‘Sister Wives’ Star Meri Brown Talks About Her Relationship with Her Child Leon; Says She & Leon Still Receive Hate Over Leon Being Transgender

“Leave my kid alone, trolls!”

On the latest episode of The Sarah Fraser Show, Sister Wives star Meri Brown opened up about the comments she receives about her transgender child, Leon Brown, admitting the public commentary “is very polarizing.” 

As The Ashley previously reported, Leon– the only child of Meri and ex-husband Kody Brown– came out as transgender and queer in June 2022 and uses they/them pronouns. 

Like some of the other Brown kids, Leon no longer appears on their family’s TLC series; however, Meri says she still receives comments regarding her child– not all of which are kind. 

“The commentary that I get about Leon is very polarizing,” Meri revealed on the podcast. “I mean, it is…it’s going to be that way. I always appreciate the support, the comments of support, that I get, and obviously, I don’t appreciate the hate that comes at me. 

“I just, I don’t think hate has any purpose or any value, you know?” Meri added. 

Meri went on to say that, while she may not talk publicly about Leon very often, the two maintain a good relationship. 

“ … I don’t talk about them a lot just because they kind of want to remain as private– and have their own life– as possible,” she said. “But Leon and I have a really good relationship.” 

As The Ashley reported last year, it was revealed in August that Leon and their longtime partner Audrey Kriss, who is also transgender, had secretly tied the knot in October 2022 in a ceremony held at a home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The couple had been engaged since January 2019, when Leon proposed to Audrey at the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. Before Leon stopped appearing on ‘Sister Wives,’ they discussed wedding plans on the show. 

While neither Kody nor Meri were present for Leon’s big day, Meri has remained very supportive of Leon since their transition; however, the same cannot be said for Kody reportedly. 

The Sun reported in August that Leon and Kody have not had a relationship since Leon’s gender-affirming top surgery. (Leon revealed in January 2023 that they had undergone the procedure.) 

“[Kody] does not support Leon’s transition at all,” a source told the outlet last year. “He’s actually disgusted by it, as terrible as that is. Kody is telling close friends, ‘This is a new person. I don’t know who this person is, but this is not the little girl that I raised.’” 

“…and not a great one at that.”

Meanwhile, the source claimed that Meri will always remain in Leon’s corner. 

“Leon is her only child and she wasn’t going to disown them,” the source said. “She will pick Leon over Kody every day.” 

“I love that kid even more than I love a wet bar.”

Leon’s sister Gwendlyn Brown– daughter of Kody and ex-wife Christine Brown– seemed to confirm both Kody and Meri’s reactions to Leon’s transition in a Q&A with fans back in January 2023. 

“Transphobes still very much exist, even in this family, but they’re the very small minority of us,” she said. “Meri was absolutely the most supportive [though].”

When asked this week if Leon and Audrey plan to start a family of their own in the future, Meri happily referred to herself “a dog grandma,” adding that dogs are “a huge part” of her life, as well as Leon and Audrey’s.  

“I’m currently a dog grandma,” she said. “I’ve got three granddogs.” 

RELATED STORY: ‘Sister Wives’ Star Mykelti Brown Says She’s Moving to North Carolina to Get Away From “Drama”; Tony Padron Confirms Janelle Brown Has Also Moved to North Carolina

(Photos: Instagram; Facebook; TLC) 

44 Responses

  1. I’ve got a question. If Leon wants the world to see him as a man and if Leon thinks of himself as a man, then why can’t we call him a him. They is plural. Too confusing. And no disrespect intended.

    1. Leon never said they think of themself as a man, so why would they be referred to as him? Leon identifies as genderqueer, and not any single gender. Leon is just Leon.

  2. hannah has crossed the line from merely annoying to vile with her antiquated views and crude, disgusting slurs.
    i’m obviously not offended by her asinine remarks (she’s a joke 🥴 and apparently very unhappy 👹), but she’s a sh*t stirrer 💩🥄 and her constant nastiness derails what is otherwise intelligent (but always snarky 😉) discourse.
    can something be done?!? please?

    1. on second thought ~ her remarks ARE offensive (to anyone with a brain), but are definitely NOT hurtful, which seems to be her intent. 🤷🏼‍♀️

        1. @hannah ~ i wouldn’t say ‘p*ssed’; more like shocked that gross, backwoods people like you actually exist.
          for real, who actually uses the ‘r’ word?
          (as you did, in a since-deleted comment)
          bless your heart, you must not know any better. poor thing.

          1. I know better but I say what I mean and mean what I say and don’t give a damn if it does get deleted, or ignored or downvoted!!

            You see, I don’t care what people think of me…I’m damn proud to be who I am.

            But apparently it bothers you idiots so maybe just maybe I’m NOT the one who should examine my life…maybe yall should!!

          2. @hannah ~ ew. you’re ‘damn proud’ of yourself? wow. 🤯
            again, hard to believe people like you actually exist.
            also again, bless your heart. you need it.

          3. Long live people from the backwoods…there needs to be more of us and less of yall

        2. Seeing a festering raccoon carcass on the side of the road doesn’t piss me off, it just grosses me out.

          1. Hannah needs to hop over to the momma June trash show. 😉😂

            They will love the dumass redneck remarks yaaaaaaaallllll

  3. Ugh I see Hannah is back. Bleh. As far as Leon goes- I don’t really care and while I don’t necessarily believe in everyone that wants to transition, doing so- I don’t believe our higher power hates them. My own concepted idea of “God”/AKA my higher power, is that they are all loving and all forgiving. You’d have to be a murderer or child molester to go to “hell”. Anywho- I have to say, I hate that picture Leon chose in coming out as trans. Those shorts are incredibly unattractive- I cringe when I see that picture.

    1. @sir ~ ‘ugh’ and ‘bleh’ is right. 🤮
      crude, hostile hannah is giving ‘aaron carter drug use denier’ ~ anyone else remember that whackjob? pearl, wasn’t it?
      anyway, same vibes. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    2. Ugh, the perv SirPoopsAlot is back…blah

      You don’t have to be exclusively a murderer or molester to go to hell…any sinner can go to hell if they haven’t repented and turned away from their sin(s)

      And yes God is all loving but He doesn’t always love or even like the things we do.

      And He is forgiving but we have to ask for His forgiveness!!!


      P.S.- A murdered and molester can still be saved BUT the day Mariah decided to try and change what God made her, she signed, sealed and delivered a big F you to God…He won’t forgive that nonsense!!!

      1. Didn’t realize Hannah was code word for God or Jesus Christ. Because it sure sounds like you are trying to do His job for him. So in the great book of Hannah you decide what sins are forgivable and what sins aren’t? Thank you oh wise one for imparting your Christian wisdom to us heathens and sinners.🙄Have you ever heard “he who is without sin cast the first stone”? My guess is that even you have sinned so maybe put down your stones and worry about your own sins.

        1. Yeah we’re all sinners BUT we have to repent and turn away from said sin(s) in order to receive forgiveness.

          SirPoopsAlot is the one that said murderers and molesters are the one’s that go to hell…I merely made the point that murderers and molesters can be sorry and turn away from their sin…even gays and lesbians can change and ask for forgiveness BUT you can’t change transgender…once you’ve put the process in motion there’s no turning back from that.

          You can be sorry all day long and regret your eternal decision was made the day the person tried to change what God made them

          1. That’s supposed to say “You can be sorry all day long and have regret but…”

      2. You just said that God is forgiving but you have to ask for forgiveness. But , in typical condescending fashion , you said God won’t forgive Leon because they changed their gender .

        But, Hannah… I thought you said all someone had tk do was repent and ask for forgiveness .

        Oh , I see what you’re doing.
        Twisting the narrative so it fits your Agenda.

        1. All someone does have to do is repent BUT there’s no amount of repentance a person can do for changing what He made them…whats done is done

          I’m not twisting anything…but God’s way is the ONLY, and His way is cut and dried/black and white…there’s no in between

  4. There is no harm in respecting Leon’s pronouns and such. The only problem I have is the name they chose. Out of all the names … Leon ? 😂😂😂✌️

    I’m sure it has a sentimental meaning . As Leon’s middle name before transition was Leann if I recall correctly , but i just … it’s a no from me boss 😂

    I’m all seriousness , Kody has always been a douche.

    1. Not gonna lie, that was the only part of the transition announcement that baffled me. Leon?? Whyyyyy? You get to pick your own name and that’s what you went with?

  5. Ya know, it’s not my life so I really don’t care how they choose to live their own lives. I don’t see them hurting anybody or breaking any laws so I don’t see a problem. They’re both hard working, honest, kind, gentle PEOPLE & that’s all that matters to me. Big respect for Meri, a mother’s love is supposed to be unconditional & she has done a remarkable job of that ♥

  6. Mariah was extremely influenced easily, she was the only one who wanted to be a sister wife. Goes to college, meets a gay girl and now she’s gay, her partner wants to transition so she does. If you’re not catching this stuff you’re slow

  7. Does SHE have a vagina? Uterus? Fallopian tubes? XX chromosome? Yes to all three-SHE’S A FEMALE WITH MENTAL ILLNESS.

      1. You can dislike what I said and down vote it all you and guys. It’s reality, this is all mental illness and Mariah has always had a problem with this stuff.. she’s easily influenced like a little kid. How likely are TWO people in a relationship gonna have that disease? It’s a social contagion. And yes, it was put into her head. This is reality. This isn’t normal. It’s been manufactured

  8. I’m not about hate. I don’t hate anyone. I do however think there are people with real gender dysphoria and then there are people that have been brainwashed by influencers into thinking that mutilating their body and injecting hormones into their system will fix whatever mental health issue they are having.

    I want everyone to be happy and healthy but anyone that thinks that this transgender stuff hasn’t turned into a social contagion is in denial. I mean, c’mon….what are the chances that both Leon and Leon’s partner both have gender dysphoria? Let’s be real.

    1. I 100% agree with you. The odds are astronomical that two lesbians both realized at the same time, after marrying each other, that they’re actually gay men. It doesn’t matter if you support transgenderedness or not, this specific scenario is clearly a case of a mentally ill person that’s incredibly easy to influence and has a deep need to feel special in some way.

  9. She is not even trying to look like a man or a mix or whatever. They both just look like two very sad and unattractive lesbians. I hope they can heal. May God save them <3

    1. Seriously? May God save them? How incredibly narrow minded and judgemental can you be? They aren’t rapists, murders or child molesters. They are living their life how they want to live it. It doesn’t affect you. It doesn’t affect me. Maybe they aren’t the ones “God needs to save”.

          1. He loves the sinner (and so are we) but he doesn’t love the sin (so neither should we)

    2. Lol you are a nobody and your opinion about other people’s happiness or attractiveness is of no consequence. Go back under your rock

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