EXCLUSIVE! ‘Teen Mom’ Star Jenelle Evans Heads to Plastic Surgeon: Here’s What’s Happening Behind the Scenes

“Peace out to my old knockers!”

Jenelle Evans is the latest Teen Mom star who’s ready to get plucked, tucked and stuffed!

The Teen Mom: The Next Chapter star wants to go under the plastic surgeon’s knife (again), and The Ashley has all the behind-the-scenes details on what she wants done and how much it will cost her. 

Sources tell The Ashley that Jenelle is unhappy with her current boob job and is planning to have a new rack installed.

“The boob job she got when she was on ‘Teen Mom 2’ [in 2012] was not great and she wants it revised so that everything is straight and won’t fall eventually,” the source said.

The Ashley’s sources also tell her that Jenelle won’t be spending much of her hard-earned MTV cash to get her new hooters. Jenelle’s manager/boooooyfriend, August Keen (who is back in the picture despite their blow-out fight earlier this month), has been working to arrange a deal with a Las Vegas plastic surgeon who will redo and revise the implants for Jenelle in exchange for online publicity.

“Will work for boobs….and by ‘work’ I mean post on social media…”

“Jenelle will still have to pay some of the fees for the surgery but it will be heavily, heavily discounted,” a source tells The Ashley. 

The Ashley is unsure if Jenelle will be trying to document the surgery on the upcoming season of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter.’

“[The network and producers] have always gotten so much backlash after the episodes [featuring the girls getting] plastic surgery,” a production source tells The Ashley. “They have really been trying to stay away from focusing on anything the girls do like that, so I think it’d be unlikely they’d want to put it on the show. They’re really trying to bring [the show] in a new direction.”

“Jenelle, hun, lemme know if you want me to pull up in my van to pick you up after surgery! I’ll start inflating the air mattress!”

It appears that Jenelle (and her trusty manager) may have secured a deal with Las Vegas plastic surgeon Dr. Christopher Costa of Platinum Plastic Surgery. (Just to note here, The Ashley is not confirming that Dr. Costa is giving Jenelle surgery and/or the discount; she is confirming that Jenelle’s manager had been shopping the idea of around town.)

On Thursday, Jenelle posted a photo of herself inside Dr. Costa’s office, along with the caption, “Heard @DrCosta_Platinum was the best in Las Vegas so here I am!” 

Back in 2016— shortly after Jenelle met her now-former soulmate, David Eason— she headed down to Florida to have a consultation with Dr. Miami— who was, at the time, the plastic surgeon of choice for the ‘Teen Mom’ stars. Jenelle had inquired about getting a chin augmentation, telling the Snapchat-happy doc that she felt her chin was “too pointy.” Dr. Miami declined to do the surgery on Jenelle, stating that she needed to go to a doc that specializes in chin augmentation.

Dr. Costa does, indeed, do chin augmentations; however, The Ashley has heard nothing that indicates that Jenelle also plans to get her chin nipped and tucked in addition to her boobs.

RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans’ Son Jace Admits He Resents Her For Past “Crazy Drama” She Put Him Through; Jenelle Claims Jace Was “Robbed” From Her As a Baby

(Photos: Instagram; MTV) 

28 Responses

  1. they want to “bring the show in a new direction”? yeah, we can tell. by giving everyone an extremely boring, fake, overly positive edit. jenelle’s edit made her look good, despite all the actual drama she was getting into in real life. they will kill the show for good by not showing the good stuff.

  2. What is with these girls and their knockers and bums? Barely 30, hardly teen mom’s anymore, and some of them are working in their second mommy makeover?! Good grief.

  3. I hope Janelle gets her own line of cannabis products. I think she would do a pretty good job hawking a sativa line of cannabis.

  4. At least she didn’t try to blame breastfeeding for her lousy boobs; we all know she’s not selfless enough to breastfeed (no slam to Mother’s that don’t , I couldn’t so I pumped what little milk I could and supplemented). I can’t understand a mother that doesn’t have a natural maternal chip whatsoever

  5. I know this is off topic but it ties right in. I read somewhere poor Kaiser is getting bullied about his hair, but really- it sure seems more Jenelle’s fault he’s getting bullied. If his mother hadn’t been such a shit basket & actually took care of her children & made sure they had a stable life it’d be so much easier for not only Kaiser but all of them.

  6. If you people don’t like or agree with jenelle choices than why read & comment on her. Just skip over her section. Until you walk a mile in someone’s shoes you really don’t know.
    Be kind.

    1. Screw that. Why do you feel your opinion counts more than others we have a right to say how we feel positive or negative. Maybe you should just skip over the comments you don’t like . Anyone else agree with me?

      1. Agreed. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and because she puts her life on blast, she gives us more information to judge on.

    2. ‘sheila rae’ = swamp queen đŸ§Ÿâ€â™€ïž
      like, who else would be out here riding so hard for that trashy đŸ—‘ïž chinosaur?

      *insert audience screaming ‘we hate you!!’ GIF here*

    1. Yep – into working out when she was with Nathan, embracing the swamp trash life with David and now into the Vegas fake look with the latest scumbag.

  7. The swamp whore will never be able to do enough plastic surgery to fix what’s wrong with her!!! LOL!! I’ll bet a million to one that she’s absolutely drooling at the thought of all the pain killers she plans to talk this doc into giving her during her “recovery.” Cause, ya know dude, she has soooo many illnesses that have her in sooooo much pain everyday!!!! Remember when she was with dumb-fuck Davey boy, and she was trying to get on disability and get pain killers, because she just couldn’t even get out of bed? But of course, now that stupid MTV has brought her back, all of a sudden she’s just fine and dandy and thinks she’s some kind of fucking tv star! Give it up Jenelle! LOL! LOL! No one likes you or cares about you. Trashy tramp!!! And did you see her boyfriend? OMG! He looks sooo fucked-up!!! Another loser!

  8. But she loves her boobs and we all wish we had her boobs and we are all jealous!!

    She’s never going to wear a bra again. 😱

  9. If the doctor took 5 minutes to research her , he would realize this child and animal abusing criminal is not going to bring any credibility to his practice. His info is available on line if any else agrees and wants to leave him a message. Be a shame if he lost patients for giving this person any discounts. Doesn’t know how horrible she is yet?

    1. Here’s hoping someone that knows this, Dr, his family, his friends, his patients employees. Etc Bring this information to his attention. unless of course he wants to be like Miami, Dr, famous for Brianna‘s butt implants.

  10. oh swamp queen đŸ§Ÿâ€â™€ïž ~ you can have all the plastic surgery you’re able to grift, and you’ll STILL be ugly AF (inside and out). đŸ‘șđŸ‘čđŸ§Ÿâ€â™€ïžđŸ§™đŸŒâ€â™€ïž

    1. Pretty incredible that Janelle has her own Swamp Queen emoji standard on iPhones đŸ§Ÿâ€â™€ïž Even top female celebrity of our nation Farrah doesn’t have that going for her.

      And she’s already getting into blowout arguments with her new lowlife booooyfriend. Zero surprise there. No snark, hopefully he doesn’t lay a finger on those kids. Because Janelle doesn’t give enough of a crap to stop it. D1ck$ before kids is her MO. Oh, and new boobs too! Like DownvoteDat observed, she has her priorities!

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