Catelynn Lowell has become very outspoken about the strained relationship between her and her biological daughter Carly’s adoptive parents, Brandon and Teresa Davis, and now her husband Tyler Baltierra is giving his thoughts on the tense situation.
As The Ashley previously reported, Catelynn spoke out on Monday about Brandon and Teresa, informing her over 4 million Instagram followers that she was recently blocked by Teresa after sending updates and text messages to Carly, who is now 15 years old. Catelynn went on lash out at Carly’s parents, insisting that she “will not let them take away [her] voice.”
While Cate has been frequently speaking out against Carly’s parents, Tyler has remained relatively quiet on the subject, only weighing in once, in May, after Catelynn told her followers that Brandon and Teresa were not allowing them to see Carly this year for their annual visit.
On Tuesday, though, Tyler took to Instagram Stories to post a long-winded message regarding Catelynn’s decision to speak out, as well as Carly’s parents’ actions toward them up until this point. Calling it a “sensitive and very personal subject,” Tyler confirmed that Brandon and Teresa have “chosen to finally cut us off, which I believe they have every right to do so.”

Tyler went on to state that he is not a victim in this situation.
“I don’t agree with the fact that some say we ‘learned how to manipulate situations and to be a victim and get sympathy.’ I require no sympathy and don’t ever expect it,” Tyler wrote. “I made a decision as a child that will inevitably affect me as an adult, and the children I’m raising for the rest of their lives. I deserve all the criticism and judgement that may come out of that decision…”
He stated that he wants Carly to know the truth about what happened between them and her parents, and because they are now blocked from communicating with Carly, they have to post things publicly so she will be able to see it someday.
“We have no way of getting this information to Carly when/if she seeks it out,” Tyler wrote. “So that’s why we continue to use our platform as a way to get to her in case it’s needed, regardless of anyone’s opinions about it.”

Tyler stated that he and Catelynn can’t apologize or mend the relationship with Brandon and Teresa if they don’t know what upset Carly’s parents in the first place. He also defended Catelynn sending Carly & Co. updates on their family via photos and messages. (As The Ashley reported, some fans expressed in comments on Cate’s social media that Carly may feel bad seeing “happy family” updates from Catelynn.)
“We have been advised multiple times (for years) from people to send updates frequently & as often as possible (ranging from adoption specialists, adoptive parents, adoptees and birthparents who all have more experience than us) so that’s what we’ve been doing,” Tyler wrote.

Tyler went on to defend Catelynn’s decision to publicly reveal what’s been happening between them and Carly’s parents.
“The decision to finally share the whole truth about our situation didn’t come easy,” Tyler explained, adding that they are often accused of “bashing” Carly’s parents whenever they speak out. “…We have never called them names or attacked them by doing so.”
Tyler wrote that he and Cate have explained to Brandon and Teresa how important it is for an adoptee to have access to their birthparents.
“We’ve tried sharing this information with Carly’s parents to no avail, which is saddening, of course, but mostly heartbreaking for Carly’s sake in the end of it all,” he stated.
“I completely understand that some people believe that ‘we are the bad ones’ or that ‘we’re in the wrong,’ and yes we have made many mistakes ourselves navigating this journey from children into adulthood…but to us, this isn’t about ‘right and wrong’ or ‘good vs. bad’ because it’s actually quite typical for birthparents to be expected to remain silent, to be ridiculed and judged for having any sort of emotions/reactions to their feelings regarding their own adoption experience, so we’re very used to this by now.”

Tyler wrote that him and Catelynn believe Carly “deserves the truth” and “the dignity to make decisions based on all of the facts.” He went on to claim that, if Carly knows exactly how things went down, she will be able to decide for herself if she wants to have Catelynn and Tyler (and their kids) in her life when she’s an adult.
He then made it clear that he and Catelynn have no intention of keeping the drama between them and Brandon and Teresa private.
“We will continue to share our truth, so that way when Carly decides to be in our lives, or not be in our lives, we’ll all have peace, knowing that she will have made that decision on her own, with all of the facts pertaining to her very unique adoption situation,” Tyler wrote, adding that he and Catelynn plan to open up even more and “lay EVERYTHING out on the table.”

“…We have nothing to hide and we have always been comfortable sharing our uncomfortable truths,” he added.
Brandon and Teresa— who have refused to film for MTV since 2019— have not spoken publicly about their feud with Cate and Ty, and have not responded to the ‘Teen Mom’ stars’ latest rants.

(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
73 Responses
I will say it because no one else is, C and T were lied to about the open adoption and manipulated, because they were young and had 0 support. They are supposed to have 1 visit every year, some people do two visits a year with bio family and pictures are to be given. If I can remember correctly they stopped sending pictures pretty early on. I don’t think C&T are bad nor do I think T&B are bad, but T&B should have adopted privately, because they’re Carly’s legal parents, but they are NOT her only parents and Carly has a right to her bio family too. If you are that private then open adoption and filming the adoption on a TV show probably wasn’t the right decision for them.
That’s typically only up until age 5.
Right. Brandon and Teresa even went beyond that. Carly was six when Tyler and Catelynn got married. They didn’t have to bring Carly to the wedding, but they did. The way I see it, they’ve gone over and above what an Open adoption usually is. And I’m getting tired of some of these ignoramuses criticizing Brandon and Teresa for that. Tie and Cate are the ones who are in the wrong here. God bless Brandon and Teresa, because without them, Carly would have most likely ended up in the system anyway. They saved her from that. The people who are criticizing Brendan and Teresa are idiots, and they don’t understand how open adoptions are usually only open for a very few years.
no true. I am an adoptive parent and the relationship between the child and her bio parents is important. She will always want them she will always seek them and the is natural and normal. keeping her away will make her turn against the adopted parents. Trust me adopted 6!!
you would think not always true
Does anyone else think that Catelynn and Tyler’s other kids feel like maybe they weren’t really wanted, because all they ever hear about is Carly? The thought of that really bothers me.
Which is wrong and judges know this, that effects a kids emotional and mental health actually very detrimental to their well being. I call psychological abuse at this age.
Are you seriously trying to justify C&Ts behavior? That is HILARIOUS.
B&T need to take out a gag order against C&T. This is so cringe and embarrassing for all parties involved. Imagine being unproblematic, trying to live your life in peace, raise your kids and these 2 immature whack jobs blast your business all over the internet. This is so embarrassing.
Cate is back on her bullshit in her IG stories. She just won’t fucking stop running her mouth. ‘You should see what B&T did’ girl fuck off and go raise your damn kids. Leave those people alone!!!
To C&T “open adoption” means “long term babysitters”. I have no idea who’s advising them to send happy family vacation updates and not ask about Carly directly (her likes, dislikes, school updates etc.) but whoever it is must have been cutoff from their birth child too. B&T would take notice of things like that and realize that they were just out to manipulate poor Carly into thinking they were the fun parents and not the ones that would make her do things like go to bed, eat her vegetables or have personal grooming standards. OR Carly actually read those messages and realized they didn’t really ask about HER and only rubbed in her face the things they were doing with the kids they kept. She’s old enough to have told B&T to cut it off and save her from them and they’re taking the proverbial “bullet” for her.
Iirc, C&T were getting the foot print tattoos, must have been on TM and not 16 &P.
They were telling the tattoo artist that they were going to be seeing Carly any time they wanted and yeah, kind of as if B&T were babysitting so C&T could get their lives together.
They clearly did not understand what “adoption” meant. I don’t blame the agency or Butch or anyone. I’m sure C&T nodded along as if they understood yet had their own ideas brewing regardless.
Yeah I do think this conclusion is a long time coming. It wasn’t over night it’s been 15 years in the making. And yeah, B&T can bear the brunt of Cate’s venom bc that’s what parents do.
That’s what I think as well, and I brought that up with someone else on another page a few days ago.
Most adoptees who have NOT had a good adoption want to seek out their bio parents in the hope that they can heal their wound. I had a great adoption and have never given my bio parents a second thought. In fact, when my full bio sister came looking for me, I was resentful. I didn’t want to be part of their dysfunctional family. I think Carly has probably had a great life. She loves B&T and (at 15) could reach out to Cate & Ty via their platform IF SHE WANTED. She will be mortified at all the online attention she’s getting. And she’ll be mortified that Tyler has an Only Fans page. Worst decision they even made. And it was all for money. I know they’re hurting over the adoption but leave Carly out if the drama. She won’t thank you for it.
I’m going to laugh when this blows up in their face and carly wants nothing to do with them because of how big of assholes They’ve been to her actual parents
And it will happen too! But then c&t will say something ignorant like ‘oh they brainwashed Carly’, like their own actions have zero to do with the fact b&t have cut all communication. Crazy mf I would absolutely get some sort of order for harassment at this point it’s asinine.
They need to get real jobs. All they do is obsess over this while siting on the couch all day long. Just try to be good biologic parents….let go of this hate. Let Carlie see that the 2 of them can lead a positive life. Not these rants that are only hurting them in the end. I can’t even imagine what they are going to do as soon as she turns 18. Who wants to bet cate and Tyler will be sitting in the driveway the minute she is 18 and will think they aren’t doing anything wrong. That poor girl is going to want to be in witness protection. Let Carlie come to you I’m her time. Stop this craziness….if they don’t it’s going to go way too far and won’t be able to come back from it. Do something productive with their lives and stop living off of teen mom.
..but I know this won’t happen….they’ll be in their 40’s and still on Teen Mom lol.
I sincerely hope that B&T hit them with cease & desist & restraining orders. This is so crazy, I’d have also cut off contact. There is no way I would allow this toxicity around my child!
I hope C&T’s adoption advocate or whatever told them to stop this behavior or they have and they’re ignoring it. It’s like they think B&T are placeholders for until Carlee turns 18 and then she’ll run back to them. It’s like they can’t contemplate she may have asked not to see them because she doesn’t want bothered or is hurt seeing how they kept their other three daughters, but not her. Someone needs to tell them to chill! If I were B&T I would ask for the adoption to be closed.
Everything I was going to say has pretty much been commented, so I will just say that Catelynn and Tyler need to realize that Carly is not illiterate, and probably sees all of the posts and articles out there about her, whether she wants to or not. They also need to accept that Brandon and Teresa are the only parents Carly knows, and that while their truth is their truth, they also can’t just erase almost 16 years of Brandon and Teresa being her parents, her family. All they are going to accomplish is pushing Carly far away from them.
I strongly believe that everything we see Leah saying about Amber and how Kristina is her real mom is exactly what Carly is saying behind the scenes. But then again Cate is 100% team Amber, so that would not be a good comparison for her.
Remember when Tyler went against Brandon and Teresa’s wishes by posting photos of Carly, and then stated that he had a right to do so because he made her. Brandon said at the time, that they didn’t want to ever cut them off completely and that it would take a lot for them to do so. Guess Brandon and Teresa finally had their fill. I can’t believe that Catelynn and Tyler would be surprised by this. They haven’t abided by any of the boundaries B&T put into place. For example, they didn’t want visits filmed. So what do C&T do? Bring a whole camera crew to film everything short of the actual visit and then tell the world every detail of the visit. If they really cared about that child, wouldn’t some things be sacred? They use Carly for storyline and clicks, plain and simple. Guess for them, it beats having to get actual jobs!
Here’s a few ways they can communicate to Carly their truth about the situation:
– a personal blog that’s password protected and Carly gets the password on her 18th birthday
– a book detailing their journey that they self publish only 1 copy of and give it to Carly
– unlisted videos on YouTube that only Carly has access to
– a handwritten diary given only to Carly
There’s so many ways this could be done but airing the dirty laundry of 4 adults who can’t get along for the sake of 1 specific child is not the best way to do things. I understand they may have gotten advice from others in the adoption community, and that’s great. But what works for others may not be what’s best for their unique situation. They’re completely missing the fact that they’re minor celebrities and hundreds of articles just like this one have been written about them over the years and will continue on until the world loses interest (unfortunately, I think mtv may have a generational issue here and this could go on forever like some kind of twisted irl degrassi 😬). If Carly wants to know about her adoption, B&T have said in the past they’ll explain it to her, and she’ll have an untold number of sources to investigate. If she just wants to be a normal kid and grow up out of the spotlight, she should be able to do that without all this drama.
I was thinking along the same lines as you. Why not write letters to Carly & have them in a book? Maybe send gifts for holidays & a letter with pictures maybe a couple of times a year? With them having the media attention, it is not the same as others who are going through the same thing. They have way too many people following them, which in turn, means too many people knowing about Carly!
Exactly. It’s totally normal to do a small family update on a Christmas card each year, they could’ve done something similar for Carly. A nice gift and note for each birthday and Christmas would’ve been fine. Others have said Cate and Ty see B&T as long term babysitters, and I can kind of agree. C&T don’t seem to recognize B&T as Carly’s parents. It feels like they’re trying to “speak their truth” more as Carly gets older as a way to guarantee their place in her adult life, but it’s being done wrong and I have a feeling it’s really pushing her away.
B&T are her parents, her legal guardians. They do have a say in who contacts their child, when their child is contacted, and why their child is being contacted. I think they’re making the right choice for themselves and THEIR child in choosing to force space when their boundaries were repeatedly disrespected. Every post from C&T on social media continues to violate the boundaries set by B&T, which is why it comes off as weird and borderline creepy. Until C&T grow up and learn to respect others and their boundaries, they’ll most likely stay blocked. C&T are not owed anything by B&T, including access to Carly.
C & T were not too “children” to have unprotected sex.
And then had another pregnancy scare months after Carly was born?!
C & T should be sending Cate/Tyler a “cease and desist” order and possibly even take out a protection of order against them. I think Tyler used to push the bounderies more a few years ago but now, it’s Cate. Having Cate’s mother drunk as a skunk at the last meet up probably wasn’t good either.
YES! To everything you said. Brandon and Teresa need to get a cease and desist on these two trailer trash brats. Unfortunately, MTV has given them a huge platform and tons of money that they piss away on garbage. Maybe if they had jobs or some other type of constructive career path they could support themselves and their children and stop living their lives on TV and social media. What a nightmare for Brandon and Teresa…all they wanted was to raise Carlie in a healthy and private environment…now it’s being destroyed because C&T need to “correspond” to Carlie directly which is NOT a part of the agreement they made with Brandon and Teresa fifteen years ago. I really loathe C&T and view them as spoiled, entitled young adults that have a platform that could be used for wholesome family updates…instead it’s now just a cesspool of their angry outbursts. Carlie must be embarrassed by their behavior…for any 15 year old to be the subject of the rants and unhinged social media posts must be awful. C&T do NOT have Carlie’s best interests in mind…only their own selfish needs to get their way. This mess makes a great case for future adoptive parents to NOT agree to open adoptions!
Get Carly an attorney and guardian ad litem ASAP!!! She is old enough to say what she would like now!!!
These mf legit think they are 100% correct in their actions. I wish B&T would slap some sort of restraining order on C&T for harassment & the minute they violated it I’d be hauling their asses to court.
C&T don’t give two shits about Carly’s feelings or needs. If they did they’d give that little girl SPACE. And sure, if they want to pin a message on their IG so Carly can see it, wonderful. It could be as simple as, ‘we love you and would love to talk with you/be in your life when and if you’re ready’ but they can’t do that. The word vomiting posts constantly about how they were wronged is ignorant & has no bearing on anything. Nobody gives two flying rat’s asses about C&T’s feelings. But they’ll SpEaK tHeIr TrUtH 😮💨🥴
It’s insane how obtuse these two are. No one is dragging him for the decisions he made “as a child.” And framing it that way is bs. He’s getting called out for his actions as an adult. His decision as an adult to make Carly’s life public when her parents have repeatedly asked that she be given privacy. It’s absolutely wild that these two are acting like they’re airing this shit for Carly. If Carly wanted to reach out to them in the future, they could tell her their “side” privately like normal people. But, that’s not the point. This isn’t actually about Carly and it never was. This is about them, their wants, and their feelings above everyone and everything else. No one believes that this is the only way they have to reach Carly. She knows who they are and how to find them. They’re posting this shit because they feed off the drama and dysfunction. Fortunately, Carly’s parents are concerned with her right to privacy and a normal childhood. I hope she comes out unscathed from all the trauma these have put her through.
You also know good & damn well when Carly says ‘no thanks’ to any sort of relationship with them they’ll be dragging her too. I cannot stand these two turds.
Oh absolutely. Instead of taking any accountability, they’ll blame her parents and her. They’ll go off about how they sacrificed and got nothing in return. And when they’re called out, they claim:
“We ArEn’t cAllIng thEm nAmEs so It’s nOt bAshIng”
You don’t need to reach Carly in any way. She is not your child. You are strangers to her!
It is also interesting how Tyler talks about “our truth “. If it is in fact true you say THE truth.
They don’t seem to grasp that they “GAVE HER UP.” She legally belongs to Brandon and Theresa.
She’s not on loan, they aren’t parenting, she is Brandon and Theresa’s daughter.
Thanks to Beatrice and Butthead, everybody knows Carly’s business.
If they love her as much as they say they do, they’d respect the life Brandon and Theresa have made for her.
Also sharing pics of her birth sisters she has no relationship with…she has a brother. I’m sure she is way more emotionally attacked to him than she will ever be to her birth sisters.
I think you mean “attached”, but I love your comment ♥
Hey Tyler and Cate, you say B & T made promises that they’re going back on but what about the promises you made to them? To go to college and do something productive with your life and make them proud. Showing your dick makes no one proud. Maybe if you had upheld your end of the deal they would to. Instead you decided to board the crazy train.
These two are the whiniest bitches i’ve ever seen
Adoptions counselors, adoptees, etc may be telling you to send shit to her but when the parents say “STOP” – you stop. You don’t continue to make a fool of yourself! I beg B & T to get a restraining order for Carly’s sake! Take them back to court and shut them up!
i truly don’t understand why these two are unable to take a hint, STFU and leave this situation alone.
like, what on earth is WRONG with them?!?
Grow up. No means no! When you’ve pushed someone to the limit maybe you need to stop and think “what did I do wrong?” If B & T want Carly to have this “information” they will give it to her. Back off and let her live. Bug her when she’s 18. Just let that family live your life. We don’t need to know anything else. Stop sharing to the world and keep it to yourself. That is what a mature, responsible “parent” would do. Take a page out of B & T’s book if you wish to be any kind of parent to Carly. Discretion!! You need therapy! Go get more!!
@ispeak ~ exactly. 🎯
‘no means no’ really isn’t a difficult concept to grasp.
This situation is sad all around. I’m sure B&T never imagined that C&T would
1)stay together
2)be on tv
3) have 3 more daughters together
But those things did happen and the fact is that Carly does have 3 full biological sisters out there that she doesn’t get to see or talk to. That has to have some kind of affect on her. If Carly is asking for them to come visit her sometimes on the weekends and B&T are preventing that, then that’s messed up. Carly is old enough at 15 that she should be the one who gets to decide if and when she sees her birth family. The wellbeing of the children should always be the priority not the feelings of adults.
Exactly this
Exactly, it should be up to her, which is probably why they cut contact. Carly’s wishes. If my 12 year old can figure out how to unblock youtube on her phone, Carly could figure out how to contact C&T if she really wanted to.
According to Catelyn she has asked to see them more. It’s absolutely crazy that Carly would have to go behind her adoptive parents back if she wanted to talk to her birth family if that’s the case. The fact is that absolutely no one in this comment section knows anything about Carly’s life or how she has grown up. We don’t know what rules she has, what she has expressed about her birth family. All of the people speaking for Carly are wrong for doing so.
Yes, according to CATE, who obviously doesn’t have direct contact with Carly as she was texting TERESA. Again, Carly is 15, if she really wanted to find a way to contact C&T, especially in this tech savvy day & age, she’d have found a way. Besides, what child wants to hear about all the fun and exciting adventures you’re taking while you’re ALSO not asking about what SHE has been doing? Not once in any of those texts did Cate ask about Carly: what she likes, how school is going, what extracurriculars she’s doing, fucking NOTHING. I wouldn’t want to communicate with a “me me me” either who only uses me for attention and a paycheck.
YES!!! She sure is, get her an attorney and guardian ad litem ASAP!!!
To me this is all about privacy. Carly deserves privacy and doesn’t need social media posts from her adoptive parents and their antics. Carly deserves better than to have her life shared with all of us.
Carly is 15. If she wanted to contact them she easily could. They’re public figures and easy to contact. She could’ve gone to a friends house created an instagram account and messaged them. She hasn’t so I think this is Carly’s doing.
Did either of these two dumb dumbs stop and think that Carly loves B&T very much and it could be extremely upsetting and traumatic to see her birth parents drag the people that raised her in a loving home through the mud. Carly doesn’t come running back to you, Tyler and Cate, at the end of this, and it will be your fault. Grow up, put Carly first.
“We have no way of getting this information to Carly when/if she seeks it out,” Tyler wrote. “So that’s why we continue to use our platform as a way to get to her in case it’s needed, regardless of anyone’s opinions about it.”
So they are admitting that they have been openly bashing Carly’s parents on TV and SM for YEARS BECAUSE they want Carly to see it. Got it.
Lol. Carly is 15, if Carly wanted to she would. She could have a friend reach out, do it at school, at the library, at a friend’s house, or at church. Kids are so resourceful, if she wanted to she would. She hasn’t.
Okay, enough you have told “Carly” (& the world), that you want her to know that you hate her parents, she’s your daughter, and that you want a relationship with her. Okay, enough then. You have to let her know. So stop now.
This isn’t for Carly, this is for C&T. This is to make them feel better not for Carly.
Their only choice now is to wait until she’s 18, to see if she wants a relationship. And don’t worry, C&T will let us know everything because they will not respect Carly’s privacy at all, whether she wants a relationship or not, they will let everyone know. Good they are exhausting.
Carly is probably fucking mortified that the world knows her birth humans are bat-shit crazy. If they think Carly wants to be a part of their circus, they’re sadly mistaken. They’re making fools of themselves and keep trying to justify their own brand of crazy!! Seriously Dawn, it’s time to step in. Honestly though, B& T need to get a restraining order!
Carly’s life is so different than C&T and their children.
Carly grew up with two university-educated parents. Her dad works a traditional white-collar job. She has structure and stability. B&T are big into their church (which is I know 50-50, but there is a sense of community). She didn’t grow up with active addicts being her babysitter or parent. She probably didn’t grow up being screamed at or physically assaulted like Cate was by her mom’s boyfriends. She didn’t have to live with her grandparents because CPS took custody of her. She didn’t have her parents air out her dirty laundry on TV constantly. Her parents weren’t always in trouble with the government (not paying taxes, jail, CPS, etc). She didn’t have to move into her bf’s mom’s house because her mom kicked her out in hs.
Honestly, Carly would be overwhelmed. Carly has lived a VERY sheltered life. Carly probably wouldn’t know how to handle the situation if she came into C&T’s house, April’s drunk, and Cate’s disassociating in the corner, biting her fingers off. Tyler is locked in the bathroom filming OF content. Kim is asking Carly so many questions it feels like she’s being interrogated. C&T children are swinging from the chandeliers ignore the f**king state around them.
I feel like B&T really don’t want any more publicity, so that’s probably why they are keeping quiet. I feel like if they don’t stop soon, they probably will get a lawyer to at least send C&D letter. Dawn probably doesn’t care, she’s like I got my money from selling Carly 15 years ago, I’m good.
Lmfao swinging from the chandeliers 🤣💀 poor Carly wouldn’t have a clue how to handle that environment nor should she have to!
Lol the Onlyfans “model,” and his morbidly obese wife.
Oh god! This’ll be another excuse for Catelynn to “get help for her mental health” & buy another f*****g horse that Tyler has to take care of. Geesh! I used to love those two, but now, they are definitely my least favorite
It will be very interesting to see what happens in a few years, as all these kids turn 18.
I feel for everyone involved here. So much trauma around adoption, for all of them.
I’m sure Carly doesn’t want to read through all these posts in between her bio dad in a red thong and other OF teaser posts.
The obtuse is strong with these two.
This is exactly why they cut them out they don’t want THEIR daughter business on social media.. cate just using another kid for PAYCHECK. no one wants there kid to be associated with guy that sells his pecker for dollar.
I can’t imagine what it must feel like to watch your biological family grow up without you amd on TV for 15 years…it’s gotta hurt.
Carly’s reading EVERYTHING online and she STILL doesn’t want to contact you!! Take a hint both of you and stop pestering Carly and her parents!
this!!! because, frankly, 18 or not…..she could reach out on social media EASILY. that she clearly has not done so speaks volumes. too bad C&T are deaf to it.
How do you know this for sure? How do you know Carly is allowed to be on social media or even allowed to have a phone yet? I could definitely see B & T not allowing either.