Tyler Baltierra is holding nothing back in his quest to let his biological daughter Carly know what he says is the truth about her adoptive parents, Brandon and Teresa Davis, and the situation surrounding her 2009 adoption.
The Teen Mom star— who, along with his wife Catelynn Lowell— has taken the feud between them and Brandon and Teresa public, with Catelynn blasting the couple on social media, and revealing earlier this week that Carly’s parents recently cut off contact with them completely. On Wednesday, Tyler hopped on Instagram Live with social media creator JordyCray to answer some tough questions about the soured adoption situation, how Tyler and Catelynn’s job with MTV has played a part in the feud, and what he regrets about his decision to place Carly for adoption immediately following her 2009 birth.
Tyler then got on Instagram Live solo, and has been answering questions and making statements on X since then. Since the ‘Teen Mom’ star has been constantly posting statements, messages and videos on multiple social media platforms, it’s been hard to keep up. Here, The Ashley breaks down some of the most-interesting things Tyler has posted over the last few days regarding Brandon and Teresa and the adoption.

On whether or not he thinks that his (and Cate’s) posts will make things worse with Brandon & Teresa:
During his initial Live with JordyCray, Tyler said he’s not concerned that speaking out will worsen the relationship that he and Cate have with Carly’s parents, given that, currently, there is no relationship.
“I don’t think anything worse can happen,” Tyler said.

“I don’t think that there’s not anything else they could possibly do. They’ve already been upset and angry about a lot of things, but I don’t really think that …there’s any further helping I can do since I’m blocked,” he continued. “There’s not really anything I can do that will make this any worse. They’ve already cut off contact, that’s been established. They have no desire to talk about anything even though I’ve tried, and said ‘let’s get together and talk, we can figure this out.’ We’ve had a lot of these situations where we have talked about these things before.”
Later, during his Instagram Live Q&A on Wednesday, Tyler answered a fans’ question asking if he thinks his and Cate’s rants will make things worse for Carly.
“I guess I’m not worried [it will hurt Carly]. I’m not really sure it would hurt her,” he said. “I’m not bashing her parents, I’m not calling them names or saying they’re right or wrong. I’m expressing my perspective form a birth parent perspective. I would hope this wouldn’t hurt her. I would hope this is information she wants and desires…
“I’m not too worried that she’ll be negatively affected by it because the truth it the truth,” he said on Live later. “You can’t get around it. I hope and pray she’s not affected by it. I can’t guarantee that. I wish they would talk to us and say what’ going on!”
On Brandon and Teresa Not Liking Him & Regretting the Adoption:
During his Live, Tyler responded to fans’ theories that Teresa is not fond of him. In fact, he stated that Teresa’s dislike of him has “been confirmed.”

“She thinks I’m abrasive, and she thinks my communication is a little too aaaah. [She was] raised in the South and I was raised in the Midwest…we have oppositional culture differences….and communication styles. You think I’m too loud and abrasive, I think you’re too beat-around-the-bush and inauthentic.”
He went on to say that Teresa just cutting him and Catelynn off with no explanation is ‘childish.’
“…I think Teresa just saying, ‘I don’t want to talk to you anymore’ is childish,” he said later in the Live. “And, yeah, maybe some people may say that it’s childish for us continuing to try. I don’t agree with that…I will always try. I am a father and I will always try. I will keep trying until you say, ‘You’re harming me’ and you explain. That’s where I’m at…what am I supposed to do? Give up and just hope and pray that she comes and finds me one day?”
Days later on X, Tyler also addressed whether he feels Brandon and Teresa regret their decision to agree to have an open adoption with him and Catelynn.
“I think you’re correct that they regret doing an open adoption just as much as we regret not reading the fine print as a child, having proper representation/protection, & doing enough research (which is difficult when you’re a traumatized child in a crisis),” Tyler wrote. “I think it’s safe to say there are regrets on each side.”
On how Brandon & Teresa officially cut off contact:
“They said, ‘We don’t want to talk to you anymore,’ that was the first official thing,” Tyler said on Instagram Live.

“Cate was like, ‘Can we jump on a phone call, what do you mean?’ No response. We were in limbo a little bit…if you’re not going to talk to us, we at least have to try to send these updates to Carly like we’re supposed to, and hope and pray you’re going to show them to her. Once we were sending those updates to Teresa’s phone and it kept saying undelivered, we knew we were blocked. Obviously, we just stopped [sending updates after that]. Once you’re blocked, you’re blocked.”
During his Live, Tyler stated that he and Catelynn desperately want answers from Brandon and Teresa so they know why they cut communication off.
“You don’t owe me anything, however not explaining yourself and your decision kind of creates…it doesn’t really create any closure, and it’s hard to accept things when they don’t explain it to you,” Tyler said. “I don’t think you owe it to me, but I think you should.”
He told JordyCray that Catelynn decided to continue to send Carly updates (via Teresa’s phone) on their family.
“We said, ‘That’s fine if you don’t want to explain it to us.’ Cate even said, ‘That’s fine you don’t have to talk to me anymore, but I still want Carly to have these updates, and I hope and pray you’ll show them to her, because that’s what adoptees need.’

On his regrets about Carly’s adoption:
Tyler has stated numerous times this week that he doesn’t exactly regret placing Carly for adoption in 2009, given the situation he and Catelynn were in at the time. However, he has revealed what he does regret regarding Carly’s adoption.
“I would not have gone through an [adoption] agency and I would have picked different parents,” Tyler said to JordyCray. “That’s just the truth.”

“I would have probably spent more time with the parents that we chose,” Tyler added. “We tried to ask [our adoption counselor] Dawn if we could visit at a park and get to know them…that didn’t happen. But at 16, you just kind of listen to the adults. They’re saying, ‘no, this is how it works…’
“For me, I don’t regret placing her, I still believe it was the right thing,” he said. “Me and Cate were in chaos. I don’t regret it, I just regret how I did it and who I did it with.”
While Tyler regrets placing Carly with Brandon and Teresa, he did acknowledge on X that they have done a good job raising Carly.
“I’m not quite sure what the future holds,” he wrote. “But I don’t ever want her to resent her parents! I firmly believe that they are good parents & I will always be grateful to them for that. I just hope her parents give her the right tools, resources & education that she deserves to know in regards to her own healing process. Adoptees have their own unique journey when it comes to facing the trauma that inevitably comes with that unique experience. All I want is for Carly to know the truth & have all of the facts. She deserves that!”
On whether he holds Dawn, the adoption counselor, responsible for not clarifying the adoption terms:

Tyler has addressed the “Dawn Situation” on multiple platforms recently. As 16 and Pregnant and ‘Teen Mom’ fans will remember, Dawn Baker is the counselor who helped facilitate Carly’s adoption and has remained active in the lives of both couples. Since Cate and Ty recently spoke out against the adoption, many fans have pointed the finger at Dawn for “taking advantage” of Cate and Ty when they were teenagers.
Tyler, however, denies that Dawn is to blame for any of the current turmoil happening. In fact, he has defended her over and over again.
“I have seen too much hate for that woman and I have seen too much judgement towards her,” Tyler said on Live of Dawn. “If it wasn’t for Dawn and her consistent compassionate loving bridge that she continued to try to build between us, we never would have gotten any visits after Year 4 [of Carly’s life]. That’s what I believe.”

“Dawn has been the biggest advocate for us ever,” he continued. “She has been a mediator, when me and Cate didn’t know we needed one…Dawn has been the pillar of support by trying to hold this bridge up and keep this communication alive and going. Dawn has also expressed that she fully understands the importance of having access and communication for Carly’s sake. I really don’t like when I see anything negative about Dawn…if you only knew, guys…how much she has contributed to keeping this going, it’s crazy. Dawn’s amazing. She is an angel, a damn saint. And she has always advocated to keep this communication going.”
In another Instagram Live, he addressed if he feels that Dawn could have done a better job explaining the adoption terms to him and Catelynn.
“I do think Dawn was as transparent as she could be,” he said. “Were we rushed? Yes, at the hospital me and Cate both agree that we were very rushed [to give Carly to Brandon and Teresa.]
He added that he’s not sure if Dawn received a “commission check” for facilitating Carly’s adoption.

Days later on X, Tyler stated that Dawn is still trying to help them mend the relationship with Brandon and Teresa.
“Dawn has been nothing but a blessing!” Ty wrote. “She has actively intervened, mediated, & helped guide this very complex relationship dynamic since the beginning & continues to do so now…We have tried multiple times with our social worker Dawn [to discuss this with them]. They refuse to do any type of mediation or conversation regarding the decision to cut us off (which is their right to do so of course).”
On if their MTV stardom has played a part in Brandon & Teresa being restrictive with them:
Tyler claims that Teresa has told him that their being on a TV show has nothing to do with their rules, but Tyler doesn’t believe them.
“I asked them if the rules/access/restrictions would be different if we weren’t who we were and didn’t have a huge following. She said no, and I have to go off what she said. Do I believe that, really? No, not really,” Tyler said. “Because Carly’s brother’s birth mom has all the access that we don’t. So, I think it would have been different if we weren’t who were.”
On whether or not Carly watches ‘Teen Mom’:

Tyler stated that Brandon and Teresa are very conservative and don’t let Carly have exposure to a lot of things, including the Internet. (He said that Carly doesn’t have social media or Internet on her cellphone.) She is also not allowed to watch ‘Teen Mom.’
“She has not watched the show. She is very sheltered,” Tyler said. “Her phone …is not a normal touchscreen Internet access phone….it’s not a normal phone. She has not watched the show. We’ve asked multiple years, so we know what to say or not to say when we’re visiting. No, she has not watched the show. She saw a clip one time of a visit we had and I was crying and she asked about it and I think that freaked them out.”
“I think she knows that her birth was on one episode, but I don’t think she knows the whole grand scale of the whole TV show,” he said during the other Live.

“They live very conservative lives. It’s not a public school, she has an old flip phone, so it’s restricted, it’s very limited,” Tyler added.
Tyler said that he believes Carly will see the show once she has more “freedom” at 18.
“There will be a lot of things we’ll have to answer for. I’m not afraid to answer those questions…I’m ready for it,” Tyler said. “Let’s lay it out on the table. But unfortunately, until then, I have to wait…however, I feel like I need to get this info out just in case…she wants contact and they’re telling their version of the story.”
On whether he thinks Carly will want more contact with him and Cate when she turns 18:
“That would be up to how she is raised from here on out,” Tyler said on Live. “That is up to Brandon and Teresa and how they are raising her, and how they are instilling her confidence and her natural desire and curiosity. At 18, you’re graduated high school, most kids aren’t moved out by then…adoptees have this thing where they feel guilt for desiring a connection to their bio family. They feel shameful for not being grateful enough for the family they have, to seek out their bio family.
“Unfortunately, a lot of adoptees walk on eggshells and not express their desires. They know…to not ask questions and to be grateful they’re in the position they’re in.”
Still, Tyler feels that Carly will come to them at 18 and want to talk.

“I have a lot of faith that Carly has enough tenacity and curiosity and enough vigor to break through those limitations if there are any,” he said. “I have faith when she is 18 that she’ll want more access with us. However, I don’t expect and I don’t think we’re owed it. ..whatever her decision is I will respect it. Period.”
On why he believes Brandon & Teresa cut them off:
On Live, Tyler said that he thinks Carly’s parents were getting nervous as she became older and asked more questions about her adoption.
“My personal opinion on the reason why they finally blocked us is, I think this has been inevitable and coming for years, based off the experience we’ve had for 15 years,” he said. “…I think the reason for us being blocked, my personal opinion is that Carly was getting older and asking more questions.”
Tyler pointed to a few instances where Brandon and Teresa may have gotten freaked out about him and Cate getting too close to Carly.
During the last visit them had with Carly, Tyler said that a few things they said may have been taken the wrong way by Brandon and Teresa.
“Me and Cate specifically stated— and we didn’t do this with any ill intentions— we said, ‘Next time you don’t have to fly to Michigan, we’ll come to you next visits.’ Carly was like, ‘That would be awesome.’ That was what happened.
“My personal opinion is that I believe Carly was asking questions and I think Teresa, living the life that she lives, had a hard time answering those questions. That’s the difference between the way me and Cate live our lives and parent our children, versus them. I have nothing to explain I have nothing to hide, nothing to justify, because I’m open and honest about everything with my children…”
On why calling their kids Carly’s sisters caused problems:
Tyler stated that another incident caused some turmoil with Brandon and Teresa. When Catelynn sent Carly a custom blanket with photos of her with their other daughters, along with the words “Sisters Forever” on it, Brandon and Teresa were not happy.
“Carly is the one that said that word [about our kids being her sisters],” Tyler said. “Brandon and Teresa didn’t correct, nothing happened, it was very fluid. It was OK to say that they’re sisters…but then after the visit, we got in trouble for saying ‘sisters’ over and over again. I guess we said it too much for their liking.
“We got in trouble because we didn’t know that was an issue,” Tyler continued. “Cate got this blanket made where she…got pictures of all the girls and it said ‘Sisters Forever’ on the blanket and they were like ‘ohhh.”
On whether or not he blames MTV for taking advantage of the situation:
Tyler said that, despite MTV filming them as teens, he does not believe they took advantage of the situation for ratings.

“No. I don’t blame MTV at all,” he said on Live. “They were literally a documentary film crew to show this is what adoption looks like in America. I’m very thankful for MTV. They changed my life completely, they changed my children’ lives. They’re set for life…I don’t cast blame on anybody, I just wish more people would take accountability for what they’ve done and be more transparent.”
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
62 Responses
In my opinion Carly is either going to run away its not a question of If its a matter of When or her drugged out birth grandfather Butch is going to kidnap her and hold her captive like the (Jaycee Daugaard case 2011(?) ) for a few years and then return her to Cate&TY either way don’t think we’ve heard the end of the story.
Every time Tyler and Catelynn speak, you can tell how much time they’ve spent in therapy/counseling/associating with psychiatrists/grooming therapy horses. They are constantly inserting phrases/quotes/citations that they’ve obviously lifted from the hundreds of thousands of hours they’ve spent engrossed in this atmosphere. They remind me of people that never work, spend a lot of time watching daytime judge shows and seem to have an inordinate amount of insight about the legal system.
Colleague has 2 children from open adoption – 1st is great (six month visits, sends school photos, gets birthday cards) whilst the 2nd is fraught (six month visits but birth mom either flakes or spends the entire time telling the child they are going to take them home one day). They went into both situations with the same mindset but the behavior of the birth parent here makes or brakes the situation. This isn’t the case always but her doing this is making it difficult to keep an open situation for the second kid which isn’t what they wanted because they see how good it can be for everyone because of how well it’s working for the 1st kid.
I wanted to put this out there because I haven’t seen this idea shared. A few years ago I had a family member who had an extended illness and eventually passed from their condition. It was a very difficult time and it was a lot to balance my spouse and kids, my job and offering support and then grief at the loss. This was not something I shared with very many people and not at all on social media beyond asking for general prayer requests. I am not saying B&T are having this exact circumstance, BUT I think another possibility is that there is something going on (family activity commitments, job commitments, personal or family illness the list could go on) and they don’t want to share this with C & T beyond, we can’t make a visit work this year out of a fear that if they shared more as very public people C & T might overshare or it’s just something B & T want to be private about. Because B&T aren’t sharing, I think it’s not useful to speculate, but I think C & T making this public isn’t the best choice.
I’m sure Carly has friends who have internet access and school has access. Wouldn’t be surprised if her friends have told or showed her things. I forget which other kid on Teen Mom was reported fo have issues at school because fheu were being bullied about what their mom/parents were doing on the show. Normally messages blocked don’t tell you they’re blocked, sounds like they changed their phone number if it’s saying undelivered.
There’s something bigger going on I doubt after 15 years they’d just up and cut ties completely. I know they’ve always been hesitant on access. This situation has always just been a big mess and I only hope Carly’s okay. If she’s not part of the decision process and sees her brother birth mother having more access then there’s going to be problems. But she hasn’t tried running away so things don’t seem problematic at home. Again she could easily reach out to Cate and Ty through friends if she wanted to.
Yeah I really have a hard time believing that Carly is as sheltered as Tyler is making it out to be. I know these situations do exist and I’m sure she doesn’t realize the full extent because she’s got other things going on but to deny she even knows about the franchise? She thinks it was just one episode? Get the fuck out.
I’m sure Tyler’s ONLY FANS page isn’t helping. Tyler and Cate always think they do no wrong and only trying to help. Cate thinks sending Carly pictures of her siblings with T&C on vacation is a good thing BUT they also don’t know Carly and no doubt her parents are protecting her from these two who grew up in some of the most disfunctional homes and still in contact with their abusers. We also don’t know if Carly has told her parents if she wants to see T&C or not.
He makes comments like he can’t believe Carly can’t watch Teen Mom. Personally, I don’t and wouldnt let my teenagers watch it because it is not the cautionary tale it once set out to be. I watch after they go to bed. I don’t want them seeing parents calling kids di$k, cussing like crazy in front of the kids, getting knocked up in clubs, simply making terrible choices all in the name of more cars and bigger houses.
I’ve started letting my teen watch unexpected. I feel like that one shows a bit more about being a teen mom than “Teen Mom” does.
Jesus christ teresa probably doesn’t like him because he’s a whiney bitch.. I wouldn’t want him around me either
I don’t understand how anyone can misconstrue “I don’t want to talk to you”. It’s not an an ambiguous statement that leaves anyone, was the any intelligence, confused or in limbo.
I know exactly Tyler’s type. You can’t want anything or do anything without justifying it to their satisfaction. If they don’t agree with it and you haven’t convinced them of your reasons, then you’re in the wrong and are doing things for no reason or illogically.
I believe the term is ‘narcissist’.
It’s more like “uneducated”. A narcissist ONLY displays positivity in public light.
For 2 ppl who recite therapy jargon word for word..
“No is a complete sentence” just doesn’t apply to them!
“I guess I’m not worried that it will hurt Carly” and “her brother’s bio mom has more access” tells us everything we need to know. They don’t give a rat’s ass about how what they’re doing is affecting Carly and B&T are NOT threatened about Carly being close with her birth parents.
Yeah, it’s not about the following, it’s about them being trashy, disrespectful, boundary crossing, immature people.
that part!
This has always been such a sad situation. Those two kids made such a mature and responsible choice, then basically won the lottery the next day. Of course they regret the adoption. It’s a cruel twist of fate. Life is often unfair. I think they’re redirecting the pain and hurt unto the B&T. Now they can buy almost anything they want, but they can’t buy back their daughter. However, they must know that she’s safe and well. They can pray and hope for a close relationship one day, but they can’t force one just yet. It sucks, and I’m sure it hurts. I think MTV constantly bringing up Carly questions to them, more than a decade later, constantly keeps that wound fresh in their mind. Years of that festering wound has caused an almost sick obsession for them with her. They have 3 beautiful daughters, a beautiful home, fame, and a high paying career in television. They have so much, and I hope they learn to focus on what they do have today, instead of focusing so much on trying to gain back Carly. I seen the many update screenshots after B&T requesting no more communications from them. It does seem obsessive, and way too much. I don’t blame them for blocking them, but I do wish they would send a message through Dawn to them about it.
I agree that it’s a sad situation for all involved. I can understand them losing their cool due to frustration but that makes it that much sadder because it increases the chance that Carly will choose not to be involved with them once she’s an adult.
I think when Carly fully realizes that C&T have used her as content for her entire life and violated her privacy all over the internet on a daily basis, she’s going to go NO CONTACT. BOOM, at 18. Maybe start legal action. As a mom of teen daughters, I guarantee that Carly is the person who doesn’t want contact now. She’s old enough to decide that for herself, too.
Jenelle rationale.
Eff off, rent boy.
Wait Wait CARLY’S BROTHER? Ty has a son? How old is this kid? When did that happen?
B+T adopted another little boy no relation to C+T
Brandon and Teresa adopted a baby boy when Carly was a toddler. That kid’s birth mother has better access to her son, probably because she respects his parents.
Please fix the first paragraph. B&T are NOT Carly’s biological parents
It’s awkwardly written, but it is a list with commas. I had to read it twice myself. It isn’t saying that B&T are here are bio parents
Yes, they were naive children when Carly was born, but they are in their 30s now. Getting “tricked” can no longer be an excuse! How is it possible that they were much more mature when they were teenagers? They were not this bad before. Why now???
C&T regularly contradict themselves whenever they don’t get their way. He literally said she does not have access to the Internet, but thinks that airing their dirty laundry on the Internet is the only way to reach? B&T said they don’t want to talk to you, so Catelynn texts Teresa’s phone incessantly but it’s ok because those messages are for Carly and not Teresa even though it’s Teresa’s phone? If she is raised in such a conservative, sheltered environment, her 18th birthday will not be the jailbreak that C&T seem to be expecting. Chances are Carly will go to college away from both sets of parents.
I think it’s hurting all of the other kids involved. C&T’s other kids are always being compared to Carly. Nova’s first father daughter dance was still somehow about Carly and how he didn’t get to take her to one. That’s not fair to Nova. Or promising them that they’ll see Carly “soon” when they don’t have any control over that decision just sets them up for disappointment. It’s also probably very confusing for Graham, Carly’s younger brother. I’m sure that his birth parents “have access C&T don’t” because they are not public figures acting a damn fool on social media and are probably much easier to work with.
B&T agreed to appear on one episode of television documenting the adoption. They did NOT agree to be the primary storyline on a trash TV show for the next 15 years. The moral of the story, is respecting people’s boundaries goes a long way. If you want to see it as “being silenced,” and do what you want anyway, you will end up actually being silenced.
“Because Carly’s brother’s birth mom has all the access that we don’t.“
This is everything we needed to know to confirm what we all suspected. Brandon and Teresa aren’t afraid that their adopted kids are going to go running to their bio parents. They aren’t insecure. They want to encourage a relationship with the bio family. But, they can’t put up with Tyler and Catelynn’s constant boundary-stomping and harassment anymore.
And JFC, these two are dense and toxic. You can still be attacking/bashing someone even if you don’t call them names. Saying publicly that you would have chosen different parents, implying that you’re better, more honest parents, and saying that they’re insecure IS bashing them.
And they’ve told them why they don’t want contact dozens of times. He admits that they’ve gone through it all before. We all also been saying it for years. How is he actually thinking he was cut off with no explanation? They just don’t believe it because they’re too toxic to get it.
Honestly, B&T should have cut off C&T after 5 years of age, like the contract stated.
C&T are getting worse, in terms of maturity, over the years. Tyler is just repulsive and obnoxious. He’s not Carlys parent, that was the point of the adoption!
The fact he’s making this public and won’t stfu is going to do nothing but alienate Carly further. No one knows what she thinks or feels, but it’s pure chaos and disrespect coming out of C&T mouths.
Tyler acknowledges that Carly does not have social media or internet on her phone and thinks that the best way to get “information to Carly” is by using social media on the internet…?
Again. I’m just confused by this logic.
I feel like they’d be better off writing Carly letters, like handwritten old school pen & paper letters, and maybe giving them to Dawn to pass along to Carly “once she turns 18” since they keep harping on that age.
But…that would require effort.
Carly’s parents have (rightly) cut them off and they are quite literally losing their minds over it—not because they’re worried about Carly, which they’ve made abundantly clear, but because they’re desperate for a story line.
I’m so sorry for the children in their home, can you imagine living with parents who are becoming completely unhinged?
These two are just repulsive, and haven’t grown or learned a thing in 15 years. It’s just sad. Carly is likely aware of their actions and embarrassed by their immaturity. I don’t blame Brandon and Teresa a bit, they should have blocked them ten years ago.
I think what’s likely going on is they are having a typical 15-year-old teenage crap going on! Carly is probably saying things to them like my life would be way different with Kate and Tyler, I would have this or that, and be on TV if I was with them! And I’m sure she probably has seen bits and pieces of the show at her friends houses are on their devices so she’s seeing what things are like for her sisters! She is sheltered and is likely rebelling! Saying she will run away to them! If you agree to an open adoption then it should be open. If they are having issues with Carly. Then they should be open about that.
You do realize the adoption is only open for a certain amount of time right? Idk why some people think a birth parent gets unlimited access to a child for its entire life, ffs.
Depends on what there adoption contract says. And they sure seem confused on what “open”means and WHO defines “open.” There definitely needs to be some clarifications. Either way C&T need to GET OFF social media with their rants!
You can’t possibly think that Carly would want any part of Cate and Tyler’s home life and wants to run away. That’s….not what is happening.
“Cate got this blanket made where she…got pictures of all the girls and it said ‘Sisters Forever’ on the blanket and they were like ‘ohhh.”
Umm… of course that was their reaction. Catelynn knew exactly what she was doing making that blanket. Do you really think it would be well received sending a child who has her own parents and brother, a custom blanket with 3 other children who are not in her life, with the words “sisters forever” on it? I can’t think of anything more uncomfortable. Imagine Carly opening the gift and seeing 3 children’s photos indicating that they 4 are siblings, but not her adopted brother’s photo? I would think Carly would be super uncomfortable. If ANYTHING, cate could have sent a framed photo of ALL the kids (including Carly’s brother). No pushy “sisters forever”. And every text cate sent to Teresa was so “look at your sisters” that OF COURSE Teresa blocked her! A simple “have a good first day of school Carly!” Would have sufficed. Or “wishing you a great summer!” The “look at vaeda laughing” video cate sent Teresa, the pics of her kids at school, Tyler swimming with them, ENOUGH!!! Read the room!!!!
They keep doing stupid shit with this veneer of “aw shucks” plausible (to them) deniability. Spamming someone’s phone that says they’re not interested in talking to you is harassment even if you put “for Carly” in the message. Yes, she has biological sisters and that’s okay to say but making a blanket it too far and takes it from a biological fact to an attempt at emotionality.
Plus if they don’t want Carly face shown on tv if cate sent a photo of all the girls to someone to make this blanket from what’s blatantly her accounts couldn’t it risk a photo of Carly getting out confirming her relationship to Cate.
Which is what B+T try to avoid.
Lol. Lololol. Ty, you doofus. You’re out here villainizing Carly’s parents instead of being angry with Dawn/MTV which is who you should REALLY be mad at. I also find it very telling how they have zero proof to back up anything B&T allegedly said. Plenty of texts showing all the bullshit you sent to B&T yet oddly, nothing from them to prove all these things you’re accusing them of saying.
What would serve C&T best is to shut the fuck up running their mouths at this point before B&T initiate legal action. Carly might be sheltered but she isn’t stupid, she seems to have dodged that genetic bullet with dumb & dumber as her egg & sperm donors. And if Ty thinks Carly is sooooo sheltered & clueless to what they’re doing, I can guarantee you she KNOWS. She’s probably embarrassed as hell & uncomfortable with all this.
You simply do not put a child in the situation that C&T have done. She’s a CHILD. You leave that girl be & once she is 18, reach out if you must. I’m damn near 100% positive B&T would’ve never excluded them had C&T actually went to school, gotten degrees and decent jobs, raised their daughters off MTV.
So, essentially, yes. C&T value money and fame to support their laziness over doing everything they can that would’ve given them higher chances of remaining in Carly’s life.
Tyler, Cate- where the fuck is your accountability, you clowns?
they don’t need to be mad at anyone. The need to read the contract. Get counseling to cope with this and act like adults. Instead of Tyler “I will be a bulldozer communicator” b/c that will work! 🙄
He’s written an entire screenplay for Brandon and Theresa, and they don’t even know they’ve been cast.
They probably gave a reason but like every other request they’ve made C&T ignored it
Cate and Ty have done nothing they promised Carly they would do when they gave her up. Ty is wearing red thongs on only fans and Cate is glued to a couch all day.
He is just burying himself deeper and deeper. It’s past the point of no return with B & T. They have burned that bridge permanently.
I’ll take Ways To Completely Alienate Carly Forever for 500 Alex!
Pls be grateful you got a passive Southerner bc had you got a Northerner, you’da been cut TF off years ago, buddy.
Maybe they would have told you in no uncertain terms where exactly you effed up and then you couldn’t play victim like you are now.
B&T gave more than enough chances and moved the goalpost and every time, these 2 crossed lines. Every time.
No, you aren’t “loud and abrasive”..
You’re entitled and ignant. Disrespectful and disregarding.
C&T couldn’t follow simple directions, and pushed boundaries. That’s why they were cut off.
This sitting and waiting for Carly to show up at their front door is delusional.
Oh, and the “ppl they chose” actually did their job. Is that why he’s angry?
Bc B&T are doing a good job, a better job than they could, while these 2 flounder financially, emotionally, physically and spiritually??
I’m so confused on where exactly people got the impression that southerners are passive or pushovers. Or that we beat around the bush & aren’t forthcoming! Clearly y’all have never been to the south or spent time here. Just bcuz we’re nice & we have manners, that doesn’t mean we tolerate disrespect… Don’t fa&fo, we politely dont tolerate no bs, to assume otherwise is just dangerous. Being rude to people just for the hell of it isn’t our way, we will blesssss youuurrr hearrrtt & wish a mf’er would all in the same breath. Atp just be ready bcuz around here, we grew up fighting.. we didn’t have nothing else to do. Never underestimate an unknown situation, but never ever underestimate any hsoutherner.
Not sure who “y’all” is, but I’m both a Southerner and Northerner.
This comment also wasn’t about you, It was about Teresa.
But the wall of text threats are cute.
Bless your heart.
This is Cate and Tyler’s only story line. They need to get real jobs but these two are simply too lazy. I bet Cate will rush off to another “trauma center” where she is coddled by professionals (similar to Amber’s “professionals”)that really just co-sign their bull$hit. It’s like these two spend all their waking hours discussing their traumas. They are never going to get better.
I agree with you 100% both are lazy, jobless, failures.
C&T act like they are co-parents with B&T and B&T are alienating them from Carly. They signed over parental rights. They don’t have any rights. But they still seem shocked and confused about that. They don’t owe them anything. They need to stop playing victim and reach out to Carly when she is 18. Until then, leave them alone!!
B&T probably do have a hard time relating with C&T and cooled on them personally when it became clear that C&T were not going to pursue any of the goals or dreams they said they had as teens, but they probably could have gritted their teeth and bared it for one lunch a year and a christmas card if C&T did not seem to profoundly not understand how adoption works no matter how many times people try to explain it to them.
But the other thing is all of the acting out they are doing now has dog whistles of certain QA adjacent areas of the internet that co-opts serious topics that are mostly relevant to people who are survivors of sketchy international or interracial (mostly evangelical) adoptions, takes them out of context and combines them with cherry picked rhetoric from “mens rights” and “trad family” talking points. This must have really freaked B&T out because it should freak them out. If C&T were not so visible and were acting like this, like it would be completely realistic to call it stalking or consider them a kidnapping threat. The people who C&T ingratiating themselves with through this content absolutely are realistic threats to their bio-child or other children they have imagined a relationship with and their families. Like we just see them popping off and oversharing like they always do, but I really think there is a darker side to all of this. C&T are basically becoming microinfluencers to a delusional and dangerous demographic.
Everything he says about Carly and his and Cate’s connection and Carly’s connection to their other kids just sounds like projected nonsense. I don’t doubt that they do feel a connection to Carly but I highly doubt Carly feels some kind of cosmic call to her bio sisters and parents. While I’ve never been a parents, I have been a 15 year old girl with adults I see once a year trying to exert some kind of claim on me that they did not earn.
Teresa’s decision has nothing to do with you being on MTV as you do think. It has to do with the fact that you’re an ass-clown, plain and simple. You yourself said you don’t care if your actions hurt Carly. That is so disgusting and clearly all you concerned with here is yourself. And remember YOU ARE NOT CARLY’S PARENTS! BIRTH OR OTHERWISE! You NEVER parented that child. The only connection she has to you is DNA. Get over yourselves. You an embarrassment! Clearly B&T don’t want to continue this nonsense with immature children. Stop trying to interfere!! Move on to your own life!
“Carly’s brother’s birth mom has all the access that we don’t. So, I think it would have been different if we weren’t who were.” This line right here shows Brandon and Teresa are not the problem. Catelynn and Tyler are.
It’s probably less about “who y’all are” and more about how y’all have consistently used Carly as a storyline and blasted private information all over television and the internet. Y’all could have still been on TV without sharing personal stuff about Carly and they would have continued to let y’all have contact, but every boundary they set for their daughter was broken time and time again.
Who remembers when they posted her pic online and Ty got mad cuz Brandon and Theresa told them to delete it?! They have no respect to Carly’s parents…it finally bit them in the ass.
Yep. And rather than apologize and take it down, he acted like an immature ass on national television about it.