EXCLUSIVE! Nathan Griffith Sentenced After Failing Out of Veteran’s Court Program; Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Headed to Rehab Again

“The only person who has ever been given more chances than me by a judge is Ryan Edwards!”

Nathan Griffith was back in court this week for sentencing. The former Teen Mom 2 dad faced a judge after having his probation revoked due to him failing out of his court-ordered program. 

Earlier this month, The Ashley exclusively revealed that Nathan had been thrown out of the Veteran’s Court program he was sentenced to last year after he pleaded guilty to attacking his sister via attempted assault by strangulation. According to court documents obtained by The Ashley, Nathan was kicked out of the program due to him not having “adhered to the programming rules and policies.”

The baby daddy and former soulmate of Jenelle Evans has been in jail since June, but was brought out of his cell on Thursday to go before a judge to be resentenced for the crime of Attempted Assault by Strangulation. (Had he complied with the terms of his original Veterans Court probation, Nathan’s case would have been dismissed after 36 months.)

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that Nathan was sentenced to a minimum of 12 months (with a max of 48 months) in prison. However, the former MTV star had his sentence suspended. Nathan was again ordered to go back on probation for “an indeterminate period not to exceed 24 months.” 

He was also ordered again into a residential treatment facility (despite the fact that he has been unsuccessful in several court-ordered rehab programs since his original arrest). He will remain in the Clark County Jail until he is transferred to the rehab facility. (Interestingly, another ‘Teen Mom 2’ dad, Bar Smith, is also in the Clark County Jail as of press time!) 

“Maybe if we get a couple more ‘Teen Mom’ guys over here, we can start an MTV wing of the jail or something!”

If Nathan flunks out of the rehab program and/or doesn’t adhere to the new terms of his probation, he will go to prison for 12-48 months. 

Even if Nathan is successful with both programs, he will still have the felony charge on his record. 

The judge in the case imposed three “special conditions” of probation for Nathan. In addition to complying with a curfew, he is required to complete rehab, and then after completing rehab he must enter a Veteran’s intensive outpatient treatment program and comply with the terms of that program.

Nathan is required to follow all of the rules of standard probation as well, which include reporting to his parole officers and submitting a written report each month. He is not allowed to change his place of residence without permission, and he can’t possess any weapons. Nathan cannot leave the state of Nevada without permission.

The judge also should have ordered Nathan to stop wearing this shirt… 

Nathan— who has had several alcohol-related arrests over the years— is also barred from drinking alcohol “to excess.” (If he is tested and is found to have a 0.08 blood alcohol content or higher, it will be ruled as “proof of excess.”) He is also not allowed to use, purchase or possess illegal drugs or any prescription drugs that are not prescribed to him. Nathan will be required to submit to drug testing.

He must allow himself and his property to be searched, including by electronic surveillance and location monitoring. 

Nathan is barred from associating with anyone who has been convicted of a felony, or anyone on probation or parole. He must get written permission to correspond with anyone currently in jail or prison.

“Does that mean we can’t be prison pen pals, Nate?!”

Finally, Nathan is required to follow all regular laws, pay his fines…and seek employment.

“You shall seek and maintain legal employment, or maintain a program approved by the Division of Parole and Probation and not change such employment or program without first obtaining permission,” the court order reads. “All terminations of employment or program shall be immediately reported to the Division.”

“A ‘Teen Mom’ dad getting a JOB? Is that even, like, legal?”

Nathan will go before the court again in September. 

RELATED STORY: Exclusive! Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Dad Nathan Griffith Kicked Out of Veteran’s Court; Now Facing Years in Prison

(Photos: Instagram; MTV)

37 Responses

  1. Honestly, I thought the LAST time he was in court, it was his “last chance”. I am in recovery- over three years now. After I lost my dad to a fentanyl overdose, I knew I was done. It became that more black and white for me that what I was doing, would likely put me in what we in the program call “jails, institutions or death”. But right before that, I had broken relationships with a lot of people- my own best friend who is like a sister, basically said she didn’t want to be around me until I got some help. I know all addicts have their “bottoms” and all bottoms are different but jesus- I haven’t heard anyone in my IOP program or in meetings that has had THIS many arrests and assaulted their own sister by almost choking her to death, that keep on going and don’t consider that a bottom. SMH. I hope he “gets” it this time but it seems like Nathan is one of those people that might have death as his “bottom” and then it’ll be too late.

  2. He will be in prison by the end of the year.
    He should have just told them that he needed to go to the Ke$ha concert and already had feathers in his hair and everything. Worked for Chinelle . 😂

    1. It’s called an addiction for a reason his heart tells him “no” but his mind tells him “yes” and wins EVERY TIME!!!

      Is it bad yes…but it’s not 💯 his fault

      1. They were referencing that a condition of his parole is to avoid drinking to excess. It is weird that his parole allows him to drink at all when it seems obvious Nathan is unable to drink in moderation.

      1. Addicts do crazy things.

        Which people would get if they had ever had an addiction or knew someone who did.

        1. My mom makes terrible decisions. She married a homeless meth addict who had been living in a shelter. Yes, he did horrible, awful things. I do believe he would have done them sober too. He is just a bad person.

          Most addicts aren’t bad people though. I agree with you. It’s so hard to find psych these days and they are medicating trauma/mental issues most of the time.

  3. He’s like a cat, but he’s got more than 9 lives.

    I hope this time rehab sticks, but I highly doubt it. Nathan has more issues than a rehab can help with.

    1. You never know, my best friend had to go through rehab (and jail) TEN TIMES before he finally learned his lesson and now he’s been clean and sober for almost 7 years now

      1. super classy ‘friend’, hannah. 🗑️🍻🥂
        don’t you hate all men, tho? 🤣😂

        1. Never said I HATED men, I just said that most of you don’t/won’t amount to anything.

          I said that to my friend numerous times and he says that’s what woke him up and made him get sober

          1. Damn you have friends?😬You sure sound like a bucket of sunshine to have around.🤣

          1. Does your mommy know you are playing on the internet? Your views and vernacular scream child. If you are actually an adult then I am perplexed as to how you have ever managed a coherent conversation with someone. You seem to be missing the point of why people are tired of Nathan getting off. He has had opportunities to get sober he simply doesn’t WANT to. He has strangled numerous women over the years and yes gotten away with it. So the next time he may actually murder someone. But in your book that’s cool because he has an addiction so we should give his attempted murder and multiple domestic violence crimes a pass. Maybe we should all form a circle around Nathan and protect him from consequences.🙄

          2. First off I’m 36.

            Secondly my mother is dead…but she raised me to say what I feel and to hold NOTHING back and to have compassion for those that deserve it…and screw all others because they are NOBODY’S

            How do you know he doesn’t want help? Are you inside his mind…no. He’s an addict (his heart tells him one thing and his head tells him something else…and his head wins 💯 of the time) and even though he’s messed up NUMEROUS times he still deserves help and for people to think he can change as opposed to people who continually hold his PAST over him…who blatantly f**king say that they want him to fail!!!

  4. Dammit, Nathan! Your little boy KAISER is still trapped with Jenelle!! Even though David appears to be gone for now, Kaiser is still being ignored and neglected by his bio-mother! Special place in hell waiting for a child-abandoning bastard like you!! Praying for Kaiser!!

  5. I hope he screws up his probabtion and rehab (again) and does his time in jail- because that’s what he deserves.

    1. So…let me get this straight…you want him to fail so that YOU get what YOU want?

      How pathetic!!!

      I take it you yourself nor someone you love has struggled with any kind of issue/addiction? If they have you wouldn’t be such a hard-nosed, unfeeling, uncaring B!TCH!!!

  6. Wonder if Bar is gonna get as much leniency and as many chances as Nathan and Ryan. But with as much melanin as he has, we all know the answer.

    1. Apparently if you are a white veteran you can do whatever you want and still go to rehab instead of jail. I wonder if he’ll go to jail once he finally kills someone

    1. MY GOD!! I have never seen such absolute BS than what this dangerous idiot keeps getting away with! Number one he tried to kill his own sister by strangling her like he has tried to strangle other women how is that NOT attempted murder?? They are calling it assault! This man already did none of the requirements of his previous probation so now he was supposed to be sentenced to prison time and once again NO prison time!!! I knew Florida was stupid when they kept giving him more chances to kill a woman but Las Vegas is even stupider!!! He should currently be sitting in prison for 10 damn years for trying to kill his own sister!!! Throw the damn key away!! He is DANGEROUS!!!

        1. I feel for Nathan, but I also feel for the future women who will interact with him. They don’t deserve to die just because Nathan has substance abuse issues and a TBI.

          1. Maybe a person in his future will turn him around…you never know…none of us do

    2. And that’s a bad thing…to give some WHO HAS A KID OR KIDS another chance?

      Nathan and Ryan have to want to change but I think God for judges like that!!!

      1. LOL Another chance? This guy (and Ryan) has had an INSANE amount of chance. If you know anything about addicts (I am a recovering alcoholic), you know we need to hit our bottom and we also need boundaries to make any changes. Had the people in my life just let me do what I wanted, I would have been dead long ago. Luckily, I never had any legal repercussions. When your child does something bad, do you just nod your head and say “poor baby” and “hope” that they stop their behavior? No! You can gently parent them and let them know they can’t act the way they act. But… that is a child. This is a full grown adult- with PLENTY of chances. He’s seen that no one is giving him any real repercussions and he continues to do what he wants.

        1. Sounds to me like you think what worked for you has to work everyone else.

          People are different…ADDICTS are different…what works for one may or may not work for another.

          So shut up.

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