On Thursday’s episode of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter, Jenelle Evans had an overdue heart-to-heart with her teenage son Jace, who until last year, was being raised by his grandma Barbara Evans.
As The Ashley previously told you, Jenelle gained full custody of her (now) 15-year-old son in February 2023 following a years-long battle with her mom. Nearly a year later, Jenelle filed to legally separate from her husband, David Eason, and more recently, she was rehired by MTV and moved herself and her three children across the country to Las Vegas, Nevada.
In the clip from Thursday’s episode, Jace admitted that he held resentment toward Jenelle due to all of the “crazy drama” she caused him to endure since his birth. (That includes Jenelle signing custody of Jace over to her mom, Jenelle bringing in numerous new “father figures” for Jace over the years, multiple Child Protective Services investigations and her last soulmate, David, allegedly physically abusing Jace in 2023…just to name a few things.)
Jenelle began the on-camera conversation by thanking Jace for helping out around the house and with his younger siblings, Kaiser and Ensley, before going on to ask how Jace feels since moving away from “The Land” in North Carolina.
“I feel a lot safer without David,” Jace says, to which Jenelle replies, “I’m sorry it didn’t happen sooner, but I was trying.”

While Jenelle apologized to Jace on Thursday’s episode and insisted that she had been “trying” to leave David, it’s worth noting that she initially hired (and paid for) attorneys William and Tara Gore to defend David in his criminal case for allegedly physically abusing Jace. Even after David was hit with an additional felony charge of “assault by strangulation” in January, he was still publicly (and presumably, financially) supported by Jenelle, as the pair did not legally separate until February.
As Jace and Jenelle’s conversation continued on Thursday’s season finale, Jenelle acknowledged the many ups and downs that she and her mom– whom Jace refers to as “Meme”– have had throughout Jace’s life, with Jenelle revealing that Jace had expressed his how unhappy the constant custody drama had made him.
“ … I remember you saying, ‘I want all the drama to stop, [Child Protective Services] has been in my life since I was little. I’m sick of them coming in and out,’ and you said you just want this all to be over,’” she said. “With me and Meme, it was like, arguing about you and I know you were in the middle of that.”
Jace agreed with Jenelle’s comments, adding that he “just wanted everything to calm down” and for everyone to get to “a good point.”
When asked by his mom if he had any resentment towards her for what’s occurred over the years, Jace hesitated before eventually nodding his head “yes.”

“ … At the time, I did,” he said.
“But now that we’re out of all of this crazy drama, it’s just calm, everything’s good now.”
Though Jenelle actually admitted that she’s “made tons of mistakes” in her life, she insisted to Jace that her “intentions were never bad,” before seemingly placing the blame (again) on her mom.

“I always tried hard to fight for you,” she claimed. “I just feel like you were robbed from me as a baby, you know? And I don’t think it was fair.”
Watch the clip from Thursday’s episode below.
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
27 Responses
The only reason Janelle isn’t with David today is because she can’t be. If CPS and the courts didn’t intervene, she would be right where she always was. She was making fun of Jace online with David after he was charged with hurting Jace.
She seems to have a case of amnesia.
Jace, if you’re reading this – we viewers have always been so sorry for your chaotic life. From the screaming, tension, your own mother calling you a liar about the gun-pulling incident, etc. though you have had a rough start, please break the cycle and be a happy, productive member of society.
And yes, your mother and David are pieces of shit. *spits*
Why do these people always act like the past 14-15 years of their lives haven’t been well-documented on television, the press, and court records? Jenelle didn’t want to care for Jace in even the most basic ways because men, drugs, partying, and sleeping were more important. She willingly chose to sign Jace over to Barbara and then made things as difficult for her as she possibly could. She only got Jace back because Barbara is old and tired and signed him back over.
Jace is only content now because he doesn’t have any real rules with Jenelle. She probably let’s him smoke pit in the house because she wants to be a “cool mom.” There’s nothing at all for him to rebel against.
I’m just glad that Jace finally got away from Barbara. I bet Babs is till working the deli counter at Walmart and screaming her head off at Janelle whenever they do talk. Babs was a terrible role model for Janelle and her sibling growing up. I think she smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day and I will never forget when Janelle and David confronted Babs at dinner where she was guzzling a 50oz margarita.
Fu Jenelle, you lying bitch.
You gave your kid away, best choice you ever made. You’re a toxic, horrible person and should’ve never been able to give birth.
Jace. I am so sorry for you’ve gone through. So sorry you were dealt a hand you were dealt. Unfortunately, you had a shitty mom who gave you away and choose men and drugs above you. But you had your meme. She raised you she loved you, and she never lied to you. She begged your mother to take you and take care of you, but your mother would not. She chose partying over being a mother. And that sucks. Please keep in touch with your meme. Please try to forget the incident in the truck where your mother pulled a gun on a stranger with you in the car. Please forget that she paid for David’s lawyer after he choked you. And she blamed you on TV. The world is watching and looking out for you. You know the truth. Contact MTv and tell them you want to do a story about growing up with your mother. You will make enough money to last forever and you won’t be under her control anymore. So many people are rooting for you, please just don’t fall for her bullshit. Now, you know the truth. The world is rooting for you, But call me me. She loves you more than anyone else in the world
Jenelle was filmed asking Barb to take temporary custody of Jace because she wasn’t ready to be a mom. She said that on camera in front of everyone. How is she now saying he was stolen? Because Barb didn’t immediately give him back when Jenelle found a boyfriend and wanted to play house? I understand at some point Jenelle decided that she wanted to be a mom, but she still also chose to do drugs and date awful men.
The only reason she left David was because she wanted to move on with someone else. She chose him over her kids all the time.
She gaslit Jace online when the incident with David happened.
And how was she supposed to get Jace back when she was in active addiction ? It doesn’t make any sense.
Jenelle is lucky because her kids are genuinely nice kids with huge hearts. But the damage she inflicts breaks my heart.
Well, now, that’s some revisionist history. She signed over custody because she wanted to be a party girl, not a mother. And as I recall she did leave Swamp Thing and moved to Nashville (?), only to back, reunite and defend his antics time and time again. And, I’ve lost track of the revolving door of “true loves” she’s gone thru since baby daddy number one. I don’t know how she can have this conversation with her son with a straight face.
So nothing has changed from the early days when Babs declared Janelle is the worst piece of $h1t mothah ever.
Jace does have great hair!
I’m no Babs fan, but if she hadn’t stepped in, Jace would either be dead or in foster care. Jenelle couldn’t be bothered to even take care of his basic needs when he was a baby.
Does this dumbass not realize that everything was memorialized on film? Jace can easily go back and see just what a piece of shit she really is and continues to be. Jenelle will never, ever take any accountability. Babs is Jace’s real mother figure, not Jenelle. NEVER Jenelle.
Jenelle can never help herself from playing the victim and taking responsibility for her actions. She robbed herself of Jace when he was a baby. She chose men, drugs, and partying over him continuously. To this day, she still puts men over her kids. She’s beyond lucky Jace never got put into foster care and taken from her permanently.
What a load of BS…literally every word.
Way to lie to your kid Jenelle!!! And what a shame that Jace will be brainwashed to believe this load of bullshit!!!
She was certainly not “trying” to leave David all those years!!! She defended him every time he beat and abused Kaiser!!
She defended him to the world when he abused Jace and even paid for his lawyer!! Why can’t Jace see that? She never cared about him. Or the other kids. She is the worst, white trash, drug addict mother around! MTV should be ashamed for bringing this walking disease back to the show Especially when they know about her lies, her drug problems, and allowing the abuse of her kids to go on for years!! MTV saw it clear back when Kaiser was a little guy!! They watched David hit him and call him names and they never did anything about it. You are nothing but trailer trash Jenelle. And a psychopathic child abuser. And now she fools Jace into believing that she never wanted Barb to have him back then? Luckily we all remember the truth Jenelle. You didn’t want to raise him!! You gladly handed him over so you could run around and fuck anything that moved and become a drug addict!
U are quite trashy and foul mouthed yourself classy lady .
Of course, because mean words and words someone deemed to be taboo are definitely the same thing as physical, psychological, emotional and medical abuse, they might even be worse.
Dear lord, take a few seats, lmao.
The premise of the show was about teen mothers. She never mothered Jace. She chose drugs and random men. The platform taught her nothing! Now she wants forgiveness from a child who watched her destructive ways again and again. Jace, do you forgive her?? She choice men I’ve you and drugs over you. And still continues to sells her ass which is humiliating to you and your siblings. Please seek the therapy y’all deserve. Love to mei mei for always be your unconditional mommy
So close and yet so far…but it doesn’t matter. He’s seen the show, he sees what her priorities were…are. He knows he wasn’t “robbed from” her. She just didn’t bother parenting him so Barb stepped up. Barb wasn’t perfect but she was trying to keep her life together, while trying to parent Jenelle and then adding a baby to the mix. I hope someday Jenelle learns gratitude.
I wonder how much of this is for the show? It’s Janelle, she has no clue as to how to provide stability for any of her children. I give it a month before these preview clips show a frantic 911 call on an upcoming episode. Jace, write a tell all book, make sure your mom and grandma get none of the money, move far away from these toxic pecker heads.
Zero accountability as usual
I’m sorry? What wasn’t fair, Jenelle? It wasn’t fair of the law to take away your son and give him to someone capable of raising him? You were on DRUGS. Even after you got clean, you were sleeping with different men and gaining baby daddies left and right instead of fighting day and night for your son. I’m sure Babs had her rough moments but she did a damn good job raising Jace, and you should be thanking her rather than shitting on her. Blame yourself.
Forgot to mention something: thank you to the fellow commenter who reminded everyone that JENELLE signed over custody. Whether temporary or permanent, it happened because of Jenelle’s wishes. She’s lucky that Jace didn’t end up in the foster care system, with god knows who.
If she thinks she was robbed and not that she just didn’t wanna be a parent that she’s seriously delusional
Right, that’s exactly the problem with people like Jenelle even when confronted with facts she was still done wrong. That’s why people hit their limit with her because being with someone whose reality isn’t real is exhausting. And then her issues become so big that she ends up isolating her soul mates because of her imagined jealous threats; women they work with, women they might meet, family who might try to set them straight. Then when they tire of her toxicity everything implodes.
I am sure there is a clinical term and diagnosis for these actions but I don’t know them. Really the only person really still around is Babs because she loves Jenelle, she probably doesn’t like her though.
I think she forgot she signed him over to her mom.