Nathan Griffith was lambasted at his latest court hearing and warned that he’s out of “second chances” when it comes to his legal situation.
The former Teen Mom 2 dad— who is the father of Jenelle Evans‘ middle son Kaiser— has been on probation in Las Vegas’ Veterans Court since September, when he pleaded guilty to “assault by strangulation” for attacking his sister. As The Ashley previously reported, Nathan was arrested last month for not following the terms of his probation, which include a restriction from drinking alcohol or using any type of drug.
The former soulmate of Jenelle was ordered back into an alcohol treatment program last month, but according to the minutes of his latest court hearing, Nathan is not taking the program seriously. On Tuesday, the judge in the case chewed Nate out, warning him that this was his last chance to follow the rules.
The Ashley can exclusively reveal that the judge in Nathan’s case “admonished” him (via his court representative) and demanded Nathan “make treatment a priority.”
Nathan– who was not actually present in the courtroom at the May 7 hearing— was also told that this is his “last chance to comply.”

Nate is due to report back to the court on May 21 for his next status check, where his participation and progress in the Veterans’ Court program will be discussed and reviewed. (The Veteran’s Treatment Court provides treatment to veteran defendants, and helps them treat addiction, gain life skills and education to ease them back into society.)
As The Ashley previously reported, when Nathan pleaded guilty to the crime of strangling his sister in September, he agreed to abide by a list of terms and conditions. Those terms included participating in and comply with the Veteran’s Court program; complying with all the terms of his sober living placement; not using or possessing drugs or alcohol; complying with a set curfew, following counseling requirements; agreeing to only have one cell phone and allowing it to be searched/providing its passwords; not using anyone else’s phone or allowing anyone to use his phone.

Nathan’s estranged wife May Oyoloa was arrested in January for allegedly committing domestic battery against him. Nate admitted to the cops that he was under the influence at the time of May’s alleged attack, which is a direct violation of his Veterans Court probation terms for the 2023 attack on his sister, as Nate is forbidden from using or possessing alcohol or drugs.
Since then, Nathan has been sent to treatment at a Veteran’s Hospital in Las Vegas twice. At the time of his first attempt at rehab back in February, his mother Doris Davidson told The Sun that Nathan was “taking this seriously.”
“I’m happy that he’s doing the best that he can,” she said at the time.
In March, Nathan was given the OK to move into a group home for homeless veterans, but it’s unknown if he ever actually moved into the facility before being arrested for violating his probation terms in April.
If Nathan does not comply with the terms of his probation, he will be likely be put back behind bars for an undetermined amount of time.

RELATED STORY: Nathan Griffith Arrested Again; Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Dad Being Held Without Bail in Las Vegas (Exclusive Details!)
(Photos: Instagram; MTV)
0 Responses
Can people finally realize this loser isn’t coming for Kaiser, now?
He’s his a danger to himself and to the people around him.
Why would Kaiser be any safe with him than Jenelle?
Rhine’s family friend judge must be moonlighting on Nathan’s case, since they both keep getting chance after chance.
Isn’t he dying of cancer or no?
I wonder if he’s on the medication that won’t allow you to drink and if you do you get violently sick?
People train themselves to drink on Antibuse. Very sad.
Dammit, Nathan!! You need to sober the hell up and help your SON, Kaiser!! That little boy has been living in trauma and chaos his whole life, with little help from his father!! Nathan needs to do everything he can to at least be a positive influence in Kaiser’s life! Jennelle’s next soulmate could be 10 times worse than even David!! 😳🔥
It’s to bad because right now she would definitely let Kaiser see him.
Maybe this will be her story next season. I still say letting JE & DE attend his birthday 🎂 party helped with the judges last decision on the 2019 CPS incident.
I think Nathan plays the “I’m a veteran card” a bit too much. And this is coming from someone who was medically discharged from the U.S Army. Nathan should play the Tetris game. It has been proven to reduce PTSD in many people.
Hi, just an FYI that’s incorrect. The original hypothesis was playing tetris after experiencing a traumatic event would reduce the likelihood of developing PTSD, it’s not a PTSD treatment. The study that “supports” that assertion is not well designed for what it purported to be. Tetris won’t hurt you, but there’s zero actual evidence it will prevent trauma/PTSD.
To bad JE doesn’t know this.
Nathan’s in a veteran specific court…therefore it’s highly likely this judge sees a lot of veterans.
“Last chance?” How about last 25 chances? He has been arrested multiple times for DUI so clearly he doesn’t give a shit if he kills a family while driving drunk. He has had multiple assault charges. Just like Jenelle, David, Ryan and Amber it is all someone else’s fault. The only one that served actual jail time was Amber and that’s because she put herself in there! The reason these people keep breaking the law is because they know there will be no substantial consequences.
Now that’s how a judge should be (rhine’s judge should take note)
Hopefully he takes it more serious. If not another one of jenelles soulmates will be in the slammer