‘Mama June: Family Crisis’ Stars Pumpkin Shannon & Josh Efird Had Been Separated for Months Before Divorce Filing; Both Already Dating New People (Exclusive Details!)

“Any chance I can buy that shirt off you, Josh? My new man will look great in it!”

Mama June: Family Crisis stars Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon and Josh Efird may have shocked their fans when news broke last week that Pumpkin had filed for divorce, but it appears that the split has been in the works for a while— long enough that both parties are already dating other people!

As The Ashley reported, Pumpkin claimed in her divorce filing that her marriage to Josh is “irretrievably broken.” By the time the news of the split surfaced online, Pumpkin and Josh had already figured out the bulk majority of the issues that come from a divorce, including how they will divide the costs for their four children. (The parents have agreed to share joint custody of their kids, and neither will pay the other alimony or child support.)

“I’ll wrangle them kids for a while and then it’s your turn, Joshy!”

According to TMZ, Josh and Pumpkin have had plenty of time to hammer out the details of their divorce. On Tuesday, the site reported that the couple actually split up months ago— and both Pumpkin and Josh are dating new people already. 

TMZ claims that Pumpkin and Josh waited to file for divorce until they had agreed on custody terms for the kids, as well as what will happen to their shared home. (As The Ashley reported, Josh and Pumpkin are currently leasing-to-own the home they live in. The couple has decided that Josh’s name is to be removed from the contract of the home and he will have 60 days to move out of the residence. 

Pumpkin (whose lists herself as “single” on her personal Facebook page) is reportedly dating a man named Darrin, who lives local to her and appears to have several kids of his own, according to what The Ashley could sleuth out about him. Court documents obtained by The Ashley show that Darrin and his ex-wife have a very interesting history: they were married in 2017 but divorced in December 2020. The couple then got remarried so after their divorce, but divorced again in July 2021.

It gets crazier: Darrin and his ex-wife then got remarried for a third time in March 2023, only to separate again in December 2023. Their third divorce was finalized in February of this years…just months before he began seeing Pumpkin apparently. 

Darrin is the father of several children by at least two women.

“More kids? Well, just throw ’em on the heap!”

Josh is said to be dating a girl named Keely, who also appears to have kids of her own and live locally. According to TMZ, Josh and Pumpkin (and their new significant others) get along well. 

“Both Pumpkin and Josh are openly dating … so their relationship status is no secret from one another,” the site reported. “We’re told the exes actually have a pretty friendly and cordial relationship following their breakup … though, there are no plans to double-date with their new significant others.”

While Pumpkin and Josh’s divorce will play out next season on their family’s WEtv reality show (since Mama June & the fam are currently filming for the show), it’s unlikely that Keely or Darrin will appear…as of now. 

“They all say they don’t wanna film, but once WEtv waves that paycheck plus unlimited fried foods in front of y’alls faces, y’all be fixin’ to film!”

Neither Pumpkin nor Josh have publicly commented on the divorce; however, after the news broke last week, Josh wiped his Instagram account clean of all his photos. Pumpkin has posted a few divorce joke memes to her personal Facebook page, but not released any direct statement.

RELATED STORY: It’s Over! ‘Mama June: Family Crisis’ Star Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon Files For Divorce From Husband Josh Efird

(Photos: Instagram; WEtv) 

26 Responses

  1. I find it weird that both of them moved on so quickly. After getting out of a SIX YEAR MARRIAGE I would at least take 6 months to myself to be single. I wonder how long before Pumpkin gets knocked up by this guy. And he married his ex three times? And he is Josh’s cousin? And his kids are from multiple women? So many red flags. Then again the only one who seems to have a healthy relationship IMO is Jessica. Cheyenne at least seems pretty normal. I think Draylin was too old for Alana, and that whole running from the cops thing was weird. And Mama June…well, she just needed a chaffeur/assistant, so that’s why she put Justin on the payroll and married him. He’s definitely just there for the money.

  2. Wow I was really hoping they would make it. But when life changing events happen it tends to make a marriage suffer. I really hate it but I knew something was up cause they pretty much stopped filming together. And idk I could just tell they were not as in love with one another the past 2 seasons. Well pumpkin wasn’t in love with Josh you could tell Josh was trying to keep their marriage and household together. Pumpkin wanted to run wild cause she didn’t get to be a teenager long!! So she started to think about it when Alana went to college!!

  3. not surprised pumpkin went for the most messed up guy but as messed up as they are, every divorced parent should really strive to get along with each other and any new significant other like these two

  4. Josh’s new girlfriend Keely is very pretty..I can’t believe Pumpkin is dating Josh’s cousin 😂😂 I don’t know what he looks like 🤔

    1. @roast ~ lmao. of course he is. 🥴😹⚪🗑️
      these rubes can’t just be trashy 🗑️; they have to be stereotypes. 🙄

  5. these people and their assorted baby parents, f*ck buddies, exes, current partners, etc all seem to be complete trash. 🗑️

  6. These people just don’t know how to be single and dedicated to parenting their kids. Who tf has time to date when you are recently separated WITH 4 BABIES?? And who can be dumb enough to date a man that has divorced and remarried his ex 3 freakin times?? Ffs

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