‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: David Eason’s New Girlfriend Reveals How They Met; Ashley Jones Breaks Her Silence on Bar Smith’s Arrest & More

“The ladies are all over me! Like flies on a turd pile, I tell ya!”

From breaking their silence to trying to break their kid into acting, it’s been a busy week for the stars/former stars of the Teen Mom franchise! In an effort to bring you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom: The Next ChapterTeen Mom and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.

Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened over the last week or so…

David Eason’s New Girlfriend Kenleigh Heatwole Reveals How She Met David; Gushes About How “Sweet” He Is

“This here is my man. Y’all ladies best be stayin’ back, ya hear?”

David’s newest swamp soulmate recently spilled about what made her fall for him.

As The Ashley previously told you, Jenelle Evans‘ estranged husband has been seeing Kenleigh Heatwole for a few months. Now that David has seemingly nested his way into her home, the two lovebirds have taken to TikTok Live several times to try to make Jenelle jealous talk about their love story. 

This week, Kenleigh and David revealed how they met, and Kenleigh talked about what drew her to the twice-divorced, unemployed, broken-boat-dwelling deadbeat dad.

“There’s something irresistible about his unique stench of swamp water, fish and Family Dollar imitation cologne! It gets my cooter tinglin’!”

Kenleigh stated that she did know who David was when they first met. Shockingly, she wasn’t immediately bowled over by the tales she had heard of David shootin’ dogs, avoidin’ work and whatnot.

“I knew who he was. And I did not want to like him,” she said. “I literally was talking to someone else. I didn’t want to like him. I kept saying I don’t.”

David interjected, stating that he was able to woo Kenleigh by getting jealous.

“He was jealous because I was talking to someone else,” Kenleigh said.

“And she liked it,” David offered.

Clearly she wasn’t attracted to David’s work ethic…

The swampy soulmates also regaled their TikTok viewers with the story of how they met. According to Kenleigh and David, they met when David was on his “boaterhome” (the broken boat David had been inhabiting since Jenelle booted him from The Land back in February). Apparently, David ran out of gas for his boat and Kenleigh brought him some. She was so taken with David’s personality that she decided to stay on the boaterhome with David and ditch the date she had planned that night with some other guy.

“He’s a lot sweeter than people portray him to be,” Kenleigh insisted during the Live.

“Ya gotta be kiddin’ me! Is this some sorta ‘Saturday Night Live’ sketch or somethin’?!” 

Kenleigh also disputed the TikTokers who warned her that David would mooch off of her and spend her money. 

“He’s actually paid for a lot of my home improvements just to help me out because a lot of people did things incorrectly on the house,” she insisted. 


Ashley Jones Breaks Her Silence on Estranged Husband Bar Smith’s Recent Arrest for Allegedly Kidnapping Her

Ashley with Bar….before he was behind, well, bars…

Ashley is finally speaking out about the arrest of her estranged husband Bar last month.

As The Ashley previously reported, Bar was arrested and charged with three felonies, including kidnapping and “Coercion Domestic Violence with the Threat Of or Using Physical Force.” Earlier this week, The Ashley revealed the alleged details of what happened on the day Bar was arrested, including him allegedly holding Ashley hostage in her apartment and threatening to break her jaw, among other things. (You can read more about that here.) 

On Thursday, The Ashley posted audio of the 911 call made by Ashley’s mom Tea Chapple on the day of the alleged incident. During the call, Tea pleads with police to come to help Ashley, who was allegedly being held captive in the apartment by Bar. 

Although Ashley has attended at least one court hearing regarding the case against Bar, she had not yet spoken publicly about what’s going on. However, on Friday, Ashley released a statement on Instagram Stories.

“I have been trying to be quiet about all because it’s an open case and it’s also very triggering and traumatic,” Ashley wrote. “However every day I wake up, there is another court record, phone call, update being posted. I appreciate all the concern and I want y’all to know that both Holly and I are both SAFE.”

(The police incident report and 911 call make no mention of Holly— the daughter shared by Bar and Ashley— being at Ashley’s apartment when the alleged incident went down.)

In her statement, Ashley revealed that she has remained relatively quiet about Bar’s arrest and court case for the sake of her daughter.

“I am trying my best to handle this with grace because my child is watching, and at the end of the day Bar is Holly’s father,” Ashley wrote.

As The Ashley has reported, Bar’s lawyer has questioned Ashley’s account of the alleged events, even insinuating that the ‘Teen Mom’ star may have done some “fudging” of the facts when she recounted what happened with Bar to police. Bar is currently behind bars in Nevada, due to him being unable to pay the $35,000 bail that has been set for him. In a hearing last month, Bar’s lawyer asked that Bar be let out of jail and monitored electronically. He also asked that Bar’s bail amount be reduced to a more-attainable amount.

A hearing has been set for August 22 for a judge to rule if Bar can be released with electronic monitoring, or if, alternatively, his bail can be reduced. 

Jo Rivera Reveals He & Kail Lowry Are Getting Their Son Isaac An Agent So He Can Break Into the Entertainment Industry 

“Go get ’em tiger. Avoid being on horrible reality TV shows like your parents though if you can.”

A ‘Teen Mom’ kid has set his sights on the entertainment industry!

On this week’s episode of Baby Mamas No Drama podcast, Jo Rivera filled in for his baby mama Kail Lowry and podcasted with his wife Vee Torres. During the episode (which was essentially the podcast-equivalent of ZZZquil), Jo revealed that his son Isaac is going to try to break into the acting industry. The 14-year-old— who was born on 16 and Pregnant and has been in front of reality TV cameras since he was a kid— recently tried to get his first acting job, but was disappointed to find out it was a bust.

Jo talked about how Isaac had attempted to audition be an extra on “Stranger Things,” but Jo quickly realized the audition was a scam.

“I felt so bad because he was so excited,” Jo said of Isaac. 

After talking with Kail, Jo said they have decided to help Isaac pursue a career in the entertainment industry. 

“So, we were like, ‘We’re gonna set you up, we’re gonna do this the right way,'” Jo said. “We’re gonna get you an agent….we’re gonna get you…some headshots done. We’re gonna do a photoshoot…I want you to figure out what you need to be prepared for if you do have an audition.

“So now I’m kind of excited and I’ve got him hyped,” Jo said.

Despite the fact that Isaac is already a public figure due to him appearing on the ‘Teen Mom’ shows, Jo insisted that he would have to work hard to break into showbiz.

“He’s been around clowns all his life, I’m surprised the kid didn’t wanna join the damn circus!”

“Nobody is handing this to [him],” Jo said. “It’s like, ‘Here’s the work, go do it. Let us help you. Tell us what you need and we’ll figure it out.'”

In an Instagram Story posted this week, Kail revealed that she and Isaac will be doing their first joint brand deal for a clothing company.


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Mackenzie McKee Launches New Podcast “The 100” with Fiancé Khessy Hall & Talks About Their First Date

“This podcast sponsored by the most brightly colored clothing we could possibly find.” 

There’s a new ‘Teen Mom’ podcast on the airwaves!

This week, Mackenzie and her fiancé Khessy revealed that they have started a joint podcast.

Mack stated that they decided to name their podcast The 100 because they “want to keep it 100 with you guys.”

During the first episode of the podcast, Khessy and Mack introduced themselves, and explained how they met. (Spoiler alert: It was on the dating app Hinge.) 

On their first date, Mackenzie said her and Khessy “clicked so well.”

“It was almost like a Love Is Blind moment,” she said. “I really didn’t know what to expect…but still to this day, I will say that was the best night of my life.” 

“I know people are going to call me crazy, but I went to his apartment,” Mack said. “…10/10 don’t recommend. But he turned his apartment into a little restaurant. It was so clean.”

“Like, no one had even pooped in his garage or ANYTHING! Like, clean clean!”

Khessy then took Mack for a sunset walk and then out dancing. However, she first had to reveal that she was famous, because, according to Mackenzie, she had gone by a nickname so Khessy wouldn’t know she had been on TV in the past. 

“I told him if we go downtown people may take a picture with me because I was on TV but I’ll never be on TV again,” she said. “That was hard for you to process, I could tell.”

“It was shocking,” Khessy said. “I was like, ‘You were what?‘” 

Still, Mack said that Khessy was “very accepting” of her ‘Teen Mom’ past.

“People always think that when the ‘Teen Mom’ [girls] get a boyfriend, there’s no way any guy would have good intentions. A lot of people say if a ‘Mom’ gets a boyfriend, no matter who it is, they say they’re there for the money, they’re there for the fame.'”

“I don’t know why people would say that!”

Mackenzie said that when Khessy came over to her home the next day, she was a “hot mess” but Khessy was accepting of it all.

You can listen to the full podcast here


To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; TikTok)

25 Responses

  1. This Dumb idiot of a girl, David is not fixing up your house for free! He is establishing residency so u can’t kick him out! And now he can put a lean on your property for unpaid work! Ya big dummy!

  2. Paid to fix up her home… With Jenelles money….? Didn’t want to like him, knew who he was. Yup, sounds definitely like she’s in it to snag money from Jenelle lol. Otherwise if she was seriously into the relationship she wouldn’t be blasting on social media since a lot of people seriously dislike David for everything he has done.

  3. So how long should we bet a pregnancy announcement between the creepy mountain man and Megamind Jr.

    I’m going to place my bets and say maybe around or between Thanksgiving or Christmas

    Also, question, if the creep does get Chinilda 2.0 knocked up what can we expect from Jenelle

  4. David is an awful POS and shouldn’t be around kids. With that said, why isn’t he blabbing on social media that he’s upset about Janelle taking Ensley to the other side of the country? He’s probably at least entitled to supervised visits. Parents who care wouldn’t allow their estranged spouse to do that and would immediately block such a move in court. Especially because the move wasn’t for employment purposes. It was just to follow the dick of the month that will come before the kids. No lawyer necessary to fight that, so broke isn’t an excuse. He’s probably too busy manipulating and mooching off Kenny Lee to care which is sad.

    And yes, I hate that Janelle now lives in my state and her nasty swamp ass should leave by any means necessary. She can take Nathan’s sorry drunk, violent ass with her. Her move to Tennessee to “escape” David last time didn’t last long.

    1. *maybe David is blabbing on social media that he’s upset about Ensley moving. I wouldn’t ever waste my time keep tabs on his drunk rants. I just read about them here for laughs.

    2. I doubt they’re getting back together.
      He’s found a new dummy and is going to ride that out until …

      And Jenelle has an entire world of soulmates to explore. She has no reason to go back bc if she does, she loses her job.

      Toxic folks stick together. Sure.
      But one thing toxic folks enjoy more than staying together is airing each other out in court.

  5. The new gf looks like a cross between Nikkole Paulun and Jenelle.

    She willingly stepped into this mess, so ..

    And it does appear that neither Jenelle or David are going back to each other at this juncture.

    Ashley “fudged” details. Color me shocked.

    I have no nice comment on the child trying to be a big starrah.

  6. David is a classic abuser, he found a woman who is either insecure, dumb, or both, and he’s treating her so well right now but once he’s got his claws in her it’ll be the same as all his other relationships. The online breakups and dv calls will start. I don’t like Jenelle but I’m glad she finally left him, and that none of the kids are currently with him. I just hope they don’t go back to playing happy swamp family once they both inevitably get dumped by their new things.

    1. Probably the only reason Janelle left David was to regain her MTV check. She stood by years of atrocious acts, so why would this time be any different? She doesn’t seem to be any smarter or learned from her mistakes. It’s not like she’s suddenly decided to put her kids first 🤣.

      If MTV finally ends 30-something Trashy Mom, she just might go back to playing happy swamp family. As you said, once their new things dump them 🤣. The show really needs to end although I will miss Ashley’s recaps. Enough with these stunted women (although Leah seems to have grown), Janelle and Amber being the worst. If Janelle actually had stable baby daddies, she would’ve lost custody of her kids to the fathers like Amber did.

  7. How did David pay? He hasn’t worked in a decade….

    “So sweet”…..I’m sure that would describe many sociopaths. He needed a place to live and someone else to fund his cost of living. Instead of getting an actual job after the divorce, he used and drank on a broken boat…

    Kenleigh literally saw David living on a broken boat, with a bloated face, and said, “What a catch.”

    1. Agreed.

      Plus his parents have no actual idea how to manage a Hollyweird career. They will continue to be taken bc of their enormous egos and total unwillingness to learn.
      Ppl like them are ripe pickings for scammers.

  8. So that girl knew David shot a puppy, abused all his partners and kids and is a racist homophobe and doesn’t care? Ok she’s a POS just like him and just wants “fame”.
    And he has money to spend on her house but doesn’t have money to spend on a lawyer?
    They are both pathetic and deserve each other.

      1. Good lord let’s hope for the sake of society and future child that he doesn’t knock her up. Like someone else said, she’s either stupid or insecure. They don’t come much worse than him, and it’s plastered all over the interwebs. He’ll show his true frightening self soon enough.

    1. Didn’t anyone catch the part about David was fixing what the builders of the house did wrong? Remember he has been building houses his whole life and owned his first one at 15. He is in their screwing up her home which is a year old. Next he will be building her a French Moat

  9. I wonder how The dog killer/child abuser is able to help the new girlfriend pay for improvements on her house when he doesn’t even have a job!! My God, what kind of an idiot did The dog killer/ child abuser dig up this time? As if Jenelle wasn’t bad enough with her drug addictions, zero IQ, ugly, fat body that she she thinks is sexy, and her 100% approval of psychopathic David beating Kaiser from the day he started walking, and his abuse of Jace, you would think this dumb moron girl would run for the hills!! She truly must be desperate to climb into bed with this walking disease!

  10. so we can all agree david’s new gf is clearly also a pos if she knew about david’s past and still chose to date him?

    i hope isaac’s dreams will come true for him because he honestly deserves it and his parents are pretty on top of everything so i feel like he’ll be safe if they keep it up! he honestly seems like a sweet kid with a good heart!

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