Angela Deem is one mad Meemaw.
The 90 Day Fiance star took to social media this week to sling some insults and threats at fellow “90 Day” franchise star Kimberly Menzies and to also declare herself “the queen of TLC.”
Angela fired off her nearly-incoherent rant after learning that fellow former “90 Day Fiance” star Kimberly–- and Kimberly’s son, Jamal Menzies–- were following her estranged husband, Michael Ilesanmi, on Instagram.

As The Ashley previously told you, Angela and Michael have been on the outs since February, after Michael disappeared from the couple’s Georgia home, leading Angela to contact local police to report that her husband was missing. Three days later, Michael reached out to law enforcement to confirm he was safe, at which point he also told cops he “fears for his life” thanks to his wife’s antics.
After taking a brief hiatus from social media, Michael recently returned to Instagram and has garnered a following of fans and stars from the “90 Day Fiance” franchise– including Kimberly and Jamal.
In response to the mother-son duo hitting the “follow” button on Michael’s verified account, Angela took to Instagram Live, calling Kimberly “two-faced” for seemingly befriending her ex.
“If you really loved me, you would not f**king follow him, [after] what he’s done to me,” she said in a screen recording posted by @90dayfianceaddicts. “You would not follow him.”
While Angela also slurred slammed others from the “90 Day Fiance” franchise for following Michael on social media– namely those who have never met Michael– she made a point to call out Kimberly (and Jamal) by name.
“Kimberly I’m calling you out, I’m gonna call you out, Kimberly,” Angela said, before warning Kimberly not to “play with” her.
“I will always be the queen of TLC,” she continued, in clip posted by @merrypants. “You like your job? Screen record this– I’m not goin’ nowhere, baby. You like your job on [90 Day Fiance:] Pillow Talk? You better watch your mouth. I’ve been here longer than anybody and you wanna know why? Ratings. And I’m real and honest.”
(As “90 Day Fiance” know, Jamal has appeared alongside his mom on ‘Pillow Talk’ and 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?; he has also appeared on 90 Day: The Single Life.)

Angela went on to claim that, while she “really liked” Kimberly, there was “no coming back” from this feud.

“Do I follow f**king Usman?” Angela said, referring to Kimberly’s ex-boyfriend Usman “Soljaboy” Boy” Umar.
Kimberly later hopped on Instagram Live herself to respond to Angela’s rant, insisting that she didn’t take Angela’s comments as a threat because she’s “not scared” of Angela and because they “are cool” with each other.
“ … Everybody just leave it alone,” Kimberly told fans. “I don’t know why it became such a big deal, ya know? Like, who cares? She didn’t threaten me. She didn’t threaten me at all, so make sure you get it right. She didn’t threaten me at all. She did not threaten me, so don’t say that. She did not threaten me, so stop doing that.

“Don’t add more to it,” she continued. “I don’t know why it made such a big story … .”
Kimberly later explained in an Instagram post that she had only followed Michael on social media to keep up with what was going on between him and Angela, admitting that she was basically just being nosy.
Angela has yet to respond to Kimberly’s claims that they “are cool”; however, based on her Instagram posts as of late, Angela appears to be really leaning into this whole “queen” thing.
RELATED STORY: Jon & Rachel Walters of “90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days” Confirm Their Split After 7 Years Together: “Our Situation is Hopeless”
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
13 Responses
Angela’s bad language is the reason I may stop watching the show. She is constantly using the GD and the f—— word and I hate that her language isn’t beeped out.
I have watched this show for years and for the most part I find the show to be amusing and entertaining. Some of the casts have bored me with their stories and could’ve easily been eliminated from airing. However, I must say, this woman has been the MOST repulsive and violent person ever on 90 Day Fiancé. Her character is over the top and no level of ratings is worth watching her. She uses the most disgusting language anyone could ever have to hear. This woman is a bully and displays behavior the world is trying to stop among our young people. There are children at home, unfortunately, that are being exposed to this woman’s behavior on television due to unsupervised tv access. These children are seeing how this behavior is being glorified and it could become a negative influence for them. I can’t speak on how Angela behaves in front of her own grandchildren, because clearly she has no moral compass whatsoever. Her grandchildren have been conditioned for this behavior. You have turned a classy show with classy people and are turning it into a show of “filth and trash”. That is not fair to the people on your show who exhibit class and know how to conduct their. TLC, ratings don’t come from trash talk and loud mouth women that bully people. Ratings come from stories that bring adventure and entertainment with a twist of excitement; not NASTY!
Both women are pathetic. Angela is a major bully and Kim is plain stupid. Angela thinks she looks so hot now after all the surgery. Yet she still stinks of cigarettes and has a completely foul mouth. Any real man with a lick of sense would not get involved with her. Kim and her absolutely idiotic chasing of Sojaboy….every time i saw them together I could hear the song “If I only had a brain” going through my head. Kim was too ignorant to accept that Usman did not care one bit for her. HE USED HER!!!!!! Angela used and abused Michael from the get go. Angela and Kim…Tweedle Dumb and Tweedledumber.
Alcohol and bad-fitting dentures. Not a good combination.
That’s so true. She looked so much better before she lost weight. She looks so much older with her weight loss and no longer pretty. Her face has so MANY wrinkles now. She also treats Michael horrible. She also showed how mean she is by the way she wouldn’t even believe what the private eye told her and stormed off the set. Skylar shouldn’t even let her kids be in the same house with her mom full time with the language she uses.
No matter how many surgeries Angela Deem gets, she’s a has been. Out with the old and in with the new. She claims she’s a victim. How about looking at last taped of 90 Days and see how mean, surly and nasty you were to Michael. It’s not your business who follows Michael on his Instagram page. When Michael was still in Nigeria, did you not play the “field” Angela? Give it a rest, Angela , you’re DONE!!!!!! MOVE ON!!!! Us fans are tired of your antics.. The wicked witch is dead!!!!
Would someone please drop a house on her already!!
I can’t stand either one, and yes, he used her to get to the U.S. so deport his ass ASAP.She was just too dumb to see it.
He earned his green card wings.
Angela is a beyond repulsive and abusive person!! She’s not the “queen” of anything.
I’d argue Darcy and Larissa are the 90 day fiance queens.
I could do without Jamal. I’m not sure how anyone else fits in the room with that ego. Maybe can him and Ang, keep Kim.
Please, for the love of God, take the filters away 😭
Angie looked so much better with the weight on her, she looks old af now and Kim is still pathetic