Jenelle Evans was in her feelings over the weekend regarding her failed relationship with estranged husband David Eason, leading the rehired Teen Mom star to throw some shade–- and some disturbing accusations–- David’s way.
While ranting online over the weekend about what a waste of time her marriage to David was, Jenelle alleged that she’s holding “so many disgusting secrets” for her estranged spouse, despite the fact that they split up in February. In typical Jenelle fashion, though, the former Lady ‘o’ The Land was unwilling to take her accusations against her ex any further than “Vague-booking”…for now, anyway.
“What’s even more sad about all of this is that I hold so many disgusting secrets for him and want to share my story but the timing isn’t right for the public to know,” she wrote.
In response to a comment questioning why David was “good enough” for her when they were together, but now that they are separated, his secrets are suddenly “a problem,” Jenelle claimed that she learned more disturbing information about David after they split.
“ … nothing compares to the secrets I found out after we separated,” she wrote, later claiming in another comment that David is not “to be trusted and not one for any child to trust.”
Jenelle claimed that these alleged “secrets” of David’s have been “reported to police, FBI, and custody court,” and assured that her “children are protected now.” (In addition to Jace–- whom Jenelle has with ex Andrew Lewis–- Jenelle has son Kaiser with former fiancé/soulmate Nathan Griffith and shares daughter Ensley with David.)
The mom of three, who got custody of her Jace shortly before legally separating from David, claimed in June that she decided to end her marriage after David was indicted by a grand jury in January on child abuse and “assault by strangulation” charges stemming from an altercation with Jace in September. (There is currently a no-contact order barring David from being near Jace.)
As fans may remember, Jenelle vehemently supported and praised David on social media after David was initially charged with child abuse for his alleged attack on Jace. In fact, Jenelle even insinuated at the time that it was Jace– and not David– who was a danger to the family.

Now, however, she seems to be regretting her decision to support David.
“Wasted so much time, energy, and money.. I’m more mad at myself than anything #LessonsLearned #Divorce,” she wrote on social media over the weekend.
This is not the first time Jenelle has barely been able to keep her trap shut regarding David’s alleged “dark secrets.” Back in April, she was seemingly bursting to spill the beans during an Instagram Q&A session.
“Everything he’s saying he’s just doing it to make himself ‘look better’ but in actuality he knows the person he truly is behind closed doors,” she wrote at the time. “He has some dark secrets no one knows but me.”
When asked to divulge said secrets, Jenelle said she was unable to do so at the moment for a variety of reasons.
“Not the right time but also I’m scared and feel like my life would be on the line,” she said, later adding, “There’s a huge investigation going on so I can’t comment on much at the moment.”
During her social media rant this weekend, Jenelle also went on to slam her former swampy soulmate for his perpetually unemployed status– something she has spoken about in the past.
“He’s had many jobs but nothing he stuck with,” Jenelle said after an individual noted David’s aspiring “careers” as a rapper and Jenelle’s personal OnlyFans photographer. “Same pattern every time he started a new job.”
She also went on to claim that David “had so much fun” because she was the one paying for everything.
“Taking care of your family is more attractive than anything in this world,” she added. “[He] failed to be a real husband.”
As The Ashley has previously told you, Jenelle has moved on (and away) from David to Las Vegas with her new boo August Keen, while David has been seeing a woman named Kenleigh Heatwole for a few months. David and Kenleigh reportedly met while David was on his “boaterhome”– the broken down boat on which he has resided since being booted from The Land by Jenelle in February.

Unlike Jenelle, who now admits that David was getting his mooch on for a number of years, Kenleigh claimed on TikTok over the weekend that since dating David, the unemployed boat-dweller has “paid for a lot” of home improvements at her house that had been previously done incorrectly.
(Photos: MTV; X; Instagram; TikTok)
25 Responses
Everyone here is SO right and some of these comments have me crackin up!!!😂😂 I can’t add anything more than what’s already been said about BOTH of their trashy asses!!
BUT I will add that Jace looks SO much like Andrew in that picture!
But you trusted him to be around your kids. I know you just found this out. Something we all knew & saw for YEARS.
Admit it that you just didn’t care until he got a new swampmate
Girl shut up….yet you kept these secrets and supported him when he choked your son and called your other son a little bitch. Stood by his side when he murdered the family dog, when he got you fired for using homophobic slurs, when he pistol whipped your friend…. Jenelle. Nobody wants to hear your sob story, when you tried to gas light the entire public and stood 10 toes down for YEARS for a complete pile of shit human, endangering your kids and any family pets. You made this bed, now lay in it.
Here we go again. She is SO NOT OVER him if she keeps on ranting about him online. (Sorry August!) So which secrets are that? You are telling me there are worse things than killing a dog, being abusive to your kids, holding firearms he shouldn’t posess, CHOKING Jace so that he had to go to the hospital, etc etc…you think those things aren’t bad enough for us to not know he’s a scum?!
Also this Kenleigh girl doesn’t seem very bright if she’s seeing this man.
I can understand if she was in an abusive situation, that she would keep things tight. It’s difficult to leave an abusive situation. That said, I will never for the life of me understand why she threw Jace under the bus so publically after David choked him. She’s a real piece of work. On one of the most recent episodes of Teen Mom, the way she described the situation to Brianna makes it seem like she still doesn’t believe Jace, and this was filmed after she left David. I really hope ALL her children receive intense therapy from all the BS she and David put them through, it seems like they don’t really stand a chance at a normal life.
Sometimes I wish for such vile things to happen to these two, that I question my own sanity.
Well Jenelle, David sure looks like he’s having more fun with his girlfriend than he ever did with you.
Don’t you love that David fixed the issues that the builder didn’t do right?
French Moat. Mold in the ceiling and house sinking ring a bell?
Jenelle is only concerned about the time and money she wasted on the child abuser. She didn’t care one damn bit that he was abusing Kaiser as a toddler, and Jace later on! She approved of it!! Now, all of a sudden, she has secrets to share about why he’s a danger to children???? DUH!!!! What the fuck bitch??? Do you know how stupid and trampy and white trash you are? You let him abuse your kids!!! You told police that you “suspected” he sexually abused Ensley! Like you didn’t know? Just like you didn’t know David got into trouble in his late teens for sexually abusing a young family member under the age of 10? Most of us knew it. It’s easy to find such things, you stupid whore!!
Your comment cracked me up!! You’reabsolutely right. Jenelle is just awful.
I never knew about the family member wtf…and she stayed with him???? I knew she was trash but DAMN. What a terrible mother.
Holy shit I didn’t know a lot of that. How does she have custody of any of them?!
Wowwwwwww. I did NOT know about the sexual abuse of the family member! OMG! And I didn’t hear she suspected he sexually abused Ensley too! That is Absolutely nuts and not surprising! I mean, IMO I think killing an innocent, small dog (not big enough to do REALLY bad damage) was enough but clearly Jenelle lets things just slide on by! I don’t even date at all because I have children in my home still- they need to be absolutely protected and they NEED their mom and her attention as much as possible. Yet this bitch lets him abuse BOTH Jace and Kaiser… SMH. I don’t know about her, but I LOVE my sons (I only have boys) and I would do ANYTHING to protect them and for them. Period. The fact that she has allowed all of this to go on and she stayed with him is just appalling. I can but I can’t (CPS and the family court system is a damn joke!) believe the courts allow her to have ANY custody of those kids. SMH. Jenelle makes me violently ill!
Weren’t they both court ordered NOT to speak publicly about each other??
Uh huh
“The truth will come out” head ass
I am more interested in hearing dirt bag David’s secrets about Jenelle .
For real. I was invested when he was spilling the tea about how gross Jenelle is to his ex in those text messages.
Whatttt?! What did he say? Where can I find those texts?!
“The timing isn’t right for the public to know” meaning Jenelle is trying to sell her story to the highest bidder. Hopefully no one falls for it. If they do then Jenelle will just lie and say her mother spoke to the media. I don’t hear anything about Jenelle from Barb. Meanwhile Jenelle can’t keep her mouth shut. Or her legs.🤭
so basically “timing isn’t right” because it’s gonna reveal what we all know and that’s that she’s an incompetent mother
And a dirty whore. Don’t forget that!!
What?? People can’t handle the fact that I said she’s a dirty whore? Wow!!
She’s just as guilty. I find it interesting she doesn’t see that, especially after her whole stand by her man song and dance up until he cheated. He was perfectly innocent in her eyes UNTIL he slighted HER in a way that harmed her ego.
Exactly.. kill her dog, choke her son, break her collarbone, Lost her MTV job all good …until she’s miffed. NOW he’s a dirt bag. 🙄
Please don’t forget his daily abuse of Kaiser!!!