Taylor Selfridge did not hold back recently when she was talking about her Teen Mom co-stars.
The baby mama of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter star Cory Wharton seemingly took a few swipes at Amber Portwood‘s mothering (or lack thereof) on Snapchat recently. After Taylor was asked how she feels about the other girls on the show, Taylor admitted that she isn’t fond of all the girls on the show.
“I like 90% of them. I think they’re great,” Taylor told the fan who asked the question. “But there’s some that I just want to rip my hair out watching them bc I don’t get how it’s that difficult to be a good parent… kids just need love.”
In a video response, Taylor went on to praise a certain stepmom, leading fans to conclude that Taylor was almost certainly talking about Kristina Shirley, the stepmom to Amber’s daughter Leah. (On the most-recent episodes of ‘Next Chapter,’ Kristina and Leah’s dad, Gary Shirley, are shown discussing how absent Amber has been from Leah’s life in recent years, and how it’s affected Leah.)
“I get mad at it too. Like, I don’t watch the episodes but I see, like, clips here and there,” Taylor said. “There’s nothing that makes me more mad than when a child is suffering from things that a parent does.
“And, as like, a stepmom, thank God I deal with a mother [Cheyenne Floyd] who takes care of her kids. Because, like, I would fight,” Taylor added, before seemingly applauding Gary and Kristina for how they deal with Amber.
“I would seriously be so upset, like, all the time… I don’t know how they do it. They have the patience of, like…”

Although Taylor never used Amber’s name specifically, she did confirm to fans on Snapchat that it’s “not hard to figure out” which mom she was talking about in her rant.
Taylor is not the only ‘Teen Mom’ star to speak out on Amber’s lack of parenting. In a post about Taylor’s comments on the @TeenMomFanz Instagram account, Ashley Jones hopped into the comment section to discuss Amber’s parenting.
“Very hard to watch…along with all the pacifying and coddling,” Ashley wrote.
Last week, Briana DeJesus gave her thoughts on the situation, reposting one of The Ashley’s stories about how Gary recently confirmed that Amber has not seen Leah at all since Amber’s engagement to Gary Wayt ended in June.
“That’s terrible,” Briana wrote in her post.
Thats terrible https://t.co/DvrduuVWZ9
— Briana Dejesus (@_brianadejesus) August 30, 2024
While Taylor and Briana have publicly criticized Amber, several others— including Catelynn Lowell and Maci Bookout— have been outspoken in their support for Amber. During a recent episode, viewers saw Catelynn and Maci confronting Gary about a comment he had made about Leah wanting Kristina to adopt her.
Last month, Taylor’s boyfriend, Cory, also gave his thoughts on Gary’s decision to tell the ‘Teen Mom’ dads on-camera that Leah has asked if Kristina can adopt her.
“My perspective on that is Gary’s just being real with the fellas,” Cory told Us Weekly. “You’re with your guys. You feel comfortable around other dads. He’s trying to tell his story and see who can relate and what type of advice we can give him.
“At this point, I just want Leah to be happy,” he shared. “Whatever Leah wants, I think she’s at a stage where everyone in that party needs to listen and kind of hear her out because it’s all about the kid first. I think that’s what Gary’s trying to do.”
Cory was quick to add that he had “nothing bad to say about Amber.”

“I just wish them the best,” Cory said, “and hope they can figure it out.”
Amber has not publicly responded to Taylor’s recent comments.
RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ Star Gary Shirley Claims Amber Portwood Hasn’t Seen Their Daughter Leah Since Her Split From Fiancé Gary Wayt in June
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
31 Responses
Also I’m just sick of Amber using her mental illness as an excuse to be a crap mom. I have mental illnesses like her & sometimes I do disappear from the world but never my child! I always put him first & always have. She can & needs to do better by Leah or let Kristina adopt her. Some people aren’t cut out for parent hood & she’s definitely one of them. She’s too much of a narcissist.
I think it’s time MTV WRAPPED the ENTIRE series up in a ball and toss it out!!..for years we have watched these women go from pregnant teens to mothers of multiple children now and it’s just quite boring zzzzz!..the show seems to be more about the dis function of the cast parents than the women intended!.. I would not care if I ever saw Briana Brittany or Roxanne they have drama in their sleep!.. END IT ALL MTV..create something that would be interesting!
I’m not a fan of Taylor but she isn’t saying anything wrong, she’s stating what we’re all thinking at this point. Cate & Maci do coddle Amber. If it was anyone else they’d call that s**t out. Amber isn’t a victim. She made her choices and she’s actively chosen men time & again over building a relationship with her daughter.
Hate her and Cory..she should see if Cory didn’t marry his first baby mama she doesn’t stand a chance! News flash!! Just because you have babies from a man does not make him want to make you his wife so get over it move on and let Corey keep on losing “the challenge “ instead of being a real man with a real job!.. Then, my dear, you can’t afford to talk about somebody once your own house is straight!
No one is keeping Amber from Leah except… Amber. She seriously needs to re-evaluate her life and her priorities. She should be focusing on Leah and doing whatever she can to salvage whatever is left of their relationship, rather than boo-hooing on her couch/bed over some fly by night dude she was engaged to briefly. I just don’t get it. I have three boys that are my LIFE. I haven’t even dated since my youngest was born because they deserve every ounce of my attention (except when I am at work of course) and the only time I dated around my two older boys was to the father of my youngest. Your kids always come first and quite frankly, I would be MORTIFIED if I wasn’t doing everything in my power to be there for my kids OFF CAMERA, let alone on camera, even if they did have an awesome stepmom like Kristina. I think Amber should let Leah go- she pretty much already has and Leah should be the one that decides who her mom is- not Amber. Imagine… having two children you don’t see and instead of being depressed and conjuring up a “sleep schedule” to heal from not seeing your kids, you are over some random dude you were engaged to for five seconds. SMH
MTV should fire them all and just show reruns because none of them worthless asses ever change their storyline. Amber bawling on couch and being a horrible mother. Leah talking to her girls like she should get mother of the year award. We saw how she raised them over the years. All Cheyenne ever does is complain about her husband or being a bitch. Caitlyn just being a complete nothing trying to tell everyone else how they should react and acting like her husband is so hot that it’s disgusting. Brianna, it’s just a man hating whore. Macy, always seems like she’s drunk and wants Ryan. Jade episodes always just about her mother being worthless McKenzie is just always boring..
And now the worst sorry excuse for a “mother” is back collecting a pay check – Janelle. I don’t want to see her kids living in poverty since they were dealt among the crappiest hands for parents. However, regaining that MTV paycheck will just prolong her insufferableness and irresponsibility as she continues to put men, substances and even vacations before her kids.
I have do idea why amber still gets a paycheck. She is not a mother . You only see her twice a year on the show trying to act like she care when the rest of the year she is MIA . Must be nice to get a hefty MTV check just for sitting on a couch bawling about everybody treating her wrong. Let the bitch go along with her just as worthless allies Macy, Caitlyn and Cheyenne. Actually All of them. Not one of them actually worth a pint of piss.
This chit show, should have kicked Ambien to the kerb years ago, getting paid 💩loads of money to not be a parent and sit bitching on the couch, playing the victim, she is her own worse enemy, she’s a nasty, lazy, violent woman.
Leah deserves better, Gary stop coddling Amber, and forcing a relationship with her and Leah, Amber clearly doesn’t give AF.
All of this is Amiens own doing.
Bagging on another person on social media? Does she have nothing better to do. Just because people are asking questions doesn’t mean she have to answer them. Besides they’re all on there only cuz they got knocked up being young.
Taylor isn’t on the show because she got knock up young.
angry amber live threatening to beat taylor’s ass and crooked lips in 3…2…1……
Dear MTV,
Whatever legal hold that waste of space has on you is not worth throwing away the whole played out franchise.
Move on with active parents who aren’t currently active drug users or abusers, domestic abusers or drunks.
Or animal neglect and abusers. MTV needs to rethink and rebrand their employee choices.
For some reason, I bet it will much easier for Amber to get high AF and turn on her phone and start screeching about someone disrespecting her than it would be to try to be a parent.
MTV / Viacom: Please listen to your viewers! Amber’s lazy ass needs to go. And take Cheyanne with her! (Watch out for white babies though when you give her the pink slip!).
I can hear it now….Maci, Cate and Cheyenne have already booked tickets to go hold Amber’s hand so they can be her “mental support” and tell her how great she is. Good for Taylor honestly. Amber will go on one of her psycho online rants with her endless threats. Too bad nobody but the Three Stooges Maci, Cate and Cheyenne care.
All 3 hate Amber, MTV forces them to go.
Maci and Catelynn, and Cheyenne will back Amber up on anything because they don’t want the show to end, because there goes that TM paycheck and none of them have any skills. Taylor is about the only one I like on the show.
I’m glad there’s at least one woman on this show that won’t coddle Amber. Taylor Never-Wharton is 100% right, but we all know Maci and Catelynn are going to have something to say about how it’s not her place to say anything. 🙄
Taylor Never-Wharton.💀😂You hyphenated it and everything!🤣
It just didn’t sit right with me that Beer Taylor had a distinct moniker while she didn’t. 😂🤣
The Ashley needs to see this and use it in the future.
I’d be honored if she did.
To be fair Cait and Maci are just worried about their friend Amber. They have both basically admitted that they didn’t know everything and that they both agree with their husbands that Leah is the one who matters. Amber needs to work on her relationship with Leah. But yeah we all know it’s going to take a lot of work for that to happen.
No, Maci especially has been critical of Gary, acting as if he is the only keeping Leah away from Amber. It makes no sense to anyone who has seen Amber in action (or inaction).
I’ve always said maci is a secret villain. She is very calculated, drama starter but people as dull as cate Lynn and Amber don’t catch on.
Can we talk about the lobotomy Maci obviously had between her breakup with Kyle & getting together with Taylor? Has to be part of her villain story.
Maci can also STFU and be more worried about why is she letting Bentley anywhere near his dad.
Because Maci will do anything for easy money. She will sacrifice her son’s well-being, privacy, etc. and pretend to support anyone (Amber) for $$$.
Please. Maci has always coddled Amber while slamming Ryan for doing the same shit. And Cate should know better seeing as she WAS Leah growing up. They’re both sad and they’re not actually thinking about Leah. And, honestly, neither is Gary. If he was he would stop trying to force Amber down her throat.