It pays to be a reality TV trainwreck!
Mama June: Family Crisis stars Lauryn “Pumpkin” Efird and her soon-to-be ex-husband Josh proved that on Wednesday when Pumpkin declared their monthly incomes for the court that is facilitating their divorce. Pumpkin and Josh— who announced their split last month— are currently working to settle the terms of their divorce, prompting them to fill out and file a Child Support Worksheet with the court.
The couple shares four children, as well as an extremely monthly income. The Ashley can exclusively reveal that Pumpkin declared that both she and Josh each clear a cool $20,000 monthly, bringing their joint monthly income to $40,000!
With Pumpkin and Josh each making $20k a month, that means their combined yearly income is $480,000.
Although Pumpkin did not declare where all of that money comes from, it is presumed to be a combination of their WEtv salary for filming ‘Mama June,’ as well as what they make from social media. Pumpkin also runs her an online store with her sister Alana Thompson.

On the worksheet, Josh is listed as the kids’ “non-custodial parent.” The amount of basic child support needed for the four kids at that income level is listed as $6168 monthly. On the worksheet, Pumpkin has split that amount in half so that both she and Josh are responsible for $3084 a month.
Although the couple is reeling in $40k a month now, just a year ago, Pumpkin claimed she was struggling financially. In March 2023, Pumpkin stated on TikTok Live that she was very behind on her car payments– so much so that her car was almost repossessed. While Pumpkin didn’t straight-out ask her followers for money, she did put her Venmo, Paypal and Cash App usernames on display, which garnered her about $1,000 by the end of the Live. (Pumpkin told fans that she intended to use the money they sent her toward her overdue car payment.)
In addition, Pumpkin asked fans to send her things that she needs for her kids but can’t afford, such as formula and diapers. While Pumpkin was pleased that fans sent her money and items, Josh was not happy. In fact, he was seen in the Live storming out of the house and demanding that Pumpkin return the money and items donated to them.

As The Ashley previously reported, Pumpkin and Josh have agreed to share custody of their four children, as well as split the children’s expenses. It appears that neither party is requesting child support, due to both parents having joint legal and physical custody.
“The parties shall equally divide the expenses of the minor children, including but not limited to, uncovered medical expenses, extra-circular activities and necessary school expenses,” the court docs state, adding that Pumpkin will claim two of the couple’s four kids on her taxes, while Josh will claim the other two kids on his.
The paperwork states that Josh and Pumpkin are currently leasing-to-own the home they live in. The couple has decided that Josh’s name is to be removed from the contract of the home and he will have 60 days to move out of the residence.
Pumpkin and Josh have agreed to each keep their own car and bank accounts.
Both Pumpkin and Josh have already moved on romantically as well. Pumpkin is currently dating Darrin Kitchens…who happens to be Josh’s cousin. Josh has been seeing Keely Miller, who is currently pregnant…allegedly by Darrin.
You really can’t make this stuff up.

In August, Mama June Shannon took to social media to reveal how Pumpkin and Josh (and their new significant others) are making their, um, unique situation work.
Amid recent rumors of a CPS case involving Pumpkin and Josh’s four children, Mama June told fans that she wanted to “speak on the situation,” while also providing some clarity on her grandchildren’s current living arrangement. She also confirmed that Josh is already living with Keely.
“ … There is no CPS case,” June wrote on Facebook. “The kids don’t live with Josh’s mama, Josh doesn’t live with his mama, he lives with Keely and Pumpkin lives in the family home … .”
“ … Right now every other week, [Josh and Keely] stay at the family home with kids on their weeks they have them ’cause the kids don’t do well if they ain’t at home to go to sleep,” June wrote. “That is [their] safe spot always has been … .”

In the post’s comment section, June confirmed that Josh and Keely switch off staying at the house with Pumpkin– and possibly Darrin.
Although Pumpkin and Josh have not confirmed it, their divorce will almost certainly be a main focus of the next season of ‘Mama June: Family Crisis.’
RELATED STORY: ‘Mama June: Family Crisis’ Star Pumpkin Shannon Debuts New Boyfriend Darrin Kitchens in Midst of Divorce from Josh Efird
(Photos: Facebook; WEtv)
16 Responses
Sounds like their both bad at managing money if you have to beg fans for money. Seems like they should’ve spent some money on condoms if they couldn’t afford to have more children on a $480,000 a year income. If that’s how much they make a year & their not even the star of the show you know Alana is making bank as well & certainly could afford to pay for her college tuition without help. I’m sure they’ll all be back begging their fans for money when it comes time to retire.
She’s begging for money from people that are making the bare minimum working their as$es off! That’s a damn shame! I would feel stupid asf if I ever sent a penny to her
I would be set for life if there was $40,000 a month coming into a household for even just one year. Pay off the house and any other debts, make some investments, build up savings, pay ahead on bills, and live modestly (i.e. pretend you’ve got $500-$1000 a month or less in spending money and don’t touch the rest). After that year, it would just be working a regular job to keep from digging into savings. It would be absolutely life changing for anybody with a lick of sense. Sucks that it’s only the irresponsible trash that gets easy money and they blow every last dime and then beg “fans” for money. It’s so frustrating to watch them do that while the rest of us struggle because we’re not trashy enough for reality TV.
What in the white trash?!?!
The screen grabs of the kids being held upside down by these class-acts are the real star of this show
I’m not surprised that they live like pigs. Look at who raised them!
Their diet is anything but healthy and it’s amazing that they don’t all have diabetes and other health issues.
I’m hoping that since Alana is going to nursing school that she’ll finally get a reality check concerning her unhealthy lifestyle. She has a genetic propensity towards type 1 diabetes and she completely ignores it.
The fact that CPS doesn’t live at their house amazes me.
I give Pumpkin credit for what she did for Alana but both her and Josh really need parenting and nutrition classes.
So these people that didn’t even graduate high school are making 20k/month each? Plain disgusting. All of them, the whole family
If you don’t like the show don’t watch it. I myself like it
That’s almost half a million a year.
And she’s on live asking for money, diapers and other things for her kids?
That’s beyond disgusting and horrible. Why do any of them have fans?
She’s on live Instagram begging for money, begging her fans for money. This is fucking disgusting. This family is a bunch of white trash and it’s time for the money train and they all need to get jobs and keep their legs shut.
The reason Pumpkin said she was behind on her car payments is because she is exactly like her mother. They have a lot more money than the average person. Yet they get on social media and act like they are struggling because idiots start sending them money. Why would Pumpkin, June or Alana spend their money on bills when their “fans” give it to them for free? Nope they would rather blow their money on drugs and lavish vacations.
And they are all liars. The house that Pumpkin films at for the show is not the house that they actually live in. The yard of their actually house has broken down kids toys and trash everywhere broken blinds, broken front door. I dont think I can put links here but if you Google it you can find it. Apparently they completely trashed their house in relatively short order. So the kids “safe space” as June calls it might as well be a trash heap.
So they live exactly how we think they would?
I imagine inside is disgusting as well.
Oh yeah, boo boo really needed that gofundme right? I hope every single person who sent her a dime is reevaluating their judgment and life choices.