The Teen Mom cast is about to get a little bigger!
Ryan Edwards‘ girlfriend Amanda Conner recently confirmed on social media that she is pregnant with the Teen Mom: The Next Chapter star’s baby, months after online speculation began saying that she was knocked up.
After posting several videos to TikTok in which her baby bump was on full display (including one in which Ryan is, um, admiring his work by rubbing her pregnant belly), Amanda confirmed the pregnancy in the comment section of a TikTok video posted on Sunday. In the video, Amanda— whom Ryan began dating while both were rehabbing in 2023— claps back at nay-sayers who criticized her for featuring her vape pen in a video posted in last September.
In her response video, Amanda used the classic Teen Mom 2 audio in which Jenelle Evans screams that she has, “NOT.SMOKED.ALL.DAY.” (#NeverForget).
@amandaa_conner Replying to @💜Bobbie💜 ♬ original sound – AmandaaConner
Amanda later admitted to being pregnant and vaping, although she stated that she’s trying to quit vaping.
“Currently working on putting the vape down,” Amanda wrote in the video’s comment section. “Thank you so much for being concerned.”
“This has been a rough pregnancy,” Amanda told another person in the comments.
This will be the second child for Amanda, who has a son whom she does not currently have custody of, due to her going to prison and having an extensive criminal history. (Amanda is currently 15 months sober and does have visitation with her son.)
This will be Ryan’s fourth child, as he shares son Bentley with Maci Bookout and two kids— Stella and Jagger— with his soon-to-be ex-wife Mackenzie. As The Ashley previously reported, Ryan and Mack are still going through a nasty divorce and custody battle. She recently accused Ryan of not helping her to support their kids (even though, as The Ashley recently revealed, he’s pulling in a hefty $35,000 paycheck for each episode of ‘Next Chapter’ he appears in.)
Anyway, fans have been speculating for a while that Amanda was “with child,” and Mackenzie even recently confirmed the pregnancy news while also claiming that Ryan fathered another child around 2014. (According to Mack, that child’s mother allegedly signed a non-disclosure agreement stating she would not go public with the news that Ryan fathered her child, in exchange for financial support. Ryan’s mother, Jen Edwards, denied these claims in a statement to The Ashley.)
Anyway, Mack simultaneously spilled the news of Ryan’s alleged lovechild and Amanda’s pregnancy last month by writing a message to Ryan in the TikTok post’s comment section.
“You have 5 kids. Please take care of them. And yes I can count on…” Mackenzie wrote, before responding to a fan asking if she was including the kid Amanda is pregnant with.
“Including,” she wrote.
(Just FYI: The Ashley did not officially confirm Amanda’s pregnancy before this because it is The Ashley’s policy not to write pregnancy rumor stories. Now that Amanda has confirmed it, The Ashley is writing about it.)
@amandaa_conner♬ Take me to church – 💋
Amanda and Ryan have not yet revealed when their baby is due, or if they’re having a boy or a girl. (The Ashley can confirm, though, that the couple does know the gender, as do many crew/production sources from the show. However, The Ashley is choosing not to reveal that information.)
@amandaa_conner♬ Pose For Me (feat. Natalie Nunn) [Remix] – John Mackk
RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Ryan Edwards’ Mom Jen Responds to His Ex Mackenzie’s Claim That Ryan Secretly Fathered a Fourth Child
(Photos: Instagram)
46 Responses
okay here’s my prediction:
as soon as that baby is out the stress of a newborn is going to hit both amanda and Rhine like a semi truck and then it’ll be a race between the 2 of them to see who can relapse first so they don’t get stuck with the baby..
my moneys on Amanda
Jesus God Leah
cmon now amanda “working on it”?? even slob kabob cate stopped as soon as she found she was pregnant everytime and she was always trying and still wouldn’t stop 😩
This is such a train wreck.. how long do you think Ryan will want to be doing these dumb dance tic toks? I feel for Mackenzie
I hope everyone holds the same energy for Ryan that you would for the other Teen Moms that got pregnant by multiple baby daddies. He can close his legs too!
He can but so can the females. Good lord the lack of holding the female(s) accountable astounds me.
What in the actual EFF?! Wooooow. These losers are having ANOTHER child when they don’t take care of the ones they have, nor have custody. Maybe that should have been resolved before they brought another one into the world. Train wreck- an absolute train wreck. Why aren’t her tubes tied?! Why does HE even have the ability to have children still? Should have had a vasectomy a LONG time ago…
I am so beyond disgusted right now… Can’t say I’m surprised but I’m truly appalled knowing they are having another child.
He’s never even seemed interested or engaged with the kids he already has. On the slim to none chance he turns his life around and is a responsible father for this one, it will be painful for those he’s abandoned to know about or see.
And for the sake of the child hopefully he does turn his life around. But he’s already blown so many chances before.
I love seeing people get sober & change their lives for the better. One thing that really grinds my gears though is parents without custody (for ANY reason) having more children -_- like how will that make the older kid(s) feel? seeing mom/dad happily living with a new baby while they’re stuck with family/fosters? as if they aren’t important enough to get better for or expend the energy to have done the things required to get them back. It is really the worst thing I can think of for a kid from an already broken home & shitty parenting situation. There is absolutely not excuse. If you were so shitty that your kid(s) were removed for so long that your rights were terminated then you never had another child, period. Shame on these troglodytes
I completely agree- I cannot IMAGINE how that would feel to be a child watching this go down. You know that a child that is taken from their parents, likely are desperately wanting any sort of relationship and attention from same said parent(s)… Hopeful they’ll one day go back to the life they knew. Only to be kept with whatever guardian you were shipped off to, or, to be shipped off initially- and watching them bring another child into the world. Kids can’t understand that concept and they shouldn’t have to. The same “expecting parents” couldn’t get their shit together enough to keep the child they had first and/or get said child(ren) back, are having another child they have NO business having. I am a firm believer in handling your business for existing responsibilities, before taking any others on. I can absolutely see how hurtful, painful and honestly, traumatic that would be for a child. And that is the thing- they aren’t thinking about any of that. It’s just excitement to have a baby with a person you were in rehab with… without thinking of the kids you left behind essentially, and how those children feel. SMH
It’s probably all that damn Maci’s fault….
Freaking Maci, amiright?? (Sarcasm for the dense ones)
His parents must be so proud
Remember when this show started the PSA at the end of each program was to stress avoiding unwanted pregnancies?
Both should have been nutered/spayed, before any baby was created.
Shame on you for already putting little Vape edwards in danger.
OMG, she’s lip synching to a trashy Janelle quote in an almost heroic light. Holy smokes (pun sorta intended) this girl is traaaash. I guess Amanda is trying to get in good with the other trashy ladies in the TM dumpster. Bird of a feather stick together.
That poor child – my heart already breaks for him / her and they will wind up with a childhood along the lines of Janelle’s kids. Total chaos although not impoverished, so lots of toys and fun trips, but no stability and security which kids need. Janelle’s kids undeservedly have it so hard because of their mother’s stupid and selfish decisions.
And to echo the sentiments of others, both of them (particularly Rhine) need to be sterilized.
I’m guessing it’s a girl from the way she’s carrying.
So these two deadbeats don’t have custody of their current kids and are producing more? And she’s still vaping while pregnant? That kid isn’t even born and she’s already neglecting him/her.
They both should be spayed
So MiMi Jen will be raising this baby eventually, correct?
She did a great job with her first!
Imagine how all of their other kids will feel knowing they don’t take care of them but will take care of this one
Not for long
Don’t worry I’m sure they won’t take care of this baby either.
I love Amanda but I can’t imagine that Mimi Jen and Larry will accept her much. I hope that Ryan/Amanda shock everyone and stay together. They may have both reached a limit on “hitting bottom”.
It’s pretty clear their bottom has no real limit.
She’s admitted she’s intentionally harming the child she’s carrying, and sees nothing at all wrong with that. People like her have no real rock bottom. They simply keep going down until some outside force stops them. It could be just about anything, but one thing it won’t be, is that child, who she is physically harming every single day, despite the fact that he/she isn’t even born yet.
We already know she has no intention of ever being a good parent, she’s not even allowed to be alone with the one she has now (her visitations are always supervised). She can’t go 9 months without her vices (the very LEAST she could do), and she’s clearly pretty far along already, which means she’s not “working on” anything. Poor little baby not even out in the world yet and already doomed.
Maybe get custody of your son and get a job before getting raw dogged by yet another loser
Neither have custody of their children. Both are immature. I feel sorry for the baby honestly.
I call bullshit on the “working on quitting vaping”. With both of my pregnancies the day I found out I was pregnant is the day that I stopped smoking. Your innocent baby getting hit with alcohol, drugs and smoke don’t give a shit about what you are “working on”. (I added the alcohol and drugs part because it seems to be a repeated issue on these shows)
Not to mention she looks about 6 months pregnant. She should have quit long ago. I mean the most important stages of development for the baby are done and she was vaping the whole time.
Please control the Rhine population, use birth control!
Please spay and neuter 🤢🤢🤢🤢
Here I am to retract my statement🤣 while I am happy Ryan is clean (as far as we know), I really can’t excuse Amanda for vaping while pregnant. That baby is going to suffer the consequences of not only withdrawal, but damage to the lungs that could be irreversible. Shame on her.
If you do not have custody of any of your older children, especially if the state had to intervene.. pls do not continue to have more children.
Jenelle. Amber. David. And these 2, both of them.
Please join me in a moment of prayer for this innocent child that is being brought into chaos for the sake of ratings on this dying show. 🙏
Jesus can this creep get a vasectomy already?
Please include the women. They also know how to prevent pregnancy. It IS 50/50…
Agreed. They both know how to reproduce, and they should both be taking preventative measures.
But after 5 kids, I think it’s more fair to blame Ryan
Not sure about that reasoning lol
No, it’s fair to blame them both equally. They are both perfectly capable of preventing a pregnancy, just too ignorant and arrogant to even try. She’s not even allowed to be alone with her son, she’s no better a parent than Ryan is, regardless of how many children either of them have.
Also, she’s the one capable of actually getting pregnant, so the bulk of the responsibility does sit on her shoulders, because his inability to prevent pregnancy would have zero effect on her if she put her own ducks in a row. Pregnancy is 100% preventable, and as women we do have full control over that. I’m not absolving men of their own responsibility for protecting their reproductive capabilities (ALL are responsible for themselves, their bodies and their choices), but they can’t get pregnant-we can. It affects us to a much greater degree, which literally means our choices are more impactful.
Thanks for typing out what I didn’t have the energy to lol
gross. 🤮🤢