‘Welcome to Plathville’ Star Olivia Plath Answers Questions About Her Divorce, Her New Man, Why She’s Keeping the Plath Last Name & More

“I’m just over here livin’ my best Plath-less life!”

The new season of Welcome to Plathville premiered this week, prompting Olivia Plath to take to Instagram for a Q&A with viewers. During the Q&A session, Olivia— whose divorce from husband Ethan continues to play out during Season 6— answered questions about her life post-split— revealing that she has a new man in her life. Olivia also addressed why she is choosing to remain a Plath, despite her divorce from Ethan, and opened up about what it was going through her divorce while filming for a TV show.

“This stuff was pretty hard to deal with when cameras were rolling,” she told fans.

Here are some of the most-interesting things that Olivia revealed during her Q&A.

On having to go through a very public divorce:

What a shame…they were so, um, happy…

Olivia— who married Ethan in 2018 at the age of 20— said she found it difficult to navigate her divorce, particularly because the show allowed so many strangers to have an opinion on it.

“I think going through a public divorce was super-tricky and hard,” she wrote. “I constantly felt like I was doing/saying the wrong thing but I didn’t know what else to do. I’d never been divorced before so it was a huge learning curve.”

Aside from the divorce stuff, Olivia said she is still looking forward to watching the new season of ‘Welcome to Plathville.’

“Once [the divorce episodes are] out of the way, I think my part of the season is lighter and happier, as that’s how I was genuinely feeling. New experiences, lots of questions, figuring out the next steps in life…it’s all there!” 

On whether she regrets her divorce:

“Are you crazy? I got my own life, got rid of Kim as a mother-in-law and no longer find stray golden hairs all over. I’m livin’ the dream!”

Olivia stated that she in no way regrets her split from Ethan.

“Divorce isn’t the right choice for everyone, but it was absolutely the right choice for me,” she wrote. “It allowed me to finally pursue education, growth, healing and happiness. I’m the most authentic version of myself I’ve ever been because I have the room to explore and own that.”

As ‘Welcome to Plathville’ fans know, Olivia grew up as a Fundamentalist Christian, and went straight from her parents’ home into her marriage with Ethan, something Olivia has stated was not a good idea.

“I let my parents supervise my courtship, got married super-young to another kid from a fundamental world,” she told Teen Vogue earlier this year. “It did not really work out for me.”

On whether or not she intends to change her last name from “Plath”: 

“Olivia, you can keep the last name, but maybe consider getting rid of that outfit. Just sayin’!”

During her Q&A, Olivia was very adamant that she plans to keep the Plath last name, despite her divorce. 

“This is the last time I will publicly answer this question because I am OVER it,” Olivia wrote. “My name is Olivia Marie Plath. I don’t give a rat’s ass that my current last name came through marriage– it’s still my name.”

Olivia stated that the alternative— going back to her maiden name of Meggs— makes no sense. 

“What would you have me do, change it back to my dad’s last name?” she wrote. “That’s stupid. I’m not going to spend my life changing my name depending on what man has current ‘ownership’ of me. I strongly disagree with the sentiment that men ‘own’ last names. 

“When I got married at 20, I left behind the child version of me that used my dad’s last name,” she continued. “Everything I have done and everything I own at 26 is in my current name. I’m not changing that just because I got divorced. I’m still Olivia Marie Plath. That is my identity now, legally, publicly, financially and creatively.”

She went on to state that she may change her last name again someday— but only if she wants to.

“If my name changes again, it will be when, why and how I want to,” Olivia added. “End of story.” 

On her current relationship status:

“Umm, have you met your family?”

Olivia said that she does currently have a man, although she is trying to keep him on the down-low for now.

“I am [seeing someone],” she wrote. “He’s the best thing since (or before) sliced bread…I’ve had a public relationship and they come with unique challenges, so I’m keeping this one a little more quiet, and only sharing what we both feel comfortable with. Making lots of memories and learning a lot along the way.” 

‘Welcome to Plathville’ Season 6 airs Tuesdays on TLC. 

RELATED STORY: ‘Welcome to Plathville’ Star Kim Plath Officially Files for Divorce From Husband Barry; Demands Custody of Couple’s Minor Children & Child Support

13 Responses

  1. She married him to get on TV… she has talked shit about the Plaths since day one so if she had even 1% of good or decency in her she would give the name up … she is one of the most disgusting, soul-less, arrogant, selfish, narcissistic wastes of flesh on the planet and it makes me SICK that she gets validated. Humans are getting worse… to make people like her “famous” is sick

  2. Money. Why else do any of these people exist at this point?
    Yawn. Go work at Tractor Supply and leave the world alone.

  3. I can hardly stand to watch her, much less listen to her. Olivia is a pompous a$$ who thinks she is so much smarter than she is. Pro tip: Using big words incorrectly does not make you sound smart, Sweetie. She constantly played games with Ethan, trying to control him and pit him against his family so he could “prove” he was on her side while all along blatantly showing that she felt he was beneath her. She keeps the Plath name because it brings in money, something she is loathe to earn on her own.

    1. Didi, I’m with you 100%. I’m pissed off from the moment her face appears on the screen. Poor Ethan. I couldn’t have been happier for him when he finally made the decision that he couldn’t compromise any further (same for Moriah). But I think he has a long way to go in realizing how manipulative she was throughout their marriage. I really hope he’ll eventually see it and learn from it. The further you get away from something, the more clearly you can see it (that’s happened to me with a family member). I also hope he’ll go back to enjoying all the things she made him give up. That’ll help him recover from her.

    2. I totally agree with you. She’s gross! I really hope the psychic was wrong about the two of them getting back together but I think she was spot on unfortunately! I wish so bad that Ethan could find a good wife. Not this stupid whore.

  4. Because as much as she pretends she doesn’t want the attention… SHE DOES, this girl thrived in creating chaos for her husband, she lives and breathes the attention. Shes a toxic one as bad as kim

  5. LOL. It’s for the publicity she gets from the name, why pretend otherwise? Because she’s so fake. As someone that despised that family so much, you’d think she’d be dying to change it.

  6. Kind of odd to see she doesn’t want to change her name every time. WTH does that mean? As bad as she made the family look, I don’t understand why she is keeping her married name.

    1. Because she married really young and now everybody knows her by that name. Many divorced women keep their ex’s last name

    2. I can see her point. She’s been Olivia Plath her entire adult life. It’s not just her ex’s name. It’s hers too. It’s been her name for years. Women should not have to change their name because of marriage, divorce, or anything else unless they actually want to.

    3. I kept my married name when I got divorced. For one, I didn’t hate my ex-husband, it just didn’t work out. Everyone knew me by that name and it was who I was. I also didn’t wanna go through the hassle of changing back to my maiden name (legally, financially, etc), which is unusual and hard for people to pronounce and spell.

      1. I also kept my ex-husband’s name because of the kids. I wanted them to feel like they were safe & that we were still a family ♥

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