Catelynn Lowell Defends Her Decision to Speak Out Against Her Birth Daughter Carly’s Adoptive Parents: “One Day Carly Will Be Around to See Our Side!”

“I’m comin’ for ya, B&T!”

Catelynn Lowell has been outspoken online over the past few months regarding her relationship (or lack thereof) with her birth daughter Carly’s adoptive parents, Brandon and Teresa Davis and, on Tuesday, the Teen Mom star hit back at people who have criticized her for speaking out. 

Catelynn— who shares three other daughters with her husband Tyler Baltierra— also stated that she plans to tell Carly about the ways Brandon and Teresa have tried to shut her and Tyler out of Carly’s life over the years.

As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, Cate and Tyler placed Carly for adoption immediately after her 2009 birth. While the pair have maintained a relationship with Carly, Brandon and Teresa over the years, there have been many ups and downs along the way–- some of which are due to Cate and Tyler’s decision to publicly discuss their adoption experience to the dismay of Brandon and Teresa, who have asked the MTV couple not to post about them or Carly (or share photos of Carly’s face) on social media. On Tuesday, Catelynn reposted a video made by TikToker in which the woman running the account discusses placing her newborn daughter for adoption. In the video, the woman talks about being criticized for saying anything negative online about her daughter’s adoptive parents. The woman also addresses nay-sayers’ claims that her speaking negatively online about the birth parents will affect her birth daughter. 

“For over a decade I was dancing on those eggshells for her adoptive parents,” the woman in the video says. “Because, once again, society caters to adoptive parents. I was conditioned to think that I, too, must cater to the adoptive parents’ feelings so I stayed silent…it purely served the purpose of enabling poor behavior from her adoptive parents…”

Watch on TikTok

The woman also talked about how surprised her birth daughter was when she told her about some of the “horrible things” the adoptive parents have said to the birth mom. 

In the caption of her post, Catelynn wrote that she completely relates to what the woman in the video is saying, and that she plans to make Carly aware of everything that’s happened between her and Brandon and Teresa, once Carly is 18 and can decide for herself if she wants Cate and Tyler in her life.

“One day Carly will be around to see our side and have all the facts from our side and make her choice,” Catelynn wrote. “Ask questions, etc. Whatever choice that is I will always support. But she also will see the texts [between us and her parents] and everything from over the years. 

“I will NEVER bash her parents,” Catelynn continued. “I will ONLY share the ways I have always tried etc. and how many times I have been shut down etc… it’s NOT bashing or ‘talking trash.’ It’s literally just about speaking the truth about adoption, the relationships and how it affects people involved. That’s it. It not only affects me, my husband, and the children we are raising, but it also affects Carly!” 


In the comment section a person claiming to be an adoptive mom stated that just posting about Brandon and Teresa is bashing. Catelynn disagreed and defended her right to speak out against Carly’s parents.

“Why is it that when I share my feelings about ANY other relationship in my life (mom, brother, etc.) it’s just me ‘sharing my journey?’ BUT the moment I shed light on my adoption and the [adoptive parents] it’s bashing?!” Catelynn wrote in response. “Never ONCE have I called them out of their names or said anything horrible about them. Literally just sharing MY side of MY journey with this adoption. It’s literally mind-blowing to me.”


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A post shared by Tyler Baltierra (@tylerbaltierramtv)

When another person commented that it’s Carly’s parents’ choice how much access Catelynn and Tyler get to Carly, Catelynn responded.

“Well that choice affects Carly deeply!” she wrote. “Look up the statistics it’s sooo important for adoptees to be involved with their bio families etc.! Educate yourself on that and then we can talk.” 

When another person advised Catelynn against talking negatively about Brandon and Teresa on social media, due to Catelynn having such a large following from ‘Teen Mom,’ Catelynn responded that she refuses to stay silent about the adoption. 

“Absolutely not! I will [say] things publicly! Why? Because I have a following! I can educate people about adoption! All sides of adoption!” Catelynn wrote. “Also Carly will be able to see everything one day too so it’s important to put things out! That’s why there are so many false things put out about adoption because ppl are to[o] afraid to speak out.”

“…but let’s be honest, we’ve said way worse!”

As The Ashley previously reported, Cate and Ty shared with their fans in May that they wouldn’t not be getting their annual visit with Carly this year. Afterward, Catelynn expressed her frustration and confusion over Carly’s parents not making time for her and Tyler to see Carly. Shortly after, Tyler defended Catelynn, and addressed the opinion some fans have that Carly will come “running back” to him and Catelynn once she is an adult and can make the choice on her own. 

“I’ve noticed that this is the most common opinion I happen to see from people,” Tyler wrote in the comment section of a post on the official ‘Teen Mom’ Instagram account showing a scene about Carly. “Of course I’d LOVE for her to be in our lives more & her sisters’ lives.

Tyler stated that he understands that there is a possibility that Carly may choose to exclude him and Catelynn and their daughters from her life once she is an adult.

“I can’t imagine why…”

“The truth is, she might turn 18 & want nothing to do with us. It just might be too difficult for her or she simply might just want to move on with her life & not have us be involved…& ya know what? That’s OKAY! That is her right! That is her choice!” he wrote. “Or she might want to just talk us one final time & tell us how much our decision to place her has negatively affected her or traumatized her life…& that’s OKAY! I would humbly fold my hands behind my back, lower my head & allow her to yell, cry, or scream at me if that’s what she needs. All I would say is ‘I’m sorry. You’re right. I love you.’


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A post shared by Tyler Baltierra (@tylerbaltierramtv)

“I am going to respect & lovingly honor whatever decision she happens to make,” he continued. “Because my love for her has no conditions. It has no requirements or expectations. It is biologically bias towards her spirit & it is a paternal love that’s everlasting & invincible. I would honestly tell her how proud I am of her to show such courage & strength to fight for what she believes in. All I hope & wish for her is to ALWAYS REMAIN TRUE to her intuition. To live EVERY MOMENT with unapologetic authenticity. To ALLOW enough GRACE upon herself to heal whenever it’s needed. To NEVER self betray for the sake of others comfort & to use FEAR as an OPPORTUNITY to PROVE to herself exactly what she is CAPABLE of every time it arises!

“So I’m okay with whatever decision she makes, because I’m not a requirement for any of those wishes to come true for her. I just want her to know how much she is loved!”

Brandon and Teresa have never responded publicly to any of Catelynn and Tyler’s posts about them or the adoption.

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ Star Catelynn Lowell Throws Shade at Biological Daughter Carly’s Adoptive Parents Brandon & Teresa Davis On Social Media: “Enjoy Your Bad Karma”

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; TikTok)

6 Votes

115 Responses

  1. 0
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    You know what? I wish everyone would just stfu and quit talking your shit about what y’all think you know about the entirety of this situation, like y’all know how everyone feels and what that say and think. The truth is this: unless you live with the Baltierra or Davis households you KNOW NOTHING!!! So constantly bashing C&T with insults and how they’re doing this, that and the other negatively is bullying people should never throw stones PERIODT!!! You’re only getting a Birds Eye view of what’s going on….. Also the fact of the matter that B&T don’t want any mentioning of themselves or Carly publicly is just a bit telling don’t ya think? Give Cate and Ty a fucking break that doesn’t mean I’m siding with them. I’m actually not citing with either or until facts come out by Carly when she’s of age and that’s if she chooses to engage with the public. Why don’t y’all do the same and stop being so damn hateful and biased it’s total bullshit!!!!

  2. 1
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    They really cared bout her they wouldn’t being burden her or her parents all this crap. All I hear is poor me me me by catelynn. She already using her other kids for paycheck and who wants there kid associated with man who sells pictures of his pecker for dollar. Not very hard to figure it out

  3. 7
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    My comment isn’t about religion at all. But, I just wanted to point out something.
    I remember from early episodes that B & T are VERY RELIGIOUS. Carly was probably raised in church and going to a private Christian school for all of her life.
    Well, T & C are very much the opposite. Caitlyn is OK with whiches, he makes money selling pictures of his body, Cate is pro everything a Christian family isn’t.

    My point is: I think Carly sees how they talk about her parents (Brandon and Teresa), who they are (including the extended family) and how they lead their lives and In my opinion SHE is the one who doesn’t want contact with them and the reason is: she doesn’t like who they are, what they stand for and etc.
    She is old enough, if she wanted to reach out she would find a way.

    1. 0
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      Maybe Carly is embarrassed by them, as are Brandon and Teresa. I think Tyler and Caitlin should be grateful they get to see Carly at all.

  4. 16
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    Carly is what? 14 or 15 years old? It would be almost impossible for her to not see what these two delusional dumpster fires are saying about her and her parents. If I was in Carly’s position I wouldn’t want anything to do with them. The more they say the trashier they seem. Run for the hills, Carly!

  5. 13
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    Carly is old enough to reach out if she wanted to. They’re plastered all over social media and she probably has friends she could access the internet through. Seeing how Cate and Ty behave, all the times he bashed and threatened to divorce Cate, and they wonder why they don’t have more access? Sure they gave Carly life but she probably really doesn’t want to have to deal with all their drama if she doesn’t have to. Have they ever considered that maybe if they behaved better and didn’t bash on the adoptive parents all the time that they’d have a better relationship? Sure it was an open adoption but that doesn’t mean they should accept being treated like crap all over the internet all the time when they’re raising Carly without all the issues of fame as much as possible.

  6. 40
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    Just go take care of the Not-Carly’s, go lose weight and managing y’alls OF! That is all. Carly has a loving family and that little girl is not worried about y’all. Stop stepping all over her life because your jealous.

    1. 7
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      U don’t know what that child feels like . She may not feel how u stated at all and very much desire a relationship with them .

      1. 16
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        Even if she does feel that way (there is very slim chance, but always a chance) it’s not for ANYONE except her to decide. It’s not C&T’s place, it’s not strangers’ place, it’s Carly’s choice. Carly has made her choice when she chose not to go through with the “yearly meeting”, that was her saying “at this time I do not want to”. That was the perfect time for C&T to act like grownups and realize that they are not her parents. They are her biological relatives, but they are not nor have they been since the day she was born, her parents.

        Carly is perfectly capable of deciding what sort of relationship she wants with them. If that is through texts and/or calls only, as it has been for some time, it’s a choice to be respected. C&T do not respect Carly, do not respect her choices and do not respect her parents. That is not at all indicative of people who are interested in remaining in her life for her sake, but rather only for their sake. They are selfish, full stop.

  7. 39
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    She can equally come around and see you guys being dicksto her actual parents And not accept you because of it

  8. 54
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    Tyler and Catelynn haven’t come as far as people say! They’re still very immature and haven’t dealt with anything. You can speak out about the hardships of adoptions and keep personal opinions and feelings to yourself, for the sake of all of your children. Then once Carly is 18, and if she chooses to reach out, you tell her how you feel. It’s like co parenting. You want a good relationship? You don’t bash the other and you keep the child’s feelings FIRST. Those are Carly’s parents! Biology doesn’t equal parenting. Just ask all the step parents who have taken on primary roles and done amazing jobs! Maybe Catelynn should have talked to someone other than Tyler before she placed Carly. He forced her into it and is trying to save face now by blaming Brandon and Teresa. Catelynn’s head is so far up his ass she won’t confront him or even attempt to address that. Meanwhile, she’s causing trauma to her other children instead of helping them cope. I can’t imagine what it’s like for Nova living in Carlys shadow and while reassuring your PARENTS that everything is ok.

    1. 7
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      Exactly this!!! They have not come far at all lol. What have they done in life besides make money by simply existing (no real work)? I literally can’t think of one thing they’ve either done to “come far”

  9. 46
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    C&T are too wrapped up in their own wants to see the bigger picture. I couldn’t even get through this article since my eyes hurt too much from over-rolling. Extremely likely B’nT have provided Carly with a loving and stable life that will give her a great foundation to be a productive adult. THAT is more important than anything else.

    If not for TM and the financial comfort that provided C&T (although they still haven’t figured out how to pay taxes), they probably would not have regretted the adoption. Or at least not as much as they do now. If Carly is happy which she probably is, leave the girl alone and let her live her life.

  10. 45
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    I feel like Cate and Ty fell from the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.

    Everything they say and post is counterintuitive of what they claim they want. I’m not saying anyone has to be mistreated or verbally abuse by the adoptive parents. (Which I question deeply & doubt it’s true) B & T have every right to decide contact. They should not have to cancel prearranged plans because Cate & Ty decide they want to see Carly at a specific place and a specific time. Cate & Ty absolutely talk shit about B & T both online and on a national TV show! Despite being asked repeatedly not to do so. Perhaps B & T are trying to respect the privacy of Carly which is something Cate & Ty don’t do with their 3 daughters.

    If they want a relationship with Carly when Carly is old enough to decide then they are screwing that chance. I highly doubt that Carly loves the shit talking and blame heaped onto her parents. It is not difficult to find out information on the internet about people these days. I’m sure some of Carly’s friends know that she was adopted and I’m sure Carly and her friends have access to the internet. They are putting pressure on Carly right now by involving her in their adult bullshit. Respect Carly’s feelings and keep your mouth shut.

  11. 40
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    I don’t blame B&T for cutting them off. They disrespected them and deliberately went against their wishes multiple times throughout the years. C&T could’ve arranged a meeting with B&T through their adoption counselor to discuss everything but instead they chose to publicly bashing them over and over again. They need to grow the hell up.

  12. 31
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    I think at this point, C&T should just back off. Carly only has a few more years left before she can make her own decisions. We shall see how that plays out and if she chooses to have a relationship with them. I think where C&T lost me was that A) They admitted they haven’t done anything extra and what I personally would have done as a mom that gave up their child- I would have sent gifts and letters and done more than just expected my yearly visit, B) The BIG difference in this particular situation is C&T are on National television… this is playing out for all to see. They really aren’t caring about what Carly’s parents want as far as protecting her, which they take seriously and that SHOULD be the ultimate goal between BOTH parties. This whole situation has been exploited for television/entertainment purposes and that isn’t the norm in these types of instances. Plus, as almost everyone has mentioned, Brandon and Teresa likely didn’t sign up for any more Teen Mom shenanigans except for the initial process of adoption until Carly was in their hands. I think as any human, especially a parent, I feel for Cate and Tyler at times, but the truth is they gave up Carly because they wanted her to have a better life and they need to just let her have that without the media being involved.

  13. 37
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    @theashley can we go ahead and get a ban going for Hannah? They legit have nothing conducive to say & simply troll constantly.

      1. 13
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        She’s nasty as can be. I truly hope she doesn’t really have sons. She is clearly abusing them if she does.

        1. 10
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          She doesn’t have sons, it’s someone who used to post here ages ago but burned all their bridges making outrageous crap up over the years. They’ve been back on a few names, but stuck with this one because the “story” is the most controversial so far and gets more responses.

          1. 4
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            As someone who has been here since C&T had promise and direction, what were the other usernames?

    1. 19
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      I’m on the fence about this because I can’t imagine what level of crazy her poor boys will have to put up with if she wasn’t letting a bunch of it out on here.

      1. 1
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        I’m crazy?

        I put up with a man who thinks it’s his duty to boss me around and now I’m putting up with 3 boys who think the same…that’s crazy not me

        1. 23
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          Ma’am, my ex-husband bossed me around, beat me, cheated on me, threatened me, and has even tried to kill me. After getting away from him, I did what any NORMAL mother would and focused on raising my kids (a girl and two boys) to be better people than him. Because I didn’t have such an awful jaded personality or massive victim complex, a good man eventually came along to help me raise them properly and to set a good example.

          From your previous comments, you’re raising them on your own (or at least mostly) and allowing such behaviors. It’s your job as a mother to teach them respect and to also be a person deserving of respect. Quite honestly, with the things you’ve said you tell them, I wouldn’t be able to respect you either. A big part of me hopes you’re just a very dedicated troll and they’re imaginary.

          1. 1
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            But my kids are EXACTLY like my ex, im sure yours are nothing like your ex.

            That makes it easier for you.

            When their father’s attitude is already inbedded within them they aren’t teachable to do anything else…trust me I’ve tried.

          2. 18
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            That’s a lazy excuse. Mine were very little when I left, thankfully, but he’d already done a lot of damage. My oldest son (then my middle child) had learned a lot of his behaviors that I had to work nonstop to break, he’s also very emotional and tended to have violent outbursts. I worked with him to learn how to express himself appropriately and had him put into “emotions class” when he started Kindergarten so they could also pull him once a week and help him learn to cope. I could have done the Hannah method and just given up on him as a lost cause, but breaking that cycle was my top priority. He’ll be seven next week and is now my best helper and his teacher and football coach have both reached out to tell us how much they love his attitude.

            If you put in half the time helping your sons learn new behaviors/attitudes as you do coming on here to spew toxicity, they’d probably be doing well.

  14. 6
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    So many of you with such strong/hateful feelings toward C&T may be ignoring the potential impacts of the super-conservative bubble that Carly is being raised in. Why is everyone assuming that B&T are providing a happy, healthy, stable and loving environment? There is no guarantee that this is the case. I am willing to bet that the closer Carly gets to adulthood, the more she will be fed terrifying religious fear-mongering about her liberal parents and bio family.

    I do believe that Carly will one day want a relationship with her three biological sisters but that 18 won’t flip some kind of magic switch where she is given the freedom to comfortably reach out to them. I don’t think a true analysis or deconstruction of her faith and upbringing will begin until after she ultimately graduates from whatever ultra-conservative Christian college they decide to send her to and starts independent adulthood.

    If Carly has a phone, I’m sure it has parental tight controls/ “covenant eyes” to protect her from her parents evil ways. I feel bad for the poor girl, I hope B&T have her seeing a licensed therapist to help her cope with the televised adoption they chose and the fact that her bio parents stayed together and birthed three full biological sisters that she has no relationship with. That alone has to be devastating for Carly.

    Interestingly, B&T have no problems at all with Carly being posted on social media by her church/youth groups/Christian camp.

    1. 29
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      You can’t seriously be equating a small scale youth group social media post with having two public figures who are on a reality show posting and talking about you? Those are not even close to being in the same universe. And we have no idea how controlling they are as parents. That’s pure speculation on your part.

      B&T and Carly are allowed to do normal things like have a low-level social media presence (which almost all of us do at this point). That doesn’t mean they have to be ok with two reality show personalities airing their dirty laundry.

      Whatever beliefs that family may have has absolutely nothing to do with Cate and Tyler’s behavior. And if you know you places your bio child with conservative Christians, logic would dictate that they may want to distance themselves from you after you create and OnlyFans account. Do they want to have Carly in their life or do they want to do whatever the eff they want? They can’t have both.

    2. 11
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      Clearly you haven’t been paying much attention the last few years.

      Carly has all the access to C&T that she wants. She initiates texts and phone calls with them, although they likely initiate a lot more with her. She CHOOSES to limit her own interactions with them, because she has a life outside of what they (C&T) deem it to be. She’s a young lady just starting to get a feel for who she is in this world. She has loving parents who are most definitely not the conservative Christians you assume they are (Christians, yes, conservative, no). But they have always put Carly’s (and her brother’s) interests at the forefront. They have always done what’s best for Carly, including trying to foster a decent relationship when and where possible with her biological family members. The fact that C&T have chosen to make this difficult, is not on the shoulders of her actual parents.

      Carly chose not to have the yearly visit, maybe she was busy, maybe she just didn’t want to, but it was her choice. Just like it is her choice when she chooses to contact C&T, what she chooses to share with them, etc..She is a child still, though, so yes her devices SHOULD have parental controls on them (and if you don’t have them on your children’s devices, you’re not doing your children any favors, it’s for their safety).

      You have no idea what it’s like to deal with people like C&T, from both a child’s perspective, or the adoptive/foster family’s perspective. I do, and I can guarantee you that you’re nuttier than an oak tree.

  15. 45
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    Oh man….Catelynn, you’re delusional and wrong. The way her and Tyler act like B&T are Carli’s babysitters and not her parents is so sad to watch. They need to stop being so selfish, shut up, and for one moment imagine themselves in Carli’s shoes….how hard it must be watching these 2 talk so much crap PUBLICLY about your mother and father. C&T think this public bitching shows Carli how much they love her and want her back, when in reality it’s probably hurting their relationship with her.

    1. 7
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      except B&T agreed to an open adoption as a way to procure themselves a baby from teenagers in crisis and are not holding up their end of the agreement. Adoptive parents can say anything to be chosen to by the birth parents and then change their minds. Only legal thing from open and semi open adoption, is legally making the child the adoptive parents & the changing of the birth certificate to show the baby was magically born to the adoptive parents. There is no legal way to hold them to the open/semi open part. Oddly, closed adoptions are legally closed. The adoption agencies know this(Dawn is the actual villain in this whole thing), they tell the bio parents you can do open adoption, without telling them the open part is not legally binding, and they tell the adoptive parents to agree to open adoptions as a way to coerce young parents crisis like Cate & Ty to placing their child and then they can close it whenever they want.

      1. 3
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        Exactly this!! Heartbreak and life-long trauma for everyone involved. Particularly the 4 young sisters.

        I wish C&T would get an education and speak their truth in an intelligent way. They could bring about real awareness/change if they put their energy into it. Adoption-tok is a crazy place, with a lot of feelings which Cate is clearly watching. C&T have a platform that could really help people, bring about change and raise awareness. There could be another 16 year old couple struggling with the decision that they struggled with….

        1. 5
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          Anyone remember how C&T were going to go to college and become social workers and adoption counselors. I find everything about those two to be total trailer trash.

      2. 16
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        All adoptions at least in the US are closed. Its ALWAYS up to the adoptive parents to make the decision.

        I understand why and it is for the child’s safety.

        I just wish that C&T were better informed about what adoption would mean and how they really can’t see what will happen in 10 years and that maybe it will close one day.

        I wish that the birth parents just had an advocate to at least explain things better to them, so they don’t set themselves up for expectation that might not become reality.

      3. 24
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        In this case, the adoption was kept open for years longer than B&T originally agreed to. Heck, they brought Carly to Cate and Tyler’s wedding! They also agree to have certain moments filmed for the show. That’s above and beyond. Their requests during that time have been very reasonable and yet, have been routinely ignored. They asked that their communications (texts and phone calls) and Carly’s face and be kept off of social media and the show. And yet, Cate and Tyler absolutely refuse because it’s “their right” to do whatever they want. You can only push people so far before they start enforcing their boundaries.

      4. 4
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        Exactly! So many people don’t seem to understand this. Two children were taken advantage of.

      5. 2
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        I’ve never heard of a reputable adoption counselor urging a potential adoptive couple to lie. In fact, it’s the opposite. They will often caution them against over promising to a birth mom. They urge potential adoptive parents to really think about what they will be comfortable with as far as openness. Do potential adoptive parents over promise anyway. Yes, sometimes they do. Whether intentionally or unintentionally. I have a friend who adopted who initially promised monthly visits. It turned out that it just wasn’t feasible to get together that often and they had to cut back. Sometimes circumstances change.

  16. 45
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    She is so self-absorbed and entitled. Why should Carly see “their side”? She’s the child. It’s not her job to make Catelynn happy or hear her out.

    Also, actions have consequences. Cate and Tyler expect that they should be able to do what they want (OnlyFans, posting pictures, etc.) and say what they want on social media and Brandon, Theresa, and Carly should all just look the other way and continue to have contact.

    They need to wake the hell up. Carly is 15 year old. She probably has a phone and very easy access to the internet. Her biological parents are super easy to locate and contact. If she had wanted to privately reach out to them, she probably would have done that already. It’s pretty damn hard to stop a 15 year old from accessing the internet and social media. She knows “Catelynn’s side” and still chooses not to reach out. Take a hint!

  17. 36
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    They dig themselves deeper and deeper every time one of them makes a stupid post. They just both are unfortunately uneducated and immature emotionally and their comments reflect this. I understand giving away your child is awfully painful and I do understand they are so distraught with their decision but sometimes the best thing to do is to not say anything at all (publicly). These emotions and thoughts are for your therapist, for your family and your husband. We all have grievances but posting nonsense online is arguably the worst way to handle things.

  18. 43
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    I feel for Brandon, Teresa, and Carly. They didn’t sign up to have their lives blasted on TV or discussed on social media accounts with several thousand followers. They had no way of knowing that allowing the adoption to be showcased on one episode of a docuseries would turn into fifteen years of being talked about on a trashy reality show. They’ve shown so much grace when their very reasonable boundaries have been ignored time and time again. Catelynn and Tyler only care about themselves and can’t imagine that a child that was raised in a normal, loving family may not want to be apart of this shitshow. It’s so obvious to most of us that Carly is most likely the one wanting to distance herself more from her embarassment of a birth family and Brandon and Teresa are just taking the blame because they knos Catelynn and Tyler would absolutely drag that poor child online.

    Brandon and Teresa have a legitimate case if they ever chose to take those two numbskulls to court and have them legally bound not to mention them or Carly publicly anymore. I don’t Catelynn and Tyler realize just how nice Carly’s parents are being about that.

    1. 34
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      “can’t imagine that a child that was raised in a normal, loving family may not want to be apart of this shitshow.”

      Yup. This is a huge part of it. These two have only ever know dysfunction, co-dependency, and chaos. They don’t actually have the framework to understand how a functional family works and thinks. So, they think they’re actually reaching Carly in a positive way by being this messy, when they’re actually just pushing her away. They’ll never understand that.

    2. 6
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      I think B&T did sign up for publicity when they decided to adopt a baby in front of a literal television camera. And continued to agree to film as Carly got older. And agreed to be on the cover of a magazine/in the media with the adoption of their son. I don’t think C&T could be legally bound to not discuss their own first-hand adoption experience from their perspective. Adoption is life-long trauma and I truly feel for Carly. She is the only one that was not given a choice in this situation.

      1. 18
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        They thought it was a one-time docuseries. And Carly’s face hasn’t been shown on the show or in that magazine since she was a little toddler. She was maybe 3 when her brother was adopted. She’s 15 now! It’s bs to say that because her parents allowed some limited exposure when she was a baby/toddler that they’ve signed away any rights to protect her privacy as an older child and teen.

  19. 34
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    Did you ever stop to think that maybe the problem is you, and not B&T? They don’t owe you anything. You gave up Carly to parents who you hoped would care for her, live her and give her what you were unable to. They’re doing that. They’re protecting her from the toxicity that is you and Tyler. You are so self absorbed and so me, me, me that you think you are the victim. Carly is a child and you’re putting a lot of pressure on her. Your childish behavior just shows that this has nothing to do with Carly and everything to do with you!!! Go raise the 3 beautiful daughters you do have before they start to hate you because you care more about Carly than you do them. You think you know it all but seriously step back and re-evaluate and put yourself in Carly’s shoes.

  20. 18
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    I do feel for C&T but they made the decision to adopt, truly the best decision at the time given their situation. I do think they were probably made promises by the Christian adoption agency that the agency and adoptive parents couldn’t keep. I’m sure they were misled in some ways or didn’t have the capacity to fully understand. That being said, they picked Brandon and Theresa to raise Carly and need to find some peace in that. They have 3 other kids and appear to be pretty darn good parents, which they should be proud of. Tyler’s OF is probably not the best choice but that’s for him to explain to his kids someday. I’m sure they feel like they are missing a big part of their life (Carly) and her place will never be filled but I’d encourage them to lay off the drama with B&T and show the world how great they are. Keep your promises of sending a gift every year of whatever was agreed to, put good out there for her to see/be able to look back on.

  21. 35
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    The only thing I hear is Cate bitching about how SHE feels, how SHE wants to drag Carly into the beef SHE has with Carly’s mom & dad, how SHE SHE SHE SHE/WANT WANT WANT. Cate has ZERO concern for Carly’s feelings and life and this stupid-ass post of hers just proves it. If she & Tyler gave a damn about Carly at any point over the years, they’d have kept Carly off social media & kept shit private from visits. C&T have some weird fetish with posting every fucking aspect of their lives for the world to see and when you drag someone else’s child into that, it ain’t cool. For Cate to also be so delusional to think Carly will come running when she hits 18 is a fucking fever dream. I’d be willing to bet Carly is seeing everything & wants nothing to do with C&T at this point. THEY are the ones intruding into her life & stirring up bullshit. I’m glad B&T are standing firm & who knows, this could very well be Carly saying no, I don’t want to see them, & B&T are helping protect her like any good parent would. I guaran-fucking-tee whenever they start to harass Carly after she turns 18, they’ll be dragging that poor kid all over social media.

  22. 34
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    Cate can say she is showing all sides of adoption, but she isn’t. She is telling only her side which is fair because she doesn’t know or care how Brandon & Teresa feel. If she was just saying that she misses Carly or wishes she had made a different decision, I don’t think anyone would have a problem with that. She continually bashes Carly’s parents though & cannot see their side of anything!

  23. 56
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    Erm…. Has anyone consider that Carly is already reading all this stuff and have actually asked B+T to not see them?!?!? They are “famous” and how do they not know that Carly is already aware of their “side”
    Carly isn’t a baby anymore she is old enough for social media and being more aware of the world…..

    Maybe Carly is already making a choice regarding her bio people

    1. 21
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      I have a feeling that at 16? or almost 16?…Carli has a say in who she wants in her life. I feel like she’s too nice to tell C&T to stop, so she’s probably asked her parents to say something to C&T, but those 2 are too dense to realize this.

  24. 50
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    I just want to know what Cate’s side is…

    From what I can tell, it’s a half-assed at best attempt at a relationship with Carly. They didn’t send letters, send gifts, or even show up to the visits they did get on time. They just whined and complained about one visit without trying to actually build a relationship with B&T and Carly. Kim sending Christmas presents every year, why isn’t Cate? Kim is sending birthday presents, why can’t Cate?

    It’s Cate and Tyler bashing Carly’s parents for just not wanting her in the spotlight.

    It’s C&T ignoring B&T’s parenting wishes because they believe that as birth parents, they don’t have to follow the adoptive parents’ rules. Especially around privacy and the internet. No posting pictures of Carly on social media. I don’t care if its the back of Carly, just don’t post it. Don’t put a sticker over her face, just don’t post it. Don’t talk about her, don’t talk about the visits, Just stop, Have the relationship, keep it private.

    Carly isn’t a dog that got rehome and will be back one day. B&T are her parents, she has a brother she grew up with. She has a family. She isn’t going to dump them at 18 for her blood family.

    And I would be worried if I was Carly, that whatever decision I do make, well, don’t worry C&T will post in detail about it on their SM. If Carly wants a relationship, they will post, if she doesn’t, they will post. If the relationship isn’t up to the expectations of C&T they will post. It’s exhausting and its not the warm embrace Cate thinks it is.

  25. 53
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    WHY does Carly need to see your side? B&T are her parents, not you. You are not factors in her life.

          1. 13
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            It was open for the first 5 years and then it’s semi open which means it’s at the discretion of B&T if they want to have C&T involved.

          2. 29
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            it was an open adoption until Carly turned 5, that was 10 years ago so B&T technically don’t owe them shit

          3. 7
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            Sadly there is no such thing in the US as an open adoption.

            It makes sense why, and C&T should have been better informed.

            It sucks, but visits and communication is decided on by the adoptive child’s parents.

        1. 2
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          Actually @lovethesorrenrtinos it was a completely open ended adoption…most OAs are just 5 years (and B&T were advised of that) but they CHOSE to keep it open

          1. 7
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            Open adoptions aren’t a legal thing in the US, period. There is absolutely zero way to make them contractually legal, whether verbal or written. Choosing to continue to allow some openness is something decided upon between the parties (including the child if old enough to be involved), but there is absolutely zero legal ground on either side of the fence holding ANYONE to it.
            There is no “most OAs”, because they simply don’t exist. There is just adoption, with many other details which will vary greatly between situations. This is something I have a LOT of experience with and you’re being ridiculous and willfully ignorant just so you can argue and troll. We have children who are in constant contact with bio-family, some who only have occasional contact, some who have none at all. There is no one size fits all explanation, but there is one thing that covers them all… adoption is not a legal thing in the US and attempting to try something like it is far more complicated than you could ever comperehend.

      1. 8
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        Biology does not make someone a parent.

        Biology is what makes you biologically connected to another human being, but it’s a far cry from being a parent. There is a huge difference between the two, though it seems rather difficult for some to fully understand that.

        If biology is all that is necessary to be a parent, your own kids, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc.. would also be your parents (sounds ridiculous, right? Of course it does!). But, thankfully, being a parent is something entirely separate from biology. There are billions of parents all over the world not biologically connected to their children, but still very much their parents. Science gives us the base for life, what we do with it after that matters a whole hell of a lot. Not every person who creates life biologically can be considered a parent. While many who do, can be parents.

  26. 72
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    Society takes into consideration adoptive parents’ feelings because they raise the kids you couldn’t or wouldn’t. If it weren’t for Brandon and Theresa Carly would have been raised in that horrible environment with junkies and people going in and out of jail and rehab. Cate and Tyler are lucky that MTV kept throwing cash at them for getting pregnant as teens but they accomplished literally nothing with all that money and they kept having kids and letting them around their good for nothing relatives. Their other daughters weren’t as lucky as Carly

      1. 5
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        And what?

        Brandon and Teresa should be thanking Cate and Ty and treating them with the utmost respect because they are the reasons Brandon and Teresa have a Carly in the first place

        1. 40
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          Cate and Tyler should thank Brandon and Theresa for raising the daughter they were ignorant enough to conceive and taking her out of that horrible life with their junkie parents

          1. 3
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            Wow “ignorant”? Conceiving is not ignorant no matter what age or circumstance.

            Respect goes BOTH WAYS…if Brandon and Teresa aren’t willing to hold up their end of the bargain with yearly visits and monthly check-ins then why should Cate and Ty?

    1. 12
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      Everyone realizes that. They didn’t give Brandon and Theresa their baby because they wanted to do Brandon and Theresa a favor. They gave them their baby because they couldn’t care for her and knew they could. They are allowed to have boundaries too.

    2. 1
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      Free fucking country…I can say what I want no matter how “stupid” you think it is.

      Yall are 💯 for Brandon and Teresa but yall aren’t seeing the BIRTH PARENT side of this.

      And no, two teenagers having sex and reproducing isn’t earth shattering BUT considering their home lives at the time I’m NOT SURPRISED.

      BUT adoption is an earth shattering option…they could have very easily kept Carly or aborted her and didnt…they CHOSE to have her and give her a life they didn’t have…although considering Teresa’s behavior I’m not so sure this is what was best for Carly…I personally would have rather my mom aborted me as opposed to sticking me with those people.

      I actually like Brandon though but he seems very whipped aka a “yes dear” kind of man…who just goes with what his wife wants so he can keep the peace.

      He kind of reminds me of myself…I was always a “yes dear” wife until I wise the fuck up and got the hell out of there!!!

      1. 17
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        Hannah, you need to clean up your mouth. But obviously the birth parents have learned nothing over the years. 3 more babies. Adoption is a hard choice and looking beyond a new born and its life choices is tough. They made the choice to adopt their infant. An open adoption does not mean free reign in the child’s life. The adopting parents have the final word. Teens having sex is nothing new but there are consequences for what we do in life. 2 children bringing infants into their lives which are already out of control is incredibly selfish. I have seen other teens suddenly want their child back. I cannot imagine a child being put in the position of 2 sets of parents fighting each other. Cate and Ty need to grow up and concentrate on their other 3 children and learn something about birth control. You Hannah sound quite immature and I understand the human emotions involved in this. But added drama on the part of Cate and Ty will only make things worse for the child. Maybe, just maybe hannah, you need to butt out. The adopting parents keeping silent speaks volumes.

        1. 13
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          Hannah needs a lobotomy & reality check more than she needs to clean up her language lol. She’s a freakish troll, don’t feed it.

        1. 0
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          Why? Because I choose to side with parents that birthed her and gave her life as opposed to the crazies she is having to live with?

    3. 29
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      Lol. So for the rest of time, B&T have to do whatever C&T want because they brought Carly into the world?!?!?!

      Tyler has decided it was best to go low contact/no contact with Butch because Butch’s behavior/drug use. So by your logic, without Butch, Tyler wouldn’t exist, so he has to do whatever Butch wants.

      See how f**ked up that sounds!?!?!

      Family doesn’t absolve you of everything….

      1. 0
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        When Carly turns 18…its up to Carly, not Brandon/Teresa or Cate/Ty.

        Amd there’s a BIG difference between Ty and Butch…Ty has never been an addict…Butch has…for most of Ty’s life Butch has been mentally, emotionally and physically absent…so no Butch shouldn’t have a say.

        1. 14
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          And Tyler has been absent in Carly’s life. Posting on social media does not equal quality time so I’m not sure what your argument is.

        2. 14
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          I’m sorry, but telling other commenters that they should die for their opinions is disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. Fucking prick, go take care of your sons that you so obviously don’t care about. I hope @TheAshley bans you for being a disgusting piece of shit.

          1. 13
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            @theashley ~ hooray! and finally!
            posters have been calling for this for quite some time.
            not only were her opinions trash 🗑️; she was belligerent and SUPER rude to everyone. she SUCKS. 🤮🤢
            buh-bye now, horrible hannah!! 👋🏻👋🏻

        3. 14
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          I just don’t think you like Carly’s adoptive parents because they are religious. Don’t worry, I will pray for you.

          1. 0
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            Has nothing to do with that.

            I’m a believer too

            But they take it to a whole northern level…they are truly holier than thou PSYCHOS or at least Teresa is

        4. 8
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          Well Carly is 13, so its not up to Carly.

          And when Carly is 18, she can make her decision, but she shouldn’t feel like whatever decision she makes will be posted or worse attacked on the internet because her birth parents expectations don’t meet reality.

          You have a pretty toxic understanding of relationships, if the only way to go no contact/low contact is drugs/and or abuse. And that blood absolves you of any wrong doing and also allows you to make decisions for other people.

          The parents and this includes Tyler have to make the best decision for their kids and if Tyler believes that butch being around his kids isn’t safe, even if Butch didn’t hurt them, well that’s the best the decision. If B&T believe that even if C&T aren’t bad people, but other facts aren’t making it a safe decision for their child, well that’s also the best decision. You and I have no idea why they have decided this, but until anything contrary comes out, B&T have always looked out for Carly’s best interest, so I trust the people parenting her day in and day out to make that decision.

          Tyler has had little to no relationship with Carly for 13 years, he sees her once ever 2ish years, and at best he would see her once a year. He could easily send letter, send gifts, all things that are allowed in their parenting agreement, but they don’t. Kim does send gifts for her birthday and christmas and has even called out Tyler in the past for not doing more.

          If Tyler wanted a relationship, send her a letter everyday or every month. He’s allowed, but its either a visit or nothing, so that tells me he doesn’t want a relationship.

          1. 9
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            They basically just want to be “Facebook Parents.” You know the type that we all know aren’t involved in their kids lives, but will take seven thousand pictures when they do see them and post it all over social media. They only care about the visits because that gives them something to post about or have filmed for the show (at least the parts leading up to/after the visits). Sending regular letters and gifts would be more private and not get them any clout, so they don’t bother. Not to mention that it would take some effort to write and mail.

            If it weren’t for Teen Mom taking off and their “fame,” I doubt they’d even have kept up with Carly all these years. They definitely wouldn’t still be together and they’d have probably just become Butch and April 2.0. Although I do think Catelynn *might* have had a better relationship with Carly and he family if she hadn’t been with Tyler and his constant rule breaking and nasty attitude, since she was much more compliant in the beginning than he was and she probably would have remained that way if it hadn’t been for his influence and the big head she got from years of being on the show.

    4. 5
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      Oof. “She’ll see our side of the story” gives me the ick. It reminds me of my mil. We cut her off 10 years ago for being toxic. She assumed our kids would come around to her for “her side “ when they got older. They haven’t. They know she is toxic and don’t want any part of it.
      Adoption is so complicated. There’s so much trauma to all the parties involved. I just hope Carly has grown up happy and healthy and can have healthy relationships with all parties, that she wants a relationship with.

    5. 5
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      With this reasoning I guess you think Butch & April have some claim to Carly as well, since they’re the ones who were allowing their children to sleep together? Or maybe even the doctor in the delivery room has a stake in it also? See how dumb your reasoning sounds? Good lord.

  27. 76
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    If I were a teenaged girl, and my parents gave me up for adoption, then continuously not only bashed my family that saved me from the invasive media circus that surrounds the birth parents, but they also just embarrassed the hell out of themselves and everyone around them every day AND were super vocal about it, I would want absolutely nothing to do with them. Trashy people.

    1. 11
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      C&T also still surround their kids with addicts and abusers. I still can’t believe Cate lets April babysit her kids. That’s insane to me. So an addict who has never been sober a day in her life and verbally and physically abusive, left allow for DAYS with her kids. Cate was taken out of April’s custody and place with her grandparents in Florida. She was only place back right before she got pregnant and then got on TM.

      The state didn’t think April was safe to be around children.

      C&T made the best decision at the time. They need to work through their emotions, there is no do-overs, there is no time machine. Make the best of it here and now.

  28. 68
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    It’s not Carly’s job to “see your side”. You made a decision, which I’m sure was very difficult…but they can’t have your cake and eat it too. They can’t give up a baby for adoption and then expect to be super involved. That’s not realistic. Maybe they were promised things that didn’t come to fruition, who knows. Maybe Brandon and Theresa led them to believe they were going to be more involved, but maybe they broke their trust when they continually crossed boundaries. There are a ton of bio parents who have no idea where their kid is or what kind of life they have. Carly owes them nothing and they are lucky to be involved at all.

    Also, bad-mouthing her parents publicly isnt going to go they way they think it will. Carly will see that, though.

  29. 68
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    “society caters to adoptive parents”..

    If you don’t take your ass somewhere.
    Where would some of these children be had it not been for the saints that saved them?

    I hate this segment of the population that always plays constant victim. Like clown ass backwards world.
    No one owes you positive affirmations and compliments, especially when you’ve been a nasty person.
    And C&T have been nasty to B&T.

  30. 68
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    I disagree with publishing Brandon and Teresa’s last name, they never wanted it public. The less it’s out there, the better.

  31. 65
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    Cate and Ty accomplished nothing they promised Carly they would when they gave her up. Cate is severely overweight and Ty’s on onlyfans. I doubt Carly will want anything to do with them when she turns 18.

    1. 57
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      I don’t agree with the way Catelynn is handling any of this but I think it’s a huge reach to think that Carly won’t want to be in her birth mom’s life because she’s overweight. There’s 10,000 reasons why Carly wouldn’t want to have a relationship with Catelynn but unless Carly has grown up to become *exceptionally* superficial, none of those reasons would be Catelynn’s weight.

    2. 45
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      Plus they have 15 years of trashy behavior that aired on TV.

      They’re truly disgusting ppl.

      1. 38
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        I hope C & T change their minds and when they get to see Carly as an adult, they just tell her how much they love her, have missed her, and hope to stay in touch with her in the future. As a kid who’s parents very openly hated eachother and were always talking about how they were wronged by the other parent, it really wrecks your feelings towards both parents and your future relationships with other people. Let Carly love both her birth and adopted parents and think the world of all of them. She deserves the love of everyone in her life.

      2. 44
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        I remember when Dawn asked Catelynn and Tyler if they’d been sending birthday or Christmas gifts to Carlie or trying to be involved in other ways than just simply pushing visits. They had to admit that they hadn’t. They seem less interested in Carlie as a person than they do in getting what they believe is owed to them. Both Catelynn and Tyler have made comments stating that they gave B and T something they never would have had otherwise. As if that entitles them to something. Brandon and Teresa’s priority is Carlie and the family they have created. They didn’t adopt Catelynn and Tyler too. Also, B and T have fulfilled everything they promised in their open adoption agreement. I think it probably just wasn’t a great match from the beginning. Brandon and Teresa initially wanted a closed adoption. I think they settled for semi-open when they realized that closed adoptions are rare these days. Catelynn and Tyler expected a fully open adoption. Dawn should have only shown Catelynn and Tyler couples who were willing to have a fully open adoption. The birth parents are supposed to give their criteria to the agency and then the agency pulls adoptive couples to present based on that. In that respect I think the agency missed the mark, and the result is two couples unhappy with how that aspect of the adoption played out.

    3. 37
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      I think any normal kid would be ashamed and embarrassed to have it known that Cate and Tyler are their parents! Cate is a lazy-ass mess who looks like a lesbian truck-driver, and Tyler is showing his junk on Only Fans and acts like he’s this great dad, which he isn’t. Thank God Carly won’t have to grow up like her siblings.

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