After nine years of sobriety, Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino is working to help others in their recovery journey by opening his own addiction and mental health treatment facilities, The Archangel Centers.
The Jersey Shore Family Vacation star shared the big news Monday on social media, after telling his followers he had a “major announcement.”
“If you had told me 10 years ago that the U.S. government would send me to prison, strip me of my passport and voting rights, and hit me with millions in penalties, I would’ve thought it was game over,” Mike wrote. “But here I am–living proof that the comeback is always greater than the setback.”
As longtime fans of Jersey Shore may remember, Mike was released from prison in 2021 after serving an eight-month sentence for tax evasion crimes. Mike also previously battled an addition to pills, though he has maintained his sobriety now for nearly a decade. In his announcement for The Archangel Centers, Mike reflected on his journey, telling fans he hopes his story can be “someone else’s roadmap to survival.”
“Against all odds, I turned my life around,” he wrote. “Today, I’m happily married with three amazing kids, a published author, nine years sober, and about to launch my own treatment centers … What once seemed impossible is now my reality.
“ … Today, I’m on the front lines, ready to save lives,” he continued. “My experience, strength, and hope will help addicts find recovery, one day at a time.”
Mike concluded his announcement by telling fans that “this journey is personal” to him.
“I am Saint Michael the Archangel, and this comeback? It’s just getting started,” he wrote.
According to Us Weekly, The Archangel Centers will be a joint venture between Mike and his wife, Lauren Sorrentino, with whom he welcomed his third child earlier this year. The Sorrentinos’ Archangel Centers will offer help to adults and adolescents ages 12 and up and will focus on holistic healing, while offering recovery services including detox, therapy, group support, aftercare and more.
The first Archangel Center is set to open early next year in New Jersey with the help of Ascend Behavioral Health Network.
According to its website, the centers will provide “comprehensive care for individuals struggling with substance abuse, mental health issues, and co-occurring disorders.
“Inspired by Mike’s personal journey from addiction to long-term recovery, Archangel Centers combines his passion for helping others with Ascend’s clinical expertise.”
Click here for more information.
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(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
9 Responses
Mike impresses me so much. From all the JS castmates, he is the one who had the longest way to go but he made it, he is now happily married and a devoted father…I never thought I will be saying this about Mike when I watched the first season but…you are def my fave, Mike. Congratulations and good luck in your future ventures.
Really proud of Mike, honestly. He’s doing what it takes and helping others, which is more than I can say for others in reality TV. He never, EVER forgets that this isn’t something we can do on our own and he said something that I hold near and dear and is SO true in recovery… “God (Higher power) got you out of that pit so you could go in and get others out. Remember that”. Such a HUGE part of recovery and keeping someone sober, is helping others in their fight. I’ve had three people I am friends/acquaintances now reach out to me because they have seen how far down the scale I went and how I’ve pulled myself out with some accountability, hard work, dedication, and discipline and have been able to at least attempt to get sober. The ones that remain aware of the fact that this isn’t done alone and that it takes a helping hand, are the ones that are able to continue on this path. Though one could be arrogant and prideful of accomplishments, I know that there is no doubt I wouldn’t have made it out if others hadn’t paved the way before me and showed me the way out. We HAVE to remember that. Humility is a huge part of staying sober. I have three years and 5 months now. We DO recover and it can be a beautiful life no matter how far down the scale you go. I will never stop reaching out my hand to anyone that needs it. Congrats to him and his new adventure!
I completely agree with you. I have just over 6 years clean and I wish that there was more people who wanted to genuinely help addicts and not judge them. Mike doing this is amazing, I’m really happy for him!!! Congratulations on your clean time, we DO recover!!!
finally someone who actually takes action and isn’t all talk like catelynn & tyler from teen mom, at least he’s actually taking the steps to help others
Cate and Ty didn’t go to school either but larped helping with their short lived show. When they also had plenty of time and money to go to school and do something productive. 2 sides, same coin.
If Mike really has a passion for this why didn’t he go to school? He has more than enough money and time to become a fully accredited addiction counselor instead of larping as one. That’s what most addicts do that want to help and don’t have the privilege of just trowing their money at it. Actually be on the front lines. Signed a medically retired substance abuse program coordinator.
Good for u ! Let him do him … why don’t u not be so judgmental about his dream and any attempts to help . I doubt ur are any of the such with that attitude.
As a former substance abuse program coordinator I feel like you should know first hand that not all recovering addicts have the ability or skill set to become counselors. Some of them it takes every ounce of mental and physical energy they have just to keep themselves sober. And the guilt they can have when someone slips back into active addiction can hit hard and derail their own recovery. Being a counselor isn’t the only way to help people. I think it’s great that Mike is doing what he can to make a difference. I love hearing success stories and with his platform I think he really has a lot of potential to help people.
This doesn’t sound very “recovery” like… but I won’t judge you because that isn’t my job or part of my recovery. If he has the money and that is his way of helping- so be it! Yes, many become certified and go to school but it isn’t necessary and to be honest, while others do go to school to become a drug and alcohol counselor, not everyone has the means to OPEN a center. He likely is going to employ those that HAVE gone to school to become certified. He’s got a lot on his plate and I feel like he hasn’t forgotten how we stay sober, so this is HIS way. I respect that.