From regretting their kids’ names to renting a wheelchair for attention an injury, it’s been a busy week for the stars/former stars of the Teen Mom franchise! In an effort to bring you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom: The Next Chapter, Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.
Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened over the last week or so…
Kail Lowry Reveals She Tried to Convince Ex Jo Rivera to Change Their Son Isaac’s Last Name A Few Years Ago

Kail has a lot of kids…and a lot of those kids have had a lot of last names over the years. However, Kail recently opened up about a name-change attempt she made that didn’t go her way.
On this week’s episode of her Baby Mamas No Drama podcast, the former ‘Teen Mom 2’ star revealed that she regrets giving her oldest child, Isaac, the last name of his father, Jo. She also revealed that she recently tried to convince Jo to let her change Isaac’s last name to her own.
(As fan know, Kail currently has seven kids. In addition to Isaac, Kail and her current live-in boyfriend Elijah Scoot share twins Valley and Verse, as well as son Rio. She shares sons Lux and Creed with Chris Lopez, son Lincoln with her ex-husband Javi Marroquin.)
“I don’t regret giving Lincoln [the last name] Marroquin because I was married to his dad [Javi],” Kail said. “Lincoln hasn’t really shown any aversions to it. But because Jo and I weren’t married, I wish that Isaac was a Lowry because we weren’t married. Why did Jo get to have the last name and I didn’t? Or, I wish it was hyphenated.”
Kail— who co-hosts the podcast with Jo’s wife Vee Torres— admitted that she tried to convince Jo to let her change Isaac’s last name, but Jo was not having it.

“When I brought up [changing Isaac’s last name] to Jo a few years ago, Jo was like, ‘Absolutely not. Not happening, not changing it,'” Kail said. “Isaac has expressed to me over the years that he wishes that he had either both [of our last names] or my mom’s maiden name [Irwin]. But I think that stems from how I talked about me wanting to be an Irwin, which was my mom’s last name.”
Kail went on to talk about how most of her kids ended up with different last names: Isaac’s is Rivera, Lincoln’s is Marroquin, Lux’s is Lowry, Creed’s is Lowry-Lopez. (On TikTok, Kail stated that Rio and her twins have the last name “Lowry.”)
“If anyone is listening to this and [wondering] why is Lux a Lowry and Creed is a Lowry-Lopez, it’s because it was two different judges,” Kail said. “At the time when I changed Lux’s last name to Lowry, the judge ordered that.”
‘Teen Mom 2′ fans may remember that Kail initially gave Creed his father Chris’ last name of Lopez after he was born in 2020, but she later decided to change it too.
“Later, for Creed, a different judge in a different county said to hyphenate,” she said.
Last year, Chris opened up on social media about his feelings on having his sons’ last names changed by Kail.
“I ain’t gonna lie, Lux’s last name makes me cringe,” Chris said in June 2023 on Instagram Live. “It’s like a f**king shot to the heart when he says his last name. He’s the only one [of my kids] that doesn’t have my last name. So he be like, ‘Dad are you changing my last name?’
“…I definitely have plans to change it. Because he was born a Lopez. Originally he was born [with the last name] Lopez. We all know the truth; [Kail changed it] out of spite. [Kail] changed the name. That’s life.”
Back in 2021, Chris confirmed that Kail had changed Lux’s last name from Lopez to Lowry. A year earlier, Kail explained that she sometimes regretted giving Creed the last name Lowry-Lopez.
“There have been periods of time where I felt like he doesn’t deserve to have his last name passed down but … in a situation like this, I don’t know what’s right or wrong,” she said in 2020. “Maybe I should have just hyphenated both [of our kids’] names and called it a f**king day? When they’re old enough, they can decide which name they want. But I do feel like [getting the father’s last name] is earned.”
During this week’s podcast episode, Kail explained that last names are a sensitive topic for some people.
“Last names are tough because I do think they affect different families differently,” Kail said. “Some people don’t care and the kids never think about it. It’s just not a thing for them and they just don’t care. But then others are really affected by it.”
Debz OG Releases An Unhinged Rodent-Themed Rap

Move over ‘brat summer,’ here comes ‘rat summer.’
Former ‘Teen Mom’ star Debra “Debz OG” Danielsen took to social media this week to provide an update on her bathroom happenings, and, while truly confused by this video, we’re happy to report that Deb’s on-camera restroom adventures are nothing like those of her daughter, Farrah Abraham.

Instead, the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise’s resident rapping granny decided to drop a tune this week entitled “Rat Trouble,” in which she spit some rhymes about the rat she recently found residing in her toilet.
“Needed to go potty but when I lifted the lid, discovered a rat that was hid,” Debz OG sang/rapped (kind of). “What should I do? This rat is sitting in my loo. Can’t go potty ‘cause he might bite my body.”
I just….can’t.
Just when you think Debra has run out of things to say about the tenant in her toilet and that the commode cacophony has come to an end, Debz OG fires off a final verse, revealing her plan to rid her restroom of the rat.

“I know what I’ll do, I’ll flush and I’ll flush and I’ll hit him with my potty brush,” she states, while waving a (hopefully unused) toilet brush in the air. “Knock him down and out he’ll go, back into the sewer and into the flow.”
Check out Debz OG’s latest bop below. (If anyone needs The Ashley, she’ll be ice-picking out her own ears and eyes as a punishment for watching this video.)
Jenelle Evans Hits the Vegas Strip While Being Pushed in a Wheelchair By Her On-Again Bestie Tori Rhyne

Jenelle Evans is proving herself to be one HIGH! HIGH! high roller in Sin City.
The rehired ‘Teen Mom’ star and current Las Vegas resident shared with followers in late June that she “jammed” her leg going down some two stairs, earning herself one trip to the ER, one MRI and, apparently, one good enough excuse to buy herself a wheelchair.
While Jenelle revealed that she had only suffered a “Grade 1 ACL Sprain,” she insists the injury has made it “so hard for [her] to do anything” and is even claiming to “have muscle atrophy like others do when they stop walking on their leg.”
She’s also taken to the internet to complain about her sprain and how lonely she’s been in the weeks following her stair-fall fail.
@jenellelevans Hopefully things get better soon 😩❤️🩹
Fortunately for Jenelle– and her wheelchair, who was surely dying to make its debut on the Vegas Strip– she was feeling well enough to hit the town earlier this week with her BFF/noted drumstick aficionado Tori Rhyne. Fortunately for us, Jenelle chose to document much of the night out on social media, during which she made no effort to hide the fact that she’s still sticking to this wheelchair bit wheelchair bound.
Tori wheeling Jenelle around Vegas. Kids nowhere to be seen, as usual. They seem so proud of themselves.
byu/Emmy-LouSugarbean inTeenMomOGandTeenMom2
Jenelle’s antics as of birth late have earned her plenty of backlash on social media, with some accusing her of milking her sprain, and others calling her Gypsy Rose Blanchard.
In response to those doubting the seriousness of Jenelle’s injury, August Keen–- Jenelle’s lip-ringed manager/soulmate-in-training -– was quick to come to his girlfriend’s client’s defense on social media this week, insisting Jenelle isn’t wheeling and dealing around Las Vegas for the fun of it.
“Jenelle has a severe ACL injury, she will start physical therapy this week for 6 weeks and if she is not healed they will need to perform ACL surgery,” August claimed. “Her ACL is stretched and she has lost the muscle in that leg, so now she is in a wheelchair until further notice. It is not something she can walk on at all. So not Jenelle is not exaggerating.”
To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!
(Photos: Instagram; MTV)
30 Responses
She’d regret it even if she was married to Jo. Girl hasn’t been thinking straight since day one and as the days go on, she’s sounding more and more sad. Where’s the guy she was dating living at Jos she promised not to. lol
Why did MTV take her back??? She’s always been hot mess and continues to be so. She left her minor teen son (I think Jace is 15 now?) incharge of her two other minor kids while she was in Vegas on “business”/house hunting trip. She seems shocked to realize that her estranged husband is a weird and dangerous man…we all knew that when she was shacking up with him. Great move MTV.
Debz. No words 😂😂😖😂
Ah, Jenelle an ACL sprain isn’t fun, but come on, it does not warrant a wheel chair, unless it’s a long distance. I’ve had 3 ACL reconstructive surgeries so this is something I know about. Stop whining. Complaining doesn’t do anything but annoy those who have to hear it. Muscle atrophy after a few weeks … yeah, it can happen, but it isn’t serious and those muscles will be back to normal quickly. The wheelchair is just for attention. If someone is pushing it and strangers are holding doors, it probably feels like they’re serving the poor cripple. People with good self esteem don’t need or want pity, and those who do want to be pitied, are pathetic.
Also if her concern is muscle atrophy, relying on a wheelchair will only make it worse.
Kail has the weirdest logic. She wants her kids to be named Lowry, but she wanted to be name Irwin even though she doesn’t like either of her parents. It makes no sense.
Jo has been a present and active part of Isaac’s life since day one. How has he not “earned” his son having his last name these past fourteen/fifteen years? Is the only way to earn it to marry Kail? Why did she even give Creed the name Lopez at all if she regretted and changed it already with Lux? What kind of a pushover is Elijah that he’s okay with his three children, that he lives with full-time, not having his name?
It makes sense why Jo doesn’t talk to this looney tune no more. Jo is an active father in Isaac’s life and that’s a slap in the face for Kail to ask him if she can remove his last name from his son’s name. She might take very good care of her kids but her issues are definitely going to affect the kids latter in life. The only kids who shouldn’t have the last name of their father is Chris but the rest of the kids have present fathers who deserve their kids to have their own last name.
Couldn’t agree more. He’s been in his sons life his entire life and has been more stable than all her other baby daddies and for her to even suggest this is absolutely disrespectful
Anyone I know who has had an acl tear is put in a boot even pre surgery. The Drs want thr blood flowing. I can’t see how with a strain they would want her in a wheelchair. Her muscles have atrophied??? How could that be. It’s not like she has been bed ridden for months. It just makes no sense.
I will never understand why women give their children the last names of men they aren’t married to. Passing on your last name should be a privilege reserved for men who marry the mother of the children and take care of her and the kids.
The privilege isn’t about the men, it’s about the children
Kail, if you didn’t have so many baby daddies, you would never have this problem. Most people hypenate or take the man’s surname (or woman’s) and all of the kids end up having the same last name cuz they have kids with the same person. Sure, divorces happen, even multiple pregnancies with another partner but not like 7 by 4. That’s a you problem, you made this difficult for yourself (not to mention the kids! Isaac’s gotta be the most confused oldest sibling in the world…thankfully he is smart enough to not let this happen to him)
But why did I due laughing at the rodent rap🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kail, you have unprotected sex without being married with every guy you meet and you get impregnated. Their last names are going to be their dad’s last name. That’s just how it works. You need to back off and stop trying to control everything. If you were married or not, that’s their daddies. Don’t try to minimize their place in to your children’s lives because you feel a certain way. Those children can love their dadsssss and it’s ok for them to carry their last names.
I no longer wonder why Joe avoids her…
I think you have to fail a phycological exam to be cast as a Teen Mom mom. They’re attentions seekers who can’t do simple math. It’s the only way to explain all of the tax liens.
As for the rest, bless you Ashley for enduring tedious podcasts. It’s above and beyond the call to duty. I can’t imagine having to listen to that tripe
I broke my foot a few years ago, and I got myself a wheelchair. Crutches suck, they hurt under your arms and it’s easy to slip over on them (one drop of water on the floor and you will slip, found out that the hard way)
I don’t think she’s doing it for attention, she just doesn’t wanna use crutches and I can’t blame her. Never ever thought I’d defend Jenelle lol
Jenelle being Jenelle, I feel like “How do I get attention out of this?” being a high priority, but some people just suck at crutches. When my mom (in her fifties, no physical or cognitive impairments) broke her leg it was like she went out of her way to use them wrong. Like, this was with me living at home and correcting her every ten minutes.
Eventually rented her a wheelchair, she was pissed, spent another day breaking the house smacking into everything, hitting stuff with her crutches, and grabbing everything on her way down and had her foot on the ground most of the time changed her tune and was like “um…do you still have the wheelchair?”
Went much, much better.
That “rat rap” is the most unhinged thing I have ever seen. Is Debra insane? Is it something hereditary? It can’t be a coincidence that her daughter is insane too
It’s got to be mental illness! My mom is like that. She is so ridiculous, very weird and extremely hard to deal with her. I’ve always wondered what kind of mental illness is this.
I’ve had a grade 1 ACL sprain that I got running track in college and you don’t need a damn wheelchair. You need to take it easy for a couple weeks, ice, and ibuprofen. Dear God, how much sympathy does one person need? Does anyone actually fall for swamp queen’s bs medical conditions? I have a ehlers danlos syndrome and a heart condition and I swear I’m at the doctor like 90% less than she claims to be. I’m also capable of having a normal life. Why would anyone WANT to be sick? I sincerely do not understand this woman.
My guess is she’s trying once again to get pain killers.
Yeah I woulda said she’s looking for meds in LV now.
I just posted something that says the essentially the same. An ACL sprain hurts, but it does not warrant a wheelchair. I think she likes having someone push her around because it makes her feel special and she likes being served, and best of all, by having someone push her around, she has an audience who’s focus is always on her, or risk hitting a person or wall.
So you’re telling me that Valley’s last name is Lowry? Valley Lowry? Poor kid!
kail’s 🥬 incessant surname drama is beyond trashy. 🗑️🙄
also, why did she want ‘to be an irwin’ if she dislikes her mom so much? (or at least she did, last i read here on theashley ~ i realize the petty, trashy 🗑️ issues she seems to have w/everyone are ever-evolving 🤣)
also, swamp queen 🧟♀️ in the wheelchair is obviously gross, pathetic and thirsty. 🥤
the comment calling her gypsy rose (another gross grifter) was spot on. 🎯
Also, Jenelle saying they’re trying ‘everything’ to heal her. Ummm have ya tried an exorcism? Crazy bitch.
So that’s the kind of stuff Kail talks about. I guess if you are a die hard fan of hers maybe that’s interesting but I guess what learned is that monogramming must be a nightmare for her.
Istg Kail just has to continue stirring the fucking shitpot constantly. Always gotta be about her & her dumbass.