Jon & Rachel Walters of “90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days” Confirm Their Split After 7 Years Together: “Our Situation is Hopeless”

Another “90 Day Fiance” couple bites the dust…

After seven years together, Jon and Rachel Walters of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days announced this week that they have ended their relationship and will no longer be pursuing Jon’s K-1 visa. 

Fans may remember Jon (of England) and Rachel (of New Mexico) from Season 2 of the 90 Day Fiance spin-off which aired in 2018. The couple began dating after meeting on a karaoke app (as you do), and at the time, Rachel was a single mom of one who was expecting her second child. 

During the season, viewers watched as Rachel (and her baby) traveled overseas to visit Jon, where she eventually learned that he had been keeping his criminal record a secret from her. Despite this, the two ultimately tied the knot at the end of the season and continued their long-distance relationship while awaiting Jon’s K-1 visa. 

A photo from Jon and Rachel’s wedding day, posted to the couple’s now-deleted joint Instagram page…

Fast forward to this week, when Jon took to Facebook Tuesday, telling fans “it’s over” and that his plans to join his wife and her daughters in the U.S. have ceased.  

“The future we wanted for so long isn’t the future we will have,” Jon wrote. “We knew before we started that it would be hard but we always had hope to keep us going when things got tough.

“Our situation is hopeless and I don’t know what the next chapter in our life will look like,” he added.



“I’m a husband and father by invitation and have never taken that for granted,” he continued. “We aren’t the perfect couple, I know I’m far from the husband and father I want to be or wish I could be but long-distance relationships are only ever meant to be temporary.” 

Jon added that he and Rachel “need time and space” in order to figure out what happens next, before thanking those who have supported the two of them over the years.  

On Tuesday, Rachel posted a video to her personal Instagram page titled, “Final Visa Update,” in which she also shared the news with followers. 

“It absolutely pains me to post this,” her post read. “This isn’t the update we wanted to share. This isn’t the ending we were hoping for, nor is it the finale we were thinking would happen. Long-distance relationships can be brutal on the toughest of couples. We fought hard for a long time and stayed strong for over 7 years, waiting.

“However, the distance for so many years…and so much consecutive time spent apart, time after time, has taken its toll,” she continued. “We have, unfortunately, grown too far apart. The decision has been made, on our end, to not continue. The visa journey is sadly over.” 

Rachel told followers that ending things was not an easy decision for her and Jon, before asking that people give them both “privacy and time to adjust to our new reality.” 

“Thank you to everyone who has stuck it out with us through all of these years,” she added. “Here’s to the cherished read pages and to new chapters.”

Jon and Rachel have continued to keep fans updated on the status of Jon’s visa over the years, while also sharing photos of past visits. In December, Rachel shared on Instagram that she and Jon had “hit a roadblock” in the visa process and would be required to submit additional paperwork. 

“It’s estimated now, probably another 8 or 9 months for an answer,” she said at the time, before firing back at comments blaming the visa delay on Jon’s criminal record. 

“ … Jon is no ‘criminal,’” she wrote. “It was a spontaneous bar fight. Do I condone fighting? No, not really. But we are human and sometimes we make mistakes, some worse than others. And that’s Jon in a nutshell. He was young, dumb and reactive.

“He’s 40 now and hardly [has] the energy to tie his shoes. He’s no threat to anyone,” she continued, before reminding fans that Jon never served any time in jail for the incident. 

Amid their efforts to get Jon to the U.S., the couple has been accepting donations to cover costs for his visa appeal and legal fees. As of now, they are still selling “long distance relationship” merchandise on social media; however, their joint-Instagram page has since been deleted. 

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(Photos: Instagram; Facebook) 

16 Responses

  1. This relationship was doomed to failure from the beginning. They had nothing in common. Huge distances, no common child, which made obtaining a visa pointless, considering his criminal past. Just a life of illusion.

    In my opinion, Rahel should have found a suitable husband and stepfather for her children a long time ago for the sake of her daughters. She also shouldn’t convince Lucy that Jon is her father, because he has never been biologically, formally or mentally. Just a good uncle from a distance and that’s how it should stay. A father should be with the child and participate in his life and illnesses, and not stick his head out of the computer and watch cartoons together from a distance. It’s also a pity that, despite everything, Lucy has no contact with her real father, just like Ella.

    I wonder if this relationship would have worked out for them in real life and whether Jon would have been a good stepfather to Rahel’s daughters if he had known the prose of real life.

  2. Theirs was one of the last seasons I watched and actually thought that would made it. You could tell they loved each other but distance got the best of them. I wonder if there was much to his record that what they said tho? Because yes, USCIS checks your criminal record but not always get denied, also why would they applied for a K1 visa that it’s for fiancées when they are already married?

  3. I can’t believe these ignorant comments are being left up. Lost so much respect for this site.

  4. This makes me very sad. I was really pulling for them and they had tried for so long. I know this will likely get downvoted but I think they were genuine in their intentions and hopes for the future. It’s sad that something you do at a young age will follow you for SO long and in a situation like this… There’s plenty of degenerates here in the states that do far worse. I DO applaud her though for not jumping ship on her daughter to move to the UK for Jon- as sad as I am for them as a couple. You know Darcey’s ass wouldn’t think twice and would’ve gladly left her kids for a chance at love LOL

  5. Book a flight to Mexico, and walk across the open boarder. Just like every other deadbeat. Sign in get your welfare, sec 8 apartment, food stamps and free Healthcare. Don’t worry about us taxpayers, we’re here just for you!

  6. Their story started out as a lie. Why facetimes herself giving birth to a man she has never met? Who sends a piece of their umbilical cord to a man she has never met? Who flies across the world with a NEWBORN to see a man she has never met? Rachel does! They have met before and he is Lucys bio father! Looks just like him. When I questioned John on his Youtube about this he got smart with me and blocked me. I stand by what I’m saying

  7. It is so heart breaking for Jon and Rachael. With half the scum that lives in the U.S. I cannot believe after all.th8s time they have still not allowed Jon in the U. S. I’m so very sorry.

  8. Aw. This is pretty sad. We only have one life to live, I can’t imagine accepting the reality that what you want SO badly, will never happen.

  9. Do you have to bring your politics into this? The answer is NO. And, please, for the love of God LEARN GEOGRAPHY. “Walking across the border” isn’t something someone from England can do. There’s this tiny little body of water (sarcasm because you might believe that) between America and England called the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks for being one of the reasons other countries call us dumb Americans. A+ ignorant and belligerent behavior.

    1. Wow, that’s a lot of anger.

      You made a silly comment, got called out on it and instead of letting it go, you doubled, no, tripled down.

      You have no self esteem; I’m sorry for whoever did that to you, but it doesn’t have to define you forever. You can do better, I believe in you.

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