Gabe Pabon Says He Will “Never Ever Forgive” Estranged Wife Isabel Posada For What She’s Done to Him: “You Took Everything, I Have Nothing”

OK, now we know these two are DEFINITELY over.

After revealing in March that he and wife Isabel Posada were divorcing, Gabe Pabon confirmed this week that their relationship remains irreparable. 

Gabe provided an update on his and Isabel’s current situation in a video posted to his YouTube channel Wednesday. The video also served as a follow-up to the video he posted in March announcing his plans to divorce Isabel. 

“All right, so I’m probably going to regret making this video, but I just have to get everything out there right now,” Gabe said in March. “I won’t go into specifics, but I’m just tired and I can’t put up a front anymore.” 

Gabe– who appeared on Season 4 of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way with Isabel– also claimed at the time that he not only felt betrayed and used by his wife, but was struggling financially and dealing with “a lot of financial obligations” related to the apartment he and Isabel previously lived in together. (Gabe hinted in the video that this was due to funds not “going where there should have been going”– something he allegedly didn’t know about for some time.) 

This week, Gabe revealed more details about the apartment situation he has been dealing with since February and how Isabel is allegedly to blame. 

“This is as much as I can say on this topic,” Gabe said in the description for the video. “I can’t wait to get a divorce and leave this part of my life in the past. Never would I ever have imagined things would turn out this way.”

Gabe went on to explain that when he and Isabel decided to separate, he offered to pay her to stay in their apartment and take care of his dog while he returned to Florida. Gabe said he was not only paying Isabel to take care of his dog, but also paying the rent and utilities for the apartment.  

“I thought that was the best situation seeing as how we were separating and she still had, I want to say like, 90 percent of her stuff in my house,” he said. 

Sometime after making the arrangement, however, Gabe said he began getting text messages “almost every other day” from the landlord of the apartment informing him that people were frequently coming and going from the apartment and being loud, which he said “just didn’t sound right.” (He also claimed that while he was in Florida, he had already paid nearly $600 in fees due to “what was happening in the apartment.”)

“So when I got to Colombia, my very first day, I get inside the house and it’s a mess, a disaster, there’s dog pee stuck to the floor, it was so disgusting,” he said. “ … Everything was so bad, so dirty.” 

“Don’t look at me, Gabe…it was all Isabel.”

Despite the condition of the apartment– which he said he cleaned himself– Gabe considered reconciling with Isabel; however, when they made plans to get together and talk, he said she gave him the runaround and didn’t follow through. Gabe was also planning to get some documents from Isabel that he needed for his motorcycle during this meetup, as well as keys to the bedrooms in their apartment. (Gabe explained that Isabel had locked all of the bedrooms except for his because she had personal belongings in them.) 

“After all that happened, I find out through the grapevine that there was people in my house and there was men in my house and there was a man in my house,” he said. “ … I end up having to pay another fee because it was an early termination of the contract for the apartment because we were getting kicked out– well, I was getting kicked out– so I had to pay a month’s rent and they’re trying to take my three months of deposit.” 

While moving out of the apartment recently– which Gabe said he and Isabel were forced to do by the landlord– Gabe noticed his wedding ring was no longer in his closet where he had left it in February. After confronting Isabel about the missing ring, Gabe said she accused him of misplacing it. (He later confronted her about a bag of clothes he was missing, as well.)

Once the move was done, Gabe went back to the apartment to return the keys, where he was informed that he was being charged another fee due to “the activity that was happening.”

“I texted [Isabel] and said, ‘What was happening in the house because we’re getting criminal charges on us if this is not resolved,’ and she said, ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about … that’s not my problem, you’re the one that’s irresponsible … ,’” Gabe said, confirming later in the video that the landlord won’t be pressing charges against him or Isabel because he paid $1,500 to resolve the issue. 

“ … Perfect, right? Yeah, what a great wife,” Gabe said sarcastically. “I swear, I will never ever forgive her for anything that she’s done to me and my blood is boiling. I’m so heated.”

While he managed to avoid potential criminal charges, Gabe said things are still rocky for him personally. 

“I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life, I don’t know what I’m going to do with my dog, hopefully [he] can come with my to Miami, but we’ll see,” he said. “I’m ready to go home, I’m tired of all of this. I lost my business, I have nothing to my name.”

Gabe also claimed that Isabel told him the landlord was just trying to “scam” him because he’s American and presumed to have money. 

“Good luck taking something that isn’t there!”

“I’m like, I have nothing because of you,” he said. “I legit have nothing because of you. You took everything from me. Everything that I ever had to my name, you took from me. You took everything, I have nothing.”  

Isabel has not responded to Gabe’s latest claims. 

Watch Gabe’s latest video below. 

RELATED STORY: TLC Announces New Season of “90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way”; Check Out the Cast of New & Returning Couples & Watch the Season 6 Trailer 

(Photos: TLC; YouTube; Instagram) 

7 Responses

  1. I’m not buying it. He’s acting like a freaking girl. Putting all this info out there, for what?
    It’s over it didn’t work out move on.
    Not anyone’s fault but his own for going so hard for someone he barely knew.
    Maybe his sister was right! He doesn’t think and just does what he’s feeling in the moment.

  2. Call me untrusting but if I realize that we aren’t compatible and you aren’t who you portrayed yourself to be I wouldn’t put myself in jeopardy. I would have taken my dog, not paid your bills, gotten my stuff, moved out and as any adult would my ex (that I am no longer with) can figure their own shit out.

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