The Teen Mom World was sent into a tizzy when Mackenzie Standifer— the soon-to-be-ex-wife of Ryan Edwards— spilled some sizzling (alleged) tea about Ryan and his ever-fertile loins, and now in an exclusive statement to The Ashley, Ryan’s mother Jen Edwards is responding.
Over the weekend, Mackenzie– who is in the process of divorcing Ryan— hit the comment section of a TikTok post, dropping some jaw-dropping allegations about her ex. Mackenzie claimed that Ryan allegedly secretly fathered a fourth kid around 2014. (As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, Ryan shares son Jagger and daughter Stella with Mack, and son Bentley with Maci Bookout.) She also seemingly confirmed the rumors that Ryan and his current girlfriend Amanda Conner are expecting a child, which would bring the number of Ryan offspring to five.
(Amanda has posted TikTok videos that have made fans suspicious that she’s “with child,” including one that shows a baby ultrasound hanging on the couple’s fridge. When the visible ultrasound was pointed out by a fan, Amanda seemingly confirmed it, responding, “Oh f**k.” However, it is The Ashley’s policy not to write pregnancy rumor stories so therefore she will not discuss the alleged pregnancy until Ryan or Amanda confirm or deny it.)
Anyway, Mack spilled the news of Ryan’s alleged lovechild by writing a message to Ryan in the TikTok post’s comment section.
“You have 5 kids. Please take care of them. And yes I can count on…” Mackenzie wrote, before responding to a fan asking if she was including the kid Amanda is allegedly pregnant with.
“Including,” she wrote.
When fans begged Mack to elaborate, she was more than happy to, implying that Ryan’s family has covered up his alleged secret child for more than 10 years.
“Is it mature? No. Am I sorry? Also no. Justice for the kids against a family that covers up and intimidates women who are in unfortunate circumstances with the money and connections they possess in an attempt to save face for TEN YEARS!” she wrote.
“NDAs, money and connections cover a lot of transgressions,” Mack replied when she was asked how the alleged lovechild was kept secret for so long.

A friend of the alleged baby mama has come forward and is claiming that Ryan’s mother and father have been paying the baby mama $950 a month since the alleged secret child was born, and that a DNA test was allegedly done to prove that Ryan was the father. In addition, the friend claimed that the baby mama signed a non-disclosure agreement and agreed to keep silent about the whole “pregnant by the dude from ‘Teen Mom’ thing,” in exchange for the monthly support payment, which the friend claims stopped coming in December 2023 for unknown reasons.
(The Ashley wants to point out here that this was what the alleged baby mama’s friend stated and The Ashley is not confirming that it is true or false at this point.)
The Ashley reached out to Ryan’s mother, Jen, for comment on the accusations against Ryan. In a statement to The Ashley, Jen denied that Ryan secretly fathered a child, and that she has been paying the alleged baby mama off to keep quiet.
“Absolutely not!” Jen told The Ashley.
The Ashley’s source states that Mackenzie only recently found out about Ryan possibly having a fourth child, and the topic never came up during her marriage to Ryan.

The Ashley also contacted a longtime production source to ask if they were aware of this situation. The source simply stated that the news of Ryan possibly having another child is “not news to some of us long-timers,” insinuating that MTV was aware of this situation. (Again, The Ashley is not saying that the child in question is Ryan’s; she’s simply stating that, in the past, some of the show’s producers became aware that someone was claiming Ryan had fathered her child.)
In addition to exposing Ryan’s alleged lovechild, Mackenzie also spoke out about how Ryan doesn’t help her financially with their two kids.
“If someone talks to him can they let him know his kids need school shoes,” Mack wrote, adding that she was not happy that Ryan is being portrayed on ‘Teen Mom’ and online as a supportive father.
When someone replied to the comment, writing they are sorry she had to come on social media to get a message to Ryan, Mack responded, “Don’t say sorry! [My kids] have a rock solid support system on my side. But since everyone seems to want to live in some fantasy land, I just wanted us all to keep an even playing field. I’m not the one living some fake ass fantasy. Here’s the truth behind the liar and it sucks.”
As of press time, there are no paternity/child support cases pending against Ryan (except his custody case with Mackenzie, which is still pending.)
The Ashley will continue to update this story. Stay tuned…
RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Ryan Edwards Files Court Documents Demanding His Ex Mackenzie Allow Him to See Their Kids
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
105 Responses
Responding to Streets Full Of Uppercut bc for some reason there’s no reply button- yes, the bar is so low it’s on the ground, which is typically where it has to start when someone has hit rock bottom.
Except that he HASN’T learned. He HASN’T gotten better. He’s STILL driving recklessly. STILL not taking care of his kids. Not but a few months ago, was STILL harassing and threatening Mack.
He has yet to take any responsibility for his actions and is still trying to harass/threaten Mack. And now, there’s about to be another baby born into instability. So, he hasn’t made it far off the ground.
Jen and Larry adore their grandchildren and love seeing just like grandparents do.
So if Ryan had a secret child wouldn’t they want to see the child?
And we know what people are like for seeing things, taking pics and giving to press.
So I do doubt this a little
I can think of one particular reason they might not…👶🏾
Wow! Didn’t think of that! 😮 Given the kind of people they are, that wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility.
I wonder how many do-over babies Ryan has to have until he realizes that kids don’t fix a shitty human being.
Let’s also put this on the women he’s been with, because I’m sure they know how to prevent pregnancy.
This is just so far fetched.
I get Mack is feeling some type of way, I’d be pissed too if my dead beat baby daddy was getting nothing but praise because he’s being paid to pretend to be a good dad. But she’s literally dragging a CHILD into this mess, who, hopefully, can remain anonymous if this is true. That child may not even KNOW who their bio dad is depending on what their mom may have told them. She’s kept her mouth shut this whole time, it should have stayed that way. Not taking care of FOUR kids is just as bad as not taking care of FIVE kids.
You’re 100% right. She should’ve kept her mouth shut, although sounds like she only recently found out about it. Maybe some gossip outlet paid her to spill. Ryan is an enormous turd and to be determined if he will change his awful ways (it will take several years to prove), but that innocent child should remain anonymous and protected from the circus that surrounds their father.
Were Mack and Ryan together in 2014? If so, that probably makes her even more upset. But there were red flags galore and she chose to stay with him and have two kids with him throughout the cheating, lack of sobriety and general turdiness.
Well, there’s the NDA. That’s ONE reason to keep your mouth shut, and oh….the money.
@theashley , sorry to bother you, but can we get a ban on kk for spamming and being vile in the comments please?
Because I speak facts that’s vile?
No, because your rude and nasty and can’t seem to remember the subject of the article. You are in here talking about the Duggars and insulting the one child in that family that escaped the cult. Jim Bob paying you or something?
Off topic, but did she escape the cult? Or does she just want money? I can’t help but notice that she still used the name Duggar instead of Dillard. And it makes me wonder..
Calling people ugly is also not cool.
No, because you are vile
I second this. Not even a fun troll, just posting random unrelated stuff. The laziest and dumbest of the troll types.
I’m never coming back to this site all yall have done is cuss me out, troll, and gang up on something. I’m crying!
no need to announce your departure. 🙄
buh-bye now!! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
@kk ~ like literally, WTF is wrong with you?
you said you were leaving ~ now LEAVEEEEE!! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻🖕🏻
Jill and Derick are the ugliest Duggars
Can someone tell me how Rhine’s parents make their money? Honestly curious. They seem to be loaded.
Wonder if they have a LinkedIn account. I might try to look later.
As far as we know, Mimi Jen was always a stay-at-home mom. She hasn’t elaborated much on work experience. Larry works for Coca-Cola. On top of the check MTV gives them, they seem to be sitting pretty.
Move over Drew, it’s time we bring in a professional. “Let’s welcome Maury to the show”.
Username checks out 🤣💀
Grab the popcorn!
I personally don’t believe anything Jen says. She’d even help Ryan bury a body and lie in court for him.
Everyone told you about Ryan, Mac. It’s no surprise he doesn’t even provide financially for the kids. In that aspect, you reap what you sow. I don’t think she’s that upset, though. Mac loves the attention and drama.
It’s laughable she says she isn’t living in fantasy land. She spent years lying and covering up his drug use. She put the blame on everyone but Ryan(& herself for getting involved). Her karma came home unfortunately she put her son in the middle and created children with him knowing what he was. I wouldn’t be shocked if true but I don’t believe her anymore than I do Ryan.
Saying that a woman got her karma when her husband abused her and destroyed their home along with everything in it that didn’t belong to him, including their childrens toys is reallllly messed up and 100% victim blaming.
But, also, where’s Ryans karma? He is getting those MTV checks again. Had continued to avoid significant jail time, and is being praised by everyone. He continuously chose drugs over his family, has neglected his kids for years, killed cats on his property all with barely any consequences. But yeah.
Jen and Larry need to finally cut the apron strings.
Why dosent this woman let her 36 year old grown man child speak for himself. She treats him like he’s a child. She goes to his court cases and even schedules appointments for him.
Why don’t you ask The Ashley why she chose to reach out to Jenn over Ryan?
@KK: Because Ryan has me blocked and I have no way to get a comment request to him. That’s literally the reason. -The Ashley
@Theashley my comment was not directed at you. It was stating how Mimi Jen does everything for her grown adult son.
Doesn’t matter who it was directed at, you wanted to know why The Ashley reached out to Jenn over Ryan. She told you.
@kailsfithbabydaddy I guess you can’t read. This woman is Jen. Gosh you’re as smart as theashley. Reading is important.
@kailsfifthbabydaddy I’m sure your some low life obese computer warrior who can’t read lol. This woman refers to JEN DUMBASS
@The Ashley can we go ahead and nip this one in the bud before we have another Hannah situation? They’ve already started spamming the comment section with nonsense.
I’m a Trump supporter and you’re an idiotic troll.
Seriously, @theashley this is over the line. You are going to end up losing site visitors over this crap. We have no way to block or mute trolls which are becoming more frequent. Kk and Hannah have made it miserable here recently. I only come here every once in awhile. I used to check the news here almost daily but you get tried of the attacks after the hundredth time. How many of us have to ask you to step in before you actually do? There are three of us in this comment section alone. Get your house in order.
Yall are bullying me. For no reason.
Your a dumbass I didn’t know that theashley was now Rhines mom. Learn to read, dumbass.
You seem to be on your way to getting blocked, have fun with that 🙂
@kailsfifthbabydaddy okay and. Because I have to correct people like you who can’t read properly and try to start shit with me?
You all stared bullying and cussing me out because yall misread something. You know how hurtful that is?
It’s you’re, not your. Quit bashing people about being unable to read when you can’t even spell. Dumbass.
*You’re. If you are going to insult someone’s intelligence you should probably know basic punctuation first.
Wow abusing me for no reason….wow!
@kk ~ um, didn’t you already (unnecessarily) announce you were leaving? 🙄
once again…byeeeeeee!! 👋🏻👋🏻
I assume it’s bc the story was alleged that she & Larry are the ones who are paying child support for the child in exchange for an nda. Why wouldn’t she be the one to speak up? It’s literally about her.
Kailsfifthbabydaddy : lol I didn’t know theashley was Rhines mom?! Reading comprehension is critical dumbass
You aren’t even saying this users name correctly🤣 it’s kailsfifthbaby, not baby daddy. idk if you should be commenting on others reading comprehension when you can’t even use the correct username
Quit feeding the troll.
Free Diddy. Cassie is a prostitute who regrets her past decisons.
I bet Mackenzie lashed out because she found out Amanda was pregnant. They may not be 100% sober but Amanda and Ryan look good and seem to get along. I wish them the best. FYI: the “no relationships in the first year” is a thing that just popped up in the rehab industry. The AA and NA books make no mention of this. Hopefully, Ryan will inspire Maci and Taylor to seek help for their own alcohol issues.
You had me until you mentioned Maci & Taylor. Them people ain’t got no drinking problem. Trust me, I know drinking problems. Bcuz they use to be on tv for 12 min a week with months worth of footage & they happened to have a beer in some of the episodes does not equate a drinking problem. I thought it was hilarious when they started doing it on purpose to poke fun at those of you who jumped on that bandwagon 🤣.
Absolutely not true 😂 that has been a “rule” since the 80s baby when NA was established. I dunno where u got ur information. It’s a rule at most treatment programs and groups . I say “rule” because it’s recommended and absolutely necessary if you are at a treatment facility. It’s no new relationships not already established ones .
This is 100% false, the not having a relationship within the first year (and some suggest the first couple) while working on sobriety and even after getting sober, has long been a recommendation, regardless of what books you choose to use for your journey. It’s better for you, it’s better for the other party, and most importantly, it’s better for any children that might be included in your journey. It is NOT something “that just popped up”, even judges have given those recommendations to people for decades now. It is absolutely not a new concept. A lot of things are often recommended for those working on sobriety which aren’t literally spelled out word for word in every book, manual or pamphlet. You are expected to be able to think somewhat for yourself and not rely entirely on those reference materials-that’s literally the foundation for sobriety (getting past and working through influences, good, bad and indifferent).
Also, Ryan and Amanda are *not* doing good. How anyone can see their behavior and think that’s good, is beyond me.
Does “doing good” include harassing your ex and not seeing or even paying child support for your kids? And in Amanda’s case, does “doing good” mean not having custody of your kid? Two barely on the wagon addicts who doesn’t have custody of any of their existing kids are now going to have a baby together?? That’s a train wreck.
At the end of the day we only know what we are fed through various posts. I haven’t seen anyone prove that child support is being paid- or that it’s not being paid. I HAVE seen screenshots on IG of Mack trying to get Ryan to ‘come over and eat dinner’ which is gross in itself. Why she would want to be around Ryan after the things he’s done (and continues to accuse him of) is beyond my comprehension.
Sorry, I think I need to clarify it’s Mack posting these screenshots, so no one can say ‘she didn’t say that’.
It won’t let me reply to your next comment. I hate when it does that. Just because she was stupid enough to initially allow it, doesn’t mean that she has to CONTINUE to allow the shitty behavior. Oh no, she’s allowing him to use her home so her children can safely see their father! And as their sole legal and physical guardian, she does actually have that right and should she take it back to court, would likely win seeing as Amanda isn’t even allowed around her own child without supervision. THAT says a lot right there. I’m not saying Mack isn’t being petty, I think we can all agree that the back and forth and taking it to SM is beyond petty. But she has every right to be angry when he’s being portrayed as a loving, sober dad getting his shit together and behind the scenes isn’t providing jack shit for his kids. I’d be petty and pissed too.
You mean where she clarified she wouldn’t be there? Cuz I read thru those SS too, luv. She also tried to get a hold of him to get him to take them for lunch (no response), tried to get him to help with food (no response), tried to get him to spend time with them (no response). The only time she got a response is when she said not to have his junkie GF with him when he’s supposed to be spending time with his children because they’re not comfortable being around her.
Yup, she asked him twice about dinner & one of the times clarified she wouldn’t be therr. But again- inviting him over to eat dinner with the kids in her home and she’s comfortable with that after what he did to the last house? Makes no sense.
Damn I wish I would learn to get all my comment into one post instead of multiples lol. Mack cannot dictate who the kids are around when it’s on Ryan’s time, just like he cannot dictate that for Mack. And the last time I checked, Ryan had been just as much of a junkie as Amanda so there’s really no valid argument Mack can use here in regards to that, seeing as how she had no issue living with Ryan and keeping her children around him when they were married. What they need to do is get a mediator and some kind of messaging app to be monitored so they both behave themselves when it comes to communicating about the kids.
She can’t dictate that Amanda be around, but she can share her (very valid) opinion that she shouldn’t be there, especially if it’s true that the kids are comfortable around her.
His behavior escalated since they got married and it makes no sense that just because you previously allowed something around your children, you have to allow it forevermore.
She 100% can dictate who is around when he has the kids, she can even take that shit to court and demand it. It is 100% within her right as the custodial parent with full legal custody of the children to determine who will be allowed to be around her children. If you take a look at both Ryan and Amanda’s history (and take into account the fact that Amanda also lost custody of a child she’s not allowed to have alone), the court can, very easily, put this into writing if asked. Now, a judge that’s not worth a lick might not, but they most definitely CAN.
(ftr, I don’t think Mack is a good person either, so, I’m not coming at this from a “defend Mack the good mom” stance, I think she’s a shit mom too and needs to do some serious work in that department).
One of my kids has a bio-parent that isn’t allowed to bring their partner around during visitation too.
And the baby they are having is a girl.
So here’s my take & it’s gonna trigger yall but when did that ever stop me? (Spoiler- never).
Ryan has been doing really good lately. So has his girlfriend. Ryan is sober & looks healthier than I can ever remember. Everybody on here dragged the fuck out of him & his family, me included. Deservingly so. But at this point he’s doing what he needs to do to be sober, hold a job, and be in his kids lives.
Mack had the audacity to sit up there and BLAME MACI FOR HIS ADDICTION/USING DRUGS. Idk if yall forget so easily, but Mack knowingly & WILLINGLY stayed hooked to Ryan as long as she possibly could and got off on the control/bit of fame it gave her. Do I agree with what Ryan did when he threatened her and trashed his kids home? Fuck no. Can I continue holding that shit against him? Sure can, it was one of the worst things he did. But continuously throwing shit back in his face won’t change that it happened.
The first one of yall who has never made a mistake, feel free to cast that stone. But as someone who had a drug addict for a parent & ended up having heart damage for the shit my mother did while carrying me, and then the sorry piece of shit never even fucking trying to make amends or have a relationship with me, it would’ve made a world of difference to me had she apologized, got clean, and been involved in my life.
Y’all simply cannot have it both ways. You can’t sit there and hate Ryan & his family for all the bullshit they did, and then hate on them for actually showing a VAST IMPROVEMENT which is good for everyone involved. I don’t for one second believe what Mack said is true. She’s a bitter bitch who is STILL trying to get Ryan to ‘come over and eat dinner’, at least that’s what her text messages show that she personally shared. She’s a bitter, nasty woman.
This family is healing. They’re all getting along & in the kids lives supporting them. Not one of them can erase what Ryan did, but moving FORWARD is the way to go. No sense to me in continuing to vilify Ryan. Life is not guaranteed and IF Ryan is indeed having a baby with Amanda, I wish them nothing but health & sobriety.
Youre absolutely right. They’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t. I will immediately retract my statement if either of them fuck up again, but for once, Ryan looks happy. He doesn’t look dead in the eyes, he’s seeing his kids. I can absolutely understand where the hatred for him comes from because he absolutely deserves a lot of it. However, if he’s doing the right thing now, why are we still trying to bring him down for past mistakes? Until I’m proven otherwise, I’m proud of both Ryan and Amanda for doing the right thing.
How much are they paying you per month?
The things Ryan has said and done continuously for the past 15 years = not “a mistake”.
Have I made a mistake? Sure. Have I made even 1/100000th of the terrible choices Ryan has made? No.
I agree that Ryan has made disgusting choices in the past and he will never live it down. Even if he were to completely change who he is, he still did abusive, violent things that I don’t think he should ever be 100% forgiven for. I think the point I was trying to make was that why are people hating on him for doing good? He doesn’t look like he’s drugged out of his mind, is in good standing with not only his family, but also Maci’s, and seems to be heading in a positive direction. Does he not deserve any recognition for the work hes put in to get to where he is today?
So what I’m gleaning from your comment is that because Ryan has done terrible shit for 15 years that he deserves no redemption because of those actions. Even if he remains sober, improves, and behaves correctly, doing what he needs to improve himself and his relationship with his family/community. You’re basically okay with just tossing humans aside like a piece of garbage. Got it.
No one is saying he doesn’t deserve “redemption”. Yeah, he’s doing good… for now. That’s great! But the past has shown us that he continues to be the same person he has always been.
I’m sober AND in recovery and hopefully he is too- not just sober. There is a difference…
Once he has 15 years of good choices, then I’ll say he’s changed. I think everyone deserves a chance to redeem themselves and change their life. It’s EXTREMELY rare I’ll say someone can’t change. All humans are capable of it but unfortunately, for MANY humans like Ryan, who have had their parents covering up their transgressions and poor choices, it DOES become ingrained and even when sober, those habits and the lifestyle can be a process to break. That’s why I said I hope he’s in RECOVERY- Recovery is the only way to REMAIN sober because it helps you to be a good human AND stay away from drugs and the drink 😉
I really hope he stays on the sober path (along with Amanda). I don’t doubt he has the ability but he DOES have a support system that coddled him for far too long & should have been giving some tough love in there. He’s got a lot of work ahead of him.
But he still drinks and she’s vaping while pregnant.
He’s still not making good choices in life, that’s the point those of you hell bent on this “damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t, he’s doing good now, why shit on him” rant. He isn’t doing good if he’s still making shit life choices. He’s still not acting like a parent. He’s still doing all of the things you really shouldn’t be doing while trying to get sober, just shy of using again. We really don’t know that he’s still clean, we can hope so, he can say so, but it’s easy for him, or anyone, to fall off that wagon, he’s done so countless times and he’s a habitual liar. He has lied countless times about being clean. Amanda has as well, and has just as shitty of a track record. Choosing not to use doesn’t, in and of itself, indicate he’s doing good. It’s one step on the ladder, a very rough ladder, and a commendable step, but it’s only ONE step. Good on him for taking that step, but fuck him for ignoring all the other ones that are far less difficult to get on…..like taking care of your children and being even a half assed parent.
He chose to create a new life with Amanda, which, again, is a horrible life choice for BOTH of them. And don’t come forth with that “but they didn’t PLAN it” bs, because we all know pregnancy is preventable, and it’s more than smart to do so while dealing with sobriety demons (and they both still are!). Now he’s CHOOSING not to take care of the lives he’s already brought into this world. Mack sucks too, don’t get me wrong, I don’t like her at all, but people like Ryan and Amanda should not be congratulated or commended for creating life if they’re unwilling to take care of the ones they’ve already created. Both of them absolutely SUCK at that. So, yes, they deserve to get shit on, both for all their past issues (and please stop calling them mistakes, wtf) and current issues.
Commend them for not using for a little while, awesome. That doesn’t change the larger picture, at all.
I agree. It’s a pattern and a way of life… Not 15 years of “mistakes” LOL. That’s laughable that anyone is saying that.
so why hate on Mack for marrying him (at 20 or 21) and then blaming Maci for his behavior? that was years ago. If Ryan gets a pass cause hes an addict and he SEEMS to be doing better, than so does Mack for being a abused woman.
I can’t stand Mackenzie. However she has every reason to be furious. Ryan absolutely not only destroyed their house but their kids rooms, toys, furniture. He literally rubbed his own poop on the walls and scribbled incoherent threats with a pen on the walls. Not to mention physically assaulted Mackenzie & threatened to kill her. Kind of how he threatened to put a bullet in Taylor’s head. His parents have done nothing but make sure that Ryan takes no accountability or responsibility for the things he has done.
Based on the fact that Larry and Jen have paid off Judges to keep Ryan’s sorry ass out of jail multiple times, I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that they wouldn’t hesitate to pay off a woman to keep her mouth shut. They wouldn’t want to stop that Teen Mom gravy train. Keep in mind that they ALL get a teen mom check. Larry, Jen, Ryan and now Amanda. My guess is that Mack said their kids could no longer film so they don’t get a check. Ryan & Amanda solved that problem. New baby will bring in more income.
It’s good that Mackenzie is finally living in the real world because she was living in “fantasy land” for several years with that junkie, cheating POS.
Also Jen will of course keep enabling Ryan like she did all his life.
And married him when he was high AF
I think jen tries to be a good person, but I think she’s lying To protect Ryan.. The woman would bury a body ticover up for Ryan
Who’s surprised Jen didn’t reply with her usual, “that’s bull crap” line?
i’m sorry but mackenzie has always been an unreliable source and i find it hard to believe jen and larry, who LOVE their grandkids and overstep boundaries to see them, would keep a grandchild a secret. if they didn’t do all this when their son got a 16 year old girl pregnant i doubt they’d do it now
Eh, odds are high it’s the truth. Rhine consistently proves to be a scumbag and his parents are enablers.
Not great if he and Amanda have one on the way. They have nothing to offer a child other than sorry excuses. This time around Jen and Larry might be stuck raising a grandchild if / when Amanda and Ryan relapse or are in the clink. Rhine might be as bad as Lurch – he’s been violent and done disturbing things.
Also not great that Amanda has a she lost custody of due to neglect.
* her son
Maci used to talk about adopting – might be her chance. Amanda and Rhine probably can’t keep it together and stay out of trouble for 18 years.
Wasn’t he with Shelby Woods on and off through 2014!?
So he has possibly 4 kids that he does not have custody of or help take care of and he girlfriend has 1 that she does not have custody of and they are going to have another one together?!?! They should take care of the ones they already have!!!
Larry is going to choke on his dip that this got out. Tyler called Cate a fertile Myrtle but Ryan is right up there with her.
That’s Lawrence to you 😂
wow. juicy if true. 🔥☕
Ooooooooo she came with the tea today! Of course Jenn is going to say this isn’t true. She’s always coddled Ryan his whole life.
Ryan is scum and I’m betting that baby & it’s mama are better off not having him or his nosy ass parents in its life!
I guess Ryan will always be scum to you & that in itself is disgusting. But keep on casting that judgment after someone is trying to better themselves. Looks great on you 😒
He hasn’t proved otherwise yet.
He hasn’t proved otherwise yet
I disagree; I think compared to his previous behaviors of getting so high/driving/needing Narcan, he’s definitely doing better. Perfect and doing everything by the book? Probably not, but better than it was.
I see the bar is so low, it’s on the ground.