Kieffer Delp– Infamous Ex of ‘Teen Mom’ Star Jenelle Evans— Says He’s Now Sober & a New Father

“I’m trading drugs for daddy duties, y’all!”

File this under: “Things we shouldn’t care about but kind of do…”

Kieffer Delp says he’s no longer getting “HIGH! HIGH!” 

The infamous former boyfriend of Jenelle Evans— who appeared for years with her on Teen Mom 2— is now apparently out of jail, off drugs and venturing into the world of fatherhood.

Kieffer recently took to X to post several updates on his life. It’s been over a year since fans have heard from The Kieff (back when he was musing about joining OnlyFans like his former soulmate Jenelle has done.) However, Kieffer— got back on his X account earlier this month to let his followers know that he is now sober.

“Welp almost 9 months clean and on everything,” Kieffer wrote. ” I wouldn’t give this up for anything there is… no going back now plain n simple…”

Kieffer’s sudden need to tweet comes just a few weeks after he was released from jail. The Ashley can confirm that the green hoodie enthusiast was sprung from the clink on June 29 after serving his latest jail sentence. (It appears that he was in jail this time after pleading guilty to a “Criminal Mischief/Damaging Property” charge that he received while he was out on probation.) 

As ‘Teen Mom 2′ fans are aware, Kieffer has had a long history of drug addiction. After frequently “smokin’ the weeeed” with Jenelle on ‘Teen Mom 2,’ Kieffer went on to be arrested several times for drug-related and (non-drug-related) offenses. Back in June 2022, Kieffer was thrown behind bars and charged with one count of misdemeanor theft and one count of criminal conspiracy. (Much like Jenelle’s feelings for Kieffer, the conspiracy charge was eventually dropped.)

Before that, Kieffer pleaded guilty in 2018 to operating a meth lab (in the kitchen of his apartment, as you do), as well as a manufacturing charge and a “risking catastrophe” charge. He spent 18 months in prison before being released in February 2020.

In between jail sentences, Kieffer obviously found time to impregnate someone because, on Sunday, he announced that he is now the father of a little girl.

“There is no going back now,” he wrote on X. “#IzzyBelle.” 

Upon his return to social media, The Kieff also replied to some of his fans’ tweets. 

“I still believe that being a felon ain’t illegal,” one person wrote to him, obviously in a nod to Kieffer’s infamous quote from ‘Teen Mom 2.’

“It’s a fact it’s not matter fact,” Kieffer replied. “I’m sitting here being a felon rite now watching TV.”


When a fan suggested he team up with Jenelle’s mom Barbara Evans and get back on TV, Kieffer wasn’t down with the hilarious plan.

“Do a cooking show with Barbara instead. I’d watch the hell out of that,” the fan wrote.

“Yea leave what I have to go be with her?” Kieffer replied. “That ain’t happening my family needs me.”

“I neva woulda thought I’d see the day where Kieffa was tryin’ to be a responsible fatha! Also, thanks for neva knockin’ up Juh-nelle!”

Jenelle has yet to comment on her former soulmate’s sobriety and venture into parenthood.

Jenelle, when she hears Kieffer is out of jail and interested in taking care of kids…

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ Star Jenelle Evans Says She’s Open to Having More Kids; Reveals If She’ll Ever Get Married Again

(Photos: MTV; X) 

13 Responses

    1. Same…I kinda liked him…granted he wasn’t perfect, he wasn’t physically or emotionally abusive and that’s saying quite a bit

  1. Congratulations! I am glad he is tackling the issue and wish him the very best of luck in the future!

  2. I hope he really has changed.. truth and time tells all. The past is history, the future is a mystery or something

  3. Congratulations to Keiffer! Hopefully he continues on his recovery. I’m glad to hear he’s sober and (it’s implied) he’s no longer homeless. That’s a tough life. Hopefully the baby helps bring some joy, and he’s actively there for her.

      1. It’s not exactly a ringing endorsement but he was my favorite of Jenelle’s carousel of crappy dudes. I hope things stay good for/with him.

        1. Yes, at least he wasn’t violent – he didn’t seem to be a horrible person unlike Lurch and Nathan. Low bar, but Janelle scrapes the bottom of the barrel. But hopefully unlike Janelle, he has grown up, will stay clean and be an involved and loving father to his child. I believe he has another child – he probably wasn’t around and didn’t do much for that one.

    1. I was coming here to say something about that last image! It looks like she’s running so fast she has taken flight 🤣 I remember this episode though I think. Wasn’t this over a change jar or something like that?

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