Meri Brown launched a program this week aiming to help women “Worthy Up”– for the price of up to $600 for half a year.
After teasing the program on various social media platforms for weeks, the Sister Wives star and former Mrs. Kody Brown (well, one of them) launched her new business on Monday, encouraging fans to “join the movement and let Meri be your mentor on the journey to discovering your inner strength.”
After the launch, Meri was hit was plenty of criticism– from fans who were unclear what exactly the “Worthy Up” program was, as well as people who criticized the program’s very expensive price tag.

Although the website uses many (many) words to describe “Worthy Up,” many people were left confused as to what they would be shelling out their hard-earned cash for.
“Meri’s vision is clear– to create a space where every woman recognizes her worth, embraces her uniqueness and thrives in a community that celebrates individual and collective growth,” the program’s website states. “Worthy Up is more than a destination, it’s a catalyst for positive change and Meri invites you to be a part of this empowering journey.
“Worthy Up is a community that celebrates individual growth and empowerment through inspiration, insight, and impact,” the program description continues. “We value the importance of creating space where every story matters.”

In a Facebook video announcing the launch of Worthy Up, Meri shared with followers that her program was born out of her desire to tell her story “in its entirety” while also helping others realize that they are worthy, too.

According to Meri’s website, Worthy Up memberships begin at $150, with the top tier membership– referred to as an “Impact Membership”– costing individuals a cool $600, which she specifies is only for “the year 2024,” implying that members will have to throw down more money in seven months if they wish to continue getting their Worthy Up-on with Meri.
For the $600 membership fee, you get to be part of a special Facebook group, get a PDF workbook to print out, get a coffee mug autographed by Meri (in addition to some other small merch items), be part of a Live discussion online once a month and get a discount on “Worthy Up” meet-ups for the year. You will also get a “special bonus gift” from Meri.

Meri’s steep membership costs were met with criticism on social media, with many fans claiming that the program was “just too expensive.”
“Well, I think the concept sounds great, it’s way too rich for my blood!” one person commented on Meri’s Facebook post. “Way too expensive for this retiree. Good luck with your adventure Meri Brown!”
“I do wish you the best, and I’m so proud of you!” another wrote. “But most of us that would need a program like this cannot afford that.”
A number of fans also took to the comment section with suggestions on ways that Meri could make the program more accessible to people, including offering discounts, doing membership giveaways and allowing individuals to make payments.
Others, however, were disappointed that they didn’t learn about the cost until launch day.
“Maybe it should have been mentioned upfront the cost of this program,” one person wrote. “Such a disappointment to those who were looking forward to this…but find out on ‘launch day’ the cost and not be able to afford it.”
After receiving a lot of comments criticizing her decision to charge fans up to $600 to join Worthy Up, Meri went on to explain that after questioning her own worth for so many years, she eventually learned that it “didn’t have anything to do with [her] innate value” and she wanted to help others overcome the same thing.
According to Meri, doing so requires a hefty annual membership fee.
“The cost associated with the membership goes into doing what I can to shield others who want to authentically share and work through things and grow, from the public shaming that I have experienced,” Meri explained. “If I can just help ONE person, then it has all been worth it.”

Meri also told fans on social media that while a Worthy Up membership costs $150+, she made the “Worthy Up business page so everyone can participate there”– presumably in a much smaller capacity.
Meri ended up going Live on Facebook on Monday with her friend Jen to (kind of) further explain the concept of “Worthy Up” to its critics.
“What it is, is a community of people— anybody who wants to be involved—that we’re gonna cheer each other on, we’re gonna learn, we’re gonna grow together. We’re gonna have experiences together…”
She also clarified that Worthy Up is not life-coaching.
“If there is something in my life that can be a positive influence to you, then we’re gonna say yes on that realm,” Meri said. “But we’re also going to say, do I have an official life-coaching certificate? One, I have therapist friends who tell me that’s not a thing. Like, you don’t have to be licensed, certified, whatever, to be a life coach.
“I am not claiming to be a life coach. I am not claiming to be a therapist,” she continued. “That’s not what this is. This is a ‘I’m gonna share my experiences because I have had a lot of them, and many of them have played out before your eyes…”
She also answered the question of who can join Worthy Up, to which she said “anybody.”

Click here to watch Meri’s Worthy Up launch video.
(Photos: Facebook; TLC; Worthy Up)
24 Responses
Should have called it “Pay Up”!!
What’s all the fuss about it? Meri has the right to start a business where she passes on learning how to make yourself feel worthy. Countless people have done it. She wrote a book, and includes that book in the fee. What’s wrong with that? Countless people have written a book and charged for it, or included it in a fee. Tony Robbins does the same thing, for gosh sakes. For a lot more money,at that. Her work may not compete with someone like Tony Robbins (I actually can’t stand him), but she has the right to do it.
She charges for her “words”, so what. So do many others. I don’t see it a reason to get your panties in a bunch.
Another Meri scam. That I would even consider sharing my past life with her is insane. I am willing to bet she cries herself to sleep nightly over Kody the creep. When will she stand up and admit she was an idiot to be a sister wife and to actually get a divorce so her legal husband could marry the latest model? She has her so called clothing business, her Bed and Board yet she wants up to $600 for her latest scam. Grow up Meri and understand you are a fake and a phony. You could not help yourself yet you think you can help others. Sick.
But guys, she’s giving out STICKY NOTES. Come on now. Shell out that $600. Sticky notes and A PEN!
Seriously, this show is the #1 show on TLC and to date she has TWENTY-ONE people signed up for this lmaooooo. And 5 of those are Admins in the group (her and Just Jenn and one other person). So basically 16 people. Out of the millions that watch this show.
She learned NOTHING from her retreat debacle.
Meri is not known for her critical thinking skills. Look how long she stayed with a man that told her he did not want her and basically let the world know he detested her and did not consider them married. Meri lives in a dream world inside her own head and Jen feeds into it.
Wait, 5 people are admins, but you only list 3 by name, Meri, Jenn, and someone that paid. That doesn’t add up to 5, not even in “new” math.
If she offered one of those snazzy sweatshirts….I would surely sign up…..
LMAO you couldn’t pay ME $600 to join this ridiculous attempt at scamming people for money. I really don’t respect or like Meri. I mean, I’m glad she FINALLY left Kody but good lord- I think he made it VERY clear a LONG time ago that they weren’t in a real marriage whatsoever.
Mercenary Meri can always find a scheme to relieve her sycophantic fans of their money. I wouldn’t give her a plugged nickel.
Not unlike many other celebrities.
Greetings, friends. Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you’ve got the power inside you right now. So, use it, and send one dollar to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. Don’t delay, eternal happiness is just a dollar away.
I would like to know what I get for my dollar.
If you want friends don’t charge them money.
Sounds like Leah’s “stand in your power” era. So dumb! 🙄
Oh man she’s addicted to MLM, so she created her own. Jesus take the wheel.
There is actually a life coaching MLM!
I always wonder how people could do something so ridiculous and not expect the backlash. How totally insensitive to change that ridiculous amount and for what exactly? It’s not very clear
of everyone out there who could be a ‘worthy’ mentor to women (pun intended) ~ meri isn’t in the top 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣. 😂🤣😹
such a scammer. such a grifter. such naive (dumb) people who will actually sign up for this.
The grift is strong with this one.
LOL Yeah, ok Meri…..
The amount of second-hand embarrassment I feel is making me want to crawl under my chair. Oof, the cringe is real!
Meri Brown and self worth don’t even belong in the same sentence.😬She would still be in a relationship with Kody begging for any love scraps he could spare after Robyn. For years and years Kody humiliated her over and over again. And she stayed.
If she finally has found her self worth then I truly applaud her. But maybe not while asking people to fork over $600 and wear a “Worthy Up” shirt that she probably will charge extra for.
I think Meri needs to “worthy up” herself first, before she attempts to teach others how to. Just last week she was posting pitiful posts about how Kody “forgot” their ex-anniversary. Major eye roll on this whole, mama needs cash, thing.
Sounds like a bunch of BS for suckers out there willing to part with their hard earned money. She should be ashamed of herself for trying to fleece her followers.