Mackenzie McKee Claims Ex-Husband Josh McKee Only Speaks to One of Their Children; Says She’ll Let Her Kids Change Their Last Name When She Marries Boyfriend Khesanio Hall

“Jawsh is gonna Jawsh, y’all.”

Nearly two years after splitting from husband Josh McKee, Mackenzie McKee has confirmed that her baby daddy remains a man of very few words– even when it comes to speaking to their kids!

According to @teenmomfanz, the Teen Mom Family Reunion star shared recently on Instagram Live that she and her ex “don’t talk,” nor does Josh communicate with two of their three children. 

“He talks to Gannon, he doesn’t talk to the other two,” Mackenzie said, with “the other two” referring to her and Josh’s youngest children, daughter Jaxie and son Broncs. 

As The Ashley previously told you, Mackenzie and Josh split in 2022, after which, Josh seemingly went M.I.A. in his kids’ lives. In addition to missing milestones events for his children–- including Gannon’s elementary school graduation in May 2023–- Josh has reportedly been unreachable at times. 

“Can’t even reach him,” Mack told fans on social media in May. “Wish him well though.” 


Mackenzie hinted on Instagram Live that things between her and Josh haven’t improved much over the last year, telling fans that she and her ex do not have a custody agreement and that Josh doesn’t pay child support.

Josh is also allegedly aware that Mackenzie’s boyfriend, Khesanio “Khessy” Hall, has stepped in as a father figure to the three McKee kids, and is totally fine with the arrangement. 

“[Josh] has said, ‘Khesanio is doing a really good job raising these kids,’” Mackenzie said on Instagram Live, before going on to reveal that she plans to give Gannon, Jaxie and Broncs the option to change their last names from “McKee” to “Hall” when she and Khessy eventually tie the knot. 

While Mack and Khessy are not yet engaged, the two have been dating since 2022 and Mack has shared with fans on more than one occasion that Khessy–- who does not have any children of his own–- has a great relationship with her three kids. 

“He did not have kids until he met me,” Mackenzie previously said of Khessy. “Now he’s the best parent I’ve ever met.” 

Mack recently made her return to the Teen Mom franchise on Season 3 of ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion,’ with Khessy joining her for the MTV-funded vacay in Cartagena, Colombia.

When asked by a fan last month on social media how it was getting to film again, Mackenzie said her latest on-camera experience went much better than those in the past, thanks in large part to who she was filming with this time around. 

“A lot easier with a partner that talks,” she replied, obviously presumably shading her former mumbling man. 

Josh has yet to respond to Mackenzie’s latest comments about him not speaking to his two youngest kids. 

New episodes of ‘Teen Mom Family Reunion’ Wednesdays on MTV.

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(Photos: Instagram; MTV) 

25 Responses

  1. I am actually surprised she stuck with this man for so long, considering he cheated and never really cared about his kids. He prob just talks to the oldest cuz he is a teen now and feels like he can speak to him the easiest.

    No one is surprised by this, Mack. I don’t like her but it looks like she found a keeper. Stepping up where the previous was lacking.

  2. You never know I guess. I changed my daughter’s name to my husband’s and we have been married for almost 26 years and my daughter is almost 28. We also dealt with racial pressure along the way as an interracial couple. We made it. Hopefully, they will as well. I wish them the best!

  3. I’m guessing he only talks to Gannon because he probably has his own phone so contacts him that way, and doesn’t contact Mackenzie to talk to the other 2. What a POS

  4. Girl please you’ve been w him for less than 2 years. Good for him for being a positive force on your children but you don’t need to include the whole “last name” thing, it’s super aggressive and unnecessary at this early stage. Wait until you’re married (if) and see if the kids bring it up themselves. Totally weird to even say it prior to even being engaged to someone.

    Also, the pics of her bf with her daughter are soo “pick me”. Why make the whole post about the bf and his mom? Not even a single picture of the child herself? Come onnnnn

  5. Bruh. It’s 2024 and body shaming isn’t acceptable here.

    This article wasn’t even about Cate. Move on.

    1. While it’s great he’s good with her children, it’s up to her to encourage a relationship with their father.
      They know their father and she shouldn’t want them having daddy issues bc she got with a man of few words.
      It’s still her job to encourage a relationship in any way possible bc the kids are the main priority.
      Not the current bf.
      So many women do this, choose a bad partner, then move on to the next and have the kids call him daddy to have that “family”…
      Then use the kids when it’s not working out, or during fights to say, “you, really gonna walk out on these kids”…
      They do that as a way to hang on to a man, who will probably want children of his own and bc she can’t give them to him, she’ll push her current ones on him and say they’re his.

  6. This makes me so sad for Broncs in particular after we watched him struggle to adjust after moving to Florida without Josh.

    The mom in me can’t understand not wanting to be present for your kids and at the bare minimum, have reassurance that they’re safe and cared for from the coparent.

  7. A judde has to approve name changes with their father permission. She’s dumb to even ask them if they wanna change it. It is not that simple

    1. Since he doesn’t contact the kids and she doesn’t know where he is, it’s actually just as simple as notifying him via an ad in a newspaper where she last knew him to live. If he doesn’t contact the court and object, then the judge approves the last name change.

      1. If she wants to change their name it should be her maiden name.
        Not his bc she wants to have “kids” to hold over this new man’s head.
        She won’t be able to give him children, he’s probably going to want his own at some point.
        They have a father she chose to have 3 children with.
        It’s her job to encourage a relationship no matter what she has to do.
        Nobody wants kids with daddy issues.
        Having a great step dad is awesome, but it’s not their dad.
        They’re all old enough to know their dad.
        She moved them away from him and they were clearly devastated.
        She’s doing everything to push him out bc it’s not fitting her current relationship.
        You don’t use your kids to hold down a bf.

    2. Chances are Josh isn’t going to show up to contest it. The judge will approve it based on Josh not being involved and will want the kids to have same last name as mom who they live with. It is kinda simple… a few hundred dollars.

  8. I appreciate the fact that Khessanio has stepped up for her kids but they could change their names to her maiden name. They don’t need to change it to the (eventual) step father.
    Josh is an absolute POS. I think it was obvious from the start that he didn’t want her or their kids. She should sue him.

    1. Ever heard of Autism ~ Autism Mom here and there’s a good chance Josh isn’t diagnosis due to his age but he has many features and that doesn’t make him a piece of shit ! You don’t know his struggles I’m not trying to argue here just thinking maybe you don’t know everything ? Be kind or Be Quiet Please !

  9. Holy crap is she dumb! NO girl NO that’s not ok!! Even if he’s a douche you can’t do that! My parents divorced when I was young and my step dad’s been around since I can remember, you just don’t do this. Sorry but totally irresponsible and selfish

    1. She didn’t do anything. She’s just giving them the choice to do it if they want to drop the name of the sperm donor.

      1. Did you guys not watch the show? He was a better dad than she was a mom, the counselor even noticed it. When he came home the kids totally changed. Whatever is going on in their relationship, isn’t about his parenting skills. You don’t tell little kids they can change their last name. It’s not like he’s abusive.. y’all are nuts ?

      2. My parents did this, I was 6 months old when they met. My sperm donor was more than happy to get rid the lame ($28/mo) child support requirement. Great guy. We all had the same last name, to me it always felt like we were one family, not step anything. I think if her children would like to change their name it’s ok, but it should be a family discussion and decision since they are fully aware that they have a father. Taking away their last name arbitrarily could really cause potential problems. Mac sometimes doesn’t make great decisions based in real life, not the white picket fence that she dreams about.

  10. i wouldn’t be surprised if josh only talks to gannon because he’s the only one with a cellphone, of course not an excuse smdh ??‍♀️

    1. I’m sure the real reason is worse than that. Jaxie is just a girl and the littlest has behavioral issues, I’m sure Josh doesn’t see either as worth any of his time.

    2. Also little kids are sometimes hard on the phone to talk and with Josh I would imagine it’s a lot of grunts and shouts. Poor Gannon has been parentified his whole life, I guess at least he has someone who is letting him be a kid and they are the parent.

      1. Kids 10 and 7 probably wouldn’t stop talking long enough for him to squeeze in a grunt and also wouldn’t notice if he did.

        He just doesn’t care.

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