The second part of the 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 8 “Tell All: No Limits” episode aired on Sunday, leaving many of the show’s viewers both angered and disgusted at Angela Deem’s treatment of her husband Michael Ilesanmi.
The multi-part Tell All–- which features the Season 8 cast residing together in a New Jersey mansion while also rehashing the ups and downs of the season–- took a turn on the latest episode when Angela and her now-estranged husband Michael got into an argument that many fans claim was taken too far by Angela.
The 58-year-old not only embarrassed her husband on-stage at the Tell All, but also screamed at him and chased him up the stairs at the Tell All home, as the cast and crew seemingly sat by and watched the chaos unfold.

As the episode aired, viewers took to social media to express their anger over TLC allowing Angela’s behavior to continue, with some fans demanding that the self-proclaimed “Seksi MeeMaw” be banned from the 90 Day Fiance franchise all together.
“#evil this is the face of an abuser,” one viewer wrote on X. “@TLC you need to pull the plug on this mean spirited old lady! She is totally abusive and you are part of the problem condoning her horrible behavior!”
“Shame on @TLC for enabling this vile, abusive monster,” another wrote. “You continue to give #AngelaDeem a platform which allows her to become even more disgusting year after year. Enough!!!”
Other viewers demanded that TLC “do better,” with another asking, “at what point does a producer step in to help Michael?”
“The way Angela treats Michael is utterly APPALLING,” someone wrote on X. “@TLC have a duty of responsibility to Michael’s mental and physical wellbeing and it’s becoming hard to watch at this point. Abuse is NOT entertaining.”
While a lot of fans’ anger was directed at the network, others called out Angela and Michael’s fellow cast members for not intervening on Michael’s behalf.
“IKR…f**king infuriating watching her go in on him and the cast just stands there like no biggie,” one fan tweeted. “Nobody checks her on her s**t…and yeah wtf does TLC allow this for what like a year of this s**t?”
Another viewer called the other cast members “weak” for allowing Angela to bully Michael, arguing that the situation would’ve been handled much differently if Michael had been the one mistreating Angela.
“Out of everyone there only Rob [Warne] is telling Michael he’s being abused,” another wrote. “Everyone else laughs like it’s funny. These are not good people. They’re a bunch of fake a** phonies.”
In one of the few instances that viewers felt the cast had actually stepped in to do something, it was seemingly only to prevent Angela from physically harming Michael with billiard accessories.
“Hey, Manuel and Jayson grabbing the billiard balls and pool cue out of Angela’s reach as she was wilding probably saved lives,” one person noted on X, to which another added, “If they didn’t remove the pool balls someone might have been seriously hurt.”
The latest viewer backlash comes just weeks after Michael alleged that the reason he “ran away” from Angela’s home in February because he was in fear for his life.
As The Ashley previously told you, Michael disappeared from Angela’s home in late February without his ID or belongings, leading Angela to contact police to report Michael as missing. Days later, he was confirmed safe by law enforcement, stating that he left on his own.
Last month, Michael–- who came to the U.S. in December 2023–- told Entertainment Tonight that he “suffered” during the time that he was living with his wife and was treated like “an unwanted guest.”

“Every day, we fight,” he claimed. “ … we argue, I mean, many things. It’s a lot … For me to have left, rather, it had gotten to a point where I just couldn’t bear it anymore.”
“I was just treated badly by her,” he said later in the interview. “Whenever she’s upset, she can do whatever she wants,” he said. “And I know the law here. I don’t want any issue. I don’t want any bad record of my name so I tend to keep it cool. To be honest, I was scared. Sometimes when she’s very upset, you know, she made me feel scared … it had gotten to the limit I couldn’t just bear it anymore.”
Part 3 of the five-part “90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?” Season 8 Tell All: No Limits airs Sunday on TLC.
You can watch one of the scenes that caused such alarm below.
Angela is crazy It’s like she is trying to provoke Michael to defend himself. So she can have him arrested for domestic violence. #90DayFianceHappyEverAfter pic.twitter.com/rLUF5AILKW
— Michele Fallon (@MicheleFallon7) August 5, 2024
RELATED STORY: “90 Day Fiance” Star Angela Deem Predicts Estranged Husband Michael Ilesanmi Will Impregnate “Several [Women]”
(Photos: TLC; X; Instagram)
35 Responses
None of the other cast members say or do anything because they’re afraid of her. Wouldn’t be surprised if she got physically violent.
my hats off to Liz for moving on from that little person named Ed… she is a beautiful person who deserves a full sized man (that she now has) to love her regardless!..how dare a person such as himself..deformed..ugly..and TOTALLY DISLIKED seemingly by EVERYONE have the audacity to try and blame her for all their problems!..TLC should fire him too because he adds NOTHING to the franchise!
I have watched this show for years and can not figure out why they STILL have that foul mouth ANGELA as a part of the show! She’s a wrinkled up prune and no amount of plastic surgery or false teeth can help her! Is TLC wanting to have a ratings boost by stooping to this and allowing a person to VERBALLY ABUSE a cast mate?? DO US ALL A FAVOR AND FIRE HER!!! give the viewers back the reason we all starting watching the show for…people abroad looking for love!! Angela just aint it!!
Shameful behaviour ! Abuse on tv
If a man treated a woman the way Angela treats Michael it would become a legal case for abuse , disgusting tv I won’t watch as long as she is on it . I also have no doubt she has been physically abusive
My thoughts exactly. If the roles/genders were reversed, Angela’s abusive chest posturing, close-up intimidation tactic would be stopped, and no one would be giggling or standing by. Watching PillowTalk members watching this also disgusts me; Elizabeth putting her hands over her face as she giggles with Andrei is appalling. Everyone, whether physically there or watching later, are responsible for either doing or saying nothing, or laughing. Laughing?!?!
As much as I like the show, I can no longer watch it or any other TLC show….I can’t support a station that allows and pays a person to abuse another human being the way she does. TLC should be ashamed of themselves.
It spoke volumes when all the cast mates said that she scared them, clearly they see her as dangerous.
She likes to humiliate Michael and physically abuse him, and like most victims they don’t leave cause the think they’ve done wrong. The abusive manipulater always says “you see what you make me do”
Thankfully Michael got out alive.
The show needs to get rid of Angela and Ed has they are both manipulative abusers.
She should have been removed a long time ago. Why do these producers allow this to go on and go on and go on.? I bet her daughter and grandchildren are mortified. The show should get new producers that will not allow this garbage!
I doubt Skyla was mortified. What I worry about is the children. I can only imagine the screaming that goes on in that house. You can’t tell me Angela doesn’t verbally abuse those kids. Shame on TLC for promoting a monster like Angela.
No, her daughter wasn’t mortified. In fact, she made excuses for her mother’s behavior. Someone needs to contact DCFS and look into the wellbeing of these children. Angela did enough on television that proved abuse. The local DA’ office in her town should’ve filed a domestic abuse charge against her. At the very least she should be charged with domestic battery and if the children were present and Michael can testify to this, charge her with endangerment to a child for subjecting them to her abusive behavior and rages. This woman thinks she’s above the law.
He had 7 YEARS to get away from her but didn’t cause he wanted that GREENCARD at any costs. People need to remember when this was taped she finally seen he was scaming her, hell I’d be mad as hell too. Guy should be deported for fraud. He had all this planned from beginning anyone who doesn’t see it needs glasses 👓
And so did she. No one made her stay with him. She chose him and continued to choose him. It still does not give her the right to physically and mentally abuse him or anyone else.
But are you telling me it took Angela 7 years to figure it out? I think they need to send him back to Nigeria, and fire her for good. She abused him from the beginning and kept taking him back. He may have tried to scam her but she was looking for a slave she could abuse.
At that point she didn’t have to bring him here,she could of stop the process that is no excuse for abuse
He deserves it he earned it, that disgusting vile person should be sent back in his place , trade that she hag for Michael, I hope he opens a go fund for his legal fight. Shes the actual devil and should be arrested for felony domestic violence
I agree with everyone that says if this were a man ( although Elizabeth and Andre were just as abusive) being this way with a woman, he would have been fired a long time ago. Angela is the lowest form of gutter trash and so abusive, I could not bear to watch any longer. She may have lost some weight but she did not lose her ugliness both inside and especially outside. I can’t figure out what he sees in that hag anyway.
If Michael was doing this to Angela, he would have been gone a long time ago! Perfect example of racism! No longer watching!
take the bitch off the show.
Angela clearly has an abusive personality. She likely suffers from undiagnosed BPD that is not an excuse. My only problem with TLC here is how they encourage the abuse rather than offering help in the form of real therapy for the couples that want it. Maybe she never would have accepted it anyway…but TLC should offer orofessional counseling to these couples they profit so much from.
She totally does. She really should be in therapy not reality TV
there is NO amount of therapy that would help her unless they installed a zipper across her lips!
She should have been arrested on several occasions. Shame on TLC !! As many have said if Michael would have been treating loud mouth nasty Memaw he would have been taken off the show.
I couldn’t agree more! Please take Angela off the show. She is no representation of a lady in any form! She is crude, rude and absolutely disgusting. I find it unbelievable that she is a Hospice worker! I certainly would never want myself or any of my families final days to be spent with the likes of her! Instead of surgeries, she should have spent ,$ on serious counseling! Please remove her AND Ed! They make a good pair!
Angela is a racist straight up. I’ll bet you $5K double-or-nothing she uses the hard “r” when they’re in private together.
Angela needs to be removed from TLC. Why promote domestic abuse? She is vile, rude and calls herself a Christian!!! Please take control of individuals with toxic behavior , that doesn’t make a show that deserves airtime.
Like many christians, she’s a nasty evil person. hiding behind religion doesn’t change that.
Shame on TLC and the cast for not stepping in and putting a stop to Angela Deem and her husband. I was so angry when the cast members began laughing. What was so damn funny? Angela and Ed are 2 of the most disgusting characters imaginable. Neither takes responsibility for their actions. Both are bullies and just plain disgusting.
100% !
I think some laugh from discomfort, but still! I think she has been physically abusive. Just the way she looks at him. She has hit him, I would bet my last dollar.
Tlc picks the scummyest people to platform 🤮🤮🤮.. I’ve stopped watching TLC Because they don’t Care who they give platforms too. I don’t support woman beaters rapists pedophiles,etc.
Angela Deems disgusting abuse of Michael should have been called out by all the cast and crew. If it had been a man abusing his wife, there would have been hell to pay! Shame on everyone concerned – including most of those on Pillow Talk – for not taking this seriously, even laughing at Angela’s cruel abuse of her husband.