Tyler Baltierra and his wife Catelynn Lowell are doubling down in their war of words against their biological daughter Carly’s adoptive parents Brandon and Teresa Davis.
The Teen Mom stars both hit social media on Wednesday to do interviews (more on those later), and Tyler even did a Q&A session with fans on Instagram Live to answer questions regarding their recent decision to speak out against Carly’s parents, after they found out that Brandon and Teresa had cut off contact with them. As The Ashley previously told you, Catelynn told her 4 million+ Instagram followers this week that Teresa blocked her for sending family updates to Carly via Teresa’s phone.
Many fans accused Catelynn and Tyler of “spamming” Teresa with unwanted messages, and some wondered if Carly’s parents have tried to take any sort of legal action to silence Ty and Cate from blasting them online. During his Q&A session on Wednesday, Tyler stated that he would welcome a legal battle with Carly’s parents, if they sought it out.
“I would welcome that challenge, for sure,” Tyler said on Instagram Live.
He went on to confirm that, so far, Brandon and Teresa have not taken any legal action to try to silence him and Catelynn from speaking out against them or their adoption.

“I am not worried about that,” he said. “I actually welcome that legal battle, like, please! I would love for that to be part of the story, if that is what [they] want. I don’t want that, but if that is something [they] would do, if [they’re] so worried about harming Carly, that would be really harming– in my opinion– to go that far and that route. To have that be a part of Carly’s adoption story, to [send us] a Cease and Desist. You’d have to have pretty valid evidence to make that happen.”
During an interview with creator JordyCray on Instagram Live earlier on Wednesday, Tyler again addressed the possibility of Brandon and Teresa taking legal action against him and Catelynn, adding that he would never be the one to initiate a legal battle with Brandon and Teresa.
“I wouldn’t do anything legally. That really wouldn’t help anything,” Tyler said. “I definitely wouldn’t, even if the opportunity was there.”
He went on to add that he would never try to “challenge” Carly’s adoption legally, for any reason. (Earlier in the interview, Tyler explained that the “adoption contract” regarding their post-adoption visits/contact with Carly was not “legally binding” and therefore can’t be used to force Brandon and Teresa into allowing them to contact Carly.)

“I would not challenge our adoption at all, legally. I don’t think that would do anything,” Tyler said.
However, Tyler stated that, should Brandon and Teresa go the legal route to stop him and Cate from talking about them online, it would at least force Carly’s parents to reveal why they chose to cut off communication with the ‘Teen Mom’ stars— something Tyler says Brandon and Teresa have refused to do.

“I would love to talk, I would love to see what they would say,” he said. “If they tried to sue me or cease and desist and whatever the hell it would be, I would love to see the evidence for it. But I’m not worried about that at all.”
In a message posted on Tuesday to Instagram Stories, Tyler explained to his followers that he and Catelynn feel they are now forced to post about the adoption on social media, so that Carly will be able to see that they “always tried” to keep communication open between them and her.
“We have no way of getting this information to Carly when/if she seeks it out,” Tyler wrote on Tuesday. “So that’s why we continue to use our platform as a way to get to her in case it’s needed, regardless of anyone’s opinions about it.”
(Tyler also revealed on Wednesday that Cate sent Teresa those text messages and family updates after Teresa told them she didn’t want contact with them anymore.)

“I completely understand that some people believe that ‘we are the bad ones’ or that ‘we’re in the wrong,’ and yes we have made many mistakes ourselves navigating this journey from children into adulthood…but to us, this isn’t about ‘right and wrong’ or ‘good vs. bad’ because it’s actually quite typical for birthparents to be expected to remain silent, to be ridiculed and judged for having any sort of emotions/reactions to their feelings regarding their own adoption experience, so we’re very used to this by now.”
On Wednesday, Tyler said he disagreed with some people’s perspectives that he and Cate have crossed boundaries in their fight for access to Carly.
“There’s a lot of things that people don’t know,” he said. “There’s a lot of misconceptions regarding me and Cate crossing boundaries and all that kind of stuff. Everyone’s perception is valid from their perspective…but this is where we’re at…”
RELATED STORY: Catelynn Lowell Says She’s Been Blocked By Birth Daughter Carly’s Mom & Leaks Messages She Sent to Teresa: “I Mean Nothing To [Them]!”
72 Responses
People don’t lose parental custody cause they are on only fans. Nor do they go to prison for it. The teen parents at the time not dangerous people endangering a baby. Nor are they now. They are doing fine. Just like everyone else. Better as they seek help when problems arise. They just want the agreement to be honored. And it was not even from the start. Which makes no sense given the year it took place. Anyone involved in adoption at the time or just before that time saw something goofy. It was quite disappointing.
Why does Theresa get to parent Carly longer in the way of decision making and controlling contact than Catelynn’s mom? Catelynn’s mom did not want Catelynn communicating with an adoption agency, or B&T. They all disregarded. She was 17, she made contact with the agency and perhaps prospective adoptive parents at 16 given the birthdates. When you judge Carly’s birth parents as trash you hurt Carly’s self esteem. Carly should think positively about each set of parents. Perhaps when done with college and parenting herself she will cut off B&T.
B&T should be the ones grateful. They were given the chance to parent when they could not. It’s hurt adoptions this behavior. If parents don’t follow through where is the trust? Who is to say other adoptive parents are going to keep their side of the agreement or allow contact when their own child asks for it? They agreed to be matched with C&T with no part of their life a secret. You sign up for family that makes different choices than you would make. It’s legal to drink alcohol. You don’t lose custody cause Aunt Jane got drunk at a picnic. I’m sure someone on B&T’s side of the family consumed alcohol as well. A 15 year old can observe someone drunk and still grow up to get a job and pay taxes and stay out of prison. Gosh. Some of these comments are so bizarre.
When you’re in your 30s but haven’t matured passed 12..🚩🚩🚩
people often throw around the phrase ‘seek professional help’ in a kinda joking manner.
in the case of the two delusional clowns 🤡 cate & ty ~ their creepy fixation on this matter is a true indication that THEY SHOULD SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP.
Creepy fixation with wanting g contact once per year with the life THEY created? Ok 🤡 They were told from the start they’d have open communication and that’s not what they’ve had.
They were given 1000x what they were “promised.” First, there was never a legal obligation for B&T to do anything. They could have walked away with the baby never to be seen by C&T again. But, they originally committed to yearly visits for the first five years only. Out of pure graciousness, they agreed to several other visits, letting Carly be a flower girl, handing out their cell phone numbers, etc. they had never committed to any of that. All they asked in return is that Carly be kept out of the public eye – no social media, no television, etc. And Cate and Tyler refused. Outright refused because they “created” Carly. And still, B&T didn’t cut them off. They were finally pushed too far with getting bashed online and constantly harassed.
This is approaching psycho/mentally unstable territory. They are so out of touch with reality. And yet MTV keeps feeding the beast. 🙄
Carly is THEIR child. They have asked yall MANY times over the years to stop talking about them. They have been more than kind about this. They set boundaries for THEIR family that you repeatedly disrespected over the course of the last 15+ years. At this point, I would also love to see this taken to court. C&T aren’t going to stop otherwise.
This is a joke, right?
NO ONE but Jenelle is this stupid !
How can they BOTH be so delusional? Carly will never want a relationship with these wack jobs!
They have permanently alienated themselves. Too bad B and T didn’t get to adopt the 3 not Carly’s. Those kids are never gonna get to live normal lives.
SO, let me get this straight. You were specifically asked NOT to contact them anymore, and instead you texted multiple times a day for MONTHS and you’re surprised you got blocked? I’m surprised you didn’t get blocked sooner! Please PLEASE get a cease and desist and restraining order! Jesus Christ these 2 lunatics are delusional! They didn’t even ASK about Carly in all of those texts!
Admits the post agreement isn’t legally binding and continues to bombard them on social media and texts. Pretty sure there’s more to the story. I feel for Carly with these two still holding onto her as a key to their fame and stay on Teen Mom.
So B&T basically cheated some stupid kids with a legally not binding agreement into agreeing to an adoption thinking that the adoption will be semi-open? I don’t feel pity for them. Maybe for Carly, but her parents … rather not.
What about this adoption hasn’t been open? It’s been open this whole time, beyond the five years of visits originally agreed upon.
It’s shocking how many people don’t understand what adoption and “open adoption” is.
They welcome it? Complete idiots they don’t have a leg to stand on. Go back to your onlyfans and your wife the pimp I’m sure Carly is so proud. Grow up such trash
C&T would probably get a lot more respect from B&T, if they gave them the same. If they would’ve just shut their effin mouths this whole time, I have no doubt Carly would’ve wanted to reach out to them on her own time. I think they really blew it with their constant social media posts.
Did anyone else hear the Twilight Zone theme song playing in the background while reading this article? It’s gettin’ a little weird around here with these two, right?
Holy sh*t these two need to STFUUU AND JUST STOP.
Imagine what it’s been like behind the scenes. C&T are only going to represent themselves in (what they think) is a positive light. They’re not going to show the stuff that will confirm how crazy they’ve been behaving. I would think that, given the history of these two putting everything out into the public, Brandon and Teresa have probably been much more tolerant of their behavior in the past because they didn’t want all of Carly’s business out there on the internet. It must have really reached a boiling point for them to put their foot down, knowing that C&T would do exactly this, and take it to social media. Tyler’s concern that they “get the message to Carly” is ridiculous. They could have left things alone and in time Carly would have seen their 16&Pregnant episode, she would have seen how Cait agonized over the decision and how she subsequently dealt with her mental health. Carly would have seen how messy their home lives were, how they were kids and had nothing to support a baby with. She would have understood and been thankful that they made a decision to give her a better life. They have ruined their chances at a relationship with their antics. I am willing to bet Carly was behind the decision to cut them off. She is old enough to understand and to vocalize her discomfort with these whackos constantly trying to bombard their way into her life.
I would say doing onlyfans with your wife pimping it out all over social media might have had something to do with, poor Carly everyone in school now knows
I have been wondering for years what weirdness C&T inflect that we don’t see.
JUST STFU! Leave that poor girl alone and her parents, they don’t want this! They never wanted to get blasted online or their kid’s pic posted online (sth Tyler didn’t understand years before). They want a normal, non-media life! Carly prob has aspirations already that don’t include “being on a stupid MTV Show showing a “reunion” with my birth parents”. BrandonTheresa did everything right for that girl. Stop bashing them.
This behavior is exactly what B & T & Carly have had to deal with such hatred. If I was Carly I would stay very far away from them. After all,,,, they are the parents of Carly now. C & T are just making things worse. Grow up and pay your dang tax debt !!!
So many points I feel need to be touched on.
1. Brandon and Teresa did not mislead Catelynn and Tyler at all. They said from the beginning that they originally preferred a closed adoption, but they followed through 100% on the promises they made about visits and contact and even went above and beyond. The visits were clearly agreed upon to only be for the first five years, they did many past that and even allowed Carly to be in Catelynn and Tyler’s wedding.
2. In the US, the only legal difference between an open and closed adoption is whether or not the information on the parties involved is open (known) or closed (secret). An open adoption is legally just an adoption where C+T know (and in this case got to choose) who the baby went to and B+T know who Carly came from. All the stuff like pictures, visits, and calls are just extras that the adoptive parents can choose to do (or not do) as they please. That paper they signed about visits was not legally binding (they were clearly told that at the time) and was just done in good faith, but B+T still fulfilled their promises.
3. B+T had no way of knowing the one time documentary would turn into fifteen years of reality trash TV. They didn’t sign up for that or want that for Carly. They also had no way of knowing that C+T would end up with millions of followers on social media. Not everybody wants their business blasted to the masses, and B+T respectfully asked C+T for years to not talk about their private conversations or post pictures of Carly. Those very reasonable boundaries were violated over and over again.
4. C+T regret giving up Carly now because they didn’t know at the time that they would become rich for nothing and be able to financially provide for her. That’s not B+T’s fault.
5. Carly is seemingly growing up in a normal, loving family and is probably put off by the chaos and toxicity of her biological family. The Baltierras are a prime example of money not being able to buy class.
6. Does anybody else remember Tyler threatening to leave Catelynn if she kept Carly? Did I dream that? Because, if that’s true, the person Catelynn should hate and be shit-talking is her own pathetic husband that manipulated her because he didn’t want to man up.
7. There most likely won’t be a court case if B+T take action. C+T are steadily giving them the proof they need and then some. Any lawyer worth a damn would tell C+T not to even try to fight a restraining order because they’ll lose. And what legal action was Tyler talking about taking? B+T have done nothing wrong. Even insinuating that he possibly could is laughable.
8. Carly is probably embarrassed to death that these two clowns are her birth parents. They need to leave this poor girl be and keep her and her parents’ names out of their mouths. They’re only causing her more distress, but they’re too stupid to see that.
9. I feel like C+T think Carly has a familial love for them that she most likely doesn’t. It may hurt them to think about it, but they’re basically just acquaintances that happen to share DNA with her. They don’t write letters or any of that to have built a relationship and she’s seen them maybe ten times in person. Imagine how scary their obsession with her must be in her eyes.
10. C+T are doing so much damage to their other three daughters. I know we jokingly call them the Not Carlys, but that is seriously what they are to C+T. They have three little girls to focus on and pour love into, but they still obsess about Carly 24/7. Very unfair to the girls they have.
11. C+T are in their 30s now. They need to stop acting like teens and blasting every single private matter they have all over the place. It’s cringe.
12. All this drama is probably just for a storyline to keep that shitshow afloat another season. That’s all Carly has ever been to them: a storyline to make easy money.
13. C+T want to talk about promises, but they didn’t keep any of the promises they made when they gave Carly up. They were supposed to make her proud by bettering themselves. All they’ve done is blow millions of dollars, get crazy behind on taxes, run their mouths, sit on the couch, pop out more babies, and get naked online.
This this this this this this this 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼Omg Magan.
This perfectly sums C&T.
Absolutely 100% accurate comment.
Spot on,
You used my name for Taylor as your username! I LOVE IT! 😂🤣
Remember when they said they placed Carly for adoption so they could finish school and go to college?? LMAOOOO it’s been over a decade and they definitely did not follow through with that
Tyler didn’t want to go to college because it was too much work. And Catelyn didn’t go because the couch would miss her! 😂😂
I wouldn’t say Tyler didn’t wanna “man up”. He knew how they grew up and didn’t want that for the baby. If he did threaten to leave cate if she kept Carly, probably was because he’d lose respect for her even more to keep a baby in that EXTREMELY TOXIC environment. Cate is lazy, and a half ass mom as it is. She’s very entitled. I didn’t even know until I read this article that Teresa told her they wanted no further contact. Yet pug cate didn’t listen and harassed them, trying to make Carly jealous of all the fun things they do. Ty isn’t really that bad, but cate is horrifyingly insane.
I can see where you’re coming from, but it was still unforgivable and manipulative. Tyler could have seen if they could have stayed in the more stable house with Kim and he could have worked and gone to trade school or joined the military the second he turned eighteen. Plenty of other teen fathers have done the same. He simply didn’t want to, so he convinced Catelynn that there were no other reasonable options and that keeping Carly meant she’d spend the rest of her life living the way they did.
Yes, Catelynn is a lazy mother, but he still chose to have three more kids with her once he knew he wouldn’t have to actually work to support them and he had no problem with April watching those girls, so that right there backs up the thought that having to work was his real hang up about the possibility of keeping Carly.
Now, don’t get me wrong, adoption was the best choice by far for Carly and I’m very happy they chose it. I’m just saying that their motives have never been as selfless as they try to make it out to be.
Completely agree about Catelynn’s actions lately being crazy, but Tyler was the one acting that way in the earlier years while Catelynn cried because she worried his actions would get them cut off from Carly.
TL;DR They’re both lazy, mentally unstable trash that think they’re martyrs.
B&T can’t change consequences for decisions they made. They agreed to an open adoption to be matched with this baby. They knew the kids were young, they knew about their family and they knew about the show. They were on it from before the baby came. It never looked like an open adoption. Once they got handed the baby their tune changed and they were positively goofy about letters and photos and the first visit took way too long. They still perceive the placing parents as trash. What does that tell Carly what they think of her? I am disappointed with Bethany. They didn’t train these people properly they just got some kids to hand over a baby and collected money from Brandon and Theresa. I was so looking forward to the adoption being shown to the world how an open adoption is supposed to work. I adopted myself a few years before. I didn’t want the entanglement of birth family so I went to abroad to a country where adoptions don’t happen until parental rights end and the state has custody of the child. This couple was not meant for open adoption. I hope Bethany lost its license years ago. There are over 8000 hours in a year. The couple can’t give them 5? I find it goofy Catelynn’s mom didn’t have control over Catelynn legally who she saw or what she signed at 17 but Theresa has control over Carly until she is 18. They are not trying to get the baby back just what was promised and honestly I think the whole thing went down shady. Process should change. This was a cautionary tale. Brandon and Theresa failing to live up to the agreement meant a lot of people who might have placed for adoption won’t. If B&T did as promised from the start we would know. We didn’t even have to see a visit or intrude that way to know if they were following through. They cut them off what do they have to lose. It’s very important for the adoptee to know they were not abandoned their birth family is checking up on them and not forgotten. They are documenting that publicly so she will easily find out all this. The reason for open adoption is adult adoptees actions not liking it being so hard to find their family and not likely how their adoptions came to be. How their birth family treated. That is nothing to say they were unhappy in their adoptive homes. And people preparing to adopt are supposed to receive classes on all this. Hearing from adoptees and adoptive parents. B&T jealous of C&T and insecure about their own family.
Always tried, my ass. I remember they went a couple years w/o sending bday gifts or anything to Carly when she was younger.
At 15, I’m sure a friend of classmate has told Carly that Ty is on OF. Poor thing is probably mortified.
C and T need to grow the fuck up.
Oh Jesus, I didn’t even think about that! Of course she prob knows! Imagine being a teen and finding out your birth father is posting his naked pictures online..she prob hugs Brandon every day being glad she has such a stabile father figure!
I remember her parents requested them to stop talking about her and showing photos on the show and Tyler saying straight to the camera no I’ll do what I want how did that work for him
Ugh. Do these two self-centered brats ever think about what’s best for CARLY?? Maybe B & T are trying to protect Carly from those messages because maybe they’re hurtful to her, seeing her siblings growing up yet not being a part of that. It’s bad enough the poor kid is at an age where most certainly her peers are well aware of Tyler’s “modeling career” & could be making comments to her about it 😞 I think all they’re going to end up doing is pushing Carly further away. They show no respect for B & T’s decisions on how they’re raising Carly, who is THEIR daughter. I get they expected to be involved but FFS Carly should NOT be used as a story to keep them relevant. That kid is going through enough and now they’re ramping things up yet again. If they truly loved her they would not be blasting this stuff all over the place, they’d keep this battle quiet. I feel bad for Carly & her parents, have no sympathy left for C & T. They’re growing LESS mature as they get older.
I blame the adoption agency they took advantage of two kids and created this mess by making it seem like this would be different.
Nope. If Cate and Tyler were still young, maybe we could excuse their behavior and say it’s not their fault. But, it’s been 15 YEARS and it’s undeniable that they’ve been given way more access to Carly than most bio parents even dream of. If they think they should be able to do and say whatever they want with no consequences, that isn’t the adoption agency’s fault. It’s their own dysfunctional upbringing and life. These two have been pushing Brandon and Teresa for over a decade and they’ve finally had enough. It’s no one’s fault but Cate and Tyler, who aren’t kids anymore. FFS, Carly is now just about as old as they were!
hahaha, i love the screen name! 🤣
Stop with this, they were not taken advantage of, they made an informed decision that they regret. Period.
I completely agree. Taking advantage of stupid teenagers in bad situations to get babies is shady … And this ist just Karma. When you live in a country with a good social security system, with low teen pregnancy rates and without a big private adoption service business, you would be as shocked by this story as I was.
Tyler has nothing to sue them for, and he knows it. (I wouldn’t be surprised if he met with a lawyer in the past when B&T wouldn’t bow to demands). He and Cate signed away rights to Carly. They even had to do the handover in the parking lot because April refused to sign. They have been legal adults for 13 years now, and have never once tried to contest the adoption or say anything like that.
He is so dumb, that he says that they would be right to sue him for harassment because he is harassing them.
He thinks that it would hurt Carly more to have her parents legally stop them from doing this performative SM tour, than this BS he and Cate have been doing to Carly for the last year. Yeah, C&T need help.
Does he really think that his actions don’t hurt Carly, that him doing all this, Cate doing all this, making this a public spectacle, isn’t doing more harm to Carly? It’s like he believed that if I get a C&D from B&t then when Carly is 18 and moves in with them, he can show her parents were the problem. See look at this C&D, proof that I loved you more than them.
Dude, has spent 15 years, bashing Cate on TV, bashing B&T on TV, stating that he doesn’t have to listen to B&T because without you they wouldn’t have a kid, so you get to do what you want with Carly.
Now he shows his dong on OF, you think kids aren’t going up to Carly and being like I know what your birth dad’s dong looks like!?! That doesn’t hurt Carly, but no if her parents just ask you to RESPECT her privacy, that’s the problem. She’s a minor, back off.
Tyler and Cate looked deranged at this point.
Carly is allowed to not want to talk to anyone she likes. It’s like they are going chase her around her college campus at 18, demanding she have a relationship with them.
Who wants to be associated with someone who choose to do Only Fans instead of getting a real job? I understand why B&T cut them off, Cate is one step away from my 600 pound life and Ty is messaging men on Only Fans….
Dude, Tyler and Cate have made more money than the average American for 15 years now. They probably make more money a year than their parents did for the 10 years prior.
And they still couldn’t figure out how to pay taxes, and not spend all their money. Crazy.
Kim spent how many years telling Tyler, you need a career something for when this all ends? Tyler could have easily gone to trade school, learned plumbing or electrical, and made decent money. But why do that, when he can just show his dong on OF, while his wife is always on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and April is babysitting their kids all the time?
They also pissed it all away and can’t pay they bills or taxes
Cate and Ty need REAL jobs. Instead of getting REAL jobs they sit on their butts and harass B&T on social media all day.
“Welcome that challenge “? He is so full of himself.
And “be part of the story”? Does he think this is a story and not real life? That would explain alot.
Dude, can’t even pay his bills and is so desperate for money he’s doing OFs.
He can’t afford a lawyer.
It’s like he wants the C&D as this gotcha… proof that B&T is the devil.
He treats Carly like a pet/doll, like she doesn’t have her own emotions, and she doesn’t get to have a different opinion or choice, Her entire life is what Tyler has cooked up in his head.
Cait is no victim
How arrogant can you get? Never once have Cate and Ty put Carly’s feelings and needs ahead of their own. Instead its whining “Buut we’re biiiirth parents! Give us what WE want” Imagine it coming out that Carly initiated cutting them off and in court!
I’m not 100% sure they actually realize that Carly is a living, breathing 15 year old human being with her own feelings and emotions and not just an extension of them they can demand access to.
Yup. That’s exactly right. Because they have no real relationship with her, they think being the MTV “famous” figures they are allowed to access her. She is just a tool for a sob storyline “Our daughter is coming back to us!” while in reality they are realizing this will not be happening and in fact she will cut them off completely. (Geez but when she will be old enough, I am mortified C&T could relent to stalking…I hope I am wrong but these two are insane, they think they own her!)
maturing is realizing that tyler and catelynn get coddled way too much over the adoption same way amber gets coddled by maci, amber, and dr drew
The monsters created by the TM franchise have gone against what the supposed message of the show was supposed to be. C&T were supposed to be the ambassadors for adoption. Now they are making it loud and clear they regret their decision. And birth control – ha!! The likes of Kail with 7 kids from four baby daddii.
But I think it is a good thing that the private adoption service business is exposed as what it truely is… in my opinion a business recklessly playing with emotions and taking advantage of vulnerable people.
Focus on the three non-Carly’s and leave the nice Whitebreads alone so they can raise their daughter out of the slimy social media / trash TV spotlight. B’nT didn’t sign up for C&T’s nonsense. Or embarrassing association with OnlyFans which Carly is old enough to know about.
Ugh – imagine being 15 and your classmates know your loud mouth bio dad is flaunting whatever he has in a red thong on OF. Because he’s too lazy to get a real job! How embarrassing for her. Brandon might be the stereotypical dorky suburban white sneaker and pleated jorts wearing dad, but thats fine and normal. OF is gross and not normal.
Have you guys seen the texts she has been sending Carly? They are horrible and lack any sort of empathy for the teen. Basically they are like this complete with pictures.
Hey Carly,
We are having a blast with the kids we kept. Here are some pictures. Wish you were here but we gave you away.
Seriously i think the blocking came at Carlys request. Being 15 is hard enough anyway but having your parents repeadly sending you texts and pictures of all the fun they are doing with the money they got from selling their story about giving you away is heartbreaking. I hope Carly is in therapy.
Neither of them realize they are slowly morphing in to April and Butch. They were both going to be so much better in life and give Carly the chance at the best life with B & T and they never have given them a chance. It’s been non-stop pestering. They are embarrassing loud mouths just like April and Butch were.
Also, did they even consider Carly is at an awkward age and probably takes 💩 at school because people know who her weirdo bio parents are.
They need to find healing.
I feel there is a lot of regret because they had no idea that Teen Mom was going to be huge.
They’ve had a lot of the wrong people telling them things. They feel tricked with the adoption, that was Dawn doing not B&T. They were mislead. B&T worked with them as much but the more they disrespected their boundaries, B&T wanted out. I doubt they would’ve chose Carly or chose her but closed the adoption, had they known TM was going to get big. They didn’t sign up for that.
C&T can’t let go. They are emotionally stunted. They are probably still stuck at 16.
I understand where Cate is coming from, but she’s going about this all wrong. She can’t let go. We have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes.
April and Butch seem like the type to jab at C&T for making the mistake, or telling them how they were right. I can see April doing that just because how she treated her on 16 and pregnant.
They need healing. They need to be there for the kids they do have…
I can only imagine how the other not Carlys feel
I agree they tricked them into a situation and now they are regretful and there is nothing they can do.
So let me make sure I’m understanding this correctly…
Teresa told them they didn’t want C&T to contact them anymore, and Catelynn’s response to that was to text her every couple of days for months. And now she’s confused as to why she’s been “blocked”?
This is truly a case of “I don’t understand how you don’t understand”
THIS! You were told to stop, you didn’t and in fact doubled down on your behavior, and now you’re surprised??
Exactly this!!! Catelynn overstepped their boundary. Why is she so surprised she’s been blocked? This whole thing is so messy and traumatic. Everyone involved needs therapy.
Utterly confused by C&T’s confusion. Theresa asked them to shut up and in return C&T have blasted it on s.m. Because that seems like a winning strategy.
I wonder if it ever entered their heads that maybe, just MAYBE they’re making things SOOOOOO much worse for poor Carly?!
She has parents, C&T severed their tie, and I do believe they did the best thing for her BUT B&T are not the babysitters or the hold over until C turns 18….. THEY ARE HER PARENTS!!
Let the poor child be and when she turns 18, if she wants to reach out, she will!
I hope they get a restraining order. These 2 are the whiniest bitches ever exist. It’s almost as if they think they’re the only people who have ever given up a kid for adoption, they forget that they signed the rights away, and so they have no say Above contact…. And I will seriously laugh so hard when carly wants nothing to do with them because they’re being assholes to our parents.. Any psychologist would tell them that they need to shut up.
…”to have that be a part of Carly’s adoption story” No Tyler, that’s YOUR story. Carly can write her own story!
He needs to stop speaking for Carly!
Ooooh I hope B&T shut these mf up post haste. C&T are both clearly unhinged at this point & really fucking with poor Carly. I can’t even imagine being a parent & having to deal with wackadoos like C&T. Idk why they’re trying to become the most hated couple in the TM world? Bc they’re there at this point. Dumbasses.
These two are too toxic and dysfunctional to understand how normal people behave and react to repeated boundary violations. Brandon and Teresa have overlooked a ton for Carly’s sake, but they probably also eventually had enough for Carly’s sake too. Cate and Tyler will never get it even though everyone is telling them. It’s honestly kind of sad, especially since their toxicity has cost them their relationship with Carly’s family.
The have a delusional relationship with this girl where they believe their feelings for her are reciprocated. To talk about how much they love and miss her like it’s mutual is crazy. This girl has parents. C and T are just some white trash weirdos she’s met a handful of times. She was probably disturbed by their constant attempts at contacting her
And you wouldn’t win because you have… drum roll, please… NO RIGHTS! He sounds unintelligent, saying, “Oh, I’d love for this to happen!” Just to turn around and say, “I don’t want this to happen.” You would love for this to happen, not because you’d get an answer from B and T, but because you would get views and money pouring in from MTV and social media sites. I hope this doesn’t get dragged into court, only because Carly will surely get dragged into the middle by C and T. At the same time, I wish C and T would get hit with a cease and desist. Maybe they’d actually learn that there actions have consequences.
They want a victim story for the national enquirer or the daily mail
He is a moron. Aside from the fact that Cate & Ty have kind of turned into stalkers and harassers at this point B & T don’t NEED a reason to cut off contact. (Despite having MANY) They can cut off contact anytime they want. They are Carly’s parents. They make the decisions concerning her life and her safety. They do not need Cate & Ty’s permission to do so. It’s been 15 years of this shit. They have dealt with this for 15 years and have done nothing more than block them. I absolutely would take legal action. Cate & Ty took B & T’s kindness as weakness and just expected them to roll over and do nothing when faced with this public attack on their character. Turns out they are done taking the BS that Ty and Cate are dishing out.
We have no idea with Teresa blocked Cate. Maybe she just needed a break from the insistent texts and pictures she didn’t ask for or respond to in any way. Maybe more happened by hind the scene we have no idea.
It’s like C&T are so traumatized by their childhood that they have no idea, that maybe the best way to deal with this isn’t to harass them more, it’s to respect their decision.
C&T needs to talk to a therapist, people don’t have to tell you why they don’t want a relationship with you. They don’t need to have one at all, and there is nothing you can do about it. Now process this in PRIVATE, and learn how to deal with the emotions of abandonment, because you know Cate’s and Tyler’s dads abandoned them, it’s like a “trigger” for them. So that’s why they are acting crazy.