Jon Gosselin Gives Update on His Son Collin; Says His Current Girlfriend Speaks to His Estranged Kids & More

“It’s me…again.”

Jon Gosselin resurfaced this week to give an update on his life, girlfriend, kids and even his ex-wife Kate Gosselin.

The former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star chatted it up with the Domenick Nati Show on Thursday, where he opened up about his girlfriend Stephanie Lebo and the future he sees for them. Jon also spoke about his relationships with his kids— the two who speak to him and the six that don’t— and their surprising willingness to speak to his girlfriend.

Here are some of the most-interesting parts of Jon’s interview with the YouTube channel.

On his girlfriend’s involvement with his kids:


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Stephanie — who has been dating Jon for more than two years— has spoken to Jon’s kids, despite the fact that most of the Gosselin gang refuse to speak to Jon himself. Even more surprising is the fact that Stephanie has spoken to Jon’s ex-wife, Kate Gosselin.

“She’s completely integrated into my kids’ lives, the kids who live with me right now, [which] are Hannah and Collin,” Jon said. “Hannah just went to visit her siblings. I know that Stephanie has talked to Kate and I know Steph has talked to my other kids, just through FaceTime through Hannah’s phone and stuff. Everything seems copacetic.”

Six of the eight Gosselin kids still have no communication with their dad, though.

“My other kids haven’t talked to me, though, so maybe it’s just easier to talk to someone that’s with me but not me,” Jon said. “…Under the scrutiny of everything that’s transpired [between us], it might just be easier for them to talk to a third-party individual that’s totally integrated into my life.”


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Jon stated that, in his opinion, Kate sees him and Stephanie as “a long-term relationship” so that’s probably why she was willing to speak to Stephanie on the phone.

“Maybe [Kate] just wanted to know the woman who is influencing her child, or children?” Jon said. “I don’t know. Maybe she’s just concerned?”

On inviting his estranged kids to his wedding:

Jon said he plans to propose to Stephanie within the next few months and that— when the time comes— he will send invites to all eight of his kids, even the ones who don’t speak to him.

“The invites would have to go through Hannah, because Hannah’s the only one that talks to all of them,” Jon said. “I don’t see why [they wouldn’t] get an invite. Whether they come or not, that’s going to be up to them, since they’re adults now and they can make their own adult decisions.”

“Don’t hold your breath, Pops!”

“I assume we’ll invite everybody that’s close to us. I think we’ll just have a very intimate wedding and then a big home reception or something like that,” Jon added.

On Collin’s relationship with his mom Kate:

“She may not have kept that ‘Speak to the Manager’ haircut but she DID keep that controlling personality trait!”

Last year, Collin appeared on the Dark Side of the 2000s docuseries and spoke about how, in his opinion, his mother Kate purposely alienated him from his siblings and took her anger out on him when he was a child. At the time, he stated that he had no relationship with Kate, and that appears to still be true a year later, according to Jon.

“There’s too much from the past…that’s really up to Collin to make his own decisions and to speak to whoever he wants to speak to about that,” Jon said.

On whether or not he feels Kate brainwashed his kids against him:

Jon stated that he doesn’t feel like Kate “brainwashed” his kids into hating him. However, he does think his ex is guilty of committing “parental alienation,” due to her not wanting to end up by herself. 

“Some people just cannot be alone, so they’ll do anything or— if they have the means— they’re gonna sway their children or whoever’s in their life to not go with the other parent,” he said. “Hannah chose to live with me, so that was different, and Collin was awarded to me [by the court]. He didn’t really have a choice, and I think sometimes he feels slighted on that. Like, he didn’t even have the opportunity to choose. But I think things worked out for both of them for the best. 

“I think it’s parent alienation. It’s [Kate saying to the kids], ‘Your dad’s this, your dad’s this, just don’t go there.'”

You can watch Jon’s full interview with the Domenick Nati Show below! 

RELATED STORY: Hannah Gosselin Gives Update On Her Relationship With Mom Kate; Jon Gosselin Weighs In On Hannah’s Boyfriend

(Photos: TLC; VICE; Instagram)

12 Responses

  1. @herer/@paula (same person) ~ um, i don’t recall anyone here defending jon. if memory serves, most seemed to think j & k BOTH suck…
    but maybe kate sucks a bit more. 🤣🙃😹🙊

  2. Where are all those hags that defended this bottom feeder and attacked the wife? He was never a victim. He still need$ a kick n the az.

  3. Where are all those hags that defended this bottom feeder and attacked the wife? He was never a victim. He still need$ a kick n the az.

    1. So are you a “hag” for defending Kate who also is a “bottomfeeder” and the fact she put her son into a psychiatric hospital to live for years? What kind of mother does that and doesn’t visit him but 2 hours in three years? No visits or calls from his siblings and his dad had no idea where Colin was. John fought Kate in court, spending a million dollars. John may not be great but he’s always been better than that psycho Kate.

      1. He’s a loser magnet. At least she got rid of him and his grown kids seem to agree. Hats love lil men

        1. @paula ~ what kind of hats? there are so many options. 😂😹🤣
          baseball caps? fedoras? top hats? sun hats? cowboy hats? visors? santa caps? chef toques? 👒🎩🧢🤠👩🏼‍🍳🎅

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