Angela Deem is predicting a very fertile future for her estranged husband, Michael Ilesanmi.
As The Ashley previously told you, back in February Angela contacted police claiming her Nigerian-native husband–- who has been in the United States since December-– had seemingly disappeared from their Georgia home without a trace. Days later it was revealed that Michael had reached out to police to confirm he was safe, at which point Angela was notified. The pair have been on the outs ever since.
According to Monsters & Critics, Michael has recently been spotted in Texas, leading some fans to speculate that is where he has relocated following his February escape exit from Angela’s home. There are also rumors online that the 35-year-old has already found a new love interest. However, fans of “90 Day Fiance” aren’t the only ones making assumptions and predictions about Michael’s post-Angela life; during a recent TikTok Live, the 58-year-old self-proclaimed “Seksi Mee-Maw” made a bold prediction of her own about her estranged boo.

“Mark my words, next thing we’re gonna hear [is] he’s got someone pregnant,” she said, in a video recently reposted by @90dayfianceforever.
“Listen, I guarantee you it ain’t gonna be one, it’s gonna be several because he has a child’s mind.”
Angela said she was basing her prediction on the fact that she knows Michael better than those who have only watched him on TV. She also called out the “not very bright” people who follow him on social media and believe his claims regarding their marriage and more.
“ … Y’all don’t know him, I do,” she said. “He has a child’s mind and hasn’t grown up yet.”
As The Ashley previously reported, Michael recently told Entertainment Tonight that he left Angela’s home in February because he was in fear for his life, though he refused to reveal where he was during the days he was “missing.”
“All I will say is this: I suffered,” he claimed, later adding that Angela treated him like an “unwanted guest” during the time he was living with her in the United States.
“I wasn’t treated like I’m her husband,” he said. “I was treated like I’m just a nobody. That’s just how I’ll put it. Every day, we fight … we argue, I mean, many things. It’s a lot … for me to have left, rather, it had gotten to a point where I just couldn’t bear it anymore.”

During the interview, Michael also said he “was scared” of his wife and claimed that Angela was always monitoring him and checking his phone when he was living with her. Michael said he put up with the way Angela treated him because he was genuinely in love with her.
Michael insisted that he was not with Angela for a Green Card, nor had he left her in February to be with another woman.
Fans can watch Michael and Angela’s trainwreck story continue to play out on Part 2 of the 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 8 Tell All, airing Sunday, August 4, on TLC.
RELATED STORY: TLC Announces New Season of “90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days”: Meet the 8 New Couples & Watch the Season 7 Trailer
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
18 Responses
Angela didn’t love this man. I mean, that’s def not love and I kinda doubt he loved her back. How can you love someone when they’re telling you you’re a piece of ****. Obviously this was an arrangement for both but other than sex and attention idk what Angela got. Michael got a Better life in the USA
Angela got to control and abuse a black man for 8 years. That was the payoff for her.
I don’t think him being black has anything to do with it. I’m guessing Angela is an abuser because she’s mean and insecure.
She will now have to support him in the USA for however many years also…. Karma
Unfortunately some people do tolerate abuse because it also comes with “love”. Be thankful you don’t understand that!
You nailed it! I spent years being abused because of the so called love that came with it. I finally grew up and my life changed so much. Angela is vile and that she thinks she represents american women is ridiculous. She represents all abusers, men and women. How she has been allowed to raise those 6 grandchildren boggles my mind. One daughter a registered sex offender, the other a welfare leech…all 3 women tramps.
lol there’s no love here guys, for either one. Not the same at all
You nailed it! So sad for the kids!
Get both of them off the show. Who the heck wants to see and hear Angela’s nasty comments. She is a media whore who loves to act like she is the best thing that ever happened to him. I have to skip them when I record it because she is a very nasty person and I don’t think she should be kept on the show at all. Ratings will go up as soon as they boot both of them off the show.
I agree with everybody, Angela is very mean, I could even say evil spirit. Michael should have NEVER EVER picked Angela. I can bet that his African family can’t stand her, because in Africa women would never speak to a man that way not EVER. So Angela should have done her research about African people and how they live and what they expect. All that cussing and nasty talking that she does is so evil. I pray Michael has found a nice lady to respect him and his age group not a senior citizen looking for a boy toy. What Angela should have done was work on herself before trying to get married. Instead of buying a man try buying moisturizer it’s cheaper, because you aren’t old enough to have wrinkles like that. I’m 66 and I don’t have wrinkles at all cause I moisturize daily and I’m not chasing no man. You are to old to be acting that way. But I blame TLC for allowing you to act a total fool on TV and TLC let you abuse Michael and did nothing to stop Angela.
She is so vile. She has been physically, emotionally and mentally abusive on camera to Michael over and over again. If that is what she is doing knowing she is being recorded then I imagine it’s 100 times worse with no camera.
Side note: I have to laugh at these extreme filters to try and make herself look better. Does she not realize that we know how she actually looks because we see her every week? Too bad there isn’t a filter to shut her mouth or get her off of the show.
She should have been removed from the show long before she spit on him when they were out to eat. She is and always will be a vile person. I guess ratings are more important than a man’s dignity. I no longer watch this show.
I mean at this point they just need to part ways and him move back home
I can’t stand Angela. Also, Jasmine and Gino are both toxic.
Dude deserves to be in the United States, because he dealt with an abusive psychopath to get here.