EXCLUSIVE! Custody Battle Update: Anna Cardwell’s 11-Year-Old Daughter Kaitlyn Files Affidavit in Court Revealing If She Wants to Live with June Shannon or Michael Cardwell

“It’s about to go down in custody court y’all!”

The nasty custody battle between Mama June: Family Crisis star June Shannon and her former son-in-law Michael Cardwell is heating up, as the parties prepare to face each other in court next week to fight for custody of Anna Cardwell‘s oldest daughter Kaitlyn.

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that there were two major developments made in the custody battle this week, with one being 11-year-old Kaitlyn filing an affidavit in court that revealed if she wants to live with her grandmother June, or with her former stepdad Michael (who has been raising Kaitlyn’s sister Kylee following Anna’s death in December). 

In the state of Georgia, minors involved in a custody battle who are 14 or older have the right to select who they want to live with, provided the option is deemed suitable. Since Kaitlyn is only 11, she does not have this choice; however, starting at age 11, a child in Georgia can file an Election in court that states which parent/person they prefer to live with.

In her Election filed on Tuesday, Kaitlyn expressed her desire to live with June and asked that she not be forced to have visitation with Michael, who has stated that he’s acted as Kaitlyn’s father figure since she was eight months old.

“My name is Kaitlyn Shannon…I am electing and hereby expressing my desire and intent to reside primarily with my maternal grandmother, June Shannon,” the affidavit states. “I do not wish to have set visitation with Michael Cardwell. I am making this affidavit and this election freely and voluntarily and under no duress or compulsion from any person. I have not been promised any benefits or rewards for making this affidavit.” 

Kaitlyn states that she is aware that her statement will be presented to the judge during the custody hearing.

“I hereby state that this affidavit expresses my current desire and intent in this matter regarding where I desire to primarily reside,” she states. “I also wish to speak to the Judge to inform the Court of my wishes.” 


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Kaitlyn’s statement is not the only important document to be filed in the case this week. The Ashley can also reveal that, on Wednesday, a motion was filed with the court by June, demanding that the Wilkinson County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) bring evidence that is supposedly in its possession that shows “records pertaining to child abuse and/or neglect.” 

The motion claims that whatever evidence is supposedly in the DCFS’ possession is important to the custody case. However, because child abuse records are confidential, an “in-camera inspection” of the records must be done first. (This basically means that the judge will be allowed to look at the records in his/her chambers alone.) Once the in-camera inspection has been done, and if the judge rules that the records are, indeed, necessary to the case, the evidence in question can be presented during the court hearing.

As The Ashley previously told you, June and Michael are set to meet in court on July 18 for the hearing, which will decide where Kaitlyn will live permanently.

Earlier this week, Michael’s fiancé London Smith wrote a heartfelt letter to Kaitlyn on Instagram, stating how much she, Michael and Kaitlyn’s sister Kylee miss her. London also stated that her family currently has limited contact with Kaitlyn, whom they haven’t seen since December.


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“We text her tablet and we may or may not get a response,” London wrote. “I think they monitor her tablet with like parental control.”

On a recent episode of ‘Mama June: Family Crisis’ (that was filmed before Anna passed away), Anna revealed that she actually wanted her husband, Eldridge Toneyto get custody of Kaitlyn. Eldridge, however, did not file for custody but has stated that he sees his stepdaughters as often as possible.

June, however, claimed that it was Anna’s “dying wish” that Kaitlyn live with her, and expressed her opinion that Michael only wanted custody of Kaitlyn for financial reasons.

London, however, made it clear that Michael has considered Kaitlyn to be his daughter for years. 

“I don’t understand why it’s been done this way,” she told one person in the comment section of the post. “Michael has been dad to Kaitlyn since she was 8 months old and she calls him dad. It’s just so sad. Neither of the girls deserve this. But y’all just keep praying for us. Court is July 18th.”


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Michael stated in his custody lawsuit paperwork that he is against June taking custody of Kaitlyn, declaring that June has been “inconsistent” in Kaitlyn’s life, due to Anna’s long periods of estrangements from her mom.

“Both [Michael and Anna] understood, acknowledged, accepted and behaved as though [Michael] is a parent of the child and accepted full and permanent responsibilities as a parent of the child without expectation of financial compensation,” the documents state.

The Ashley will continue to update on this case as more info becomes available. Stay tuned…

RELATED STORY: Michael Cardwell’s Fiancé Writes Heartfelt Letter to Anna Cardwell’s Daughter Kaitlyn As He Prepares to Battle Mama June Shannon For Custody

(Photos: WEtv; Instagram)

39 Responses

  1. I think if Kaitlyn really had her choice, her own choice! She would want to really live with Pumpkin and Josh. She knows who the real responsible parent is.

  2. Okay, this is how I see it . If you watched the show you heard Anna as she told June, I want her with Eldridge and if it gets to hard I want her with you. Why has Eldridge not done anything? Did he just get out of the way and not want to be there for the kid? So really June did just as her daughter asked .She stepped up and went to get custody. I don’t care what anyone says, they went however long without speaking okk but they were close enough that when she got sick she wanted her mama, she confidentially talked with her mama, her mom was her comfort and safe place while she was going through the hardest thing I can imagine. Who did Anna call to get her to dr? And was there the whole time? June and Justin. So regardless about the past cause we all have them Anna knew her mama loved her and her girls. If she was uncomfortable she wouldn’t have stayed with them in their home for them to take care of her and her girls there. She knew they were safe. She knew that if Eldridge backed out and June and Justin got Kaitlyn she would have her sisters also and I think she wanted her with family more than anything. If you want my opinion I think that she needs to be with Lauren or Jessica. She will be loved, taken care of, she won’t be made to feel different and won’t be around just and Justin arguing . They have done nothing but argue since the child has been there . I mean if you can’t parent together for her knowing the child is already under stress, you should be her safe place, her go too person, instead of continuing to yell at her, and bark orders at her. The child looks so outta place on the episode that was aired last night. They went to pcb and during the vow renewal June kinda put her on the spot when she states “It’s really not funny Kaitlyn ” well all the girls kinda giggled so why just call her out? You see them go to dinner and as she is sitting at the head of the table she looks around as everyone orders and just seems kinda dazed and then nervous to order. The ending is where she asked June what happens if we lose in court? But she looks at her like she’s worried ! She made it completely obvious when she was at pumpkins house she wanted to stay there. Lauren even says yes you can stay here and I’ll take you to school tomorrow. She then jumps up to go play with Ella (whom seems to really love having her around) I think her being in the environment with Lauren will be so much better for not just her but everyone. With Jessie wanting a new baby and Lauren still having moments of missing her sister and being away from allana I think Lauren will just be so good for her and her to Lauren. I think they need eachother and have no clue. I do not think Michael is the best place for her because Anna knows something Noone else does about him. Remember back to her saying once I’m gone ya know kylee is ripped she’s gone he will make sure. I need to know Kaitlyn will be with you and my family. She told that to Eldridge in front of June and Justin. She doesn’t want her with Michael and there is a reason . One none of us know but she was serious whwn she said it. I just hope for the child’s sake they make the right decision because she’s already lost a mama I hope they take in account how emotional this is and has been along with a lot of changes and adjustments and I hope they do get her in some therapy. I’m just gonna pray the judge makes the right decision and I’m gonna pray for Kaitlyn I feel so bad for her I wish someone would just hug her. I feel like she needs a hug and someone to tell her it’s gonna be okay . Think that’s why she is quick to run to Justin because he sits and let’s her talk to him and he is so calm June just screams at her to do this or do this. Please give her to pumpkin .

    1. Anybody who decides to be with a man who SA her own child should not even be allowed around children, let alone have custody of one.

  3. I heard Anna say to June she wanted Eldridge to have Kaitlyn. She knew it would be hard for him with a preteen & work. She stated she wanted June to help Eldridge or take her if he couldn’t do it. Either way she wanted to make sure Eldridge was in her life. I think June knows what she has done wrong in raising her children. She wants to make up for it. She has Justin to help her. I wouldn’t want to see her taken from her family. I don’t think Michael is her family. He has been in her life. He still isn’t her family.

    1. I agree Justin does everything for her and Kaitlyn so technically Justin is raising her. June is going blind she can’t drive and is selfish all she does is sit on her butt and yell.

      1. Don’t forget she also sleeps till noon.
        I wish Lauren could have taken her but she has 4 kids and has no more room for another child even though she is older. But with 4 kids of her own, they really don’t have the room. If they did she would have her, of that I am sure.

  4. June abused Alana. June abandoned her left her homeless. Mentally and physically. If her barely adult daughter would not have stepped in Alana could have ended up in with DCFS. June also stole money from that same child in that same state. Unfortunately, for Kaitlyn she another paycheck for June. Kaitlyn will get paid for being on the show, and if June is guardian she will put a minimal about of money for Kaitlyn and pocket the rest.. Or she will use the funds to raise the child. June says that’s what she did..
    All of this is featured on the show straight from June’s mouth. What’s the saying “past behavior is the prediction of the future..

  5. I pray the judge does their due diligence and researches june—really looks at her life!!!! that child has been brainwashed for sure!!!! no doubt told lies and probably ever told that her mom wanted her with june—and she never said that when she was lucid!!!!

    1. While I do not think June should have full custody, usually in these cases the child is given an attorney to represent them, that representive helps them file these types of letters so they aren’t persuaded.
      I just think his finance publicly writing about this, is not the best thing to do.
      She needs to keep her mouth shut, she’s not doing anything to help these kids or this case.
      This girl is getting old enough to look online herself, imagine she sees that, her mom just died, I’m willing to bet she might have issue with her step mom just bc she misses her mom.
      I have to thin if Anna didn’t want him to get her that should be the end of it. Period.
      Iit sucks the girls are split, but maybe he treats her differently.

  6. I really hope Kaitlyn has a proper advocate. I can’t imagine the things June is telling that girl, I’m sure she could have easily persuaded her to say she wants to stay. June has no business trying to raise another kid, the fact that she dated a man after he SA’d her own child is disgusting and she still had a minor in her home should be reason enough for her to never get custody of a child. Also if she believes there is some sort of abuse evidence against Michael then why isn’t she fighting for custody of Kylee too??

  7. Yeah.. let’s remember June has & will emotionally blackmail.. I would be surprised if this wasn’t the case here. She’s stopped Kaitlyn from seeing Michael & her sister for months, she could be feeding any information̈ she chooses regarding that.

  8. I just do not understand why someone who has their custody rights taken away is allowed to have custody of another child. Sure people can change but I doubt June has, this about control and a chance to “get it right”. SMH

    1. I’m guessing June is still trash. The way she treats Justin is absolutely horrible. She’s always lying to him. She can’t even drive. What if she’s home alone with the child and she’s injured?? Is she going to call the ambulance when the girl needs a few stitches? She doesn’t need to have the child and she doesn’t deserve Justin.

    2. Not defending June regarding Alana, but she gave up her rights to Alana. They was not taken away. Even though Pumpkin have her hands full with her 4 kids, she is the best option for Kaitlyn🤷🏽‍♀️IJS

      1. Helen,
        June didn’t give her rights up pertaining to Alana, had she of, she would not have had to pay child support to Pumpkin. When they were all in the attorney’s office, June did say she was going to sign Alana away, but when both the attorney and Pumpkin questioned her on it, she changed her mind real fast and said she didn’t understand.
        But, there is plenty of evidence against her, plus I have a feeling her three daughters will also be going to court and will testify against her.

  9. Yeah, this doesn’t seem kosher. I had a feeling the affidavit would say she wants to stay with June. June has kept her for seven months, not allowed any access to her sister or dad, and god only knows what that woman has been saying to her. June is not an emotionally stable or mature person. She’s not above emotionally blackmailing or coercing a child. We all know that. The affidavit needs to be taken with a huge grain of salt.

  10. Family courts are so unfair! I’m sure June and her clan were given proper notice that Kaitlyn could write a letter saying where she wanted to live when the judge should have pulled her aside with no notice and talked to her one on one! I also imagine Kaitlyn is having a field day with June, plus the cameras are all around and I’m sure that seems awesome for an 11 year old. She probably knows she would have structure with Michael. Hopefully the courts see that. I wonder if Michael can use anything that was aired on TV as evidence, although I guess it is scripted reality so the other side could have an argument there.

    1. It wasn’t scripted when that sow brought her child molester boyfriend back around. You know, the one that assaulted Anna?? Nor was it scripted that she sold everything her own children owned and used it for crack. And it wasn’t scripted when she admitted to stealing all of the money from Alana. So yes, I agree with you 100%! I hope Michael can use some of this train wreck’s history against her.

  11. June probably has no rules at home, doesnt encourage homework and lets her eat however she wants, its an eleven year olds dream world, because they dont understand what consistancy, rules and nutrition means in childhood, they see it as bad!!

    1. From what have been shown on tv, Justin is more involved in Kaitlyn structure at home & making sure she does her homework. June is doing too much yelling at the child. Justin is a very intelligent person & speaks the truth

  12. I feel so bad for poor Kaitlyn 🙁 Who knows what June has told her about her dad Michael in all these months. I wonder if she has at least seen her sister, I know it said Michael hasn’t seen her since December 🙁 Just very sad all around. No sense talking about the coulda woulda shouldas, but Michael should have adopted her when she was a baby. Would have made things a lot easier, since he was already acting as dad since then.

  13. I wonder why Kaitlyn wouldn’t want to be with her little sister? I would think that with their mother gone, they would miss each other and need each other all the more.

  14. I would like to see what an unbiased therapist has to say after multiple private meetings with Kaitlyn. I hope sincerely she has an impartial child advocate helping her because any 11 year old I know wouldn’t understand that lingo

    1. You would be surprised. I was that age when my brother sued my parents for custody of me, and I was fully cognizant and understood all of the legal jargon.

      That being said, a parent who chooses to be with a person who SA their child should NEVER EVER have custody of or even be around children.

    2. Trust me the Judge is going to order that before he/ she make any decision. In almost all custody cases, a child social worker or psychiatrist will be involved in the matter.

  15. June is going to steal her money just as she did Alana. He needs to tell the judge all about how June stole $30,000 from Alana, and money from the rest of the kids. June is a POS.

  16. I feel so so bad for the girl but let’s be real, June should not have custody of ANY child. Ever. She shouldn’t even babysit.

  17. that’s…not how an 11 yr old speaks/writes. obviously an atty prepared the statement and (as @magan said) ‘mama’ june heavily influenced and/or bribed her to go along with it.
    june is SUCH a trashy 🗑️ piece of sh*t. 💩

  18. June has had seven months to brainwash Kaitlyn against Michael. There’s no telling what she’s told this child or tried to convince her of. The truth rarely pays a visit to June’s mouth, even when she’s caught in an undeniable lie. She’s probably bribed the hell out of her on top of it all and promised her fame and money from the show. This poor child is still grieving her mother and she’s at a very vulnerable and easily influenced age.

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