GoFundMe Started for Kail Lowry’s Baby Daddy Chris Lopez to Raise Money to Fight For More Parental Rights to Their Sons

“Got money?”

Chris Lopez is putting his hand out in an attempt to raise money to battle his baby mama Kail Lowry for more rights to their sons.

On Wednesday, a GoFundMe was created by a person named Emily Balm, who stated in the fundraiser’s bio that she was hoping to raise money for Chris, whom she described as a “devoted single father doing what he can to enhance the quality of life for his three children.”

As Teen Mom fans know, Chris shares sons Creed and Lux with Kail (and has a third son with another woman). Kail and Chris have had a very strained co-parenting relationship for years. According to Emily’s fundraiser, Chris is trying to fight Kail for more custody/rights of their shared sons.

“[Chris] has been in a long and exhausting battle in obtaining extended rights to parenting for his two eldest children,” the fundraiser states, before going on to insinuate that Chris doesn’t have the money that former-reality-star-turned-podcaster Kail does.

When someone mentions getting a full-time job to Chris…probably.

“With Chris being an average American during these trying times, the amount to fight for his rights as a father have added a financial stressor to his already complicated legal situation,” the fundraiser reads. “Society hates absent fathers, so don’t shame the man for trying to be anything other than.”

As of press time, the fundraiser has only raised $425 of its $5000 goal, thanks to 12 donors. (The top donors as of press time are two anonymous people who each contributed $100.)

“Best $100 ever spent.”
(This is just a joke…probably.)

Kail— who dated Chris on-and-off from 2016-2020— has not yet commented about Chris’ fundraiser.

“Siri, add ‘Talk about Chris begging online’ to my podcast topic list!”

Over the past year or so, Chris has slammed Kail via social media several times, with one of the most-recent times being last month. After Kail mentioned on her podcast that three of her baby daddies (including Chris) failed to acknowledge her for Mother’s Day, Chris clapped back online.

“Chris, you can hate me. Javi, you can hate me. Jo, you can hate me. But at the end of the day, you’re teaching your kids how to treat their future situation,” Kail said on the podcast.

Chris did not take well to the public scolding he received from Kail on her podcast. In response, he took to Instagram to comment on a post about the podcast episode, calling Kail out in the process. Chris seemed to take particular offense to the statement Kail made about the dads’ (lack of) acknowledgment toward her having an effect on their kids’ future actions.

“How does a gift equate to treating people when they get older?” Chris wrote. “She buys gifts but treats people like s**t and property… It’s the nerve to get on these podcasts and portray an image for viewers and listeners but you DON’T even work as a team.”

Kail with some of her assorted youngins…

Back in November, Chris stated on social media that he felt Kail was “exploiting” their sons (as well as her other five kids) for money. During that same Live rant, Chris accused Kail of messing with other people’s mental health and being generally miserable.

“You f**k with everybody’s mental health. Everybody that comes into your life, you f**k with their mental health…you’re foul,” Chris said. “You’re a foul motherf**ker. You swore on your kids [that you didn’t have a fifth baby]. No, you’re lying. Multiple times you swore on your kids lives that you only had four kids. You swore on your kids lives when you had seven kids. 

“You is a foul bitch,” he said to conclude his rant.

Just a month before that, Chris took to Instagram Live to advise mom-of-seven Kail to “stay off your back,” and to lash out after he claimed Kail refused to let Lux and Creed see him over their Thanksgiving break.

“My first baby mama, Kail Lowry, ain’t nobody more miserable than that chick! How you got mother f**king seven kids?!…You miserable as hell, Bro, and you just wanna make everybody else f**king miserable…You need to grow the f**k up, seriously, and stay the f**k off your back!”

RELATED STORY: Kail Lowry Says She’s Considering Fostering or Adopting More Kids

(Photos: MTV; Instagram)

45 Responses

  1. He doesn’t deserve more parental rights than he has because he doesn’t have a job to take care of them

  2. GET A JOB and pay for your own lawyer loser and add child support in that too. So sick of today’s youth having kids and have no job and rely on tax paying citizens to foot the bills.

    1. Literally every generation has deadbeat parents. It’s not just “today’s youth”. There are countless deadbeats (not just men, either) in every single generation, it’s not some new phenomenon.

      1. You are right about that; I’m 61 years old and I know it’s been going on since I was born on the early 60’s so that’s 6 decades that I know of.

  3. It’s the nerve to get on these podcasts and portray an image for viewers and listeners but you —>DON’T even work as a team.”<—. Says the man that doesn’t work at all.
    Ffs Chris times are hard for people. And you are begging them for money, shame on you, get off your Azz and get a frigging job, lazy cheeky tw@

  4. There’s his side and her side and somewhere in the middle is the truth. I do believe Kail would be vindictive enough to keep the kids from Chris. I also believe that Chris doesn’t do even half of what he should for those kids. The only ones hurting are the boys who are stuck in the middle of two narc parents who can’t get their shit together enough to put them first.

  5. So he is such a bum he doesn’t even have money to fight for his kid and he thinks a judge will not see that he isn’t financially stable. 🤦🏽‍♀️

  6. Chris is exactly who TLC had in mind when they wrote the song “No Scrubs”. And Kail thought it would be a good idea to have two kids with him.

  7. I mean he’s a dipshit. But he’s not wrong what he says about her. And I’ll be here for it every time.
    Kail deserves it.

    1. He probably wants more time with the kids to get his $126 dollars a month child support reduced. Not sure how much it was, but I remember him not wanting Lux & tried to drop his parental right? Do I remember this correctly?

      1. I can’t remember exactly either, but he is a sad excuse for a father on so many levels. Here’s a tip – why don’t you start by cleaning up your own backyard instead of wasting time disparaging your sons’ mother online and begging strangers for money.

      2. She’s been a continual cheater , since we know of her at 16, and now she’s double that age, and still a lifelong cheater, I would have doubted I was the father also, without a dna test.

    2. You agree with this??

      My first baby mama, Kail Lowry, ain’t nobody more miserable than that chick! How you got mother f**king seven kids?!…You miserable as hell, Bro, and you just wanna make everybody else f**king miserable…You need to grow the f**k up, seriously, and stay the f**k off your back!

      And if, for some godforsaken reason, you do agree, you condone him posting this on the Internet, where his kids will be able to read one day? 🤔

  8. Yeah courts don’t look to fondly over someone who refused to be in his kids life for multiple years.
    Tried to relinquish his parental rights so he wouldn’t need to pay child support.
    Had back child support he hasn’t paid yet.
    Talks bad about his children’s mother and gets paid to do it.

    He’s been selling all those stories about Kail lately, isn’t that netting him a nice penny.

    Dude needs to a job and or two since he isn’t seeing his kids, as he claims, he doesn’t have to worry about child care. And fight for more time. Look into non-profit legal services. I thought he was an active father, didn’t he refuse to let Kail have the kids last Christmas and Kail was willing to give him like 2 weeks for like 2 days. Since it was a year she wanted all her kids on Christmas together that she doesn’t always get, the rest of the kids were already going to be there.

    $5,000 is nothing to a lawyer. I know it sounds crazy to non-lawyers. But most good lawyer charge anywhere between $200-$500/hour. Delaware’s average for lawyers specializing in child custody is $325/ hr. So that’s maybe 15 hours of work, that is nothing. Just drafting a letter to the court is like 30-60 mins. Reading documents, you send them all your text, they read that and charge you for the privilege. You know when you go to court and wait for the judge to call your case, you pay for that. That’s why judges let people who have lawyers go first, since they are literally paying by the hour for that lawyer to sit there and wait.

    $5,000 gets you a retainer fee. that’s about it.

    I would rather and do give my little extra money I budget a year to an actual charity. Like helping feed children, or children who need medical care.

    How tone deaf, like my groceries are insane right now, I haven’t bought a name brand product in years and my groceries are still double what they were 4 years ago.

    Since I know how much Kail loves Eminem, to quote him, “Snap back to reality”…”You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a lifetime.”

  9. While some crowd funding requests are legitimate, GoFundMe by and large is internet panhandling. You don’t need a lawyer to file for a modification of a custody order.

    1. You do if the other parent is fighting it, then it’s no longer a simple modification but multiple court dates because you can’t agree on shit.

  10. $5k for a custody lawyer is merely a retainer. He’s not real serious about this. He just loves to fuck with Kail. Talk about being miserable dude…look in the mirror

    1. Get a Job Chris tht doesn’t involve bashing anyone, but esp not ur SONS Mother. Who raised…oh sh*t…I figured it our yall… he’s not even grown yet. SMH
      Also have all the kids as long as your raising them and your paying for them. You do you mama.

    2. You should donate to David Eason while you’re at it😂
      Ya know, the good guys!

      On another note. Did Chris have a kid with a different woman?

  11. $5000 isnt even a flash in the bank if you are trying to fight for custody.

    But I bet it gets Chris a nice vacation somewhere!

    If you donate, youre dumber than he is.

    1. Kail has this dude over a barrel because she can legally afford to fight him and he can’t financially step up enough to really do anything. Trust me, he will eventually give up. And she knows. She can fight him and she will, we all know kail. He’s prob SOL tbh. Watch

      1. This dude tried to sign over rights to Lux and is hopelessly unemployed,

        Kail’s no prize, but he’s really not worth defending.

        1. I’m not defending. Kail uses the courts against EVERYONE! Joe, javi, Brianna… ect of course she’s gonna fight this dude, she has the money and he doesn’t. That’s life

      2. So that means he shouldn’t be able to have a set schedule on record with his kids? Y’all have some mental probs if you think $$ = love. It does not. Kail has treated her baby daddy’s as a business transaction & it’s gross

  12. i just know briana’s gonna donate so she can sleep with him again, she just loves sleeping with deadbeat dads

  13. One thing I’ve learned as a single parent, never bash your co-parent no matter how much you hate them, especially online… those kids will grow up and may end up seeing all those derogatory things he said about their mother and primary caregiver and it will backfire on him. It does work both ways and Kail needs to be careful about what she says about the fathers online but what Chris has done is far worse imo. I don’t blame Kail or the courts for giving her majority time given how derogatory his comments about the mother of his children are.

  14. He needs to get a job, then a second job instead of asking for free money. We have homeless and hungry people. You do not see them asking for free money.

  15. Here’s my contribution…are you ready for it?

    Problem solved, you’re welcome

  16. Kail’s stupid ass had not only one baby, but two with this cretin. He’s a dipshit. This is Kail’s Karma though.

  17. The guy that wanted to forfeit his parental rights now gives all the fucks. ✔
    The guy that complains about Kail having so many kids, but contributed to the issue. ✔
    Refers to Kail as his “first baby mama”. Glasses houses, something something, stones. ✔
    No job and likely does not even contribute to support the kids. Where is the GFM for that? ✔

      1. Hey you! *hugs* All is well, thanks! I hope you’re doing well too!

        Isn’t this shitshow insane? lol, this guy is so thirsty, I can hear him smacking his cracked lips from over here.

        Seriously, look at the picture of him up there with his mouth open. He’s PARCHED!

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