Nathan Griffith has been sitting behind bars in Nevada for nearly a month, but the Teen Mom 2 dad has even bigger problems to deal with.
The Ashley can exclusively reveal that the baby daddy of Jenelle Evans has been booted from the Veteran’s Court program he was sentenced to last year after he pleaded guilty to attacking his sister via attempted assault by strangulation. According to court documents obtained by The Ashley, Nathan was kicked out of the program due to him not having “adhered to the programming rules and policies.”
At the time Nathan was booted from Veteran’s Court on July 2, he was in jail and had been for a few weeks. (Nathan’s arrest was due to his “non-compliance with the Veterans Treatment Court Program.”)

As The Ashley previously reported, when Nathan pleaded guilty in September 2023 to assaulting his sister, he agreed to abide by a list of terms and conditions. Those terms included participating in and comply with the Veteran’s Court program; complying with all the terms of his sober living placement; not using or possessing drugs or alcohol; complying with a set curfew, following counseling requirements; agreeing to only have one cell phone and allowing it to be searched/providing its passwords; not using anyone else’s phone or allowing anyone to use his phone.
The State had allowed Nate’s case to be moved from District Court to Veteran’s Court because Nathan served in the U.S. Marines Corp. According to its website, the Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) program “is designed to confront and treat the substance abuse and mental health issues which contribute to the criminal behavior of Veterans Court participants.” (Veterans referred to this court usually have substance abuse, military trauma or mental health issues, and are at substantial risk to reoffend without intervention.)
The Ashley can also confirm that, now that Nathan has been kicked out of Veteran’s Court, he will no longer be out on probation, and will have a formal conviction for “Attempted Battery by Strangulation” on his permanent record. (Had he complied with the terms of his Veterans Court probation, Nathan’s case would have been dismissed after 36 months.)

Over the past year or so, Nathan has been to rehab several times. In April, he was arrested for not following the terms of his probation. That same month, the former soulmate of Jenelle was ordered back into an alcohol treatment program, but according to the minutes of his next court hearing, Nathan was not taking the program seriously. In May, the judge in the case chewed Nate out, warning him that this was his last chance to follow the rules.
Now that he has been booted from Veteran’s Court, Nathan will be sentenced in District Court for his original crime, which can be classified as either a felony or gross misdemeanor. (The court will determine what it will be classified as.)
A hearing was held on July 11, where it was ordered that Nathan remain behind bars in county jail until July 25, which is when his probation revocation hearing has been set for.
Nathan now faces a minimum prison term of two years (with a max of 15 years), as well as fines, according to the Nevada Revised Statutes.

As the Ashley previously reported, Nathan has not been active in his son Kaiser’s life in more than a year-and-a-half. In January, Nathan stated on TikTok that he will not attempt to fight for custody of Kaiser again.
“I’m not in a position to go to court,” Nathan said. “I just want what’s best for my son. That’s all I want.”
Jenelle (and Kaiser) are currently staying in Las Vegas, but are not there due to Nathan.
The Ashley will update this story when more information is available.
RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ Star Jenelle Evans Says She’s Open to Having More Kids; Reveals If She’ll Ever Get Married Again
(Photos: Clark County PD; TikTok; MTV)
25 Responses
Does anyone know what Nathan’s criminal history was like before Jenelle and a taste of TM $.
Good. He is an absolute psycho on drugs or alcohol or Tuesday… Waaaayyyy too many chances to fly right.
Save Kaiser ❤️❤️❤️
It’s a sad state of affairs. However, Nathan’s run out of second chances. Obviously he has substance abuse problems and he lacks impulse control. He’s been given opportunities and he squanders them. The veterans administration isn’t perfect but it does have resources. Hopefully, being jailed and facing a stretch in prison is his rock bottom.
I know that some of this is likely due to his TBI (traumatic brain injury) lowering his inhibitions and making him impulsive, which is pretty par for the course and have some sympathy for that, but when it hits the point that he’s a danger to others, something has to break. If that means prison, oh well. Hope he gets substance abuse and PTSD treatment inside.
Poor Kaiser.
I am being cynical here, I don’t think he will ever figure it out. He is arrogant, and manipulative, quickly turning on the tears and making flowery apologies when he is faced with opposition. He specifically hurts women because he knows he can physically dominate them. He strangles them; which is a very intimate way to be violent, and that is the scariest part to me. He’s using his hands to physically stop women from speaking, or alerting for help. Not to mention choking someone has a strong potential of leaving visible marks, so when he lashes out like this he really doesn’t give a fuck. It’s like nothing is more important than him gaining control, and choking a woman out seems to be a reasonable option to him. Warning to the next woman, no amount of love will “fix” him.
Just in reference to the choking – domestic violence that includes strangulation puts the victim at greater risk for death at the hands of their partner in the future. I know it seems like such a “duh” statistic, but so many do not recognize just how significant this act of aggression truly is. A person’s chances of being killed by their partner goes up 750% if they have previously been strangled by that partner! Nathan has strangled more than one person in the past. His likelihood of killing someone is so great. Hopefully jail can straighten him out.
Aw. I hope someone in kaisers life advocates for him. A teacher, coach, friends parent, guidance counselor.. please put him on the right path since his parents do not.
That’s three first thing I thought of cus his mom ain’t no better
So this guy will finally go to jail. GOOD FOR HIM. Hope it sorts him out. (But considering how much sh*t he made…it’s kinda hard to believe it)
Poor Kaiser. Imagine having two douschebags for parents. He is so doomed.
I feel sorry for him, in a way. Just bc he is a veteran. We don’t know what he has seen, or what he’s been through. Which is no excuse to hurt people, but it’s so sad what he is doing with his life. My stepdad served in Vietnam. The military eventually sent him back home as he wasn’t in a very good state of mind. He wasn’t the same person when he came back. Became an alcoholic, struggled with depression. He tried to commit suicide by driving his car off a bridge. He survived but was physically messed up after.
Anyway, I hope once Nathan gets out his that he is able to get the help that he needs and have a better life.
I’m hoping that jail will be his rock bottom & this will make him clean up his act.
How did he violate Veterans Court if he was in custody?
He was in jail for non compliance to the veterans program.
It says at the time he was booted from the program he had been in jail for it for a few weeks…why didn’t they boot him when they took him into custody?
Anything related to veterans, be it veterans court to veterans hospitals are always way behind on paperwork and have a backlog. It just took a little while for the paperwork to go through while he was locked up. My husband is a Marine veteran and it can take six months just to get an appointment at the veterans hospital.
Because when you’re taken into custody, you don’t appear before a judge for days, sometimes even weeks later.
Nathan was on probation and sentenced to the veteran’s court program in lieu of jail time. Veteran’s court has terms and conditions, just like any other form of probation. He was taken into custody for violating the terms of that probation. It then took a few weeks for the court system to process the revocation of the original sentence, which lead to him being kicked out of the veteran’s court program.
Nothing in the court system moves quickly, and hearings are always required, usually on a couple different levels. There’s a lot of paperwork involved, which again has to be signed and sealed by more than one person/department. Even on regular probation with no terms of a drug court/veteran’s court, it normally takes multiple hearings to revoke that probation, and then another hearing for the defendant to be resentenced.
Is Doris still seeing Kai?
How many passes has he received? It’s ridiculous. He has violently assaulted multiple women for YEARS and they keep giving him fines or probation. He enters programs that he doesn’t complete and gets a stern talking to by the Judge warning him. (Kind of reminds you of all the chances and the talking to that Ryan received.) But then that dies down too & the Judge doesn’t make good on his own warning. He needs jail time. David needs jail time. Will they get it? Based on their past dealings with the court system I would guess probably not. They will end up killing someone one day and I lay half of the blame on the inadequate judicial system.
How did he violate veteran’s court if he was in custody?
He was in custody because he violated it, then once everything was processed and they probably had a hearing of some sort he was then kicked out.
Nathan got away with trying to strangle one of his ex-girlfriends, multiple DUIs, and who knows what else. He’s been given so many chances. Nathan does really need to go away and serve time.
Nathan doesn’t give a crap for his own life and sadly doesn’t appear to give a crap for his kids’ lives either. Very sad.