Tyler Baltierra Reveals How He Will Feel If His Biological Daughter Carly Wants Nothing to Do with Him & Catelynn Lowell Once She’s 18

“You know where to find us, Carly! On MTV…of course!”

Tyler Baltierra is responding to some Teen Mom fans’ predictions that his biological daughter Carly will “come back” to him and his wife Catelynn Lowell once Carly turns 18.

The Teen Mom Family Reunion star— who placed Carly for adoption after her birth in 2009 but has maintained a relationship with her and her adoptive parents Brandon and Teresa Davis— recently replied to an Instagram comment from a fan who stated that she believes Carly will chose to have a close relationship with her birth parents. As The Ashley previously reported, Catelynn recently publicly aired her frustration with Brandon and Teresa after they denied her and Tyler the chance to see Carly for their annual visit. In a series of Instagram Story posts, Catelynn called out Carly’s parents for not “making time” for their families to get together.

Tyler, in turn, defended his wife online and stated that it was not Carly who wanted to cancel the annual visit. 

On Friday, Tyler addressed the opinion some fans have that Carly will come “running back” to her birth parents once she is an adult and can make the choice on her own. 

Tyler with Carly and Nova during their visit last year…

“I’ve noticed that this is the most common opinion I happen to see from people,” Tyler wrote in the comment section of a post on the official ‘Teen Mom’ Instagram account showing a scene about Carly from the upcoming season of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter. “Of course I’d LOVE for her to be in our lives more & her sisters’ lives.

Tyler stated that he understands that there is a possibility that Carly may choose to exclude him and Catelynn and their daughters from her life once she is an adult.

“The truth is, she might turn 18 & want nothing to do with us. It just might be too difficult for her or she simply might just want to move on with her life & not have us be involved…& ya know what? That’s OKAY! That is her right! That is her choice!” he wrote. “Or she might want to just talk us one final time & tell us how much our decision to place her has negatively affected her or traumatized her life…& that’s OKAY! I would humbly fold my hands behind my back, lower my head & allow her to yell, cry, or scream at me if that’s what she needs. All I would say is ‘I’m sorry. You’re right. I love you.’


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“I am going to respect & lovingly honor whatever decision she happens to make,” he continued. “Because my love for her has no conditions. It has no requirements or expectations. It is biologically bias towards her spirit & it is a paternal love that’s everlasting & invincible. I would honestly tell her how proud I am of her to show such courage & strength to fight for what she believes in. All I hope & wish for her is to ALWAYS REMAIN TRUE to her intuition. To live EVERY MOMENT with unapologetic authenticity. To ALLOW enough GRACE upon herself to heal whenever it’s needed. To NEVER self betray for the sake of others comfort & to use FEAR as an OPPORTUNITY to PROVE to herself exactly what she is CAPABLE of every time it arises!

“So I’m okay with whatever decision she makes, because I’m not a requirement for any of those wishes to come true for her. I just want her to know how much she is loved!”


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Over the years, Catelynn and Tyler have had a somewhat strained relationship with Brandon and Teresa, often due to Cate and Ty publicly discussing Carly on social media and/or ‘Teen Mom.’ (Brandon and Teresa also forbid Catelynn and Tyler from posting current photos that show Carly’s face.)

On the same post, Tyler left a comment addressed to Catelynn, applauding her for her strength in handling the situation.

“@catelynnmtv you continue to amaze me,” Tyler wrote. “Your tenacity to love so unconditionally inspires me. You’re the strongest woman I have ever met & our family is blessed by that strength daily. Carly did in fact come into this world to create change, but YOU are the catalyst for that change! Your infinite maternal sacrifice will echo change in our daughters & our family for generations & that is a legacy that you should be proud of. You’re the BEST mother I have ever seen & your capacity to love is effortless. You’re such a beautiful person & I’m so blessed that you are the mother of our children. I love you more than anything & everything!

“You’re BEAUTIFUL. You’re STRONG. You’re WORTHY. You’re SAFE.”

Carly turned 15 years old earlier this month. On her birthday, Catelynn posted a photo from her and Tyler’s visit with Carly last year, along with a caption that expressed her desire to have a better relationship with Carly and her parents.


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“Today is Carly’s 15th birthday!” Catelynn wrote. “I wonder what kind of day she’ll have and what she’ll do. I wish thing were different so we could celebrate with her. I hope she feels our love and has a great day! I look forward to knowing that one day we will be lucky enough to celebrate with her and B&T. I can’t wait for that day. @TylerBaltierraMTV we are soooo blessed to have our girls.” 

RELATED STORY: Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Call Out Their Biological Daughter’s Parents Brandon & Teresa For “Refusing to Make Time” for Annual Visit; Tyler Denies His Actions Played a Part in the Decision

26 Responses

  1. They should stop talking about this to the whole world. I get that it’s their life and everything but I feel like if I was Carly, I would want the talking to just stop. Stop with the pressure!

  2. Carly is blessed to have been adopted and not have to been exposed to MTV and the antics and dysfunction of Cate and Tyler’s families as well as their own. I am so sorry for the sisters and hope as they get older they can connect and have a relationship with Carly if they choose so.

      1. It worked out great for Carly, which is the point of adoption. It’s only about what’s best for Carly, no one else just Carly.

  3. From C&T behavior, I truly think they have it in their heads that their “open adoption” meant that B&T are just Carli’s full time babysitters for 18 years, and the more vocal C&T are about how much they love, and want Carli, and how wicked B&T are for keeping Carli away from them…when Carli is old enough, she’s going say screw B&T and come running back to C&T’s family and live happily ever after. C&T’s behavior is honestly very immature, and overall is in the best interest of THEM, and not Carli. It’s the same thing every year. B&T request that C&T don’t speak about their family or post photos….and every year C&T go on a rant, post about Carli, then throw a fit when B&T get upset.

    1. They are acting like it is a divorce and the Davises have custody and they are the non custodial parent entitled to visitation. I don’t know if nobody has told them or they thought at 16 when they signed the documents they were not entitled to visitation by the courts.

  4. I don’t think for one moment that T&C have ever, ever tried to consider themselves in Carly’s shoes. I can say with almost 100% guarantee that if T&C had been adopted, they’d want absolutely nothing to do with Butch or April when they turned Carly’s age. Can you imagine Butch doing OF in little red thongs, simultaneously doing drugs, and expecting your child to come running for a relationship? Or Cate’s mother with her drinking/drugs? Good lord. T&C may not do drugs (although it’s heavily implied they at least smoke MJ). Giving birth to a child does not automatically constitute a right to said child. That’s what they don’t understand. I’m empathetic to how they feel but ffs. That is not their child. That is B&T’s child.

  5. T&C………I love your story, the choice you made for your child. The love for one another. I think you both show real life struggles and how you deal with them and how your love for one another has always risen above it. T&C you did good! Dont let the trolls weigh on you……Life is to short. Carly knows your heart.

  6. I feel sorry for T&C. I have two adopted grandchildren and they are able to communicate with their birth mothers. My son and daughter in law were even in the delivery room when one was born. I feel that B&T should stick to the original agreement. They knew they were on television back when it all started. I’m sure they noticed all of the cameras around them. They are certainly welcome to set boundaries, but it’s not fair for them to withhold visits that they agreed to. You all may not like T&C, but you can’t deny parents’ love for their child. Try putting yourself in their shoes.

    1. No one knew that this show would keep going. Cate & Ty were supposed to have the 1 episode & that was that. MTV saw dollar signs & came up with Teen Mom. I can’t say that I blame Brandon & Therasa for wanting privacy for their children.

    2. Then maybe Tyler should have considered how his Only Fans would affect his children including Carley especially after all the millions of dollars they earned off their adoption story. They should have put some of that money into education or learning a trade so they could support themselves once TM checks stop and not be exploited for easy money on OF.

  7. Situation wont improve if they keep talking about B,T&C. There’s reasons why they keep dropping visits, Cate & Tu keep dragging them through the mud. But, if B&T wanted an adoption outside of the spotlight obviously they should have not gone down this route. But they did and Cate and Ty after 15 years are still not respecting their decision of wanting to be out of the spotlight. Surprised they haven’t taken any legal action to stop Cate and Ty from talking about them.

  8. i’m glad he addressed that because i find it very weird how people swear carly will “run back to them the second she turns 18”
    also instead of blaming b&t, has anyone thought that the reason they’re all unhappy with this situation is because of dawn and the adoption agency?? she’s a trained professional and has done this years before c&t and the adoption agency is known for exploiting the biological parents

  9. I feel like Tyler could be on The Righteous Gemstones with that little over the top, cringe, youth pastor-y IG speech. Lmao dude give it a rest.

    I remember being 14 and my dad trying to come back into my life with that kinda over the top energy. It doesn’t have the affect you think it does, dude. It’s overwhelming love bombing by someone who isn’t close to you, and it’s weird. When you’re a teenager, you don’t understand stuff like this in the same way as you do when you’re older. Both of them need to back off for the next few years and let her come to them if she wants to. They need to accept the fact that the ball hasn’t been in their court for a very long time and give it a rest already. It’s starting to get really weird.

  10. We have no idea what Carly wants, but we do know what B&T want and that’s for their kid to not be in the spotlight. They have spent years trying to make sure that Carly lived as normal as possible. And Tyler needs to stop bringing it up on SM, posting pics of the back of Carly. Just let this girl be a kid for a couple more years. Stop putting your shit on her.

    Tyler needs to delete the social media for a while and just get some real in-patient therapy.

    The adoption was predatory and they did trick Cate and Tyler. However, C&T were in no position to raise a child. Their parents were drug addicts, Cate’s mom had just gotten custody back when Cate got pregnant, her mother was abusive and so was Butch. And Cate’s dad was AWOL. Kim didn’t want or have the means to raise another kid. Cate and Tyler couldn’t raise a kid. They weren’t even close to graduating.

    The reason C&T were picked for TM was because they chose adoption, I think MTV wanted to show people how great adoption is, they can go have lives and being a teen parent doesn’t have to ruin you, but they didn’t factor in the trauma of C&T’s childhood, the money, and the family dynamics into it. Nor did anyone think that C&T would still be together, Tyler was trying to get his mom to break up with Cate the whole couple of seasons.

  11. Love that his only options are “she could be traumatized” and “the placement was negative”.

    Not that this child would thank you tremendously for not having to grow up in the complete and utter chaos, parents with no education, no jobs, constant problems with the IRS, mom always running off to find herself, dad on OF..

    Those fanatics who blow smoke up C&T asses are just as delusional as C&T themselves.

    1. It would be an interesting study to look at Carly, Nova, Vaeda, and Rya (I always forget about her) at 25 and see how they differ.

      It would be an interesting study into nature vs. nurture.

      C&T and B&T really are ying and yang to each other.
      *College education vs. barely graduated hs.
      *Stable home life vs. unstable home life
      *Spotlight vs. no spotlight
      *Financially unstable home vs. Financially stable home

      1. I hope they all turn out well.
        That being said, the younger 3 grow up with parents who post on OF, moan and groan on TV, and constantly put their business out there.
        The children live with that daily.
        I highly doubt C&T are less gross in person, like this isn’t just a TV persona they turn on and off.

        So the children aren’t being taught “manners”/maturity or self control, bc C&T have absolutely none.

        I doubt B&T would do any of the above. They’re just too sophisticated.

        Nature vs nurture, indeed.

      2. I have a small case study in my own family and in all instances the children who were adopted fared much, much better than those who were raised by their birth parents.

        Now I’m sure there are others who can site instances in which the opposite is true. I can only speak to my personal experiences.

        C&T need to back off and let Carly drive the relationship when she is of age.

  12. I wish C&T could’ve kept their relationship with Carly totally private from social media and MTV. There’s the stink of monetization about the whole relationship, unfortunately. Nobody wants to be a source of clickbait. It’s ALL up to Carly & what SHE wants to do as an adult.

  13. Carly probably just want you two to stop talking about her online constantly. Stop airing her business online!!

  14. Giving her up, is something both of them will regret for the rest of their lives, it caused so much duress and trauma to both of their lives.

    1. Placing her with B&T was necessary at the time. Not every right choice is an easy one. If the Teen Mom shows had never happened, Cate & Ty would’ve disappeared into obscurity just like every other girl that wasn’t chosen for those shows. They wouldn’t have the money they do now and probably still wouldn’t have felt stable enough to care for her. Considering how much Cate has struggled with her mental health and how she felt like it was affecting Nova at the time, I still think they made the choice that was best for Carly.

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