unknown which of these terms— if any— Nathan violated to get this sanction.
The Ashley will update this story when more info is available…
(Photos: MTV; Clark County Sheriff’s Department)
24 Responses
Nate cmon bro! That Vegas jail is the shyts.
Put in the work in rehab and get clean. Once you are clean the sky is the limit. ?
Largely the same. Janelle didn’t give him his TBI, Janelle didn’t make him strangle his sister or hit his girlfriends. She’s a piece of work in her own right but isn’t responsible for his abusive decisions in any way.
Of all the guys Jenelle was with, Nathan didn’t seem half bad. Hopefully he can get on the right path of help.
I always wonder what his life would have been like if he never met her.
Kaiser is DOOMED…with these two as parents. At least Doris, Nathan’s mom seems to care about him.
What happened to Nathan when he was in the army. Was he injured like tramadic brain injury or have a bad tramatic experience? I feel like he exhibts ptsd symptoms. NOT excusing his abuse just always seemed like he was suffering with something emotionally.
Iirc, he does have a TBI and PTSD. I know he has a lot of problems and makes really bad decisions but I really do think it all stems back to having both issues if not more. I hope this veterans program gives him the tools he requires.
Nathan was in the Marines, not the Army; very different branches. Anyway, it isn’t public information about the TBI. I mean, there are privacy laws for a reason.
Yes, they are very different branches. The Army does most of the “heavy lifting” in war time.
According to Nathan; he did suffer a TBI when he served. Many signs also points to this such as his lack of impulse control and anger. However, he also has a clear substance abuse addiction which doesn’t help and could also be why he is acting like this. He might just be an asshole though, or all of the above.
He stated way back on Teen Mom he suffered a traumatic brain injury.
Wow, poor kaiser!! That sweet little boy has really got it bad with the fucked-up parents that he is stuck with. His mother is a train wreck and probably a sociopath. His dad is so messed up it would take a month to list it all. Oh…and lets not forget David, the step-father from hell, who’s been beating this boy since he started to walk! I guess all we can hope for is maybe Jace taking his little brother under his wing and trying to help him navigate through life. That’s all Kaiser has left to save him. The so called “adults” in his life are miserable failures and it’s much too late for ANY of them to repair the damage they’ve done to this child.
I’m glad the VA is stepping up to house him and make him take some courses and also give him housing.
Would Nathan been abusive if he never went into the military? Maybe
But do we know that TBIs and PTSD do make people more violent? Yes.
I don’t think he’s ever going to get better, but at least they are trying to help. And I’m just scared that he’s going kill someone.
I’m still praying for Nathan to GET IT TOGETHER so he can rescue Kaiser from The Land!! Nathan has not seen Kaiser in over a YEAR! Does Nathan know that Jenelle has filed against a now-enraged David?? His little son has NO PROTECTION!! Praying for ALL the kids.
Nathan has proven that he’s a dangerous person. I do feel sorry for him for the TBI and PTSD he suffered on active duty.
But Nathan has never been an active father to either of his kids.
Nathan has real issues and even he knows that it’s best to not be around his kids. He’s even stated that. Most of his custody visits he didn’t even attend. He’s mother Doris took care of Kaiser.
He’s had multiple DUIs (he got a bunch in the military that they help hide for him), and even more out. It shows a clear pattern that alcohol is an issue.
He’s been arrested for violent physical crimes against multiple people.
Even if Nathan wanted custody there’s no way he would get it. Jenelle is terrible but sadly Nathan has demons that prevent him from doing more.
It’s sad Kaiser is the one that suffers.
Is it true that he has cancer? Or was that just a rumor going around?
He confirmed he has cancer a few months ago
He announced that he has Hepatocellular carcinoma.
It’s a type of liver cancer. And it is more common in people who drink large amounts of alcohol and who have an accumulation of fat in the liver, or at least according to the Mayo Clinic.
Thank you for the info. I wasn’t sure if it was true or not.
Poor kaiser has struck out in the parents dept.
Agree ?%
Nathan is a shitty dude but I do feel a little bad for him. TBI’s literally change your brain chemistry.
Very sad. He was an attractive, energetic guy once. He became angry, biligerent, just a rage filled granade that could go off at any time. God, I hope those kids can rise above their raising.