Kail Lowry’s Baby Daddy Chris Lopez Says the Former ‘Teen Mom’ Star Is Engaged & Getting Married Next Month to Boyfriend Elijah Scott

“Well, we know there’s no lack of ring bearer choices!”

Wedding bells are apparently about to ring for Kail Lowry and her live-in boyfriend Elijah Scott.

Chris Lopez— the third baby daddy of the former Teen Mom 2 star— announced on Sunday that Kail is engaged and allegedly planning to marry Elijah next month.

Over the years, Chris and Kail (who share sons Lux and Creed) have made it a habit to publicly leak any big news the other has. (Nearly every time one of them has done it, the news leaked has ended up being true.) On Sunday, Chris jumped on Instagram Live to discuss a few topics related to Kail. His rant initially began as a response to Kail recently discussing on her podcast how she regrets the last names she gave most of her kids.

However, Chris soon decided to drop the big news bombshell that his baby mama has seemingly been keeping a secret.

“You’re engaged currently, getting married in September,” Chris said while talking about Kail. “And your three children don’t even got their father’s name.”

“Don’t be putting any ideas in Elijah’s head, Chris! I’m taking the month off from court!” 

Kail has three kids— Rio, Valley and Verse— with Elijah. She has confirmed on social media that all three of the kids she shares with Elijah have the last name Lowry

Chris— who was very upset when Kail changed Creed and Lux’s last names— then stated that Elijah should be angry that Kail didn’t give their kids his last name, even though she allegedly plans to marry him in September. 

“But you get on a podcast and you talk for views and likes, and try to paint this image?” Chris continued. “And y’all say I’m mad, I’m jealous, I’m bitter, I’m that? I’m over here speaking up for a man who should be speaking up for himself.”

That face you make when Chris Lopez is sticking up for you…

Over the past year or so, Kail has discussed the topic of marrying Elijah on several of her podcasts. In November, she stated on her Coffee Convos podcast that Elijah was “pushing for” her to marry him, but that she was unsure if she wanted to try marriage again. (Kail was previously married to her second baby daddy, Javi Marroquin, and Elijah has also been married once before).

“I’ve already kind of done marriage once and I f**ked it up royally. So, I’m a little hesitant,” Kail said. “…I’m having a hard time now because Elijah wants to get married like, yesterday, right? But I’m like, I already made my vows to somebody and I didn’t even follow through with them.” 

In February, Kail stated on her Baby Mamas No Drama podcast that Elijah had proposed to her “so many times” and, while she does want to marry him, she is unsure she wants to get married again.

“I’ll marry ya, Elijah! Got a ring?”

“I go back and forth with divorce and remarrying all the time,” she said at the time. “It’s something that I really struggle with. On some days, I’m like, ‘Yes, Elijah and I are gonna get married’…I want to, but I also have this internal conflict about the fact that I was married before and I made those commitments, and I made those vows, and I did not follow through.”

Kail has yet to confirm or deny Chris’ claims that she’s engaged and getting married next month. 

This is just the incident of news-leaking between Kail and Chris. Back in 2022, Chris made several statements confirming that Kail was pregnant with her fifth child, Rio (even though Kail didn’t publicly confirm the kid’s existence until he was over a year old). 

Back in 2021, Kail decided to announce, via her Instagram, that Chris was having a baby with another woman. (Kail’s announcement came before Chris and his other baby mama had a chance to announce the news themselves.)

Kail’s “congratulatory” post for Chris in 2021, announcing he was expecting a baby boy with another woman…

One month later, Kail again leaked the gender of Chris’ third child, revealing that it was a boy

Before that, the news that Kail was pregnant with Creed was broken by Chris’ aunt, who posted it on her social media accounts in January 2020. Kail and Chris has not yet publicly revealed the pregnancy at that time, and Kail was not planning on having the baby. 

RELATED STORY: Kail Lowry Says It’s In Her Will to Have Certain People–Including Some of Her Baby Daddies– “Physically Removed” If They Come to Her Funeral: “I Want Them Humiliated”

(Photos: Instagram; MTV) 

35 Responses

    1. I don’t know Chris’ circumstances with family, but Kail has the right to left mature than her age. She didn’t even have parents growing up! She was 16 and pregnant and living with her boyfriend‘s family because her mom abandoned her and her dad had abandoned her! I don’t know how many of us make good decisions when we were just allowed to get older and we weren’t parented! She’s an adult now and responsible for her behavior, but I understand it more than someone who seems to have a lot of family support.

  1. Unreal the sexiest comments about having “the man’s” last name.
    It’s 2024.
    Come at me. IDGAF.

    1. @bk ~ ‘sexiest comments’? is that like the sexiest man alive? 🤣😂
      the word you’re looking for is ‘sexist’, champ. 🤓

    2. Its “sexist.” And it’s a personal choice made by actual FAMILIES. Not dumpster fires who have more children and baby daddies than is healthy for the children. IDGAF. Added that to be just as immature as you. You can be a feminist without being a jerk about in 2024. We had a meeting, sorry you missed it.

    3. Also, you never know the future. My daughter had a baby out of wedlock and I begged her not to put his name on the birth certificate because if they broke up and he wanted visitation, he would go to court and get it no matter what her last name was, she was sure they would Be together for life. He hasn’t seen His daughter in nine years and she’s remarried and has more kids with his last name. He parents my granddaughter but she has a different last name than anyone in her family! My mom also remarried, and my brother and I had a different last name, but we were fully in relationship with my dad’s family, even though my dad was MIA. That’s just a practical reason why you would give a baby you had out a wedlock your last name. I get it if you are married and have the same last name. I think they should always have the last name of their mother not their father for practical reasons if nothing else!

      1. Bs you should always give your kids the dads last name unless he has shown to be a danger, doesn’t care about it himself or isn’t going to be a dad at all. Yes, it’s a risk sure but you’re starting off here on a level of pushing the dad away from the get go. You have to be careful, in these situations taking the last name might make a man not want anything to do with the child at all, not feel a connection. Is it right? No, but you can’t play games. If the dad is the dad, and there, you can’t take that from him unless you want to start off on the wrong foot. Look, I’m old. I know a thing or two ok

  2. Considering Kail blows a lot of peoples secrets it’s no wonder Chris is doing it now too. Probably is true he was right on the babies 😂 Elijah is making a bad decision committing to that bad cycle. Real sketchy why she never gave her newest kids his last name I mean she did with the ones with Chris even though she changed them. That must not feel good lol

    1. One hundred percent. I wish him well on that quest. Tired of seeing her spilling tea about the baby daddies and trying to control the narrative through social media and her stupid podcasts. Just gross. It is only gonna get worse once the kids become aged enough to start having her publicist run their social media revenue streams. I do not understand this world today and the values people are learning and passing on.

    1. Kail got exactly what she deserved with this man in terms of all the bullshit back & forth. Her stupid ass had two kids with him & now she wants to complain. Kail can shut her ass up & wallow the bed she made.

  3. One thing about Chris, he’s going to expose as many of Kail’s secrets as he can. He is so petty LOL

    1. I think she’s the one that does them dirty and their just whipped enough to put up with it.

      She’s cheated on the first 3 as well as probably Elijah: she cheated on Jo with a guy named Jordan, then she cheated on Javi with Chris and a guy named Mark (she even had Matk DNAd for Lux before Chris)…and im more than positive she’s cheating (or has cheated) on Elijah also!!! That’s part of the reason hes marrying her, he thinks that’ll make her stop…but I got news for him, once a ho always a ho…you can’t teach an old dog new tricks

  4. The way these two obsess with each other, makes me think they’re probably meeting up at the Wawa later.

    1. @just ~ exactly. 🎯
      they both suck, they’re both equally obsessed w/one another, and they both need to STFU. #sorrynotsorry 🤷🏼‍♀️

  5. If Chris doesn’t care, then why bring it up at all? It says more about him.

    If you ask me, I think Chris and Kail are the same level of petty.

  6. Lopez is obviously obsessed lol. Get a job, get your own place, and deal with your own effed up life.

    When does the animosity end with these two? You have to be in each others live for a VERY long time, so why not become a good parenting team for your kids? You’re embarrassing yourself Chris, no one cares about her, you, of all of her big “news”.

  7. Does Elijah work outside Kail’s home?? What does he do?? Why is he in such a hurry to legally attach himself to Kail’s Gravy Train?? (Answered my own question….)

    1. At one point Isaac mentioned that he did. Had made an off-hand comment about some neon outfit looking like Elijah’s work vests or something. No telling if he still does since they’ve added two more to the herd. I feel like Kail would prefer a man that doesn’t work so he can be at her beck and call and because she wants them to be financially dependent on her.

      1. Yes Kail wants a servant and whipping boy. A doormat.

        Chris wanted the money, but didn’t want to be under her thumb, so that didn’t work.

        This dude is obviously fine with the arrangement but she isn’t in love with him. She still very much wants Chris or wishes it had worked out with him. He’s the one that got away.

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