Days after a judge ruled to uphold Julie Chrisley’s seven-year prison sentence for tax evasion and fraud crimes, the former Chrisley Knows Best star’s attorney is speaking out, claiming that the judge in Julie’s case is punishing her harshly due to her fame. The attorney also revealed plans to appeal the judge’s decision.
As fans know, Julie and husband Todd Chrisley are currently serving prison time for tax evasion and fraud crimes– seven years for Julie and 12 years for Todd. (The couple had the number of years on their respective sentences reduced in September 2023: 14 months taken off of Julie’s sentence and two years taken off of Todd’s sentence.)

While Todd and Julie are in the process of appealing their criminal convictions, Julie’s prison sentence was overturned by the appeals court in July after it was determined there was not enough evidence to tie her to crimes that had taken place prior to 2017. Julie was resentenced in District Court on Wednesday, where Judge Eleanor L. Ross ruled to uphold Julie’s original seven-year prison sentence. The judge also had some stern words for Julie, telling the reality TV star to keep her focus on her kids and not on her fame.
“I hope you and everyone concerned with this case are more concerned with your children’s wellbeing and not with TV ratings, podcasts, etc.,” Judge Ross told Julie in the courtroom. “My sentence will not change.”
When given a chance to address the court, Julie apologized and stated that her time behind bars has been “the most difficult time in my life,” adding that it has also been hard on her four children.
While Judge Ross recognized Julie’s comments, she noted that many people serving time in prison have children and most of those individuals do not have the same resources or support system that the Chrisleys have.
In an interview with The Sun, Jay V. Surgent– a member of Julie’s legal team– said they plan to appeal the “disappointing” resentencing, admitting he was “saddened” by the decision handed down by Judge Ross this week.
“ … I think it was harsh. I think it was unreasonable,” Jay told the outlet. “Besides the fact that she’s been a model inmate, her health problems and her situation at home, she should be treated as a regular defendant, which I don’t think she is because of her notoriety. I really do think it’s because of her fame.”

(According to The Sun, the health issue Julie’s attorney was referring to was related to a tumor scare Julie had while in prison. As fans of ‘Chrisley Knows Best’ may remember, Julie was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012 and later underwent a double mastectomy. She also underwent a hysterectomy in 2013.)
Julie’s attorney said he believes the 11th Circuit “sent a clear message” with this week’s ruling, adding that he believes Julie’s public figure “status” played a part in the judge’s decision.
“I just feel as though the judge exercised some bias against Julie,” he said. “I do think she was trying to make an example of her because of her status. The higher profile a person is, the more example the courts, State or Federal, like to make of that person.”
Jay added that he felt Julie was entitled to “less than 60 months” (five years) behind bars and that his client “should’ve gotten three to four years maximum,” adding that he doesn’t see the benefit of Julie receiving a seven-year sentence.
“What does it do for rehabilitation? It’s not a violent, sex or drug crime, we’re dealing with money,” he argued.
While Judge Ross did rule to reduce Julie’s restitution at the hearing this week– from $17.2 million to $4.7 million– Julie’s attorney has since questioned how Julie will be able to pay the restitution “when she’s sitting in [prison in] Lexington, Kentucky.”

Julie’s legal team believes an appeal will be “successful” as long as Julie receives “a fair evaluation of her circumstances.” Still, her attorney said they may request a new judge when filing the appeal–- which “will take a couple of months”–- arguing that Julie “has not been served justice” because of how she was treated.
“I think she should’ve been treated equally like any other defendant,” Julie’s attorney said. “She wasn’t asking for anything special because she is on TV. She’s a human being with medical problems and kids sitting at home.
“ … We are not giving up,” he added.
(Photos: USA Network; Instagram)
7 Responses
Celebrities or not Rich or poor they should just shut up stop complaining and take responsibility for their actions. People get greedy when they’ve got money and they think they are better everyone should be treated equal not because you have money you’re special and treated better . They did the crime let them take the punishment and accept responsibility for their actions
I think if you are rich or poor you should get the same punishment and they are getting less time than then should because they are famous which isn’t fair ss they should just take the punishment and move on (IF YOU CAN”T DO THE TIME THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THE CRIME) especially being a reality show and all but it just goes to show you that people with money think they are above vet and when they get caught I n a crime they can get away with it the should just take their punishment like everyone ielse and accept the consequences for their actions and stop complaining they are just like everyone else not better because of their money.
Her lawyers are worried how she’s going to pay restitution, but not worried about how the lawyers getting paid. Interesting!! Very interesting!!!
It’s easy to throw money away on lawyers when you didn’t work hard for that many in the first place.
Why doesn’t she stop spending money, pay off as much of the restitution as she can, and just finish her sentence?
What about the banks who will probably never recover most of the money. She and he family enjoyed that money while living luxurious lifestyle. Now she doesn’t want to pay for the crime she committed..cry me a river.
She got the punishment because she did something wrong. If it were the average Joe they would have gotten probably more time. We as a country has to quit allowing these celebrities to get away with murder. I remember one kid unalived someone but because they said he was too rich he didn’t know what he was doing. She needs to serve her time and sit down and shit up.
It’s not a harsh punishment.Don’t cimmit crimes Then you won’t have to go to prison.. She probably gets treated a lot better than A. Regular person in prison
Oh the kids are complaining about the conditions of the jail. Exvuse me they are in jail not a luxury resort. You are 100% correct.